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1、In labor dispatch, there is a labor relation between dispatching workers and dispatch agencies, and also there is a labor relation between dispatching workers and employing units.


2、The Orientation and Value Analysis of the Spirit Object in the Theory of Knowledge;


3、Essentially, it means any society where slave labor where the definition of labor, where the definition of the relationship between ownership and labor is defined by slavery.


4、If an employer recruits workers whose original contract with another employer has not been terminated.


5、I love chores .


6、Remuneration, including wages and other lawful income, is the material interests workers make through working.


7、Acknowledging that materialized labor creates value does not deny the labor value theory.


8、Its integrant part must first include the worker, the object of labor and the means of labor, next should also include the Labor organization and the natural ecological environment and so on;


9、Hydrotested and Complete: 10% of work and 100% of cumulative work.


10、In socialist public-owned economy, wages are distributed according to work and are the monetary reflection of the value created by laborers in their necessary labor time.


9 Labor contracts may be divided into two categories: fixed term contracts and non-fixed term contracts.

第9条 (定期劳动契约与不定期劳动契约)劳动契约,分为定期契约及不定期契约。


12、The Labour Law of PRC should become an all-round, concrete code in order to protect laborers legitimate rights and interests.


13、On the other hand, the discrimination from demanders of labor force hindered …

劳动法。合同中有任何条款与中国劳动法相抵触, 此类条款将被中国劳动法所取代。

14、Labour Laws. If any clause in this agreement is found to be in violation of Chinese labour laws, then Chinese labour laws shall supercede the clause in question.


15、The difference between labor and w ork does not coincide with that betw een a manual and a mental job;


16、Everybody had a job to do on chore day.


17、As long as the two countries(or regions) had the existence of complementary in labor force and labor costs, there is the demand for cross-border flows of labor and power.


18、The demonstration surrounds the evolution of the attribute, the attribute of the labor relation and the attribute of the labor contract.


19、The theory is based on the assumption of labor homogeneity.


20、Labor vanquishes all.

21、Some people think that, if the employing unit and laborers have signed a fixed-term labor contracts, they can not put forward to make a presumption of workers without a fixed term labor contract.有人以为,若用人单元与劳动者签定啦固按期限地劳动合同,就能够推定劳动者没提出订立无固按期限地劳动合同。

22、The conclusion of labor contracts shall have binding force. The obligations as agreed therein shall be observed by employers and workers.依法订立的劳动合同具有约束力,用人单位与劳动者应当履行劳动合同约定的义务。

23、Secondly, our Party furthered the theory of labor and labor val-ue, asserted that the workers in non-public ownership enterprise also create value.第二,发展了劳动和劳动价值理论,肯定非公企业人士的劳动也在创造财富;

24、Where the employing unit and the laborer have reached a consensus after consultation, they may conclude a labor contract where the term of service equals to the period of completion of a certain task.第十六条膍劳动合同由用人单位与劳动者协商一致,并经用人单位与劳动者在劳动合同文本上签字或者盖章生效。

25、At the same time teach them to love the working people, to respect the fruits of their labor, doing a love of the people, a good student work.同时教育他们热爱劳动人民,尊重他们的劳动成果,做一个爱人民、爱劳动的好学生。

英文句子26:,26、Spool in place: 20% of work and 20% of cumulative work.管轴就位:20%的劳动量和20%的累计劳动量。

27、Hanging basket's use may reduce the labor intensity greatly, raises the labor efficiency.吊篮的使用可大大降低劳动强度,提高劳动效率。

28、Before the enactment of "Labor Contract Law", the labor market in China there is a phenomenon of short-term labor contracts.在《劳动合同法》颁布之前我国劳动力市场中存在着一种劳动合同短期化现象。

29、Economist studies verified that the labor productivity of a primary school graduate is 43% higher than that of a non-graduate.经济学家研究证明,小学毕业的劳动者比小学没毕业的劳动者的劳动生产率要提高43%;

