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关于”比较级的用法和句型“的英语句子59个,句子主体:comparative usage and sentence patterns。以下是关于比较级的用法和句型的中考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:comparative usage and sentence patterns


1、In the design and construction of super foundation pits, the athwart construction method is economical and effective.


2、Second, we separately discuss the "Lun Heng" in the syntax, with its ancient and medieval period lasted relevant usage of comparison, in order to arrive at certain conclusions.


1. Cloud adopters’ perception of cloud applications versus on-premises ap­plications.


4、I‘m better at English than Tom. 我比汤姆copy更擅长英语。


5、Based on the comparison of three methods for performance grade(PG) of asphalt binder, it is considered that PG can be selected by the LTPP formula.


6、Gel electrophoresis and latex agglutination test (LAT) were employed to detect virus.


7、By combining the calculated results with experimental value, this model and method are suitable for engineering calculation with higher accuracy of design point and off-design point.


8、With sample data, the multivariate RV model was verified, and also compared with the DCC-GARCH model.


9、The specific means of the design framing, the structure of dictionary, automatic choice of index terms and the separation of sentences are discussed in detail.


10、The concept of T-unit ("the minimal terminable unit") is first introduced and then applied to test the students' writing ability.


11、Simulation results and their comparison with those obtained by classical engineering tuning method are given.


12、Through comparing their sums of squared error, it was concluded that prediction error algorithm-based OE model has the best precision.


13、Methods Examination and comparison the velopharyngeal types and velopharyngeal insufficiency rates of

10 patients with normal phonation using CT and NPF.


14、The present study mainly adopts the literature method, comparative method and questionnaire investigatory method.


15、Using DCPM-FGA Direct comparison-proportional method and Fuzzy genetic algorithm to train the parameters of HMM is a very good idea.

对东风4A(B) 型机车和东风4D型机车作了性能比较,指出东风4A(B) 型机车改型升级为东风4D型机车是必要的,也是可行的。

16、The performances of DF_ 4A(B) and DF_ 4D locomotive are compared . It is necessary and feasible to upgrade DF_ 4A(B) into DF_ 4D .

17、She has more apples than me. 她的苹果比我的多。


18、With comparative objects and comparative samples as its footholds, functional comparative law focuses on any law's functions and practical efficiency.


19、The nodular cast iron V jig's use are quite few, generally the use is small in the specification, accuracy requirement high V jig.


20、The principles of the vacuum crystallization, types and selection of crystallizers were given. Comparison of the above two methods we…

21、She studies the best in our class. 她在我们班学习最好。

22、By numerical simulation method, the comparisons of aerodynamic performance between airfoil and plate blade axial fans were made.采用数值模拟方法对机翼型及板型叶片的轴流风机的气动性能进行了比较。

23、Therefore, the improved 'M' type electrode method is a better electrostatic method which should be adopted in practice.因此,改进‘M’型电极法是一种可供实际采用的比较好的静电场方法。

24、I'm the tallest in our class. 我是我们班最高的。

25、You can use value comparison operators for inequality with any type of data that has an order, such as the time-oriented types.不等值比较运算符可用于任何有序的数据类型,比如和时间有关的类型。

英文句子26:,26、In order to compare the computational errors of several models, the accurate expectations and covariances are calculated by repeated deterministic computation.将所用算法与已有的线性化概率潮流模型和近似二阶模型在迭代算式和计算精度方面进行了比较。

27、In light of introducing new breed of animals and plants, fuzzy matrix R of ratio of similitude is affirmed by the binary means of comparative degree.结合动、植物引种的研究问题,采用二元比较级方法确定了模糊相似比矩阵(?)

28、A particular porosity method namely"slot method"is implemented in a depth-integrated shallow water flow model (DIVAST) to simulate wetting and drying processes.将用于动边界处理的“窄缝法”引入二维水流和水质模型DIVAST 中,并与模型中原有的“干湿判断法”进行了比较。

29、In the design and construction of super foundation pits, the semi-reversed construction method is economical and effective.对于超大型深基坑开挖和地下结构工程,采用半逆作法施工是比较经济而有效的。

30、The contemporary comparison between a bull's progenies and other male's progenies is a general way of progeny test, and has been applied to beef production.同期同龄比较法是在过去和将来采用并将继续使用的较为普遍的方法。

31、METHODS:The comparative method and criteˉrion method were adopted to study the published literature.方法:采用比较法和规范法研究现有文献。

32、Carbon nanotubes are produced in two kinds of inert atmosphere at the pressure range of 本文比较了碳弧法中在两种不同气氛和不同压强下制备出的碳纳米管的一级和二级拉曼光谱。

11 to 92 kPa by arc discharge.

