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关于”表达心情不好“的英语句子33个,句子主体:Express a bad mood。以下是关于表达心情不好的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Express a bad mood


1、Rhetorics is an art of using language effectively and expressing feelings efficaciously.


2、Objective To detect the expression of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and its receptor (NPR-A) in the developing rat cochlea.


3、Mr. Darling was frightfully ashamed of himself, but he would not give in.


4、She grew absolutely ashamed of herself. -- Of neither Darcy nor Wickham could she think, without feeling that she had been blind, partial, prejudiced, absurd.


5、Holding on to unexpressed feelings such as fear, anger, resentment, irritation, despair or annoyance can lead to uncontrolled outbursts of emotions, severe depression or physical illness.


6、He doesn't look very happy recently. Do you know hat happened?


7、If people feel glum, they don't buy baubles.


8、I was determined to become as self-involved and uncaring as possible.


9、I will not show anyone that my feelings are hurt: they may be hurt, but today I will not show it.


10、Usually really is embarrassedly says these , as if too have been affectedly unconventional, only is wants to express this minute sentiment by some motions.


11、People often misspeak or say things in a manner that doesn't necessarily convey exactly what they mean.


12、So I finally had to take her to Hyde Park to get the job done right.


13、And there is something of dignity in his countenance, that would not give one an unfavourable idea of his heart.


14、It means that you act completely natural, as if whatever the situation is, it hasn't caught you off-guard or thrown you off balance.


15、We've found that we are either too overlooked or too overexcited about the familiar people or places, it's unbeneficial to deliver our inner feeling faithfully.


16、Melinda: That's good, but mine was not so good. I was a bit blue this week.


17、Strong interpersonal skill, Good presentation and communication skills. Persuasiveness and confidence.


18、you might just wake up not feeling or looking your best,


19、Of course, that's not to say that good moods aren't useful too.

他心情不好时, 就一个人喝闷酒。

20、Whenever he is in a bad mood, he drinks to drown his sorrows.

21、The cultures are represented by concentric rings, and the emotions are represented by slices of the circle.同心圆代表不同的文化,而小方片代表了不同的情绪。

22、Jiang Minhao hugs pure feeling of the scene is Li Junxi saw, he recalled his right from a young age to be pure, but always on express feelings than dong-xu ma slower, so he cant resolve this slow.姜敏浩拥住纯情的一幕被李俊熙看到,他回忆起了自己从很小的时候就心仪纯情,但在表达感情上总是比马东旭慢半拍,因此他决心这次不能再慢。

23、Because growing up, so get good at expressing feelings, it is gratifying that we had been on the minds of the rhetoric behind the rankings is gone.因为长大,所以变得不善于表达感情,那曾对我们来说窝心的言辞己放在心灵排行的很后面去了。

24、My unsentimental dad, who never let his emotions get the best of him;我那不善表露感情的父亲,从来不让内心的情绪左右自己;

25、People who waver in their opinions and quickly change from being enthusiastic to showing disinterest are said to "blow hot and cold".人们表达意见时摇摆不定,突然从满怀热情变得漠不关心,这种行为就被描述为“一会儿吹热气一会儿吹冷气”。

英文句子26:,26、His English is not good enough to make himself understood.他的英语不够好,还不能清楚表达意思。

27、Consumers have had no qualms about expressing their concerns.消费者毫不迟疑地表达出他们的担心。

28、I am upset recently, and even the memory of the brilliant past can not delight me.最近心情好烦,想到以前的也开心不起来。

29、this is crazy, because you’re only young once and you’re never你可能忘记了约会对象的名字,或是有张可笑的照片被登出来。

30、. I can't express myself well in English. 我不能用英语很好的表达自己。

31、Fireworks lit up the sky, as the inner expression.烟火照亮了天空,照不清众人内心的表情。

32、Even when she does accept others' bits of kindness, she will hospitably treat them with a nice meal or send them local specialties that she can afford to express her gratitude.甚至当她不接受别人的位好心,她会热情地对待他们,吃一顿饭或送他们当地的特产,她可以表达她的感激之情。

33、D ----There are something inside that they can't get to that they can't touch. that's yours.有些事情在内心深处不能到达和不能触摸。全都属于你。

34、I'm less sentimental - only having a bad salary does that to me.我没那多愁善感,只有不好的薪水会让我心情不好。

35、I can't express myself very well in Englsih.我不能很好地用英语表达我的意思。

36、Bathe me in good habits that the bad ones may drown; yet grant me compassion for weaknesses in others.让我养成良好的习惯,戒除不良嗜好。 赐给我同情心,同情别人的弱点。

37、By default this expression does not match line terminators.该表达式在默许情形下是不与行终结符相匹配的。

38、you could forget your date’s name or have an embarrassing photograph published. 你根本无法振作起来。

39、it doesn’t take much to bring on a blue day. 你的老板对你百般挑剔,

40、The expression of brain aquaporin 脑内水通道蛋白4(AQP4)在细胞分化不同阶段表达情况不同,内皮细胞也影响其表达分布;

4 (AQP4) is different at the different stages of cellular differentiation, and distribution of brain AQP4 is affected by the existence of endothelial cells.

