关于”雪的诗句“的英语句子50个,句子主体:The poem of snow。以下是关于雪的诗句的专业英语句子。
英文句子模板1:The poem of snow
1、As far south as the Mediterranean port of Marseille , France, Europeans have been spotted skiing, snowboarding, and building snowmen.
2、After the breakfast, you step down, join the skiers with skis from the ski course and face another real test.
3、Druidic lore consisted of a large number of verses learned by heart and we are told that sometimes twenty years were required to complete the course of study.
自从有诗以来,追求声律、雕琢句文、用心最苦且创立学说最严格的人,没有人比得上 沈约。
4、Has its own poetry, the more rhythm, carving sentence text, written for the most bitter heart that the most serious, those with no such as Shen Yue.
5、Megeve ski station started its season early thanks to the recent snowfalls.
6、They burrowed into a snow cave to wait out the storm.
7、So they have runs for different kinds of skiers? They have runs for advanced skiers and runs for beginners?
8、Thanx to farhazadeebSnowboard-Hero - Get ready to challenge real Snowboarding pros on the slopes, in the Fun Park and off- piste !
9、The snow is cold.
滑行道跑道左手 边的雪堆(雪堤)。
10、Caution the snow-drift (snow-banks) on the left hand side of the taxiway (runway).
11、Now, I imagined a heavy snow falling on its brooding, icy reaches.
12、He has been calledthe last of the romantic poets, for he wrote in a tradition that can be traced back through Rupert Brooke to Keats and Shelley in the 19th Century.
13、Yabuli Ski Resort is the biggest training center for alpine skiers and the mountain hosts of many professional skiing competitions.
14、Play the tournament mode with the four different disciplines - downhill, super g, giant slalom and slalom.
15、The crystal snow flowers in my palm, seems to be transparent, slowly, it melts.
16、Go with the movement of the ski and allow your weight to move from the outside ski to the inside.
17、Everybody knows that skiing and snowboarding have been the most highlighted sports of the winter, but what about snowshoeing ?
18、Listenned to face the words of breeze, Sung sang snow point to nod, then turned round, later saying a sentence"I looking at", heave a tread to outwardly walk.
only used on snowy days.出卖清雪机……仅能在雪天利用。
19、Snow Blower for sdark you should beer…
20、Snow owls.
21、And how does this snow compare to the snow over the crevasse?这些雪和裂缝上的雪比较有什麽不同?
22、The Cohiba "Red Dot" is a high quality full bodied cigar for the experienced smoker. Comes in glass tubes to help preserve its flavor.雪茄上的红点是高品质黑色雪茄的象征,能够保持雪茄的味道。
23、Druidic lore consisted of a large number of verses learned by heart, and we are told that sometimes twenty years were required to complete the course of study.德鲁伊教的知识是由大量记住的诗句组成,我们也得知完成学习课程需要xx年的时间。
24、The happiness from him with the hardship of verse, allowing him to record the Datang ups and downs, witness years for an ethnic considerations.这幸福来自他饱含忧患的诗句,让他得以忠实地记录大唐的盛衰变迁,见证岁月对一个民族的考量。
25、Conrad has a sled. Does he slide in his sled?康拉德有一个雪橇。他在滑雪橇吗?
英文句子26:,26、The utility model relates to a snow plough, in particular to a snow removing vehicle using the snow-melting agent, which can remove snow and clean the road in addition to watering at the same time.本实用新型涉及一种除雪装置,特别是涉及一种集除雪、清理路面和洒水 为一身的用于除雪剂的除雪车。
27、The snow kids again into the fire, and fire fighting, because the snowman is heat, snow water to flow over the entire body.雪孩子再次冲入大火,与大火搏斗,因为雪人是怕热的,雪水一下流满全身。
28、DaffodilsBloom, Ski Slopes Stay Snowless - Is Climate Change To Blame?水仙盛开,雪场无雪:全是气候变暖惹的祸?
29、Heli-skiing (skiing areas you can only get to by helicopter)?直升机滑雪(在只有直升机到得了的地方滑雪)?