33、Meanwhile, the results of calculation are compared with those obtained from the coarse model and submodel and the superiority of the approach is confirmed.同时,把在粗糙模型下的计算结果和子模型下的结果进行了比较,从而论证了所用方法的优越性。

34、The calculating step, content and method of coniform tank and circular tank with a large length-height ratio are summarized.总结了圆锥型和长细比较大的圆柱型污水池的计算步骤、内容及方法;

35、Objective Discuss sterilization effect of B-class pulsation table top vacuum pressure steam sterilizer for dental handpiece.目的比较大型压力蒸汽消毒法和臭氧消毒法对医院床垫的消毒效果。

36、Though more time is used by the two-level Tabu Search than Hill Climbing Algorithm, better results are found.该算法与爬山法比较,虽然用时较长,但得到比爬山法更好的解方案。

37、An economical solution to that desire is a memory hierarchy, which takes advantage of locality and cost-performance of memory technologies.考虑到存储技术的局部性和性价比,这个需求的比较经济的解决方法是使用层级的存储结构。

38、These methods are compared, and the method based on blade element theory is selected in modeling of wind turbine rotor.通过对这两种方法的比较,选用基于叶素理论的方法建立了风轮模型。

39、The most popular design methods of the axial fan are the Single Aerofoil Method and the Cascade Method.其工程上的设计方法比较单一,普遍采用的方法是孤立叶型法和叶栅法。

40、After comparing model-based planning with planning as deduction and CBP, it gives some remarks on the future of model-based planning.在将模型法与演绎法和CBP法进行比较后,给出了模型法求规划的未来研究方向。

41、In real-time applications, standard CAN protocol uses static priority algorithm. It gives a low schedulable utilization.在实时应用中,标准的CAN协议使用静态优先级算法,对传输信道的利用率比较低。

42、Using a historical simulation method, the Monte Carlo method and the variance - covariance method as a model for comparison, The forecast model to compare the various results.同时用历史模拟法、蒙特卡罗法与方差-协方差法作为对比模型,以比较各个模型的预测效果。

43、Solution polymerization and two different inverse emulsion polymerizations have been carried out to synthesize hydrophobically associative polyacrylate thickener.采用溶液聚合法、反相乳液聚合法合成疏水缔合型聚丙烯酸盐增稠剂,比较聚合工艺和产物性能。

44、Conclusion Compared with traditional regression algorithm (such as ARMA), the building model is feasible and effective.结论和传统回归方法(如ARMA)比较说明所建模型是可行和有效的。

45、I am taller than you. 我比你更高。

46、With the data of permanent sample plots, the parameters of transition probability and ingrowth models were estimated, and some models were compared and partly modified.通过大量的省级固定样地资料,对林分生长转移概率模型和进界生长模型进行了参数估计,并对模型进行了比较和修正。

47、Computational results show the whole cost in this model using Tabu search algorithms, Simulated Annealing algorithms and Greedy algorithms.通过仿真,比较了禁忌搜索算法、模拟退火算法和贪婪算法在给出模型下的总费用仿真结果。

48、For a long time, the comparative method is commonly used in calibrating the lower grade gauge blocks at home and abroad.长期以来,国内外对低等级量块进行检定通常采用的是比较法。

49、This essay compares the infusion of the environmental education in Chinese schools with that of foreign countries by adopting the method of comparison of subject-by-subject.本文采用专题比较研究中比较法、文献法和统计法相结合的方法把外国和我国学校环境教育课程渗透情况进行了比较、分析、研究。

50、The experimental results were compared with the finite element results and the finite segment results.用有限元法和有限段法对该模型进行了应力计算,与试验结果比较吻合较好。

经典英文句子51:比较级的用法和句型,51、you are better than him. 你比他棒 you are the best. 你是最棒的

52、Methods Analgesia and anti-inflammatory effect were induced by mouse hot plate, acetic acid stretching experiment and mouse peritonitis, mouse ear swelling model.方法采用小鼠热板、小鼠醋酸扭体实验比较镇痛作用;用小鼠急性腹膜炎、小鼠耳肿胀模型比较抗炎作用。

53、you are stronger than him. 你比他强壮 your the strongest person in the world. 你是世界上最强壮的人

54、I run faster than him. 我比他跑得快。

55、As a new manufacturing method, rapid prototyping has used quite expensive material which hindered the universalization of rapid prototyping in certain degree.快速成型作为一种新型加工方法一直使用比较昂贵的材料,这在一定程度上阻碍了其发展和普及。



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