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关于”描写父亲“的英语句子48个,句子主体:Describe Father。以下是关于描写父亲的中考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe Father


1、It was less than a foot long, sewed up in canvas, sealed in red wax with his father's seal, and directed in his father's hand to 'Mrs Angel Clare'.


2、I write Chongqing mid-term exam in 2009 composition whether this calculates a catch question for father opens the door waiting , writes being thankful, or not.


3、My father went back toh is room went on writing.


4、And they inspired me to write "The Council of Dads, " which contains life lessons from these dads, my own dad, and various father figures in my life.


5、"Won't you write to your father about the Russians?" she asked.


6、What I have written also but is in the life of the father, the story of a accidentally father into life currently cape.


7、The book brightens as the authors describe their blossoming relationship.


8、He write some letters to Jenna, but her daddy threw you apart.


9、“It was into my father’s image ... that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, ” he wrote.


10、The father, Johann Strauss the elder, wrote and played music for a classical dance — a waltz.


11、My father thought about writing a letter to his family, but he didn’t know what to say.


12、However, in daily life, mother is usually considered the primary care giver, while father is much less involved in fostering the children.


13、What she did not realize was that, the more she described him as god-like, the more I was convinced I could never measure up.


14、How shall I write of my mother? She is so near to me that it almost seems indelicate to speak of her.


15、That night, my father and I talk, depicting his ambition.

“可我还是让你走了。” 父亲写道。

16、“But I just let you go, ” he wrote.


17、He wrote some letters to Jenna, but her father threw them away.


18、MY father was sitting in my drawing-room in his dressing-gown. He was writing.

利奥: 请告诉我如何拼写您父亲的姓好吗?

19、Leo: Could you spell the surname please?


20、At first annoyed with her father having written in the books, she felt, the more she read, that he was sharing himself in the books in a way he never had in life.

21、It was this that led Yang to begin his project. Yang describes how China's security apparatus has taken a keen interest in his work.父亲的死促使杨伟东开始了他的项目。杨伟东也在书中描写了中国安全机构对他的项目倾注了极大的关注和兴趣。

22、J.C. Chandor says he drew some of the inspiration for Mr. Spacey's character from his father.陈多尔表示,他从父亲身上获得了很多描述史派西所饰演角色的灵感。

23、When on one occasion some new connection by marriage wrote my father an English letter it was promptly returned to the writer.一次有位新的姻亲给我父亲写了一封英文信,父亲立刻就给他退回去。

24、My father sits at his desk writing his book year in and year out.我父亲xx年到头总坐在写字台旁写他的书。

25、In fact, he barely remembered the trip at all; his father actually wrote the letter.事实上,他几乎不记得那次旅行了;是他的父亲写了那封瓶中信。

英文句子26:,26、Come to LiYuan home, the father will write letters to LiYuan hands.来到李渊家中,如意将父亲写的信件交与李渊手中。

27、See father still write Spring Festival couplets, I take two dirty gripper to father in front of a stretched, and cried.见到父亲还在写春联,我将两只脏手爪往父亲眼前一伸,又哭了。

28、Tommy Kahn described his father’s lifelong eating habits as “lamb chops one night, steak the next.”Tommy Kahn描述父亲的饮食习惯时表示“前一天是羊腿,后一天是牛排”。

29、Hugo's recently deceased father, a clockmaker , worked in a museum where he discovered an automaton: a human-like figure seated at a desk, pen in hand, as if ready to deliver a message.后来父亲离奇地丧生于博物馆的大火中,雨果执著地想修好这个能写字的机器人,想通过机器人写的字得知父亲想留给自己的信息。

30、Lin Li's parents are describing the dog to their neighbors.林莉的父母亲正向他们的邻居描述这条狗。

31、Short story - Write a short story where the hero is your dad.小故事——写一篇以你父亲为主角的小故事。

32、"Do not believe, though, " she wrote, "that my father is ill-disposed to you.“不过,”她写道,“您别认为我父亲对您怀有恶意。

33、The second scene, from The Champ, depicts a young boy watching his father die after a boxing match.第二个片段来自电影《舐犊之情》,影片描绘了一个小男孩亲眼目睹了自己的父亲在一场拳击赛后死亡。

34、Most theories for the family involvement of fathers invoke the familiar " Man the Hunter" characterization, in which dad protects and provides for his young.大多数牵扯到父亲的家庭理论都提到我们所熟悉的《男人,猎人》中的特性描写,即父亲保护孩子的安全,并为孩子提供生活费用。

35、Mona Simpson in 1993 penned a novel, 'The Lost Father, ' about a protagonist searching for a father she never knew.莫娜•辛普森在xx年写了一部小说《消失的父亲》(The Lost Father),书中的主角一直在寻找她不曾了解的父亲。

36、Her father, Kevin Leitch, writes a blog about his experience of bringing her up.她的父亲,Kevin Leitch在自己的博客里写了抚养孩子的经历。

37、"Mutual admiration best describes the father and son team on the Hoagy Carmichael classic, "Stardust.相互倾慕的最佳描述的父亲和在豪吉卡迈克尔经典儿子的团队,“星尘”号。

38、"I'll still love you whichever choice you make, " his father, the bootlegger, wrote.“不论你做了哪种选择,我仍将爱你,”他贩私酒的父亲这样写道。

