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关于”感恩节“的英语句子25个,句子主体:Thanksgiving Day。以下是关于感恩节的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Thanksgiving Day


1、Thanksgiving Day in America is considered as a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals, such as turkeys, pumpkin pie, Indian corn and so on.

第一是救恩(11节)。 「以前律法不能使人得救; 今天科学没有成就救恩;

2、Salvation. (v.

11) The law could not do this, science does not do it, and philosophy is unable to do it.


3、The very first Thanksgiving was a celebration of community during a time of great hardship, and we have followed that example ever since.


4、In Ephesians

2:8-9, after Paul clearly says that we do not have to "do" anything and that salvation is a "gift of God, " he goes on.

拍摄工作上周末开始,在非工作时间进行,大约要拍14周。 预计该片将在感恩节前后上映。

5、Filming started last weekend and will continue in off-hours for about

14 weeks with the picture expected to open around Thanksgiving.


6、For Valentine's Day, Wayne gave Shelley chocolate and flowers.


7、I am getting hungry just thinking about it.


8、Then God will give us the grace to go without them (v.



9、It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.


10、When you were

5 years old, she dressed you for the holidays. You thanked her by plopping into the nearest pile of mud.


11、The Thanksgiving Day meal usually includes turkey or ham, vegetables, and pies made of fall-harvest fillings such as apple or pumpkin.


12、On this day after Thanksgiving, the Dow ended up 173 points to settle at

13,010, NASDAQ gained 40 points, S&P 500 up



13、"If you give a mouse a high-fat diet, they will eat excessive amounts," Bass said.


14、After a week of family, friends and turkey, the Yankees got back to business yesterday, resuming their pursuit of Johan Santana.


15、Those of you that saw the Barbara Walter's special that was done on Thanksgiving Day and shown on Black Friday saw the new couple and the real love between them was palpable.


16、Stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, sweet corn, other fall vegetables, and pumpkin pie are commonly associated with Thanksgiving dinner.


17、The Thanksgiving table is crowded with creative side dishes that include stuffing, vegetable-and-rice combos, green bean or squash casseroles, and fall favorites like pumpkin and sweet potatoes.


18、Toy recalls have been declining since a tough new product-safety law was enacted in 2008, which regulators say shows consumers should be more confident than ever this holiday season.


19、It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.


20、The plot of Atonement, Ian McEwan's lovely and devastating novel, pivots on the term.

21、Take a Walk. Pick an enjoyable destination. All you need to bring are your sneakers and conversation! Or you could join a Thanksgiving road race or road walk.选择一个令你感觉愉悦的目的地,你只需要一双舒适的运动鞋和对话,或者你可以参加一个感恩节公路赛或是竞走。

22、The Plumlee poster is one Porzingis might want to gift to Mason's brother and Knicks teammate Marshall Plumlee for the holidays.现在,关于感恩节假期要送给队友马绍尔-普拉姆利什么礼物的问题,波尔津吉斯也许已经有了灵感了——在他哥哥梅森头顶暴扣的海报。

23、We had many things to be thankful for on Thanksgiving---one of them was a little known bus driver from Orchard Park, New York, whom we consider a hero---Flo Russell.在感恩节这几天我们要感谢很多人,其中一位是来自纽约果树林公园小有名气的公共汽车司机,我们把她视为英雄的弗洛。

24、Thanksgiving Daying is coming. Yueqing Aceurate Electrical Appliance and Equipment Factory. Thanks very much to all our staff and customers. In the past years you worked hardly!感恩节即将来临,在这里,精密电力电器设备厂,衷心的感谢所有的新老顾客及为精密付出汗马功劳的全体员工,在过去的xx年,您辛苦了。

25、You can also volunteer to help assemble and deliver the baskets—just check in advance to find out what your local organization needs.此外,还可以义务帮助募集和派送感恩节菜篮子——只需要提前调查当地相关机构还需要哪些材料。

英文句子26:,26、May your life be blessed with joy, love and miracles.希望你的生活里充满了欢乐、关爱和奇迹。

27、Weddings are prepared near to fixture schedules even although birthdays and anniversary are routinely celebrated at tailgating occasions below the shadow of Lambeau Field.婚礼准备接近夹具时间表虽然生日和周年庆祝感恩节被紧紧尾随场合的阴影下领域。

28、"Next Thanksgiving you'll have dinner with me in Delmonico's, " he said cheerily; "or in London, or Paris, or anywhere you wish.“明年感恩节我要你跟我到德梦尼可去吃大餐,”他快活地说,“或者是到伦敦、巴黎,或是你想去的任何地方。

29、(International Decade of the World's Indigenous People)xx年:世界口腔卫生年 (World Year of Oral Health)

30、On the Monday morning just after the Thanksgiving Day holiday, Kleiner slipped on a dark navy suit, a blue shirt, conservative tie, and black shoes.次日早上,那天刚过完感恩节,克莱纳穿上了深蓝色西装、蓝色衬衫、保守的领带以及黑皮鞋。

31、Fall is a time for comfort food. Thanksgiving dinner, pies, grandma’s cookies, and family gatherings all lead to some serious calorie intake.秋天到处都是可口的食物——感恩节晚餐、小馅饼、奶奶做的曲奇、合家团圆,让你想不吃多都不行。