30、As children we dreamed of shaping balls of the perpetual snow and playing war on the parched, burning streets.孩童时我们梦想着把那些终年不化的积雪团成雪球,在焦干的、着了火似的街道上打雪仗。
31、He mined it, traced its contours, translated them to verse: "black wind, " "wet winds, " "noisy clouds, " "thorn-trees, " "the clinging air.是他发掘了它,勾勒出了它的轮廓,将它们一一化为了诗句:“黑色的风”,“潮湿的风”,“嘈杂的云”,“荆棘树”,“粘滞的空气”。
32、Thus, the predominant species can indicate the glacial environment.优势类群对冰、雪冰和雪环境具有一定的指示意义。
33、Before the race starts, the luger sits up on the sled.在比赛开前,滑雪者坐在雪橇上。
34、You understand our letters, no wonder you said: "snow fell silent is wrong, leave the snow is recorded, because the snow is demon".你听懂了我们的絮语,难怪你说:“雪落无声是错误的,落雪是有声的,因为雪儿是精灵”。
35、We mushed across the snow on our way to the mountain.我们驾雪橇穿过雪地往山里去。
36、When the snow gets to be about eighty feet deep it is turned to ice by the weight of snow above it .当雪积到八十英尺深时,由于它上面积雪的重量,雪就开始变成冰了。
37、Wear a helmet while skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling.在滑雪或者雪上摩托时要戴上头盔。
38、The authors emphasized the special influence of snow albedo on the snowmelt process and pointed out a positive feedback mechanism.分析了积雪反射率在融雪过程中的特殊作用以及融雪过程的正反馈机制。
39、After the blizzard he shoveled the front walk.大风雪过后,他用铲子清除了前面过道上的积雪。
40、The only sound you hear is your skis swishing through the snow.耳中只听见滑雪板滑过雪地的嗖嗖声。
41、Has now completed three middle-class ski slopes, which runs nearly 80 meters wide and 300 meters in Beijing junior ski ski ski one of the best junior.现已建成初中级滑雪道3条,其中宽80米长近300米的初级滑雪道是北京滑雪场最好的初级滑雪道之
42、We’ve gotten so much snow this winter that a lot of places have enormous piles of snow which have been created by plows clearing the streets.因为街上有推雪车的清扫形成了很多雪堆,我们弄到了足够多的雪。
43、Already the Snowblast's huge auger blades were engorging snow.扬雪车上庞大的钻头叶片在开始大量吞进积雪。
44、One resort has even opened a grass piste for all-year skiing because of the unreliable snowfall.一个度假胜地,甚至开辟了全年度滑雪,因为不可靠草滑雪场降雪。
45、A 4000 year long history of skiing has made Norway a proud ski nation with great alpine resorts and more than 30, 000 kilometres of cross-country trails.xx年悠久的滑雪历史使挪威成为一个以滑雪自豪的国度,有很好的高山滑雪胜地和超过30,000公里的越野滑雪道。
46、They feature winter sports held on snow or ice, such as Alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, figure skating, bobsledding and ice hockey.其特色是在冰上和雪地进行各种冬季运动,如高山滑雪、越野滑雪、花样滑冰、雪车以及冰球等。
47、Slope geometry can also affect the risk of avalanches.滑雪坡的几何特征夜会影响到雪崩的发生几率。
48、So they have runs for different kinds of skiers?They have runs for advanced skiers and runs for beginners?那是说他们有滑雪道给不同的滑雪者啊?滑雪道有分高阶者和初学者吗?。
49、The snow is not sticky enough, so we couldn't put a head on.雪没有足够的粘性,所以我们不能做头的雪球。
50、The snow removaling plate under the forced hydraulic pressure not only pushes and condenses snow, but also pulls snow back, which can clean snow easily around barrier.具有液压强制下压系统的除雪板,不但可以推压实的雪,而且可以向后拖拽、刮雪,这使其很容易清除障碍物周围的雪。
