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1、You can put Money as a one-word description, but it is too general.


2、A lot of the dictionaries I looked at don’t even include the word hobbit.


3、W. relabelled 86% of the words with the same colour, while the control subjects only did so for 46% of the words.

Giddy 能被追溯到它的德语词根 gud- , 从同一词根我们得到单词God 。

4、Giddy can be traced back to the same Germanic root . gud- that has given us the word God.


5、The word dates back to the 1600s.


6、To remember English words and enlarge vocabularies is especially important in improving English.


7、Fuzzy search for words with a similar spelling as the search term

词元化 是确定一个单词的固定的基本部分的过程。

8、Lemmatization is the process of identifying the base, non-inflected form of a word.


9、Jinwen "Shangshu" is in the important stage which evolves from monosyllabic words to polysyllabic words.


10、Students typed in the words they remembered.


11、She can find and correct misspelled words.


12、Please take a brief look at the list of words.


13、Im proud of being a Chinese.


14、Learn new words by watching television, films, etc.


15、Each list contains synonyms of one word in the original name of the service.


16、English vocabulary amount is large, but form a word elements - root, prefix and suffix is limited.


17、Learn and read the new words.


18、For example, if you are learning new vocabulary, create a word map, describe a picture, make a list and study that.


19、Vocabulary can not be taught by the teachers, it should be memorized by the students.


20、I think the word geisha also illustrates this changing approach to the study of history; in this case word history.

21、Circle the correct spelling of each word.把拼写正确的单词画圈。

22、或者 have a good apitite(这个单词你自己查,意思是 胃口)

23、And believe it or not, this has something to do with the etymology of the word clock.不管信不信,这跟单词钟(clock)的词源有些关系。

24、You also learned words and how to assemble the alphabets to make those meaningful words.你也学了单词,并学会如何根据字母表造词。

25、Students look and talk about the pictures in pairs.学生看图并复述,拼读单词。

英文句子26:,26、It is possible that I will ask you to write any of the words I have assigned as written homework, and I will be grading you on your penmanship.老师有可能会让大家写出一些单词,我们这些词以前在作业中有留过。请按正确的格式书写单词,注意大小写。

27、The element iterates from 元素从

1 to the number of words in the word list.

1 开始,遍历单词列表中的每个词。

28、Affix have common roots, such as formation elements. English words are very art, with the creation of our characters is the same.掌握常见词根词缀等构词元素。英语单词是很有章法的,跟我们汉字的造字法是一样。

29、Do not capitalize each word in so-called closed-form compound words.不要将所谓的紧凑格式复合词中的每个单词都大写。

30、Adjectival modifying units are used to give more information about nouns (things).形容词类的修饰单位被用作提供更多有关名词的资讯。

31、I usually spend my summer holidays at home. 单词spend 意为 花费 度过

32、Separating words with hyphens is best.最好用连字符把单词进行分隔。

33、轻轻松松背单词蒋刚 don't you get sick of the city?

34、Read the words and copy them on P18.熟读并抄写第18页的单词。

35、You can't make a full command of English words if you depend on mere mechanical memory.只靠死记单词是不能熟练掌握英语词汇的。

36、How can we automatically tag each word of a text with its word class?在文本中,我们如何根据词类来自动添加单词标记?

37、Listen and choose the words you hear.听音,选出你所听到的单词。

38、Of particular importance to the New Critics, however, are individual words' etymology.然而,对新批评家来说,尤为重要的是单词的词源。

39、Even today I see at Merriam Webster Unabridged the barest wisp of an entry. They point to the word stir.即使现在,在《韦氏词典(未删减版)》上对该词条的介绍都极少,他们把该词直接参见单词stir。

40、Gelos is a Greek word. It means laughter.Gelos是希腊单词,意思是笑声。

41、Let's try again with maybe a different word.让我们用不同的单词试一下。

42、Now listen to 听1的录音, 要求学生写出所听到的单词, 每词加1分。

1. Write down the words you hear. One word one point.

43、Listen and tick the word you hear.听,然后把你听到的单词打勾。

44、You can click Find to redact the same words globally in the document.还可以单击 Find 在文档中替换所有相同单词。

45、Listen, repeat and trace the letters.听,复述,并描出所给单词。

46、Don't use quotation marks in search terms: Single words – including several words in a row – work better than demarcated phrases.输入多个单词作为单个搜索词条目时,无需使用标点符号。 我们的系统会忽略逗号。

47、Also, keep in mind that don't memorize too many words all at once, ok? Set a goal for yourself, 记住不要一次记太多的单词,建立一个目标,一天十个单词足矣,不要太多。

10 words each day, no more.

48、Do you know how to spell "cowboy"?你知道怎么拼写单词“牛郎”吗?

49、How much words have you learned sofar?你至今为止学了多少单词?

50、Yet the Oxford dictionary lists only half as many.然而,牛津字典所列的单词只是韦氏词典的一半那么多。

经典英文句子51:单词,51、The teacher asked us to copy the list of words.老师让我们抄下单词表。

52、Verify that the definition is present.验证是否给出了该单词释义。

53、Write the words according to the phonetic transcriptions.根据所给的音标写出单词。

54、Girls, can you spell the word?女孩们,你们会拼读这个单词吗?

55、A word or form in the dative case.与格单词,与格形式。

56、How do you spell pen? P-E-N.提高学生拼写单词的能力。

57、Put the words on the blackboard, one student of every team come to the blackboard. When the teacher says the word they must touch the word as fast as they can. The one who touches fastest wins.老师把单词卡贴在黑板上,每组派一位同学到黑板前,当老师说出单词时,他们必须快速摸到单词,最快者获胜。

58、Two words are homographs if they are spelled the same way but differ in meaning.拼写相同意思不同的两个单词是同形异义词。

59、Most words need to be repeated 10-20 times before becoming part of your vocabulary.大多数单词需要复习

10 - 20次才会成为你的词汇。


标签: 英文 单词

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