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关于”表示建议“的英语句子39个,句子主体:Express recommendations。以下是关于表示建议的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Express recommendations


1、Ana Pablo, who works as a dishwasher at a restaurant, said her brother was advised to take pulque for his diabetes.

我还建议在概念库中明确地表达这类规则,但是从这个示例可以看到光是从概念附加到 scchemata 就非常具有表达性。

2、I recommend also explicitly expressing such rules from concept bases, but you get a sense from this example how expressive it can be to just attach concepts to schemata.

计划生育金门的总医务官,医学博士Foster Rosalels 表示“我们建议两种节育办法进行有效的防御。

3、"We really recommend two methods [of birth control] to have effective protection," says Anne Foster-Rosales, MD, chief medical officer for Planned Parenthood Golden Gate.

他表示,在英国, FRC 所属的市场参与者小组创建了一项方案,包括了15项旨在减少风险、改善审计市场的建议。

4、He said that in the UK the FRC Market Participants Group had created a package of

15 recommendations designed to reduce the risks and improve the market.


5、'We are dealing with something related to public good, ' Mr. Zou said. 'It's a trade-off between intellectual-property rights and climate protection.'


6、Greencore Group Plc said it “recognizes the importance attached by the Northern Foods board to the certainty of cash value in their decision to change their recommendation.”


7、List control using the demo, including static controls and create a list using dynamically created list control, multi-column display.


8、The report suggests parents stand as governors at their local primary school so they have influence over which images pupils are shown.


9、" Mabuchi he said, "It is true that the resolution was adopted accountability" .

协议序列 ID 表包含一个布尔字段,表示是否支持给定的协议序列。

10、The protocol sequence ID table consists a boolean field to reflect if a given protocol sequence is supported or not.


11、And I commend all the Senators and Representatives who did the right thing.


12、Is there anyone who disagrees that they would be chosen?


13、This Agreement consititutes the entire and only Agreement between the Parties hereto and supersedes and nullifies all prior agreements, commitments, expressed or implied, between the Parties hereto.

清单 3中的示例显示了使用公共表表达式创建结构化的 XML。

14、The example in Listing

3 shows the creation of structured XML using common table expressions.

我还介绍了如何构建类似于 Google Suggest 的自动完成控件,在用户输入时显示实时更新的建议列表。

15、I also describe how to build an auto-complete control, similar to Google Suggest, that displays a suggestion list that is updated in real time as a user types.


16、Representatives of Chinese-American groups that appeared at the news conference supported the resolution.

金塔屋若高于一米用「建筑物」(527) 表示,否则不用表示。

17、If a shrine is higher than

1 m, it should be represented by "Building"(527). Otherwise, it can be omitted.


18、"Yes, we do have such a plan, " Han Min-koo said during a parliamentary meeting.


19、The meeting ended with protestations of friendship from everyone.


20、Boothman suggests an "almost imperceptible forward tilt" to show that you're open to and interested in what the person has to say.

21、'We encourage people to leave fish off their plates for good - the good of the people, animals and earth, ' he said.最后他表示:“我们建议人们让鱼远离他们的餐盘是有好处的,对人们、动物和地球都会有好处。”

22、Pacheco is out to impress during a week with the first team - and Benayoun has been there to offer help and advice.在这个星期帕切科已经公开在一队表示贝纳永给他很多帮助和建议。

23、Kastberg says the agreement aims at demobilizing child soldiers.凯斯特伯格表示,该协议旨在遣散儿童兵。

24、The doctor appointment heart flat and straight line, said feng instrument body will slowly disperse blood stasis, she is not recommended surgery.医生约见心平与行直,表示凤仪身体会慢慢散去瘀血,不建议她做手术。

25、If you hover over the icon, NetBeans shows a tool tip describing the suggested change.如果把鼠标停在这个图标上,NetBeans 会显示工具提示,它描述建议的修改。

英文句子26:,26、The UK public is deeply sceptical about scientific claims for what causes or prevents cancer, a poll suggests.一项调查显示,英国公众对于医学专家口中的癌症病因以及防癌建议,普遍深表怀疑。

27、Skeptics say these machines do not represent a great improvement over video teleconferencing.怀疑论者表示,这些机器不能代表超越视频会议的重大进步。

28、EU law maker Francis Wurtz says the rate of voter abstention should (showed) the lack of confidence in the Europe Union.欧盟议会议员弗兰西斯伍茨表示,弃权票的比率表明选民对欧盟缺乏信心。

29、The first thing to keep in mind, Gebhard says, is that most of the well-meaning advice you're hearing is "what we call noise."格哈特表示,你首先需要牢记,你听到的大多数善意的建议,“被我们称为噪音。