32、Berkeley Plantation in Charles County, Virginia, is the site of a feast in 1619 considered by some historians to be the first Thanksgiving.弗吉尼亚州查理镇上的伯克利大庄园在xx年举行的宴会被一些史学家认为是历史上第一个感恩节。

33、(International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction)xx年:国际扫盲年(International AntiIlliteracy Year)

34、" Despite his enthusiasm, Buck could not conceal his homesickness, and how he missed his family. "I should like to be at home on Thanksgiving Day.虽然柏克充满抱负,但是他还是无法克制思念家乡的情绪,他说:「我应该会在感恩节时回家。

35、What a wonderful time to be together. 在一起的时光多么快乐。

36、For Valentine's Day, Wayne gave Shelley chocolate and flowers.为了庆祝情人节,韦恩送了谢利巧克力和花。

37、By Thanksgiving of 2007, he was dying. His family moved him from the hospital to receive hospice care at home.到了xx年的感恩节,他已经生命垂危、奄奄一息,家人将他从医院带回家照料,陪他度过生命最后的时光。

38、For Thanksgiving, Janine invites Joey and Ross to hang out with her and her dancer friends, but they have to eat dinner at Monica's first.感恩节之夜,Janine邀请乔伊、罗斯和她的跳舞的朋友们共度,他们决定先到莫妮卡那里就餐。

39、Brussel sprouts are a staple Thanksgiving day dish and they also have beaucoup health benefits. Crandall says they are a good source of dietary fiber and folate and high in vitamin C.甘蓝小包菜是感恩节大餐的主食,它们对人的身体健康也大有益处。

40、Thanksgiving may be the holiday from hell for nutritionists, and it produces plenty of war stories for psychiatrists dealing with drunken family meltdowns.感恩节对于营养学家来说可能算是最糟糕的节日了,对成天处理酒醉引起家庭灾难的精神病医生来说那天发生的值得纪念的经历又太多了。

41、Happy Thanksgiving today and every day! 进行更多翻译

42、(Third Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination)1993-xx年:亚太地区残疾人xx年(Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons)

43、Do not miss out on our action grill station with steaks, burgers, hot dogs, fish, seafood and more!令人垂涎的传统感恩节美食,波士顿雪蛤、酱汁火鸡、蜜汁火腿烧烤、牛排、汉堡、马哈鱼,当然还有美味的南瓜饼!

44、As a sanity check, the researchers looked at the public mood on some easily-predictable days, like Election Day 2008 and Thanksgiving.作为一项完整性检查,研究人员在一些比较容易预测的时间探测公共情绪,如2008大选日和感恩节。

45、In place of sweet potatoes, peas, greens, and even more exotic vegetables all make their way to this celebration of Thanksgiving and harvest.除了甜土豆之外,豌豆、各种绿色食物甚至国外泊来的蔬菜都成功地登上了感恩节盛宴的饭桌。

46、Actually, there are two secrets (and they're not really secrets), and I used these rules to guide my eating on Thanksgiving (and beyond)实际上,有两个(其实也算不上是秘密),我在感恩节时就在饮食方面采用了这些方法(之后也还继续用着)

47、Hello, I'm Brian Tracy and welcome to this program.大家好,我是博恩崔西,欢迎来到这个节目。

48、May your life be blessed with joy, love and miracle.希望你的生活里充满了欢乐、关爱和奇迹。

49、Today the holiday traditionally revolves around sharing a hearty meal featuring such favorites as turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.在感恩节那天,全家人会一起享用一顿丰盛的晚餐,包括火鸡、填塞物、甘薯、酸梅酱和南瓜派。

50、When you were 你xx岁时,她警告你有些电视节目不要看。而你对她的感恩回报,就是等她外出后偏要看。

12 years old, she warned you not to watch certain TV shows. You thanked her by waiting until she left the house.

经典英文句子51:感恩节,51、To make sure no one feels left out, many universities and colleges arrange a special meal for students remaining on campus during Thanksgiving.为了确保没有人被冷落,很多大学和学院都在感恩节期间为留校的学生安排一顿特别的晚餐。

52、I am getting hungry just thinking about it. 一想到它我就饿了。

53、(Second Industrial Development Decade for Africa)xx年:世界土著人国际年

54、Although they did have a three-day feast in celebration of a good harvest, and the local natives did participate, this "first thanksgiving" was not a holiday, simply a gathering.虽然他们确实有一个好收成的庆祝为期三天的节日,和当地土人确实参与,这个“第一次感恩节”是不放假,只是一个聚会。

55、Patty will take one class ahead of the demo to impress the students Thanksgiving-related issues by decorating the English classroom with the students-made turkeys.珮琳在教学观摩之前,会事先用一节课让学生做火鸡模型,不仅可让学生事先加深感恩节的印象,做好的火鸡模型也可放入教室布置.。

56、This easy, beautiful purée makes a nice Thanksgiving opener, with the added benefit of extra doses of vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium and fiber.富含维生素A、维生素C、钾元素和纤维,这道简单又好看的菜是感恩节开餐菜的不错选择。


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