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1、Even now while I'm writing this I've got music playing in the background.


2、When we run out of collaborators that don't have real implementations, we're done with the code for that scenario.


3、White used its primal wilderness as the setting for his 1973 novel The Eye of the Storm and again in A Fringe of Leaves, a fictionalized retel­ling of Eliza's saga.


4、Like von Sternberg, he films his actors mostly in closeup and medium shot, with baroque architectural details in the background, with cigarette smoke constantly coiling through the air.

5、This rainy evening the wind is restless.阴雨的黄昏,风无休止的吹着。


6、Steinbeck's first postwar novel, Cannery Row , returned to the scenes of his native California.


7、Handwriting has become a dying art, now that kids start using keyboards as soon as they begin school.


8、Xing Shi Yin Yuan Zhuan is Ming and Qing Dynasties of Shandong dialect as written in the context of a Love story.


9、I wrote the first two scenes, and when we got back, I sat down and wrote a very rough draft of the script using the split screen method that Ang suggested.


10、While writing, he thought of its natural beauty and then of the words of Count de Buffon.


11、Format each scene with a scene heading. The scene heading tells whether the scene is inside or outside, indicted by INT. or EXT., where the scene takes place, and if it's day or night.


12、For example, when you write new documents you concentrate on the writing and not on the colors, background, or navigation.


13、It consists of different landscapes to be varied within every ten paces;


14、Pls ask its joys and, positive or fallen, are described with their that picture.

Brad Fitzpatrick在xx年的时候就写过社交图的前景和重要性(link)。

15、Brad Fitzpatrick wrote extensively about the prospects and importance of the social graph in 2007, while the wheels were turning.

她说, 穆尔情景喜剧场景, 玛丽泰勒从第一集伟大的xx年,在大学讲授喜剧写作班。

16、That scene, from the first episode of the great seven-year Mary Tyler Moore sitcom, is taught in college comedy-writing classes.


17、Areas outlined in yellow delineate close-up views on the right.


18、This article gives a brief introduction of the new coursebook series in terms of its compilation concepts and the major distinctive features of each component.


19、On the right side of the page, type "Fade In:" and always start every scene with a scene header.


20、He can manifest human's imagination and the creativity. The animation and cartoon has three kinds of basic styles types . They are the practical style, the decoration style and the fairy tale style.

21、Made into a feature mainly object to or near the close of the middle ground, which requires shooting from close range, the picture is only a small range of space;把主要表现对象拍成特写或接近于特写的中景,这就要求从近距离拍摄,画面范围只是一个小空间;

22、A sail-backed dimetrodon forages amid a Permian landscape in this artist's depiction.船帆支持的异齿龙牧草中二叠纪景观在这方面艺术家的写照。

23、"Follow-up is weak"has been the true portrayal of the writing of sitcoms.“后继乏力”、“黔驴技穷”,可以说成为情景喜剧创作的真实写照;

24、Fill in the background of a watercolor bowl painting by darkening the paint and getting close to the edge of the bowl.填写一个碗画的水彩颜料变暗和贴近的碗边缘的背景。

25、Room 304, Building No. 关于《中国浙江省嘉兴市南湖区三景花园8幢304室 英文怎么写啊?

8, Sanjing Garden Block, Nanhu District, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, P. R.

英文句子26:,26、“I can see the farm yet, with perfect clearness, ” he writes.“现在我脑中还是能浮现农场的景象,清晰异常,”他写道。

27、Expressing one's feelings on the present scene is a method of writing poems.即事叙景是诗人写作的一种手法。

28、" The brochure read, "Stroll through a beautifully landscaped exhibit, see Monarch butterflies, giant swallow tail butterflies and more.手册上写着,“穿行于美丽的全景展览之间,欣赏黑脉金斑蝶、大燕尾蝶等”。

29、When one wishes to write a landscape poem, then one sets forth a world of streams and rocks, clouds and peaks -the utmost in beauty and elegance.当一个人想写一篇写景的诗时,一幅山水云峰图便显现出来,乃是极美极雅之地。

