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关于”环保“的英语句子25个,句子主体:Environmental protection。以下是关于环保的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Environmental protection


1、Bold green is used as an expression of Longyou's commitment to clean technology standards and environmental awareness.


2、"Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Protection Office Project";


3、China mulls environmental tax .


4、Still, if it was going to be built at any rate at least they chose to make it as environmentally sensitive as possible.


5、Evaluating the E.P.A. rule, the court found that the E.P.A. had “explicitly disregarded” the “possible health benefits of ozone.”


6、Korea J-ETECH Co. Ltd. is a professional environmental protection company with many environmental protection technology patents.


7、Taking into account environmental factors, we establish the substation environmental planning and environmental planning model grid.


8、The EPD proposed to promote the use of environment friendly private cars through a 30% reduction in their First Registration Tax.


9、More and more people in China have realized the advantages of such bags and started using them.


10、Cherish the source of nature, totally make a living a life green.


11、But save square inch ground, stay with descendant Geng.


12、Our earth is just our future.


13、Songs for protecting the environment, testing delicious vegetarian food as well a pro-environment lecture named "root and bud" are the most important programs.


14、In today's environmentally-friendly construction, hydrocyclones will be used more and more environmentally-friendly construction.


15、Saving oer environment is everyone's duty.


16、First China Plastic Environmental Protection Industry & Cyclic Economy Discussion Meeting.

向本署职员及喜灵洲居民推广环保意识及让公 知悉环保政策。

17、To promote the environmental awareness amongst staff and residents of the island and keep the policy publicly available.


18、Environment Messenger: As little messengers, our children could share our environment protection information to more and more people.

19、i am praying to stars for your happiess.我向星空祈福,希望你幸福。


20、we shouldn't disregard the reuse, reduce and recycle messages.

21、Green environmental protection , nonutility battery;绿色环保,不用电池;

22、If we go on polluting water,the last drop of water will be our tears.如果我们继续污染水资源,世界上最后一滴水将会使我们的眼泪.

23、The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less.水的量是适宜的饮料是越来越少了。

24、For the uninitiated, eco-fashion is a process of creating garments with environment friendly techniques and processes which are non-hazardous to the environment.对于外行可以这样说,环保时装是一个用环保技术和对环境无害的工序来生产服装的过程。

25、During the six-year course occupied in environmental protection, I found so many shortcomings existed in nongovernmental environment organizations.我在从事环保xx年的过程中,发现了太多民间环保组织的不足之处。

英文句子26:,26、It's a greener choice to make.这个选择也很环保。

27、Environment chief Sarah Liao said the tax money would be used to teach environmental issues to schoolchildren and to fund conservation programs.环保署长廖秀东表示,税金会用于教育学童环保观念与资助保育计画。

28、Safe, secure, sandboxed environment安全、保密的沙箱环境

29、The introduction of environmental protection paint is welcomed by the vast number of consumers, but what is really green paint, which is a green coat?环保油漆的推出无疑受到广大消费者的欢迎,但是究竟哪些是真的环保漆,哪些只是披着环保的外衣?

30、With the situation of energy source exhaustion and environmental pollution, manycountries around the world advocate energy-saving and environmental protection industry.能源和环保问题日益严重,世界各国在开发新能源、治理环境的同时,大力提倡节能、环保。

31、Stop the contamination to the atmosphere. 停止对大气的污染。

32、EPE to the environment pollution-free, environmentally-friendly standard, is an environmentally friendly recycling of materials.EPE对环境无污染,符合环保标准,是一种可以回收的环保材料。

33、we should promote environmental sustainability, and raise awareness among the Chnese population我们应该提倡大自然的可持续性发展,并且加强中国群众的环保意识

34、Nature is kind mother,the butcher is grim.大自然是善良的母亲,也是冷酷的屠夫.(雨果)

35、Now, greenery is in vogue.如今,环保理念才是王道。

36、This article discussed the ca-gin of the sense of environmental protection in the Olympic movement , the IOC' s attitudes towards environmental protection and the role and impo…本文从奥林匹克运动中环保意识的产生,国际奥委会对环保的态度以及环保在奥林匹克运动发展中的地位与意义等方面分析奥林匹克运动的第三内涵—环境保护。

37、"Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Protection Office of Project";“江苏省环保厅项目”;

38、High strength, environmental protection not-toxic.高强度,环保五毒。

39、This will dismay green groups.这将使环保组织失望。

40、Santo Antonio's greener look puts environmentalists in a quandary.圣安东尼奥大坝显得更加环保,让环保主义者左右为难。

41、Energy saving and environment friendly, no noise.节能环保,无噪音。

42、Barbecuing here is environment-friendly.在这里烧烤有益于环保。

43、我是环保一员 (I am a member environmental

44、Surveys show that consumers are more green-minded then green-acting.调查表明,消费者的环保意识多于环保行动。

45、This is an environmental-protection city.这是一座环保之城。

46、Environment protection: Green products with no need of painting (spraying), avoiding the harms on home environment and human bodies caused by constructions for many times.环保性: 免漆绿色环保产品,无需刷(喷)漆,避免因多次施工而造成对家居环境的人体的伤害。

47、Green life, accompanied by environmental protection.绿色生活,环保相伴。

48、Coquille: Two-Wheeled Green Car!Coquille:双轮环保汽车!

