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关于”儿童节“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Children's Day。以下是关于儿童节的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Children's Day


1、To assist the treatment on children with asthma, the effects of Jiagu children oral liquid on childrens immunity were observed.


2、Ivorian children play on the streets of Abidjan June

15, 2005, as the continent prepares to commemorate the Day of the African Child on Thursday.


3、The former child stars of the Soda Poppers TV show are wreaking havoc all over the neighborhood!


4、Korean Channel providing quality infotainment programmes such as drama, movie, news and children.


5、This dieting by children can stunt growth and brain development.


6、The majority of products marketed during children’s programming are foods.


7、Cartoon characters with exaggerated deformation, behavior, speech to show children, and their thinking is "animistic" type, the plot also follows the evolution of children's logic.


8、Objective To evaluate the semi-joint prosthesis knee joint reconstruction method in the children patients with malignant tumor.


9、Objective To investigate the surgical optimal timing and extent for partially accommodative esotropia in children.


10、In order to form people-oriented, respect and protect Children's rights, promote service level of social work of Children development.


11、Children n's Day is our favorite festival. Each year we will hold a party. The most interesting party last year.


12、Keshe: Ah! Listen don't ask this question, this is children program.

我不想被归类为儿童节目主持人。 。

13、I don't want to be pigeonholed as a kids' presenter.


14、I have together the beloved handkerchief, is children's day time, downstairs Grandma Wang gives my holiday gift…


15、Arthritis afflicts people of all ages, even children, when it is called juvenile arthritis.


16、The Fringe also includes theater, dance, comedy, and performances for children.


17、It is now a children's festival, when they can dress up and go to their neighbor's homes to ask for sweets.


18、Objective To evaluate the value of arthroscopy for the diagnosis and treatment of the hip joint disease in children.


19、What did you do on last children's day?


20、Broadcast or various child program of running commentary to the students and infants.

21、The following programme is not suitable for children.在告示或通知上,如:下列节目儿童不宜。

22、Objective: To review metacarpophalangeal dislocation(MCPD) in children and its management.目的:探讨儿童掌指关节脱位的损伤机制及最佳治疗途径。

23、Softy Basket for Easter or for any occasions with children at $198 only.复活节礼篮($198),适用于儿童聚会及庆祝事宜。

24、A chapter book is a story book intended for intermediate readers, generally age 7-10.翻译:儿童章节书,主要面向7-xx岁的中级读者。

25、"It is possible to put on the TV and really engage with a child verbally, " says Christakis.“有可能可以在电视上放针对儿童的节目,真正提高儿 童的口头表达,”克里斯塔基斯说。

英文句子26:,26、ObjectivesThe study was designed to approach the surgical opportunity of partially accommodative esotropia in children.目的探讨儿童部分调节性内斜视的手术时机。

27、IMCI is worth the investment, as it costs up to six times less per child correctly managed than current care;值得对儿童疾病综合管理进行投资,因为和现有保健费用比起来,可使每名得到正确医治的儿童节省高达6倍的费用;

28、Around 31% of all burn hospitalizations were in 所有烫伤住院儿童中大约有31%是xx岁的儿童。

1 year-olds.

29、Though today is Children but I must go to school.虽然今天是儿童节,但是我必须去上学。

30、Celebrations for Dia del Nino, Day of the Child, have been cancelled today.Dia del Nino庆祝日和儿童节今天宣布取消。

31、SOS Children’s Villages has been dedicated to the long-term care and prevention of orphaned and abandoned children for 60 years.xx年来,SOS儿童村致力于为孤儿、弃儿提供长期援助,并致力于防止儿童遗弃现象的发生。 每年SOS儿童村使超过100万人受益。

32、So Save the Children concentrates on spaces for children.因此,儿童救助会集中力量办好安全的儿童活动场所。

33、Theatres put on special shows for children during the Christmas season.圣诞节期间剧院为儿童举行专场演出。

34、The second way it may go is toward any and all industries that cater to children, including education, clothing, toys, books, children's TV programming, or is in some way connected to teaching.第二个可能出现的方向是任何有关儿童,包括教育、儿童服装、玩具、书籍、儿童电视节目,或者任何有关教学的事业。

35、Objective The study was designed to approach the surgical opportunity of partially accommodative esotropia in children.目的:探讨儿童部分调节性内斜视的手术时机。

36、"This is 100 percent made in Palestine --- from A to Z, " he said.这是100%巴勒斯坦制作的儿童节目,从头到尾。」他说。

37、But beneath these flagship shows, how good is the rest of children's TV?但是除了这几个当家节目,其它的儿童节目到底表现怎样呢?

38、In 2007, the CDC reported that ASD affected xx年,CDC报道ASD影响到每150名儿童中1名儿童。

1 in 150 children12.

39、Korean channel providing quality infotainment programmes such as drama, movie, news, children programme. etc.提供具质素之娱乐资讯节目如剧集,电影,新闻及儿童节目等之韩国频道。

40、Only very thrifty chirdren manage to fill up a money-box.只有非常节俭的儿童才会设法填满一个储蓄罐。

41、Objective To observe the speech development in monosyllables from Chinese children so as to establish references in the provision of rehabilitation to hearing impaired children.目的调查正常儿童常用单音节词语音发展状况,为聋哑儿童康复提供参考;

42、Objective:To evaluate the X ray diagnosis of elbow joint trauma.目的:回顾性研究儿童肘关节创伤X线诊断。

43、The association between infant circadian regularity and childhood anxiety may be mediated by early sociability and ability to focus attention, among other variables.婴儿生理节奏的规律性之和儿童焦虑之间的关系或许可以通过早期的社交以及专注能力得以调节。

44、These desks and seats can be adjusted to the height of any child.这些桌椅的高度可以根据儿童的身高调节。

45、Those time, quiet and Ann, Yang to my childhood.儿童的天真和老人的理智是两个季节所结的果实。

46、the children's day is in next week 如果能帮到您,请好评一个,谢谢

47、Left-behind Children.“留守儿童”。

48、However, there are fewer children's programmes on the radio than their used to be (BBC Radio 尽管质量没话说,但出现在BBC广播上的儿童节目数量也已经不如以前了(BBC7频道是为数不多的几个还坚守儿童节目的阵地之

7 is one of its last remaining bastions).


49、Rose would also like to thank opened, the Children's Day will never Viiv!玫瑰花开了还要谢,儿童节永远欢跃!

50、Her roommate Li Fan also thinks in this way, children's day will get them more or less child's simplicity.小源的室友李凡也认为:过儿童节可以或多或少地找回一些童真。

经典英文句子51:儿童节,51、To evaluate the treatment of idiopathic chondrolysis of the hip in children.观察儿童特发性髋关节软骨溶解症的疗效。

52、On Children's Day Li Ming and his parents went to the zoo.在儿童节那天李明和他的父母去了动物园。


标签: 儿童

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