30、One of the main features of this essay is its detailed description of scenery.写景细致是这篇散文的一个突出特点。

31、Software Description: About Pansies, The background for this theme is a close-up picture of purple, pink and white pansies.用于这个主题的背景是紫色,粉红和白色的三色紫罗兰的特写镜头。

32、He had climbed the ladder of network television, writing movies of the week and children’s shows before settling into sitcoms.他已经攀上了电视节目网的阶梯,在他习惯于写情景喜剧之前,他写每周的电影和儿童节目。

33、Uses of it in Silverlight would include capturing signatures or allowing users to enter freehand text and drawings.在Silverlight中使用InkPresenter的场景包括捕获签名、允许用户输入手写文本或绘画等。

34、The choice between a close-up and a long-shot, for example, may quite often transcend the plot.例如,选择特写镜头还是全景镜头,其重要性往往可能超过情节。

35、I'm too lazy to write caption for each picture, please refer to the Trip Writeup before viewing the pictures!太懒了﹐ 不在每张照片写上注明﹐ 请参考旅行点滴以便明暸相中景物!

36、During study in Italy he sketched Renaissance gardens, and these continued to haunt his expansive outdoor scenes peopled with tiny figures.在义大利读书的时期他写生了文艺复兴的花园,这些景像之后就经常出现在户外延伸的场景里并有渺小的人物。

37、Here is one of my favorite scenes featuring the words of the teacher Frank seems to have admired most, Mr. O'Halloran.以下是我最喜欢的场景之一,写的是弗兰克最景仰的奥哈洛伦老师的话。

38、Difficulties are derived mainly from the complex backgrounds, including preprinted lines, texture lines and seal images with different types and positions, since they are often dark and stroke-like.我国支票大写金额图像背景中存在定位线和背景纹理,还有各式各样的印章对笔画信息的干扰。

39、Write as background in education-related courses, not to put together space, the children will fall in all courses are written, such as sports.如在教育背景中写相关课程,不要为了拼凑篇幅,把所有的课程一股脑儿地都写上,如体育等。

40、This is because the poetry and painting are people drawn to write King;这是因为诗、画都是写人绘景;

41、As you might expect, there are several ways to program an ETL job for this scenario.正如您所预料的,有多种方式为本场景编写 ETL 任务。

42、It is significant for phenomenon of creations made by children at the turning of centuries.“低龄化写作”现象是世纪之交中国文坛的一大景观。

43、I'm off to edit this week's Moscow Out program now.我现在准备去写这周的莫斯科外景节目了。

44、They greenlit it, and we started writing scenes just to cast the thing.上头审核通过,我们就开始写些场景,开始建组。

45、Would you write the words like "someone have visited here" when you come to the travel resorts in order to keep as a souvenir?每到一处景区,你是否会为了留念写下“某某到此一游”?

46、A closeup showing deep background with sharp sidewalls.阿特写镜头显示,尖侧壁的深层背景。

47、Here introduces the background and purpose of the article, present status of the research in the world, the frame of the whole article and the definition for the "catching-up" region.主要介绍本文的写作背景、写作意义、国内外研究现状、文章的框架思路等,同时对“追赶地区”的概念进行界定。

48、Junior College or above, fluent in written and spoken English, overseas education background is preferred.大学专科及以上学位,英语读写流利,海外留学背景者优先。

49、In this scenario, the Component Developer could code the mediation for the Common Customer Data Service.在此场景中,组件开发人员可以为公共客户数据服务编写中介代码。

50、We also provide background and related information through feature stories, photo galleries, videos and links.我们同时会透过特写、图片、短片及连结其他网页等,提供背景及相关资料。

经典英文句子51:写景,51、There are also scenes where Veronica is feverishly writing in her diary while sporting a monocle!这里面同样会出现维罗妮卡在认真写她日记时所秀出单片眼镜的场景!