49、Save energy and Protect your eyes, protect environment and keep you safe.节能护目,环保安全,真正的绿色环保产品。

50、The Lazy Environmentalist: No-Sweat Tips For Going Green懒惰的环保主义者:不费力的环保小建议

经典英文句子51:环保,51、Oeko-Tex Standard 100 is the world's leading eco label for textiles.国际环保纺织标准100是世界上著名的纺织品生态环保标签。

52、Welcome customers come here picture or sample to sign contract for non-woven bags, reusable shopping bags, green bags, shopping bags.欢迎客户来图来样订做无纺布袋、环保购物袋、环保袋、购物袋。

53、A magnetic protecting plate and a magnetism ring are arranged in the protecting pipe;在保护管内有 一磁保护板、磁环;

54、Save the earth save the future.Give Earth a Chance 使地球充满生机!

55、Low phosphorus formulation of environmental protection, full protection three-way catalytic converter to meet all environmental requirements limousine models.低磷环保配方,全面保护三元催化转化器,满足所有型号的高级轿车环保要求。

56、Everyone should remember that we have olny one earth.每个人都应该谨记,我们只有一个地球.

57、Not a clean environment,then the living conditions favourable meaningless.没有一个清洁的环境,再优裕的生活条件也无意义.(曲格平)

58、Eco Factor: Old subway cars recycled into sustainable studios.环保理念: 变旧地铁车厢为环保工作室。

59、Family energy conservation environment protection technologies and products such as green lighting, energy-saving home appliances and house products, etc.绿色照明、节能型家电、环保节能家居等家庭节能环保技术与产品;

60、We should use the environmentally friendly bags.我们应该使用环保袋。

61、The key to the problem is to assure the stability of water ring.保证水环的稳定性是水环输送的关键。

62、Environmental Science and Protection Technician环境科学和环保技术师

63、No lead or mercury, environmentally friendly, green.不含铅或汞,对环境无害,绿色环保。

64、Convention 公约

5: To improve the environmental awareness of every employee by promoting environmental-protection knowledge and popularizing the environmental-protection consciousness.

五: 宣传环保知识,普及环保意识,提高每一位员工的环保观念。

65、Baby deer, green kitchen ceiling and the first promoter; to green for the purpose of environmental protection, green building materials will be into the tens of thousands of households.鹿宝宝,厨卫吊顶绿色环保的首创者和推动者;以绿色环保为宗旨,将绿色环保建材走进千家万户。

66、The Goldman Prize is the world's largest prize for environmental activism.高曼环保奖是全球范围内授予环保运动的最高奖项。

67、Non-toxicity, environment friendly, corrosive resistance;无毒,环保,抗腐蚀;

68、Activists acknowledge the bank is doing more to counter environmental problems but argue that more action is needed.环保人士承认,亚银已更致力解决环保问题,但仍认为努力还不够。

69、This is an environmental-friendly city.这是一座环保之城。

70、It's everyone's duty to protect the environment.地球能满足人类的需要、但满足不了人类的贪婪.

71、Paper bags, environmental protection non-woven bag;纸袋、环保无纺袋;

72、Reserve the diversity of organisms. 保持物种多样性。

73、Environmentalists have been slow to that the fashionable eco-lifestyle is riddled withs.环保主义者一直迟钝,没有意识到时髦的环保生活方式充满着矛盾。

74、We raise environmental awareness among staff and students and set the University as a model in environmental education and eco-management.提高员生的环保意识,让大学成为环保教育及环境管理的榜样。

75、It's the quietest story in environmentalism.这是最和缓的环保故事。

英文句子模板76:Environmental protection,76、The Company passed the environmental assessment conducted by Boyang environment protection bureau and was set as a model project by AAenvironment protection bureau and AAscience & technology Bureau.被AA省环保局和AA省科委等部门评为省级示范工程,并通过了博阳市环保局组织的环保验收。

77、We raise environmental awareness among staff and students and set the University as a model in environmental education and environmental management;提高员生的环保意识,让大学成为环保教育及环境管理的榜样;


标签: 英文 环保

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