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关于”r开头“的英语句子23个,句子主体:Start with r。以下是关于r开头的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Start with r


1、College R&D, the main body of Knowledge Innovation System in Regional Innovation System, plays a fundamental role of headstream.


2、m For a mass m at distance r,let's call r this distance.


3、New I/R preventing strategy was provided to develop the latest cytoprotector in I/R preventing, establish new usage of coenzyme NADH.


4、I had a killer weekend. I got some great R&R.


5、And this applies only at, obviously, r equals r naught.

双R 型柱:R 型柱状图的平均值,用于统计过程控制。

6、R-DOUBLE BAR : The average of the R-Bars, used in statistical process control.


7、Interestingly, these T - R cavities employ old-fashioned spark gaps, complete with ozone smells and crackling sound tones.


8、Fog cleared up, full ahead, R/O engine, cancelled lookout and switched off radar.


9、R&D internationalization becomes a trend.

最后一个等式中,u2=r,我们考虑r = v的导数。

10、Finally, u2 is just r, and we are evaluating the derivative at the point r = v.


11、The radius r--I'll give your light back because it may be nicer for you... The radius is

15 meters.


12、Public tours of our top-secret R&D labs will be every Tuesday and Thursday from

9 to



13、The concept oi R-type function and it's construction rules are presented. The general method solving the parameters of the open-circuit impedances or short-circuit admittances is also given.


14、Generally, if it pays c dollars for every period, the present value is c/r.


15、The factory has established the R&D center for new production.


16、If anaphylaxis or other serious hypersensitivity reaction occurs, R-Gene

10 should be discontinued and appropriate medical treatment initiated.


17、Cv+R=Cp Cv is equal, oh Cv plus R is equal to Cp it's a relationship that we had up here that we wanted to prove.


18、In mega-science epoch, the traditional R&D "pie" will become D&R "layer cake".


19、There's also this backslash R. Anyone know what backslash R is?

按下 Windows 键和 R 打开运行框,输入 diskmgmt.msc 然后按 enter 键。

20、Press the Windows Key and R to bring up a run box, type diskmgmt.msc and press enter.

21、Now use the down arrow to bring cursor below the import lines, then type Control-r for Read File, and type /root/addme.现在使用向下箭头键把光标移到 import 行下,然后为 Read File 键入 Control-r,然后键入 /root/addme。

22、R&D of related processes related to film-work technology.膜结构技术有关程序的开发研究。

23、Department of Head and Neck Surgery; Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center; P. R. China;中山大学肿瘤防治中心头颈科;

24、The profoundest thought or passion sleeps as in a mine until an equal mind and heart finds and publishes it. -R. W.Emerson 最深刻的思想或感情就如同地底的矿藏,在等待着同样深沉的头脑与心灵去发现和开采。

25、I encourage developers to start out using CMP entity beans to model their domain and handle the O/R mapping to their database.我建议开发者开始使用 CMP 实体 bean 来将他们的域建模并且处理他们数据库的 O/R 映射。

英文句子26:,26、R. re ectfully informs the inhabitants of P. that he has succeeded to the grocery and oil busine formerly conducted by Mr. W.谨告知P。处的居民, 原由W。先生继承。

1、先生所经营的罐头、酒等杂货食品及食油业务, 已由R。

27、r So the circumference is 周长=2π

2 pi r.

28、The results also show that enterprise's R&D investment (technology development) and external technology purchasing are substitutability.而企业的R&D投入(技术开发)与外部技术引进(直接技术利用)之间一般呈现出替代性。

29、For example, -R is different from -r, and will do different things.例如, -R 与 -r不同,会去做不同的事情。

30、We even added some new R&R-related features to the mail template, to make using R&R even easier.我们甚至还向邮件模板中添加了一些与新 R&R 相关的特性,目的是进一步简化 R&R 的使用。

31、Charles R. Shrader;查尔斯r。寻觅;

32、But their longer and sowing date sensitive of days from flowering to maturity (R 1~R 但开花至成熟天数长,对播季敏感,与春大豆品种明显不同。

8) was contrary to that of two spring soybean cultivars.

33、The company mainly produces the products involving PP-R ball valve, angle valve, stop valve, check valve and pipe fittings.本公司主要生产PP-R球阀、角阀、截止阀、止回阀、管接头等产品。

34、Therefore, China shall increase the R D investment and optimize the allocation of R D capital in different fields so as to generate the concentration effect.为此,我国应加大研究、开发的投入强度,优化研究、开发资本在行业间的合理配置,形成聚集效应。

35、The f switch tells the command to automatically fix errors and the r switch locates bad sectors and recovers readable data.f开关告诉命令去自动修理错误,r开关则定位坏的扇区并恢复可读数据。

36、Method for production of the R, R (or S, S) configuration of glycopyrronium stereoisomers.制备R,R(或S,S)构型的格隆铵-立体异构体的方法。

37、Let R be an abelian ring ( all idempotents of R lie in the center of R), and A be an idempotent matrix over R.设R是一阿贝尔环(R的所有幂等元都在中心里),A是R上的一幂等阵。

38、And this equilibrium spacing is denoted r sub zero or r naught.这个平衡间距,用r下标0或者r圈表示。

39、dE/dr=0 We take dE by dr equals zero at r equals r naught.当r等于r圈时。

40、This article introduces the Real Options Theory into the field of R&D project investment. How the Real Options Theory is applied to evaluating R&D project is discussed.本文将实物期权理论应用到R&D项目投资领域,探讨了如何应用实物期权理论评估研究开发项目。

41、For a G —graded ring R . We show the following results: (对于G—分次环R,我们证明如下结论:(

1) If R is graded regular ring, then any graded left R —module are all graded divisible;


42、The yen also rose against the Australian AUDJPY=R and New Zealand dollars NZDJPY=R.日圆兑澳元AUDJPY=R和新西兰元NZDJPY=R亦走强.

