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关于”可以写进“的英语句子39个,句子主体:can be written into。以下是关于可以写进的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:can be written into


1、You may write for the booklist.


2、Include only the essential points when you write a precis.


3、Scripts can also be written to restore files, though restoration is often done manually.


4、I can write that in, Mr . Baker .

这些过程可以是使用嵌入式 SQL 编写的外部存储过程,也可以完全以 SQL PL 编写。

5、These procedures can be external stored procedures using embedded SQL or written entirely in SQL PL.


6、You could say, "Well, we write doodles.


7、A process can always read and write objects of the same label.


8、You can hand write or purchase a custom-made stamp that takes care of your promotion.


9、You can use our BC -100W editor to both addressing and test. It's very convenient and practical.


10、Well, you can if you want.


11、Browse through hundreds how-to articles and then add to them, or start a new one.


12、Writing articles can be a great boost for your career.


13、Sometimes I write a little code, then write a little test, and they evolve together.


14、Otherwise, this field is optional and can be enabled when case sensitive authorization check is required.

15、write something that’s as interesting as you are. 你可以自己写角色,写跟你一样有趣的东西。


16、Alternatively, we could bin all this legislation, discreetly and globally, before anybody else winds up in court.


17、You can write reviews. You can tag your stuff.


18、That is, numbers can be read and written in a variety of formats, with arbitrary (configurable) precision.


19、The desk will fit nicely in that recess.


20、"Won't you write to your father about the Russians?" she asked.

21、Typically, the default values are pre-filled for ease of use and can be changed.典型情况下,默认值已预先填写以方便使用,并且可以进行更改。

22、Constatives: are statements that either state of describe and were thus verifiable.叙事话语指要么用来陈述,要么进行描写的话语,因此是可以证实的。

23、I can write it as a product.所以可以写成乘积形式。

24、The written data is erasable. Data can be rewritten after being erased.写入的数据可以擦除,擦除之后还可以再写入。

25、You won't be judged on your proposal; it is there to help you to get started.我们不会以这份专题构想打分数,因为写出专题构想可以帮助你思考如何进行专题。

英文句子26:,26、Description: Who ever thought Haagen-Dazs would make it into this article?谁能想到哈根达斯居然可以写进这篇文章?

27、The author went up into the mountains where he could finish writing his novel undisturbed.作者住进了山区,那里他可以不受干扰地写完小说。

28、You can sit over there.您可以坐在那边填写。

29、November the eleventh ,2006(two thousand six ) the eleventh of November ,2006 这两种都可以~可以写作

30、Flash upgradeable BIOS can be upgraded through the floppy disk to ensure future compatibility with new chips, add-on cards etc.可以升级的快擦写BIOS可以通过软盘进行升级,从而可以确保将来与信的芯片、扩充卡等相兼容。

31、A testing logic easy to keep track of and to change with the decision tables that can be read and filled out by non-programmers测试逻辑可以很容易地使用决策表进行追踪与变更,这样可以被非程序员阅读和填写

32、The experimental results show the validity of our method for LSB steganography software.实验表明,对于图像的LSB隐写,可以进行有效的检测。

33、This will improve quality at the very least by eliminating hand-written data.这至少可以通过消除手写数据来改进流程质量。

34、If a lock allows recursion, a thread can enter the lock in write mode and then enter it recursively in upgradeable mode;如果锁定允许使用递归,则线程就可以先进入写入模式锁定状态,然后再以递归方式进入可升级模式;

35、So he fantasizes about it through his writing.所以他把对你的幻想写进书里。

36、Even though they can be abbreviated, the GDB macro language allows for even greater simplifications.尽管可以对它们进行缩写,但是 GDB 宏语言允许实现进一步的简化。

37、I'm not trying to use this experiment as a long-term means of producing more widgets, words, or lines of code.我并没有计划长期进行多相睡眠以便我可以写出更多的文章或是代码。

38、This article points out that "write to learn" helps to raise students' writing enthusiasm, learning self-confidence and language competence.本文指出“以写促学”可帮助学生提高写作热情,增强学习自信心,进而提高语言能力。

39、No, but if you can think of anything else, just get it.没有,但是如果你想到了,可以写进去。

40、If your forms are filled out correctly, then you can proceed to enrolling in the university.如果正确填写了表格,那么可以继续进行大学的入学手续。

41、We can ADO components to read and write Excel files visit.我们可以通过ADO组件对Excel文件进行读写访问。

42、You could see him adapting, changing, recomposing the piece in his head.你可以看到他在脑子里将曲子进行调整、改编、重新谱写。

43、We simply use the writeXML method, which can take in either an OutputStream object (if we want to write in bytes) or a Writer object (if we want to write in characters).我们只需使用 writeXML 方法即可,它既可以接受 OutputStream 对象(如果我们以二进制字节写入),也可以接受 Writer 对象(如果我们用字符写入)。

