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关于”描写高兴“的英语句子41个,句子主体:describe happy。以下是关于描写高兴的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:describe happy


1、Seen on the bathroom walls of Concordia University: "Ignorance is bliss." and right underneath it,"I don't know what this means but I'm happy."


2、There are few people who welcomed the invention of automatic spell-check with more glee than I.

我很高 兴地发现我能做许多事情,比如写作和 计算机编程。

3、I am happy to have found many things I can do, like writing and computer programming.

不,几乎没有什么—— 非常兴奋,急切,而且高高兴兴的!

4、No, almost nothing--very much excited, and wild and glad!' she replied.


5、She often writes for fun.


6、Both Theodore Dreiser and Sinclair Lewis offer largely negative portrayals of the rise of a new consumer culture.

7、You’ll have a good time during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.(2020东京奥运会期间,你会玩得很开心的。


8、By telling the story of a grand feudal family from prosperity to destitution, the novel sounded the death knell of the feudal society.


9、On May Day, he hung out with his girlfriend and they enjoyed themselves.


10、Marco found the Kurds inhospitable, describing them as a people who “rob the merchants gladly.”


11、I know I'm lucky and that I'm describing the kind of high-class headache that most people would be happy to have.


12、Just be glad of what you do have.


13、His interest in sailors' lives grew naturally out of his own experiences, and most of his early novels grew out of his voyages.


14、If you will send me one little line and say, I am coming soon, I will bide on, Angel, O so cheerfully!...

照片中是一帮孩子背着书包,高高兴兴地走在路上。 照片下面一排小字写着:“上学路上”。

15、It showed a group of happy and cheering children carrying schoolbags with the caption

1 at the bottom: "On Their Way To School'."

16、They have fun fishing together on weekends.(周末,他们在一起钓鱼,很开心。


17、Yang describes how China's security apparatus has taken a keen interest in his work.

你可以想怎麽写就怎麽写, 只要能让那些花冤枉钱的人高兴就行。

18、You can write what you like, as long as it keeps the punters happy.


19、Bought a new book, Small Burr indescribably more happy, and happily returned home!


20、As a Celtic described it to me earlier in the season, Garnett is happy to let others do the scoring.

21、A research note written by a 15-year-old Morgan Stanley intern that described his friends' media habits has generated a flurry of interest from media executives and investors.一份研究报告中所写的xx岁的摩根士丹利实习生描述他的朋友'媒体习惯已经产生了一系列的兴趣媒体高管和投资者。

22、Of course, that is a Cole Porter word and this is a film about Cole Porter, part biography, part portrait, part tribute.戏名当然是高尔波特的语言,影片环绕高尔波持,这是一齣传记、描写及致敬作品。

23、Gonzalo Higuaín was extremely happy to open his scoring sheet in a derby.冈萨诺·伊瓜因极其高兴在德比战中他开始谱写他的进球。

24、My level of enthusiasm for writing, speaking, blogging, or programming waxes and wanes over time, but my interest in personal development remains perpetually high.我对写作、演讲、写博客或编程的热情都有盈亏,但对个人发展的兴趣却永保高昂。

25、Happily, he began to play the course.他高高兴兴地挥起杆来。

英文句子26:,26、Having seen The Romance of three Kingdoms, Xiaoming got interested in the Wooden Oxen and Gliding Horses described in the novel.看了《三国演义》以后,小明对书中描写的木牛流马产生了兴趣。

27、I was very interested in Grandpa's description of the knitting machine!妈咪对阿公的描述很有兴趣!

28、It gives me a great deal of pleasure to write you this mail even when it might come to you as a surprise. I hope you find it of interest.很高兴我能给你写这封可能会给你一些惊喜的信,希望你会感兴…

29、Yi gets happy, Bucks happy, Tigers happy, CBA happy, NBA happy all the more.阿联高兴、雄鹿高兴、宏远高兴、中国篮协高兴,NBA当然更高兴。

30、God, I'm glad I can talk about it with you ---- probably you are the only outlet that I will have that won't get tired of my talking about writing.我真高兴能与你交谈写作---- 您可能是唯一愿意听我宣泄写作体会、永远不会厌倦我谈论写作的人。

31、He cheerfully went off to school.他高高兴兴地上学去了。

32、I wrote: "It was good to hear from you. I'm glad you're well.我写到:“谢谢你的来信,得知你一切安好我很高兴。

33、"I'm happy for Danny Ferry, for Big Z, for the fans, " said Embry.“我为丹尼费里高兴,为大Z高兴,为球迷高兴, ”恩布利说。

34、I am very glad to write to you, I'm from seventh grade nine classes, my English name is vera, nice to meet you!我很高兴能给您写信,我来自xx年级九班,我的英文名字叫薇拉,很高兴认识您!