30、If the laborers have already performed labor, the Unit being dealt with or its financial sponsor shall pay them labor remuneration, economic compensation and damage compensation.劳动者已经付出劳动的,该单位或者其出资人应当依照本法有关规定向劳动者支付劳动报酬、经济补偿、赔偿金;

31、In the society of commodity economy, science-technological labor is an entia of contradiction between private labor and social labor.是指商品生产者的劳动,是提供给社会的,构成社会总劳动的组成部分,其劳动具有社会性质。

32、The research on whether management work creates value or not plays its important role in the study of labor value theory.管理劳动是复杂劳动,是创新劳动,是价值创造的主导、价值实现的保障,是要素组合的“黏合剂”。

33、Like the two are hard-working workers.两者很像,都是勤劳的劳动者。

34、Coordinate labour relations and gradually improve the living standards of the workers.协调劳动关系,逐步提高劳动者的生活水平。

35、Non-standardized labor-management relations occur in nimble employment. Because compared with the standardized labor-management relations its feature changed, labor law do not Adjust it.非标准劳动关系是从灵活就业中产生的一类劳动关系,由于其特征相对于标准的劳动关系发生了变化,因而不受劳动法的规制。

36、This article makes a probe into how to perfect handlings ystem of labour disputation, settle labour issue, safeguard the legilim ate rights and interests of labourer.探讨完善劳动争议处理体制、化解劳动纠纷,可以更好地维护劳动者合法权益。

37、The answer is, is the labourer paid labor direct value.回答是,是这位劳动者所付出劳动的直接价值。

38、Commonly, human' s work is classified into two types, including brainwork and physical force, and that the former looks more and mere important.人的劳动一般分为脑力劳动和体力劳动两种,而前者显得越来越重要。

39、That is to say, you pay laborer, not have put the labourer pay except produce value all pay him.即是说,您付工资给劳动者,并非已经把这位劳动者所付出的劳动所产生的价值全部都付给他了。

40、Mental labor plays a dominant role in value creation, productive labor and nonproductive labor come to fuse and labor in production of food for thought grows.脑力劳动在价值创造中占据了主导地位,生产性劳动和非生产性劳动逐步融合,精神生产的劳动广泛发展。

41、The labor-intensive industry concerned here is an extensive one and in relation to this the comparative advantage refers to the low labor expenditure or low labor cost.这里所说的劳动密集型产业是粗放型劳动密集产业,与此相联系,这里所说的比较优势是指劳动力费用低廉或劳动力成本低。

42、Social insurance administrative section will generally issued by labor relations an approvable letter, inform the workers through labor dispute arbitration ways to make sure Labour relations.社会保险行政部分一般会出具劳动关系补正通知书,告知劳动者通过劳动争议仲裁的方式来确认劳动关系。

43、The declaration of disappearance or death for the annulment of labor agreement is one of the situations, but it has many doubtful points.劳动合同终止是劳动合同法的重要制度之一,劳动者被宣告失踪或者宣告死亡而终止劳动合同是其规定的情形之一,然而这一规定却存在诸多疑点。

44、Labor of love.热爱劳动吧。

45、The authors first describe a number of relevant concepts, including instruments of labor, forms of labor, value of labor, and human resources.作者首先对劳动工具、劳动形态、劳动价值和人力资源等相关概念进行了描述 ;

46、Human resources plan, labor regulation and labor insurance consulting and personnel recruiting for its clients.为企业提供人力资源策划、劳动法规和劳动法规和劳动保险咨询,代理招聘企业员工。

47、They are whether material labor can create value, the relation between serving and managing labor and value creating, and the relation between the theory and distribution by factors.这三个热点问题分别是:物化劳动能否创造价值,服务劳动、管理劳动与价值创造的关系以及劳动价值论与按要素分配的关系。