经典英文句子51:雪的诗句,51、Fresh snow can melt and re-freeze within the snow pack and it's this change of structure that can lead to an avalanche.新下的雪可以在积雪中融化再凝固,这种结构上的变化会引起雪崩。
52、Custom 3-wheel bicycle with sidecar and snow plow accessory.三轮铲雪自行车,有边车,有铲雪犁。
53、However, I did not care, only interested in the hands of snow , that snow is crystal clear, that snow is immaculate.可是,我丝毫不在乎,只关心手中的雪,那雪是晶莹剔透的,那雪是纯洁无瑕的。
54、Snow was made inside the tent and blown into specially constructed moulds to make massive snow blocks.It could then be cut into figures and shapes.艺术家在大棚�对积雪进行处理,往雪堆�添加特殊的建筑材料制作出巨大的雪块。然后,再将这些雪块雕刻出形状。
55、Shirley: Oh, yes.雪莉:哦,是的。
56、The only means of local transport are snowmobiles and sledges.当地唯一的交通工具便是摩托雪车和雪橇了。
57、As winter sports become more popular, avalanches pose more of a threat. Ski patrols now monitor popular slopes to prevent avalanches from ever happening.在冬季运动变得更加流行的同时,雪崩成为越来越大的威胁。雪橇巡逻队现在监控着雪崩易发的山坡以防止雪崩的发生。
58、The city received 城市降雪量为
20.2 inches of snow, a record for February and the third biggest snowstorm for any date in Chicago.
59、Landmark Exhibitions, which is running a year-long "Snow World" project, is handing out skis, toboggans and winter jackets and sending visitors down a 45-yard ski slope in Dubai's central Creek Park.迪拜正在举办一项持续xx年的“冰雪世界”活动,主办者将为游客提供滑雪板、雪橇和滑雪衫,并在中央海湾花园设下一座45码长的滑雪用斜坡让游客一滑而下。
60、Kites also are being used by snow skiers and snowboarders to generate more speed and create entirely new extreme sports.雪橇和雪板滑雪者也利用风筝来制造更快的速度,创造出一种全新的极限运动。
61、Jackson Hole Mountain Resort provides some of the best downhill skiing and snowboarding in the world. And there are other kinds of skiing.杰克逊山洞滑雪胜地为人们提供了世界上最好的滑雪坡和滑雪板。
62、The plow banked the snow along the side of the road.扫雪车把雪沿路边堆积起来。
63、We're riding through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh…我们骑着驯鹿拉着的雪橇在雪里穿行…
64、Cross - country skis. ski binding screws. requirements.速度滑雪板。滑雪板皮靴固定螺钉。要求。
65、Sun Village Resort distance about 太阳村滑雪场距离班夫以西约8公里左右,是加拿大海拔最高的滑雪场,拥有全加拿大最长滑雪季节和全天然雪场。
8 km west of Banff, Canada is the highest ski resort, Canada has the longest ski season and natural snow field.
66、In common cigar parlance however, a "Churchill" is a Cuban Havana cigar measuring 178 mm by 在通用的雪茄用语中,“邱吉尔雪茄”是一种长178毫米,直径为
18.65 mm.
67、Firn: granular partially consolidated snow that has passed through one summer melt season but is not yet glacial ice.粒雪,万年雪:经过一个夏季的溶化期但仍未成冰川的粒状且部分沉固的雪。
68、He was "hee hee" laugh, grabbed a regiment snow shape into a snowball, "Bang, wind, " is heard, snowball to come to me.他“嘻嘻”一笑,抓起一团雪捏成一个雪球,只听“嗖”的一声,雪球向我飞来。
69、The herder tied the struggling young reindeer to a sled and hitched the sled to his snowmobile.牧人把这头奋力挣扎的幼鹿绑在了雪橇上并把雪橇栓在了他的雪地机动车上。
70、Now, it is early, look back at the snowflakes, stepping on the thick snow, a snow, is so lonely.如今,亦是初冬,回看雪花飘零,踩着厚厚的积雪,一个人的雪地,是如此的孤独寂寞。
71、SUE: So they have runs for different kinds of skiers?苏:那是说他们有滑雪道给不同的滑雪者啊?
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