关于”夸孩子读得好“的英语句子24个,句子主体:Praise children for reading well.。以下是关于夸孩子读得好的高中英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Praise children for reading well.
1、Remind your child, when you watch television together, that cartoons are make-believe.
2、She takes good care of her sick grandma, and was praised by her as a good child.
3、Squire Boone 's family of eight children was small by frontier standards.
4、You may ask why Asian-Pacific children have better reading skills.
5、She said her father has become disillusioned with higher education and believed it would have been better for his children to have looked for work earlier.
6、I believe of all the girls she sings best.
7、Google translation is really good.
8、They abducted a generation of Quarren children from their parents, and raised them instead.
9、He drew rude caricatures, such as are designed by ingenious youths, in which the Major's wig, his nose, his tie, etc, were represented with artless exaggeration.
10、Helen wa lot as kinder to her youngest son than to the others-which- of course- mlistinge the others envyhim.
11、WeiWei professor considered, for a child to read literary readings, aged from eight to be read to 80.
12、Let's read the Chapter on brigandage in the view of practice.
13、"When I was in high school, education was pretty much available to every child," she said.
14、Instilling a love of reading in your child is one of the best gifts you can give them in their life.
15、This child is Dyslexic.
16、He happily gave me the thumbs up, as I did the same to compliment his artwork that resembled me.
也处于低水平,然而,27%的白人孩子阅读能力很差,而22% 亚太地区的孩子阅读能力很差。
17、Whereas, 27% of whites are reading at a low level, 22% of Asian-Pacific kids are reading at low level.
18、I think kids should be praised for genuine accomplishment.
19、Some children are learning fast and well.
20、The teacher is good with students.
21、They can either produce a few well-protected offspring or a zillion unprotected ones.他们要么生出少数几个保护得很好的孩子,要么产出亿万个未保护的孩子。
22、None but the best is good enough for my child.只有最好的才配得上我的孩子。
23、Others praised the two children, said the child had Kehao.别人也夸奖这两个小孩说,这孩子可好了。
24、Any child shall be excused from such Bible reading, or attending such Bible reading, upon the written request of his parent or guardian.若家长或监护人提出书面要求,不要孩子诵读《圣经》或者不要孩子参加诵读《圣经》的活动,这个孩子将得到准许。
25、The child was just beginning school.那孩子刚开始读书。
英文句子26:,26、But on many dimensions children whose parents enter into second marriages have better outcomes than do children whose parents cohabit.从多个角度看,父母再婚的孩子比父母同居的孩子生活得更好。
27、She loves children, she is very good with children, but obviously she overdid herself.她热爱孩子,也能和孩子处得很好,但很显然,那种爱有些过了。
28、Children have become spoiled as living conditions have improved.物质条件好了,孩子被宠溺得不像样子。
29、But in a non-ideal school every child knows who the best readers are, and the worst.但在非理想的学校里,每个孩子都知道谁的阅读最好,谁最差。 阅读的体制就是这样设计的。
30、Big house, pool, the whole shebang.他们拥有一幢豪宅,一个游泳池,两个孩子在私立学校读书,草坪修剪得极其完美,还有两辆好车,全部事情都完美得一塌糊涂。
2 kids in private schools, perfectly manicured lawns,
2 cars…
31、A. Hello! Mrs Wong how are your kids going at school?王太你好, 你的孩子读书情形如何?。
32、Is he a good sleeper or does he wake up several times at night?他是一位睡得很稳的孩子吗?或者是一个晚上要醒來好几次的孩子?。
33、Some later matriculated into regular schools and do very well.其中有些孩子后来获准进入一般学校就读,而且表现良好。
34、You must read to your children, and you must hug your children, and you must love your children.你必须给你的孩子朗读一些东西,你必须要抱抱你的孩子,你必须爱你的孩子。
35、Whereas, 27% of whites are reading at a low level, 22% of Asian-Pacific kids are reading at low level.也处于低水平,然而,27%的白人孩子阅读能力很差,而22%亚太地区的孩子阅读能力很差。
36、She asked questions about the books and suggested new ones.她还就书里的内容,对孩子们提出问题,要求他们一一作答。 书读完之后,还向孩子们推荐其他好书。
37、Reading to children is one of the best ways to encourage interest in reading.给孩子们念书是激发阅读兴趣最好的办法之
38、Monitor What Kids See and Read了解孩子看些什么,读些什么
39、Boy as he is , he plays shuttlecock very well.虽然他是个男孩,但是毽子踢得很好。
40、At the end of each session tell your child he is very good and very bright.每次给孩子看过卡片,你都要夸孩子很好很聪明。
41、understand life better.孩子让我们变得富有责任心、变得成熟稳重,并且更好的理解人生。
42、With interaction guides from experts, enjoy lovely moments with your child through story-telling!专家的伴读指导,让您轻轻松松为孩子说故事,享受美好的阅读时光!