44、Bs output and release, speaking and writing function as feedback-based learning.说和写,是输出和释放,也可以说是基于反馈的进修。

45、Area IDs can be written as a whole number or dotted decimal notation.区域ID可写成整个数字或写成点十进制记数。

46、You can apply either personally or in letter.你可以亲自接洽也可以写信。

47、You can compare it to the visual arts, to painting, to drawing; it can document reality, like still photographs. It can explain and record like journalism, and it can be a polemic, like a pamphlet.你可以把电影比作可视艺术进行描写绘制,可以像照片一样呈现事实,也可以像新闻一样进行解释和报道,同时还可以像小册子一样进行争论。

48、For virtual and abstract members, you can see the overrides.对于虚拟的和抽象的成员,还可以进行查看和重写。

49、Alternatively, bit-string constants can be specified in hexadecimal notation, using a leading X (upper or lower case), e. g. , X'1FF'.另外,位串常量可以用十六进制表示法声明,方法是使用前缀的X (大写或者小写),比如, X'1FF'。

50、Chinese characters can be written vertically; English can only be written horizontally.中国字可以直的写, 英文只能横的写。

经典英文句子51:可以写进,51、Back home, Dixie put me into the iron lung and set up my computer so that I could write.回了家,Dixie把我放进铁肺,设置好我的电脑以便我可以写作。

52、You can override case-sensitive matches with -iname, and you can traverse symbolic links with -follow. Here's an example that applies both options您可以使用 -iname 覆盖区分大小写的匹配,并且您可以使用 -follow 根据符号链接进行遍历。

53、可以这么写 with a small gift My sister

54、Readability (and writability, and maintainability)可读性(以及可写性和可维护性)

55、Anybody can help us write the next great chapter in our history.人人都可以帮助我们谱写我们历史进程的下一个辉煌篇章。

56、If once he depended on others to do his activities, now he can eat by himself, use his hand to write, use the cell phone," Dinata said.过去他得依靠他人才能进行活动,现在他可以自己吃饭、自己用手写字,也可以打手机。

57、On standby mode, press MEMO icon to get into MEMO mode. It support hand-writing, Pingyin and audio input.在待机时,可以点击MEMO就可以进入此功能支持手写,拼音,以及录音等功能。

58、Organizations doing off-shore development will also find the built-in dictionary invaluable in keeping spelling mistakes out of their product.进行离岸开发的组织也可以发现,宝贵的内建词典功能可以避免他们的产品发生拼写错误。

59、So that part is zero.所以我们可以写出上式。

60、Then go over what you have written according to the above mentioned points.你也可以有感而写,然后按以上几点进行检查。

61、In addition to full-screen, the handwriting input method can also use the writing area.除了全萤幕外,其手写输入法也可使用书写区进行。

62、Such applications typically use tricks that can greatly improve performance, such as partitioning, multi-threading, and write through caching.这些应用程序通常使用可以显著改进性能的技巧,例如分区、多线程以及通过缓存进行写入。

63、Jena provides an API for writing and reading RDF, which can be stored and persisted in various ways.Jena 提供了一个编写和读取 RDF 的 API,它可以以多种方式进行保存和持久化。

64、Teachers could have students with dysgraphia taketesttests by speaking the answers into a recorder, or type their work instead of writing it.教师可以让患有书写困难的学生口述答案录进录音机里,或用打字替代书写来完成测试。

65、Through the feminine writing and the masculine writing's contrast, may discover the man does not progress fact in China current literature, .通过女性写作与男性写作的对比,可以发现在中国当代文学中,男人不长进的事实。

66、Writeable attributes are displayed in blue and you can edit them by clicking on them and entering the new value.可写的属性以蓝色显示并可以通过单击它们进行编辑并输入新值。

67、With Jython, we can have Joe write his own script with little effort.在 Jython 中,Joe 进行少量工作就可以编写他自己的脚本。

68、This can be done through informal conversations or by asking employees to fill out an anonymous questionnaire.这可以通过非正式的谈话进行,也可以通过请员工填写匿名问答卷来收集。

69、你可以亲自接洽也可以写信。You can apply either personally or in letter.

70、The dual 7-inch (or so) screens are multitouch, and designed for writing, flicking and drawing with a stylus, in addition to fingers.两块7英寸(或者类似)屏幕支持多点触摸,被设计为可以利用手写笔——或者更进一步利用手指——来进行书写、掠划和涂鸦。

71、Just crank it out on a spreadsheet or whiteboard, show the boss, and move on to the next problem.其实,只需要在电子表格或者白板上写写算算,然后交给老板,就可以进入下一个话题。

72、You can write; you can print.你们可以手写,也可以复印。


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