48、No labor dispatch service provider may withhold any remuneration that is paid to the workers by an accepting entity under the dispatch agreement.劳务派遣单位不得克扣用工单位按照劳务派遣协议支付给被派遣劳动者的劳动报酬。

49、The labor song is the oldest ballad directly originating from physical labor.劳动歌是由体力劳动直接激发起来的最古老的歌谣。

50、We can gain happiness from labor, to experience life from the labor.我们可以从劳动中获得快乐,从劳动中体验生活。——蒋慧。

经典英文句子51:劳动,51、An employment contract shall become effective when the Employer and the Employee have reached a negotiated consensus thereon and each of them has signed or sealed the text of such contract.第十六条劳动合同由用人单位与劳动者协商一致,并经用人单位与劳动者在劳动合同文本上签字或者盖章生效。

52、Hangars and Trim Complete: 30% of work and 90% of cumulative work.支座和清算:30%的劳动量和90%的累计劳动量。

53、Article 第十八条 劳动合同对劳动报酬和劳动条件等标准约定不明确,引发争议的,用人单位与劳动者可以重新协商;

18 In the case of any dispute due to any unspecified remunerations, work conditions and other criterions in the labor contract, employers and workers may have another negotiation.

54、It's back-breaking labor with sevial severe health consequences.它摧垮劳动力,给这些劳动力带来严重的健康问题。

55、Class exploitation and class difference are also eliminated, they work together and share their means of subsistence according to the proportion of their labor.消灭了阶级剥削和阶级差别,人们共同劳动,生活资料根据劳动者提供的劳动按比例分配。

56、Loss of land by those who labor in a growing number of wage-earners.失去土地靠出卖劳动力的雇佣劳动者越来越多。

57、The essence of employed labor is the one the benefit right of labor-force direct usufruct of the labor-force owner can′t get realized.雇佣劳动的本质就是劳动力直接使用权的收益权不能实现,劳动者不能参与利润分配,完全是为雇主的利益进行劳动。

58、A certain because violates labor discipline, companies were lifted the labor contract.甲某因违反劳动纪律,被公司解除了劳动合同。

59、Article 第十五条 劳动部门批准招用劳务工后,用人单位应与劳务工在其上岗之前签订劳动合同。

15 An employing unit shall, after approved for recruitment by the labor administrative departments, conclude labor contracts with the laborers before they take their posts.

60、Invalid labour contract is a contract which falls short of legal terms so as to fall flat legal effect .无效劳动合同是指所订立的劳动合同不符合法定条件,不能发生当事人预期的法律后果的劳动合同。

61、Showing students' basic labor skills through competitive activities, cultivating a positive concept of labor and encouraging them to have good work habits.通过该竞赛活动,展示队员们的基本劳动技能,培养他们热爱劳动的观念,养成勤劳的习惯。

62、The feelings of our labor to cultivate and develop work habits, Value labor, and actively take part in the activities of social practice.我们要培养劳动感情,养成劳动习惯,珍惜劳动成果,积极参加社会实践活动。

63、The labor protection, work conditions, and protection against and prevention of occupational harm; and劳动保护、劳动条件和职业危害防护;

64、In China, men and women get equal pay for equal work. Working women enjoy the right of special labor protection and labor insurance.中国实行男女同工同酬,劳动妇女享有特殊劳动保护和劳动保险的权利。

65、The materialized labor value theory indirectly equates materialized labor with living labor.服务劳动是一种商品,活劳动是其价值存在形态。

66、It's back-breaking labor with severe health consequences, the .它摧垮劳动力,给这些劳动力带来严重的健康问题。

67、That includes people like labourers, street vendors and domestic workers.包括劳工,小摊贩和本地劳动者。

68、If the workers have done their work, the employing unit or its sponsor(s) shall pay them labor remuneration, financial compensation and damages in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Law.劳动者已经付出劳动的,该单位或者其出资人应当依照本法有关规定向劳动者支付劳动报酬、经济补偿、赔偿金;



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