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关于”唐诗宋词“的英语句子20个,句子主体:Tang Poetry and Song Ci。以下是关于唐诗宋词的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Tang Poetry and Song Ci


1、Ci was applied with the form of music in most entertaining occasions in late Tang dynasty, the Five dynasties and northern Song dynasty.


2、However, the regular script then couldn't match that of Jin and Tang Dynasty.


3、Among the Eight Great Scholars of Tang and Song Dynasty, six were clustered in the capital then.


4、It experienced a process of production, development and maturity during late Tang Dynasty, Five Dynasties to Song Dynasty.


5、Every color in the Tang-Song poetry was put in good use either to depict landscapes or to express the poets' sentiment.


6、After the poetry of the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty, Yuan Opera creates a new kind of style in literature and opera, and obtains a glorious achievement.


7、The edition and comments of The Keys to Classical Chinese Prose exerted a great influence upon the formation of Eight Masters of .


8、"Full Song" included Nagaaki more than 260 words for first, Song words out of existing works can be a little more than the number of persons.


9、Especially, Huaancixuan implied aesthetic trend of Ci in Nansong.


10、Plum is an important image of Ci poems on objects in the Song Dynasty, the Ci poems on plum in the Song Dynasty have distinct and unique characteristics.


11、The trend that the Eight Tang-Song Prose Masters were gathered to form an ancient Chinese prose sect was obvious during the Southern Song Dynasty.


12、Study on Ci of the Southern Song Dynasty has it's unique development characteristics and rules in Qing Dynasty.


13、Liu Yong was a famous Ci (classical Chinese poetry) poet in the Northern Song Dynasty, who was also the most controversial Ci poet throughout the Song Dynasties.


14、Zhongyue Temple enjoyed the highest estate in Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty.


15、Fang Yue was the greatest with the highest achievements in Huizhou poetic altar of the Southern Song Dynasty.


16、A the song sound blew about Tang's breeze to blow to fall Sung rain;


17、Mao Kun is a representative writer of the "Tang-Song School" in the Ming Dynasty.


18、Chapter Five: Influence of Zhang Lei's Za-Shi.


19、Xu Xuan' s poetry style changed along with his grievous experience from euphemistical and graceful description in Southern Tang Dynasty to exquisite and implicit depiction in Sung Dynasty.


20、Langzhong had already been a famous scenic area nationwide in the Tang and Song Dynasties.

21、The Song Dynasty was smaller than the Tang dynasty in territory but more prosperous than it in economy and richer than it in financial income.宋代地盘比唐代小,而经济却比唐代发达,财政收入也比唐代高。

22、The theory brought a great influence to Song-Ci.这一理论对宋词的创作和词学思想产生了深远影响。

23、Fangongting, was built in the Song Dynasty, the Tang hospital catalpa, locust, although about Millennium Song, but still flourish.范公亭,始建于宋代,院内唐楸、宋槐虽约千年,但仍枝繁叶茂。

24、Xiang dialects were formed before the Tang or Song Dynasty.唐宋以前形成了以古湘语为主的汉语方言;

25、Saying about the writing of Ci, there were six generation writers over three hundred years of two Song dynasties', at the same time, Song Ci's development undergone six periods, too.两宋三百馀年的词坛,先后出现过六代词人群体,宋词的发展历程也相应地经历了六个阶段。

英文句子26:,26、Tang and Song Dynasties when the lights began to appear all kinds of juggling skills ShangXi.唐宋时灯市上开始出现各式杂耍技艺。

27、The third chapter related to Content Analysis of Nan-tang history books.第三章主要对宋人南唐史著内容进行分析。

28、And the multi-dimensional mentality of the scholars demanded multivariate literature landscapes, among which the Tang-Song School was just one of the outcomes of the multi-directional shifting.多元化的心态需求导致多元化文学景观的出现,唐宋派仅为当时诗文多向位移活动中之一种而已。

29、It originated in the han dynasty, the development of the song, Ming prosperity.它起源于汉代,发展于唐宋,兴盛于明清。