41、Express your feelings in strong, clear, direct language, but as your partner will be listening attentively, you won't need to shout, exaggerate or put your partner down.用语气强烈的、直白的语言表达你的情感,特别是你的同伴将是专心地听着,你最好不要大吼,过分渲染,或者是贬低同伴。

42、Watch out that you can't learn English well without caring for idiomatic ways of saying things.注意,不留心讲话中的习惯表达方式,那你就学不好英语。

43、This is a good way to express yourself without the fear of other people judging you.这是一个表达自我的好方法,还不用担心别人对你说三道


44、Though words cannot express the thoughts the heart would like to say, still may you know that others care and sympathize today.虽然言语不能表达我们内心欲诉情感,仍愿你知道我们今天都为你分忧。

45、The expression of the emotion practises having in the culture background, their behavior is different because culture is different.感情的表达是在文化背景中习得的,它们的表现因文化的不同而不同。

46、by dictionary 这种表达不太好,我们可以换成with the help of a dictionary 这种表述就比较地道一点;

47、The situation at JuD headquarters in Lahore was no better.位于拉合尔的达瓦慈善会总部的情况也好不到哪去。

48、His sister was less delicate, and directed her eye towards Mr. Darcy with a very expressive smile.他的妹妹可没有他那么用心周到,便不由得带着富有表情的笑容望着达西先生。

49、He has expressed his unhappiness with being on this new project.他也曾表达了在这个新项目中并不开心。

50、May want to greet Ann live like a normal child, Ann although not much, but the expression seems to express themselves want to go to school, do not want to stay at home.可心问安安想不想和正常的小朋友一样生活,安安虽然话不多,但是表情上似是表达自己想去学校,不想呆在家里的想法。

经典英文句子51:表达心情不好,51、But the metaphor conveys the inevitability, the inexorability, of gravitational attraction that many of us have best experienced in love.但这个比喻传达了在爱情中地心引力吸引的不可避免性和不可抗拒性,这是我们大多数人体验最好的。

52、But I could not express my innermost feeling to you, I am scared for any words to leak my mind.但我内心深处的情愫表达不能,因我唯恐只字片语皆会透露我对你的迷恋。

53、"Maranda is very despondent and not up to seeing anybody, "the teacher told me. "Her parents are requesting cards rather than visits. "老师说:“麦兰达心情很不好,不想见任何人。她的父母要求人们只送卡片,而不要去探望她。”

54、Lying CEOs also tend to use a lot of words that express positive emotion — things are fabulous and fantastic and extraordinary.撒谎的首席执行官们也易于用大量表达正面感情的词语--一切极好,不可思议的好,格外的好。

55、Tai. The open entrance displays the hospitality for friends from afar.入口设计成敞开式,表达“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”的热情与好客。

56、A GRIM expression in a yearbook photo or family snapshot could mean more than just a passing bad mood.年鉴上照片上或者家庭合影上一个难看的表情也许不仅仅代表了一时的心情不爽。

57、Long time no see 像好友之间或者一般用语,Haven't seen you for such a long time比较罗嗦一些

58、According to the South Africa-based Centre for Chinese Studies, implementation of FOCAC pledges is "fairly advanced" in Angola, DRC, Mozambique, Uganda and Tanzania.南非的中国研究中心表示,安哥拉、刚果(金)、莫桑比克、乌干达和坦桑尼亚等国落实中非合作论坛协议的情况“相当好”。

59、All of the participants then completed the IAT and, as expected, those who were feeling bad about their test performance showed more evidence of implicit prejudice.不出所料,那些因为问答题环节表现而心情不好的人暴露出了更多的偏见。

60、your boss is picking on you,也许只是一觉醒来,没有感觉到或者看到自己最棒的一面,

61、Heart is more helpless, I really want to do something for them, but every time I don't know how to express that feeling.心中更多的是无助,很想很想为他们做些什么,可是每次都不知道要去怎么表达那份情。

62、I am deeply grateful for your help.您好,以上翻译均可表达原文意思,不明白可继续提问。

63、Barbara: A romance movie will make me feel blue. How about a horror movie?芭芭拉:爱情片会让我心情不好,看恐怖片如何?

64、He expressed NAFDAC's determination to curb circulation of substandard fake medicines.他还代表当局,表达了要遏制不合格药品在市场上流通的决心。

65、The stomach is always in a bad mood when in pain.胃总是在心情不好的时候痛起来。

66、I am grouchy due to lack of recent physical intimacy.我因为最近缺少肌肤之亲,所以心情不好。

67、Good mood is the same, anyway just don't do business.好坏心情都一样,反正就是不做正事。

68、Good presentation skills。有良好的表达能力。

69、I really don't know how to express how sorry I am.我真不知道该怎么表达我内心的惭愧。

70、In the Bible, many different people expressed this hopelessness.在圣经中,不同时代的人都曾表达这份绝望之情。

71、Of neither Darcy nor Wickham could she think, without feeling that she had been blind, partial, prejudiced, absurd.不论想到达西也好,想到韦翰也好,她总是觉得自己以往未免太盲目,太偏心,对人存了偏见,而且不近情理。


标签: 英文 心情

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