30、Shoichiro Toyoda says he doesn't recall the meeting.丰田章一郎表示他记不起来这次会议了。

31、Tom tossed his head to show his dissent.汤姆把头往后一仰, 表示异议。

32、Anyone who doubts this should watch Lang Lang's performance of the Mozart C Minor Concerto once again.如果有人对此表示怀疑的话,那么建议他再去欣赏一遍朗朗演奏的莫扎特C小调协奏曲。

33、Contrary to statements in your letter, stockholders representing a significant portion of our outstanding shares have indicated to us that your proposal substantially undervalues Yahoo.相反,声明你在信中,股东代表的相当一部分优秀的股价已经向我们表示,你的建议大大低估了雅虎。

34、Adherence to the MVC design pattern would suggest, therefore, that these implementation details should not be reflected in the application's presentation layer (that is, its view).因此,使用MVC设计模板建议无需在应用程序的表示层(也就是其视图)反映这些实施细节。

35、On the approval by the US House of Representatives concerning the US-India civilian nuclear cooperation accord, Liu Jianchao said that China has taken note of the report.关于美众院近日通过美印民用核协议,刘建超表示,中方注意到有关报道。

36、If it is difficult for you to digest the graphs I presented during the presentation, ask our Marketing for more information.如果觉得理解我在演讲中展示的图表有困难,建议您可以联系金道市场部获得更多信息。

37、But in private, Chinese officials say the suggestion that China will do much more to save Europe is preposterous.但私底下,中国官员们表示,要中国付出大得多的努力来拯救欧洲的建议是特别乖谬的。

38、ACTION: : The best exercise for brains? "Anything that gets your heart rate up and makes you puff a bit, " says Dr Brockis.建议:想知道益于大脑的最佳运动?布洛克斯医生表示: :“任何能够让你心跳和呼吸加速的运动都可以。

39、You is entitled to challenge any arbitrator.你方有权对任何仲裁员表示异议。

40、After the stage presentations, the conference adjourns to the Demo Pavilion.舞台表演结束后,会议休会到演示馆。

41、Here, let me, on behalf of the Ministry of Construction, to the convening of the meeting of the Shanghai low-cost housing pilot project achievements expressed warm congratulations.在此,我代表建设部,对这次会议的召开,对上海市廉租住房试点工作取得的成绩表示热烈的祝贺。

42、Speaking to the media after the committee's meeting, Secretary for Home Affairs Tsang Tak-sing expressed disappointment at the result.民政事务局局长曾德成在会议结束后对媒体表示,他对投票结果表示失望。

43、The nonprofit organization first took issue with Zuckerberg's plans of building a coal-powered data center in Oregon earlier this year.这个非营利性组织首次对Zuckerberg今年早些时候打算在Oregon建立一个煤电支持的数据中心的计划表示异议。

44、By international agreement pressure is now expressed in hPa’s.根据国际协议,气压现在用百帕为单位表示。

45、Though Singh later said that India's position would not change, Ramesh's advice is smart — as a major power, India must step up for Copenhagen to work.虽然辛格事后表示印度的立场绝不改变,然而拉梅士的建议是明智之举——作为一个大国,印度必须出面促成哥本哈根会议。

46、There have been no suggestions that Benitez will recall Le Tallec from his loan spell, but the youngster says he will come back to Merseyside if needed.虽然没有建议说宾尼迪斯会召回拿泰历,但该名年青球员表示如有需要他会回来。

47、Finally, convert the list of completion proposals to an array and return this array as the result, as shown in Listing 最后,将自动完成建议列表转换为一个数组,并将这个数组作为结果返回,如清单


6 所示。

48、As for the International Conference on Haiti, China endorses the international community's efforts to help Haiti start its reconstruction at an early date.关于加拿大蒙特利尔海地重建会议,中方对国际社会为帮助海地及早开展重建工作所作的努力表示赞赏。

49、Eda Satsuki, president of House of Councilors of Japan, conveyed condolences to the Chinese people.日本国会参议院议长江田xx月向中国人民表示慰问。

50、What resulted was a range of recommendations that required us to represent our design, not just as a DTD, but as an information architecture.最终我们得到了大量的建议,要求我们不能仅仅把设计表示成一个 DTD 而是一种信息体系结构。

经典英文句子51:表示建议,51、Finally, I would like to congratulate the IMF for its approval of the voice and quota reform proposals made by the Managing Director.最后,我想对国际货币基金组织批准总裁提出的发言权和份额改革建议表示祝贺。

52、Speaking to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, British Foreign Minister David Miliband said Afghanistan needs to be built from the grass-roots level.英国外长米利班德在对北约议会讲话时表示,阿富汗的建设需要从基层做起。

53、Among the children who got the recommended amount of sleep, the risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular problems was nil, Gozal said.他还表示,那些达到了建议睡眠时间量的孩子并不存在会患上肥胖,糖尿病,以及心血管疾病的风险。


标签: 建议

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