43、The 5-year-old boy is good at singing.这个xx岁的男孩子歌唱得非常好。
44、Each had spent many hours reading "Harry Potter and thesgroupsof the Phoenix."其中每个孩子都已经花费了好几个小时来阅读《哈里波特与凤凰令》。
45、This kid is really bothersome , he fritters away time on stirring up trouble instead of studying!这个孩子真是让人伤脑筋,不好好读书,到处惹事生非!
46、For instance, if a child does well in school, they may get treated to pizza or ice cream.举个例子,孩子在学校取得了好成绩,他们会带孩子吃匹萨或冰淇林。
47、The children were awed by the exaggerated contortion of the clown's body.孩子们对小丑夸张扭曲的身体惊叹不已。
48、Good morning, Amay. You are really a good child and you are practising English now.阿美,早上好。真是好孩子,又在读英语了!
49、Each had spent many hours reading "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.每个孩子都花费了好几个小时来阅读《哈利波特和凤凰社》。
50、Pyotr was a 彼得是一个早熟的孩子,xx岁时就能够读法语和德语。
1)precocious child, having learned to read French and German by the age of six.
经典英文句子51:夸孩子读得好,51、Abundant evidence exists to suggest that children who quickly develop efficient decoding strategies find reading enjoyable and thus read more.有充分证据显示,获得“见词能读”能力的孩子对阅读更加有兴趣,因此他们读得更多。
52、The book is easy enough for a six-year-old boy to read.这本书很容易,xx岁的孩子都可以读得懂。
53、Children are not mind-readers.孩子可不会读心术。
54、So brag about your kids or complain about your bunions. Because there’s more to a good story than who, what, when, where.因此,多夸夸你的孩子或抱怨一下你的拇趾囊炎肿,因为这可比写作五要素(4W1H)更能让一个好故事出色动人。
55、Is Your Child Ready for Kindergarten?你的小孩准备好读幼稚园了吗?
56、I want to be around to see my kids and grandkids.我想活得时间长一点,好陪着孩子和孙子孙女。
57、Celine praised her that she was so incredible, and wished her good luck.席琳迪翁夸赞女孩装扮后美极了并祝福她好运。
58、在引导孩子读这个故事的时候,可以启发孩子思考“Why was the sheep stuck in the mud?
59、The child in the photo was fast asleep.照片中的那个孩子睡得好熟。
60、The sound of children reading were heard in the opposite hill.孩子们的读书声在对面的山上都听得到。
61、Steven: Before I say anything else, Jake, I want to compliment you .史蒂文:在我讲其它事情之前,杰克,我得夸夸你。 我觉得你的工作做得很好。
62、The big table are lively, praised the red rice, also said that lisa is blessed.这一大桌子人热闹的,都夸红旗饭做得好,还说丽莎是有福之人。
63、Come, come, there's a good child,' I whispered, leading him in.“得了,得了,是个好孩子嘛,”我低声说着,把他带进去了。
64、You wanna do a chapter?你给孩子们读一章吧。
65、A girl by bearing sons Warmest thoughts and best wishes from your daughter.寄上无限的忖量以及最夸姣的祝福,你们的女孩子。
66、It’s hard to overstate the health advantages of breast-feeding for both mother and baby.难以夸大母乳喂养对母亲和孩子的健康益处。
67、Some classes have acquired the reputation among parents — exaggerated, it seems — of being feeder programs to preschools that are feeder programs to private schools.有些夸张的是,作为学前教育的培训机构,他们甚至在孩子的父母那里获得了声誉。
68、In my opinion, girls overdress when they go out.我觉得女孩子出门时的着装实在夸张。
69、In order that my child can live a better life, I to work more.为了让我的孩子过得裹好,我得多干点。
70、Maybe she dresses well, is efficient or extremely punctual.比如,夸女孩衣着得体,办事有效率或者是极其守时。
71、RITA: He seems to play very nicely with the other children.丽塔: 他看起来与别的孩子玩得很好。
72、Kogan: Kids learn better when they're more positive.高根: 孩子们在积极的时候学得更好。
73、A mountain of research points to a central lesson: Pry your kids away from the keyboard and the television this summer, and get them reading.一系列的研究说明了一个中心思想:把孩子们从电脑键盘和电视机前拖走,让他们好好读读书吧!
74、In the middle of a beautiful day, I was feeling lost, as if the world was crashing in on me.在一个夸姣的日子里,我觉得很迷茫,好像整个世界在向我压来。
75、Many parents cut them out and use them each night as “Good News Reports.”家长们将这些好的新闻剪下来,每晚像“播报好新闻”一样的读给孩子。
英文句子模板76:Praise children for reading well.,76、Don't put too much praise children. Lest children develop "trusted fame" bad behaviour.不要过分夸奖孩子。以免孩子养成“沽名钓誉”的不良习气。
77、Reading is one of the best loves you can instill in kids.阅读是你能灌输给孩子最好的爱好之
78、He plays the guitar well, but isn't good at singing. 他弹吉他弹得很好。但唱歌唱得不好.2。你能帮助孩子们学习电脑吗?我能帮助孩子们游泳。
2. Can you help the children learn to use computers?
3. I can help the children swim.
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