43、This is minus one over r, so I get m MG over r with a minus sign, and that has to be evaluated between infinity and capital R.这是r的负值,所以在mMG/r上加-号,它处于,无穷远和R之间。

44、At very, very low values of r, one over r to the 10th dominates.在很小很小的r是,1/r的10次方占主导。

45、Simplified O/R persistence.简化 O/R 持久性。

46、Replication: two copies of both data and metadata (set using -m, -M, -r, -R)复制:数据和元数据都有两个拷贝(使用 -m, -M, -r, -R 设置)

47、When the control signal so that electric valve actuator to accept R-rotating shaft extension, P2, P3, the opening also change.当电动执行器接受控制信号使阀轴延R向旋转时,P2、P3间的开度也随之变化。

48、Black currants are related to European ( R. nigrum ) and Asian ( R. ussuriense ) species.黑色醋栗与欧洲(r。对地老虎)和亚洲(r。对乌苏)物种。

49、If the interior of any closed curve in R -- - is also contained in R.如果R内部存在一条闭合曲线-,当然它必须得包含在R中。

50、The effects of improving fatigue strength is dependent on the base. The stress ratio (R) also has some effects on the improvement, but it is not great.应力比R对超声冲击处理法改善焊接接头疲劳性能的效果(小试件)有一定的影响;

经典英文句子51:r开头,51、And we have written before at ReadWriteWeb about the increasing popularity of the open source statistical programming language R.之前我们读写网也介绍过开源统计编程语言R也变得越来越流行。

52、There are three leading motives for the transnational corporations to conduct R&D abroad(outside the border).跨国公司开展国(境)外R&D亦有三种主要动因。

53、Here, the dfiPRrvw list looks for -d, -f, -i, -P, -R, -r, -v, and -w.这里,dfiPRrvw 列表查找 -d、-f、-i、-P、-R、-r、-v 和 -w。

54、Use -d recurse or its synonyms -R or -r. For example, use可以使用 -d recurse 或其同义词 -R 或者 -r。

55、So the integral of one 1/r over r squared gives you one over r.所以就有了,我们在上面提到的1/r^2和。

56、The most visible addition to R&R functionality in Domino 在 Domino …

7 is that we have Sametime-enabled the R&R database, both at the view level (see figure


7 中,R&R 所增加的最直观的功能是我们拥有启用了 Sametime 的 R&R 数据库,且两者均处于视图级(参见图


57、Its effectiveness is presented by applying this method to the development process of the CD-R/RW recording device software.将该方法具体应用于CD-R/RW 光盘刻录机软件的开发过程,其有效性得到了验证。

58、In 1941, the Japanese started the big scouring, actually is to mineral resources, and develop a plan of the R.xx年,日军开始了大扫荡,实则是为了矿产资源,并且制定了R计划。

59、The profoundest thought or passion sleeps as in a mine until an equal mind and heart finds and publishes it. ( R. W. Emerson )最深刻的思想或感情就如同地底的矿藏,在等待着同样深沉的头脑与心灵去发现和开采。

60、See, at very, very high values of r, one over r dominates.看,很大很大r,1/r占主导。

61、As a development environment, R's greatest advantage might be the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), a package archive homologous to Perl's CPAN.作为一个开发环境,R 最大的优势可能是 Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN),这是类似于 Perl 的 CPAN 的一个软件包档案文件。

62、His professional career began in 1960 when he joined L. A. R&B ensemble the Upfronts.xx年,他加入了洛杉矶R&B合唱团“前沿”,开始了他的职业生涯。

63、rgb(r,g,b) - (r,g,b are decimal numbers)rgb(r,g,b) - (r,g,b 是十进制数)

64、Billy: I had a killer weekend. I got some great R&R.比利:我过了一个非常棒的周末。我做了不少R&R。

65、Under condition of dynamic the velocity distribution at the intake entrance shows non-uniformity, which degree dependence on R. "Draught" phenomena appear when R exceeds certain value.在流动环境下,蘑菇头式取水口的进水流速呈不均匀分布,其不均匀程度随R的增大而增大,当R大于某定值时,取水口内有水流穿过。

66、"Q," "W," "E," "R," "T" and "Y" are the first six letters.T和Y是最开始的六个字母。

67、Current M2000 Software Development Engineer R & D group.现任M2000软件研发组开发工程师。

68、Our result is Theorem 我们的结果是定理

1 Let R be a ring such that zero divisors commute. Then R is nonsingular if and only if R is semiprime.

1 设R 是零因子可换环,那末R 是非奇异的当且仅当R 是半素的。

69、-2:0 -R !-2:0 -R !

70、Note that, whereas earlier imap examples all used = to invoke a Vimscript function call, this example uses = instead.注意,考虑到前面的 imap 示例都使用 = 调用 Vimscript 函数调用,因此本例使用 =。


标签: 开头

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