35、One of my assistants got really upset with me over ane-mail I wrote her.因为我写的一封电子邮件,我的一名助理很不高兴。

36、Wang Xizhi's happy transcription "Dao De Jing", used the basket to install the goose to come back, thought that was very joyful.王羲之高高兴兴的抄写完《道德经》,就用笼子装着鹅回来了,觉得很快乐。

37、I enjoyed reading your "What's cool?" article in the school magazine.我很高兴在校刊上读到你写的“什么最酷”的文章。

38、After the experiment the experimental class students are found to have enhanced confidence in writing, improved interest and ability in actual English writing.实验结束后,试验班学生写作信心普遍增强,写作兴趣和写作能力普遍提高。

39、Samson Towers was described as a big man in both height and figure, being over six feet tall with a solid muscular build.参孙。托尔斯被描写成一个又高又大的人,超过六英尺高,体格健壮。

40、He always seems cheerful even in defeat.他总是高高兴兴,即使输了也这样。

41、I was thrilled that was Wowa money and haven money and I was thrilled that I got a check like 50 dollars after the scanners, printings, photoshops and everything else we brought.我很高兴这份钱稳赚安全,可以买零食吃,我很高兴在买了扫描仪、印刷机、,照片处理软件和其他后,我还能得到一张,50美元的支票。

42、"When I see other children going to school happily and mine is alone, my heart drips with blood," Yan wrote.“看到别的孩子都高高兴兴去上学了,而自己的孩子却一个人孤孤单单,我的心在滴血,”严女士写道。

43、When I am in the humour I can compose grand symphonies, and paint magnificent pictures.如果我有兴致的话,我可以谱写出宏伟的交响乐,描绘出壮丽的画卷。

44、他高高兴兴地上学去了。He cheerfully went off to school.

45、Heidi then described to him the rocky mountain with the two high peaks so exactly that the grandfather was delighted.于是海蒂向他描述那座遍布岩石且有两个尖利山峰的山,她描述的那么详细,爷爷听了非常高兴。

46、This novel describes the ups and downs of a big family during china's 1920's and 1930's.这本小说描写了20世纪xx年代中国一个大家族的兴衰沉浮。

47、It describes the unplesant feeling a person has when someone has something he wants.当别人有你想要的东西时,用它可以用来描述了这种不高兴的感觉。

48、Come and join us tonight.You'll have a blast.(今晚一起来玩呗,你肯定会特开心。

49、Or write a poem that beats around the bush, but at its heart, cuts right to the quick.或者,写一首婉转的诗;兴到高处,坦然直书你的心思。

50、During Qing rule, some novels of high artistic value were created, of which Cao Xueqin's Dream of Red Mansions is the best known. It describes the decline of a prosperous feudal aristocratic family.在清代,还出现了一些艺术性很高的长篇小说,其中最著名的是曹雪芹描写封建贵族家庭由兴转衰的长篇小说《红楼梦》。

经典英文句子51:描写高兴,51、Firstly, I apologize beforehand if any of my writing style comes off favoring either gender.首先,我如果我的写作风格招致男性或女性的不高兴,我道歉先。

52、The depiction of banquet scenes contain the vicissitudes of the dynasty and a history of noble family.这些酒宴描写暗伏着家族的盛衰史,隐约透露出王朝兴亡的信息;

53、Happily, they all went back to the house.他们都高高兴兴地回屋了。

54、In the context of the rising of modern consumer culture, new symptoms present themselves as the complex description of things and a thing-fetishism as such from feminist writing.本文认为,在现代消费文化兴起的语境中,女性写作呈现出新“症候”,即对于物品的繁复描写与迷恋。

55、Mboya wrote, “As you yourself said, you were glad to come home, we were glad to receive you home.”他还写道:"正如你说你很高兴回到故乡一样,我们很高兴在故乡接待你。"

56、Singer Beverley Knight wrote: "So chuffed for David and Victoria Beckham!歌手贝弗利·奈特(Beverley Knight)写道:“真的非常替贝克汉姆夫妇感到高兴!

57、I am pleased to write this recommendation for Mr. Zhang Wei.我很高兴地位张伟先生写这封推荐信。

58、There's no fun in spending the whole evening playing cards.整个晚上打朴克牌没有意思。

59、Near-field optical scanning(NFOS) is one of the high techniques developed in recent years.近场光学扫描技术是近年兴起的高新技术之

60、Yosma Pinar Cetinkaya: You would think that the teachers are writing definitions on the board.你会以为教师在黑板上写下高兴的定义,那不准确。

61、Little tadpoles swim happily go forward.小蝌蚪高高兴兴地向前游去。



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