30、The relics found in 14brick -chambered tombs of Tang -Song period in Xiyaocun provided new data for the study on the social visage of Chengdu area in that time.西窑村14座唐宋砖室墓、墓葬类型多样、器物种类丰富,为研究唐宋时期成都地区的社会面貌提供了新的资料。

31、It is in the form of inherited the Song Yuan Pavilion Yizhi, inherited the traditional structure in the Tang and song dynasties.它在形式上承袭了宋元楼阁遗制,在结构上继承了唐宋传统。

32、But current research on the relation between Song Ci poetry and folk-custom is not very deep.但现代宋词研究,于宋词与民俗关系,却尚未深入。

33、Song poetry is the refraction and reflection of Song Culture in literature.宋诗是宋型文化在文学层面的折射与反映。

34、Second, to discuss the reason for rapid development of Palace poems in Tang dynasty under the big environment of Mid-Tang culture.第二,将唐代宫词的繁盛置于中唐文化语境中,讨论唐代宫词得以迅猛发展的原因。

35、Eastwater the Song ruled the Tang dynasty first arrival end of the Ming dynasty, The Tang Song Yuan Ming four dynasties awards many official title successively.水东宋氏从唐初至明末统治贵州水东地区,唐宋元明四朝先后封赐诸多官衔。

36、Wang An-shi's Selective Poetry of Tang Poets. The above three studies were mutually linked, influenced and enhanced, pushing forward the growth and development of Tang poetics in Song Dynasty.上述三个系统,相互联系、相互生发、同构并进,共同推动了宋代唐诗学的成长和发展。

37、Tea-horse trade started in Tang, developed in Song, prospered in Ming, declined in Qing.茶马贸易肇于唐,始于宋,盛于明,衰于清。

38、It also tries to probe into the number of tunes and its relationship with 28 tunes of Yan Music in Tang dynasty and Jiaofang Music in Song dynasty and tunes of Ci Music in Song dynasty.对其所用宫调数目及其与唐燕乐二十八调、宋教坊乐和宋词乐所用宫调的关系也试图作一些初步的探讨。

39、Poets in Song dynasty are fond of Song Yu. In the Anthology of Quansongci, we find that many poets refer to Song Yu and his works.有宋一代的词人于宋玉可谓情有独钟,在《全宋词》中屡有提及,且多引用化用其辞赋之作。

40、This is the poetic concept of the editor embodied in practice, and the compromise between the Tang and Song schools in the Qian Long Period.这一方面是编者的诗学观在实践中的体现,同时也是乾隆朝唐宋之争相对调和的背景下出现的结果。

41、Since the tang and song dynasties, travelled from a cliff, the monastery is in the mountains around, poems, stories and legends, picture, it is a "abound history treasure".从唐宋以来,行旅如云,山中摩崖累累,古刹遍布,诗文、画卷、故事、传说俯拾皆是,堪称是一座“文史宝库”。

42、Poetry circles in the early Song, on one hand, it is extended to succession, supporting itself with changes pursuing independence;宋初诗坛,一方面以继承为延续,一方面又以求变而自立,是宋诗风格形成的序幕;

43、Figure engraving art in Tang and Song Dynasties showed different styles.在人物雕刻艺术上,唐朝和宋朝是具有不同风格的。

44、Think: learning from Han, Tang Biao pole, Song Huiyu ax, Yuan cross in.想:汉习楼船,唐标铁柱,宋挥玉斧,元跨革囊。

45、Before Tang-Song Dynasty , the "external wind " was considered as the main cause of stroke .在唐宋以前,中风的外风论是主流思想。

46、The mulberry tax in Song dynasty was an important component of the regular tax in two-tax law.②然而,桑税在宋代出现绝非偶然现象,它是唐宋之际两税法税制变迁的直接结果。

47、Tang and Song dynasties's Ancient Prose Movement respectively arised in the momentous period of literary revolution move during Tang and Song dynasties.唐宋古文运动是分别兴起于唐、宋时期的重要文学革新运动。