39、FATHER: I think so. What do you want meto write?父亲:我想能。你想要我写什么?。

40、Shari Rosen chose to read a letter that her father had written in 1945 about his experiences liberating German concentration camps.夏里·罗森选择读一封父亲写的信。 信是父亲于xx年写的关于在德国集中营的经历。

41、Mona Simpson's novel, "The Lost Father, " is based on her quest to find him.他女儿莫娜(Mona Simpson)的小说《失去的父亲》就是基于要寻找父亲Jandali的愿望而写的。

42、Father: Always write your prescriptions illegibly and your bills very plainly.父亲:总是把药方写的难以辨认,而账单却清清楚楚。

43、171. He is not going to write to his father tonight.(他不打算今晚写信给他父亲。

44、Lola: That's better, I can see it now. It says: "Fathers for Justice".洛拉﹕好,可以看到了。横幅上写着﹕「做父亲的,要讨公道。」

45、Li Tian Wang was Nezha's father.我写西游记中的,李天王是哪吒的父亲。

46、She wrote to Higginson that her father's "Heart was pure and terrible and I think no other like it exists."她写信给希金森,说她父亲“心灵纯洁且让人敬畏。

47、From writing stories of her father to growing up to be a outstanding writer, Aya kept on seeking for the characteristic of her own and doing her best in the field of literature.从描写父亲生前的纪事开始,到成长为一名优秀的作家,幸田文在文学的世界里努力地进行着自己的探索。

48、Father was writing something when I left home.我从家出来时,父亲在写什么东西。

49、In my father's handwriting, across the back was written, “In this moment, we were infinite.照片背后是我父亲的笔迹,上面写着,“这一刻,我们是永恒。”

50、The author portrayed his father as a vicious drunkard.作者把他父亲描绘成一个可恶的酒鬼。

经典英文句子51:描写父亲,51、In 1970, his father rented a computer and he precociously rewrote its software.xx年,他父亲租了一台电脑,他以超前的智力改写了电脑的软件。

52、But when he crossed into Kentucky, he wrote this letter to his father.但当他进入肯塔基州时,他在给父亲的信中这样写道

53、My father was writing a composition in the study room.我的父亲正在撰写一本组成的自修室。

54、A confession. A confession, written by the baby’s father.那是一份供词,是孩子的父亲写的。

55、我不喜欢我父亲写的那本书 I don't like the book my father wrote .

56、Tengo's flat-pack character fills out as the book evolves, in particular in a long passage when he visits his aged father in his nursing home and tries to talk to him about the past.随着小说情节的进展,天吾原本单薄的形象逐渐丰满起来,其中有一大段他的形象特别突出,这一段描写了他去养老院探望年老的父亲,并试图与父亲谈论过去。

57、Anna Nicole Smith listed Stern as the father on the birth certificate. But Larry Birkhead says the test will prove he is the father.安娜·妮可·史密斯在出生证上将史顿写在父亲一栏,但是拉里·博克西德却表示DNA报告可证明他才是孩子的父亲。

58、"In order to write well, then he put me in the name of "for" change "into".为了好写,后来父亲把我的名字中的“承”改作“成”。

59、我不喜欢我父亲写的那本书 I do not like the book written by my father。

60、In this story, Scipio encounters his dead father who embraces and kisses him.其中还描述到西塞罗看见了他死去的父亲还亲吻了他。

61、And they inspired me to write "The Council of Dads," which contains life lessons from these dads, my own dad, and various father figures in my life.而他们也激发了我去写《父亲联盟》,里面包含了这些父亲、我自己的父亲以及我生命中其他父辈形象的生活经验。

62、In Norwegian Wood, which Murakami wrote as conventionally as possible in the hope it would be a commercial hit, it was between the hero and his girlfriend's dying father.就像在《挪威森林》中——风格依旧,渴望能在商业上获得成功,男主人公和女朋友即将去世的父亲的这一段就非常感人,就像在《1Q84》中,天吾和他既爱又恨的父亲的那段描写。

63、) 171. He is not going to write to his father tonight.(他不打算今晚写信给他父亲。

64、The next day Darwin wrote to Revd.第二天,达尔文写信给亨斯洛牧师,说他的父亲不许他去这趟旅行。

65、I would rather lather father than father lather me, when father lathers, he lathers rather free.我宁可给父亲搽肥皂也不愿父亲给我搽肥皂。当父亲给我搽肥皂时他总是随心所欲。

66、 We wish you happiness on this special day。 我们无法用言语描述您对我们是多么重要,在这特别的一天,我们祝您父亲节快乐!

67、This is a little reminiscent of the protection rackets run by the gangsters in Mario Puzo's "The Godfather".这让人想起马里奥普佐的《教父》,里面描写了黑帮的收费保护。

68、I prayed and I cried and I wrote a long letter to my dad.我祈祷,哭泣,然后写了一封长信给我父亲。

69、Alec is working on several follow-ups to How To Talk To Girls. How To Talk To Moms, How To Talk To Dads and How To Talk To Grandparents are already in the pipeline.亚历克正计划写《如何与女孩交谈》的续篇:《如何同母亲交谈》,《如何同父亲交谈》以及《如何同祖父母交谈》都在加紧构思撰写。

70、The Father describes his family as anchorites.“父亲”将他的家庭描述为“隐士”。


标签: 父亲

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