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关于”自己变化“的英语句子32个,句子主体:Change yourself。以下是关于自己变化的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Change yourself


1、This is a time of great synchronicity, as you have seen yourself over the last few days.


2、Put yourself in charge of all this variability by automating and generalizing.


3、Odum talked about some of the solutions to climate change.


4、They feared that new changes threaten their own interests and new thinking erodes their authorities.


5、You are creating yourself anew in every single Moment of Now.


6、Recognize yourself, fall bends dowm youself, change yourself , then you can change other peop; e.


7、Do not say other, their surrounding changes dizzying.


8、Some of you know fathers who are unpredictable, unreliable, or fickle. They're always changing, depending on the mood they're in. Inconsistent fathers produce insecure children.


9、It has a life of its own, sometimes.


10、The process depicts itself as a fugue-like sequence of images.


11、Librans shouldn't get too complacent about their relationships, because life is always changing.


12、Understand yourself, conquer yourself, change yourself, and then you can change others.


13、Managers must themselves feel the pulse of change on a daily, continuous basis...


14、If one day kill myself before, change a new self, so please do not let once this own turned into foam, a write about their memories to own.


15、Somewhat is by its quality, firstly finite, secondly alterable; so that finitude and variability appertain to its being.


16、Blaze your own path to success and start accepting change.


17、But after having children, my priorites have clearly changed.


18、As an organization, how well are we positioned to address the changing market and our ever-evolving customers?


19、That in which the consciousness may turn back upon itself—grasp itself; like Valery's Young Parque, as seeing oneself seeing oneself—represents mere sleight of hand.


20、Instead of empowering themselves, some people actually empower their Guru and turn them into a demi-god.

21、At first, he feels a few changes, him sense organ becomes sensitive, and long Mao Jian ages.起初,他感到少许变化,自己感官变得敏感,且长毛尖齿。

22、He was the same Martin Eden.他自己并没有变,他还是那个马丁·伊登,那么,这变化是怎么来的?

23、Because you have changed.因为你自己改变了。

24、Is it that we can change our face by ourselves?难道,我们自己可以改变自己的面容吗?

25、Have you seen any changes in your own workplaces or your own households?你在自己的工作场所或是家里发现有什么变化吗?

英文句子26:,26、Do not fool yourself by thinking that you can change your organizational culture.不要欺骗您自己,以为您可以改变的的组织的文化。

27、Therefore, to change one's bad luck, he should start with changing his body language!所以啦,要改变自己的运气。大可先从改变自己的身体语言做起!

28、any Self-describing data type that can represent any IDL type Variableany 自己描述的数据类型,可表示任何 IDL 类型 可变化

29、Simply speaking, exemplify the change, live the change, be the imperceptible change in your local environment that you desire. BE the change you wish to see.简单地说,让自己成为你希望看到的那种变化,成为那种变化的一个例证,生活在那种变化中,令自己成为在你的局部环境中的那种几乎无法察觉,但可能导致你希望发生的事件的那种变化。

30、You can use one line or two in your own variable initializations.可以在自己的变量初始化中使用一行或两行。

31、In a dramatic courtroom twist in April 2008, Mr. Katsav backed out of the plea agreement, saying that he wished to fight for his innocence in court.xx年xx月法庭出现戏剧性变化,卡察夫退出了自己承诺的协议,说自己希望在法庭上为自己的清白而斗争。

32、See the card that records him weight change, oneself also can feel proud, be determined sturdily , won't make a mistake, have a thing in disorder.看到记录自己体重变化的卡片,自己也会觉得自豪,并坚定决心,不会犯错误,乱吃东西。

33、Well, I've always seen myself as an alchemist, a catalyst for change.好吧,我总认为自己是个炼金术士和变化的催化剂。

34、Usually,the woman will adjust herself to the change of her life and soon she will adapt herself to it.通常,这个女子会调整她自己来面对生活中的变化,并会很快适应这些变化。

35、How I wish that I could become a butterfly, Fluttering after Your footsteps.我也多希望自己能变成云、变成花、化成风、化成蝶啊!

36、He adapted himself to the change quickly.他使自己很快适应变化。

37、Whereas human-being is able to change his life as he changes the nature, he is by no means to change himself.人可以像改变大自然一样改变自己的生活,但是无论如何都难以改变自己。

38、They would follow their own trajectory and not become more Western.他们将按照自己的轨迹前进,但不会变得更加西方化。

39、An Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal.化兽师是自己选择变成动物的巫师。

40、Even then, you may always have to remain vigilant about your weight.即使那样,你也需要经常对自己的体重的变化保持警醒。

41、If we had this sort of progressive all-radical alteration, not just minimal alteration, but radical alterations of my memory, my beliefs, my desires, my tastes.如果我们持续经历剧烈变化,不只是最小的变化,而是自己的记忆,信仰,渴望,品味都发生剧烈变化。

42、Don't trouble yourself much to get new things. Wheather clothes or friends. Turn the old return to them.事情并没有改变,而是我们变化了,你把本性换了,并支持你自己的想法。

43、Taste buds change.改变自己味蕾。

44、I could feel my brain chemistry change.我能感受到自己脑中的化学变化。

45、Know yourself, conquer yourself, change yourself.认识自己,降伏自己,改变自己。

46、Society is changing fast. In order to keep pace with the society's development, people must change responsively.社会是不断变化的,人也必须适时而变,才能在社会中不断充实自己,提高自己。

47、The pain is not only to know their own, only to become aware of their own.羾疼不疼只有自己知道、变没变只有自己懂。

48、By changing your attitudes, behaviours and actions you can change your luck.改变自己的态度、行为和行动,你就能改变自己的运气。

49、Rio also shed light on how his on-field priorities have changed with his maturing years.费迪南德也讲了自己的风格这些年来的变化。

50、The second change, motivated reasoning, is self-justification at its purest. We change our cognitions or even create new ones to allow ourselves to do what we want to do.第二个变化是理性的说服自己,: 人们为了达到自己想做的事会改变认识甚至创造出新的想法。

经典英文句子51:自己变化,51、It’s impossible to reach your full potential if you’re not willing to change. Become dynamic, adaptive, evolving!如果你不期望去改变 那么你不可能释放你的所有潜力 让自己充满活力 能屈能伸 不断进化 变化是好的 变化是令人兴奋的 .



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