48、The annotated corpus of Song Dynasty poetry is the foundation of the computer-based study of Song Dynasty poetry.全宋词切分语料库的建立是计算机研究宋词的基础。

49、Early Tang began in 000, after the Northern Song Dynasty reputation with more.名始于唐初,北宋以后声誉更著。

50、Based on the entire development process of the Tang and Song Ci , a lot of productions are created to recall the Past.从唐宋词的整个发展历程来看,在词的创作中出现了大量的感怀忆旧追溯过往的作品。

经典英文句子51:唐诗宋词,51、Enjoying life, which represents a feeling of carpe diem and pursuing happiness, is one of the common themes in Ci in Tang and Song Dynasties and current popular lyrics.享乐人生是唐宋词与当代流行歌词所共有的主题之一,它体现着及时行乐和追求快乐的情绪。

52、And the Late Tang Form secluded poets had a great priggish and lonely spirit that became a symbol of noble quality in the Song Dynasty and later periods.而且,晚唐体隐逸诗人孤高傲世的绝世风神甚至成了宋代乃至后来人们心目中品质高洁的象征。

53、The edition and comments of The Keys to Classical Chinese Prose exerted a great influence upon the formation of Eight Masters of the Tang and Song classical prose and the process of its canonization.《古文关键》的编选与评点在唐宋八大家的形成以及唐宋古文经典化进程中产生了巨大的影响。

54、The pastoral poems from Jin and Song dynasty to Tang dynasty bears profound connotation of ancient harmonious aesthetic culture, embodying intensively the beauty of harmony in its ideology.晋宋至盛唐时期的山水田园诗积淀了深厚的和谐审美文化的内涵,思想上突出表现为和谐美。

55、Fengshan displace peak west of the Tang and Song dynasties.峰西侧为唐宋封禅故址。

56、Mythical stories of the Song Dynasty show strong influence of Tang fiction, but hardly attain the Tang level.宋朝的神话故事表现出受到唐朝的强烈影响,但是很难达到唐朝的水平。

57、Then compared with the Southern Song official travel ci-poem, the Northern Song official travel poem has more representation.北宋词人生活得较为安逸,与南宋宦游词相比,更能代表宋代宦游文学的特色。

58、However, they ignored the study of primordial state and a large number of folk expressions mainly because of the change of the situation of Ci in Song and Qing Dynasties.但清人的宋词史研究淡化了对宋词原生状态的考察,缺失了宋词中数量庞大的俗词的身影。

59、The cry that the innovation was stood on one's own feet penetrates Song poetry. In Northern Song Dynasty, Song Qi is the one who pursued"innovation"earlier.追求创新自立的呼声贯穿于宋诗学的始终,宋祁是北宋文人中较早明确地把“自名一家”作为一种诗歌创作理想来加以追求的。

60、The Ci poetry about immortals is transversely compared with the poetry about immortals and emphasizes on the subject of love affairs and practicality.宋代游仙词与宋代游仙诗相比有着很大的不同,主要侧重于艳情以及现实功用。

61、Their ideas played an important role in the transition of Ci from Hua Jian style to the Northern Song in the history of Ci's ideas.在词学思想史上,南唐词学思想是由花间过渡到北宋的一个重要环节。

62、"Manci" is the main form of Songci.慢词是宋词的主要体式之

63、The Song Dynasty made new brilliance in prose, out of "the Eight Famous Artists in Tang & Song Dynasties", the Song Dynasty took six.宋代散文也达到新的辉煌,“唐宋八大家”宋代占了六位。

64、In Tang and Song Dynasty, the sport of Cuju came to mature and prosperous.唐宋时期,蹴鞠运动走向成熟和繁荣。

65、Minor word", highly frequently used in the notes and comments on poetry in the Song Dynasty, refers to short poems rather than a pejorative term attached to poems by people in the Song Dynasty."“小词”在宋人词话中出现频率颇高,其内涵是指词体篇幅短小者,并非宋人给词附加的蔑称。

66、Tang dynasty and Song dynasty are very puissant periods in china history.唐、宋两代都是中国历史上著名的盛世。



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