52、Important: The hostname is case specific, and in this scenario the hostname RHAALAB2 is all capital letters to match the name we used for testing.重要提示:主机名对大小写敏感,为了与我们用于测试的名称相匹配,在这个场景中,主机名 RHAALAB2 全部是大写字母。

53、In this sample scenario the claims specialist fills out an accident report for each new claim.在这个示例场景中,索赔专家为每个新索赔填写一份事故报告。

54、A Background Information Questionnaire has been administrated at the beginning for some information about the subjects' English learning background and their beliefs towards English learning;研究之初,三名研究对象填写了关于她们英语学习背景和对英语学习所持态度的背景调查问卷;

55、Gao Jifan sits at his desk in front of a blown-up panorama of the Milky Way – a suitably arresting backdrop for a man trying to reach new frontiers.高纪凡坐在写字台前,身后是一幅巨大的银河系全景图——对一个努力探索新领域的人来说,这个醒目的背景可谓恰如其分。

56、Enjoyable fairyland, poetic sentiment bonsai, Chinese scenery name card, world geology park.写意仙境,诗意盆景,中国山水名片,世界地质公园。

57、If there is a longer story to be told that requires more information and background, a feature may be better.如果讲述的是一个比较长的故事,需要加入更多的信息和背景资料,那么撰写一篇新闻特写或许更好些。

58、For example, consider the scenario in which you are writing the code for an online book retailer.例如,考虑下面一种场景:您正在为在线书籍零售商编写代码。

59、In addition, the development prospect of the write strategy used in blue-ray recording was previewed.介绍了用于蓝光存储的写策略的研究现状,并对其发展前景进行了展望。

60、I see, Mrs. Chen. I have another unit on the twenty-second floor. The view is much better.我明白,陈太太。我有另一个在二十二楼的写字间,观景好多了。

61、'This Moment' is about a time in my life when my children were very young.《此时时刻》写的是我生活中的一个时代景致,当时孩子们都还小。

62、I filled out an application and was fingerprinted for a background check.我填写了一个申请表并留下了指纹以便他们做背景调查。

63、You should fill out your profile like it’s an executive bio, so include past companies, education, affiliations, and activities.你应该像做一份专业的个人简历一样填写你的资料,要写入过去工作过的公司,教育背景,重要的社会关系,以及参加的活动。

64、Cahill lacks the the relevant background knowledge to write this book.卡希尔缺乏相关的背景知识来撰写这本书。

65、In the airless main hall, in front of a stage backdrop reading "Capitalism Isn't Working!在空气不流通的主会厅里,讲台背景布的前方写着“资本主义失效了!”

66、Stop writing such comparative, exaggerated, our of context and defeatist articles.不要写这类比较性、夸张性、不符合背景和宣扬失败主义的文章。

67、The scene actually reads: Darth Vader: Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father.这个场景其实是写着: 达斯维达: 欧比旺从来没有告诉你什么发生在你的父亲 :。

68、Document the product vision and communicate it constantly to all stakeholders.将产品愿景写成文档,并经常和所有的利害关系人沟通确认。

69、The brochure read, "Stroll through a beautifully landscaped exhibit, see Monarch butterflies, giant swallow tail butterflies and more."手册上写着,“穿行于美丽的全景展览之间,欣赏黑脉金斑蝶、大燕尾蝶等”。

70、I have this bizarre outlook with regards to writing code - I do it because it's fun.我有一个奇怪的前景与问候,编写代码-我做,因为这很有趣。

71、Use sticky notes or a small notepad to write down scene ideas or plot points you want to add.在便签或易可贴上写下你在各个场景和关键情节点中想要添加的点子。

72、Writing about Mt. Changbai was thus the same as writing about the Qing empire for the fu authors of this politically nuanced, culturally sophisticated theme.在地景上书写帝国图景,无疑是清初以长白山为题材之赋篇所拍搬演的一场文学与文化的精彩对话。

73、This time we went to another side of Nam Sang Wai for sketching. This house is a small restaurant.今次到了另一个景写生,这个排屋是间茶餐厅。


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