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关于”励志的短语“的英语句子57个,句子主体:inspirational phrases。以下是关于励志的短语的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:inspirational phrases


1、Short-term English Training: Pre-College English training and ESL program.

(短语:be aware of 认识到,意识的到)

2、I'm not aware of the importance of helping my parents.

3、[短语] go up in smoke informal be destroyed by fire 〈非正式〉 被焚毁。


4、My favorite English magazine is English Pictorial.


5、Thirdly, the humanistic problem of the magazine Lunyu.

记住你在谈论 学习语言时可以使用的其他短语。 例如:.

6、Remember other phrases you can use when talking about learning a language, e.g.: . . .


7、We all think Li Mei as a good girl.


8、This study is intended to contribute some empirical evidence to the authenticity on proofreading of NMET by the corpus-based approach.


9、With a "five total Chi", "bundle language" and.


10、He opened the book and found a phrase.


11、The class are busying writing English passages.

12、to win the first place on the sports meeting last year(这是短语,因为你没有提供主语!

She is angry with her friend. 能够表达”生气”的英语短语,还有take offence; be offended with;

13、People get angry for any number of reasons, of course.


14、Try to read a short English passage every day to build up your language sense.


15、I also know that in French bénévole is the word for “volunteer.”

This comrade speaks English, and that very well.



17、Step Two: Review some phrases about storybooks.


18、The original SMS in Creole (or French) is displayed in the header.

19、不时地记下一些短语 take down some phrases now and then


20、It is the impetus for the externalization of the patient argument to narrow the scope of adhesive morphemes so as to strengthen the generative and composite capacity of phrases.

21、A CDR is generated for every voice or SMS connection.CDR是语音或短信通讯而生成的。

22、Thus if the slop is 0, and the phrase is "hey you" then the phrase must be found in the position defined in the query.因此如果 slop 的值为 0,短语为 "hey you",那么必须按照查询中定义的位置寻找这个短语。

23、About the scope of concurrent phrase, the academic circles always has the dispute.关于兼语短语的范围,学术界一直存有争议。

24、I am willing to learn English single-mindedly.我愿意专心致志地学英语。

25、This phrase is a colloquial way to tell someone to go and see for themselves.这是个口语化的短语,意思是让某人自己去看看。

英文句子26:,26、The magazine is published in Chinese, English and Arabic that is the first multi-language magazine in the field of Sino-Arab.杂志以中、英、阿三语发行,是中阿领域第一本中英阿多语杂志。

27、Text-killer is the final text, usually a one word reply, such as "yeah" and "haha ok", used to designate the end of the conversation.短信终结语就是最后一条短信,通常是一个词的答复语,比如“是啊”或“哈哈好的”,表明对话结束。

28、Now, I want to serch friends in the same camp to exercise spoken English with me !在这里我想找个志同道合的朋友一起练习英语口语!

29、In Spanish, the phrase for this is “Dar un toque, ” or, “To give a touch.”在西班牙语中,有个同样意思的短语,“Dar un toque”, 或英语中的“To give a touch.”

30、'Iconic' is now a much over-used word.“标志性”(Iconic)是个使用频率过多的词语。

31、He opend the book and found a phrase.他翻开书找到一条短语.

32、Fyodor Lukyanov is the editor in chief of the Russia in Global Affairs journal, published in Russian and English.卢科亚诺夫是《全球事务中的俄罗斯》杂志的主编,该杂志有俄语和英语两种版本。

33、Not only the fur coat is soft, but it is also warm.其它的短语可以用:

34、While reading English books or magazines.在读英语书刊和杂志时。

35、C take turns doing sth.是固定短语,意为“轮流做某事”。

36、We will use the notation used in CYC language.我们将使用在CYC 语言中所使用的标志。

37、Spoken English. Not just test--taking, TOEFL--blasting English.要学口语,不只是应试或托福式的短期英语。

38、B take a look at …固定短语,意为“看一看……”。

39、It is very important for reducing semantic difference between high level language and machine language as well as for shortening compiler program length and compiling time.统计结果成为缩短高阶语言和机器语言间语义差距,缩短编译程序的长度和编译所需时间的重要依据。

40、I want to learn Spainish or French. I kown a bit English. I hope you study with me.我想学西班牙语或者法语。懂一些英语。想与有志的朋友一同学习!

41、The phrase also means to have the same characteristics.这个短语也指拥有同样的特性。

42、I begin to enjoy listening to horrible stories recently.(不加定冠词) collect stamps (动宾短语)

43、Itsymbolizes one kind of ideal boundary of the language curriculum.它标志着语文课程的一种理想境界。

44、Tom speaks French and so does his brother.这位同志会讲英语, 而且讲得很好。

45、Former researches focused on the approaches of identifying the boundaries of the phrase while lacked an in-depth study of MNP itself.以往的研究着力于短语边界的发现,而对于最长名词短语本身缺乏深入的探讨。

46、C. make an attempt to do sth.为固定短语,意为“尝试做某事”。

47、The contour of SanSI English'symbol looks like a dragon.三思英语标志的轮廓看上去像一条龙。

48、Do not use any "swoosh" or "globe"symbols.不要在商标图案里用标志性语言。

49、Now with more palindromes, including palindrome phrase…现在有了更多的回文,包括回文短语…

50、Subjective-Object Structure is one of the most common structures in Chinese used in high frequency, which is also named "Subjective-Object Style" or" Subjective-Object Phrase".兼语结构,或称兼语式、兼语短语,是现代汉语中出现频率很高的结构之

经典英文句子51:励志的短语,51、的衣服 有两个短语 a change of clothes,换洗的衣服 clothes sense 穿着打扮

52、Receipt of sweet SMS, I remember that smile, and then delete.收到蜜语蜜语的短信,记得微笑,然后删除。

53、Zines today are even more elaborate.杂志今天更是语焉不详。

54、胚胎发育 短语 multiple fetation 翻译 ; 多胎妊娠英语 fetation interception 中止妊娠 Recurrent ectopic fetation 再发异位妊娠

55、, 第一段的短语“A Better Quality of Life on the Road”是指一个酒店的承诺。

56、Foregrounding is a symbolic feature of literary language.“前景化”是文学语言的标志性特征。

57、Between my school and the zoo is a stone bridge.在我的学校与动xx年级上册英语短语物园之间是一座石桥。


标签: 英文 励志 短语

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