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关于”带有定语“的英语句子54个,句子主体:with attributive。以下是关于带有定语的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:with attributive


1、Reasonable command of spoken and written English.

支 架(70)具有锚定件,并且条带开口(59)绕锚定件定位,使得条带(50)由此连 接到锚定件。

2、The brackets (70) have anchors and the strip openings (59) are positioned around the anchors such that the strip (50) is thereafter joined to the anchors.


3、Listen to English profe ional tapes as much as po ible.


4、Some participles can be used either as attributes or as predicatives.


5、But some must be followed by an adverbial without which the meaning of the sentence will be incomplete.


6、The study on Mongolian semantic meaning has a long history.


7、Why do some things – certain words, certain people – hurt so much?


8、Sturdy, dividend-paying stocks also can help.


9、The files that contain the machine-language instructions are called binary files.


10、She has an English class this morning,so she brings her English book.


11、A block, with or without formal parameters, the execution of which is invoked by means of a procedure call.


12、The book has an excellent glossary of terms.


13、But in assessing both auditory and grammatical deficits in sli kids researchers led by oxford university psychologist dorothy bishop have found the grammatical ones far more pervasive .


14、The results show that speech recognition rate can be enhanced by implementing pre-processing to noisy speech signal, and the speech recognition effect of sub-band is better than full-band in a way.


15、There are three states of matter: solid, liquid and gas.


16、This is a guidance book written for the foreign students with certain knowledge of Chinese language.


17、Split infinitives are grammatically correct.


18、Non-verbal communicative behavior has its broad definition in general and narrow definition in foreign language teaching.


19、As new English-learners, the entrants are expected to show some first-language interference such as the mispronunciation of certain phonemes and non-English stress and intonation patterns.

将 XML 文档分割成一个带翻译标记的主文档和几个语言特定的子文档

20、Separating your XML document into one main document with translation tags and language-specific subdocuments.

21、Rather, only Seediq and Japanese are used, with Chinese subtitles.用的是赛德克族语和日语,并带有中文字幕。

22、The MRM domain supports modeling formatted text messages, perhaps with field content identified by tags or separated by specific delimiters or both.MRM 支持对带格式的文本消息建模,这些消息也许带有由标记确定或由特定分隔符分隔的字段,或者同时带有这两种格式。

23、There are prepositive and postpositive attributes in terms of position.按照位置,可以将定语分为前置定语和后置定语。

24、Idioms are the essence of language, it contains grumous ethical color and distinctive culture connotation.习语是语言的精华,它带有浓厚的民族色彩和鲜明的文化内涵。

25、Illiterate her whole life, she spoke Dutch-accented English.她一生没有读过书,说英文带有荷兰语口音。

英文句子26:,26、Relax!Be patient and enjoy yourself.Learning foreign languages is just a piece of cake.要有耐心,并且享受英语带来的乐趣! 学习外语只不过是小菜一碟。

27、As a patois , or colloquial , slang is permeated with rich local color and flavor.俚语是通俗的口头语,带有浓郁的地方色彩和民间韵味。

28、The directivity of microstrip coupler is worse than that of strip line coupler. Many methods can be used to improve this situation.常规微带耦合器的定向性比带状线耦合器的定向性差,有多种方法可以改善微带耦合器的定向性。

29、There are PageRankepositive and postpositive attributes in terms of position.按照位置,可以将定语分为前置定语和后置定语。

30、This book attempts to allay the fears people have around creating languages, with the hope that we’ll start to see some interesting and effective new uses of DSLs.通过此书我们试图减轻人们对于创造一种语言所具有的恐惧,带着这个目的,我们希望能够逐渐发现一些有趣并高效的领域特定语言的新用法。

31、The fiats are attached to a steel cylinder or to an endless belt that rotates over the top portion of the cylinder.有的盖板则固定在锡林上; 有的被固定在一个环状的带子上,带子沿锡林上方回转。

32、In short, the exchange of Chinese and Western culture can bring both new art language.总之,中西文化的交流,定会给双方带来新的艺术语言。

33、NT motors are available in English (NEMA 23 or 34) flanges, with or without brakes.新台币电机有英语(类型NEMA 23或34)法兰,带或不带刹车。

34、The novel has a wide field of vision and overwhelming momentum, and the language is characterised by a tone of black humor and "colloquialism".小说有开阔的视域和巨大的冲击力,人物性格具有现代主义性质,语言上带有鲜明黑色幽默语调和“口语”特。

35、Until the launch of 'English on Sunday,' I did not have the opportunity to watch people speaking English without any Chinese translation.直到有‘English on Sunday’这个节目,我才有机会看到不带中文翻译的说英语口语。

36、6:He had long coveted the chance to work with a famous musician.他长期渴望有机会与著名音乐家一起工作。 例5和例6,原文各有一个动词不定式短语作定语:to speak out … 和 to work with …。

37、Find native English-speaking people who will give you conversation practice.去找母语为英语的人士,他们会带给你口语练习的机会。

38、Business defines all business goals (the "why"), whether semantic or non-semantic.业务定义所有业务目标(即 “为什么”),包括语义和非语义的。

39、“Chinglish” is grammatically wrong, misspelled English written and spoken by Chinese.中式英语指的是那种语法不对、拼写错误带有中文习惯的英语,主要见之于中国许多地方的标牌。

40、Expono has not forgotten our Spanish-speaking friends and allows English-Spanish translations.Expono没有忘记说西语的朋友,它带有英西翻译功能。

41、Humidifier. With or without valve can be specified.加湿器可指定带有阀门或没有阀门。

42、The native English-speaking, experienced teachers are usually American or Canadian.教师都是以英语为母语并有一定的教学经验的外教。

43、Fluent oral English and writing skills.具有一定的英语听说读写能力。

44、最好是用你本行业的定量术语来表达,假如本行业没有定量术语,就直接说,we have supplied our products for xxxxx company for

45、Metaphor Systematicity and Its Contribution to Textual Coherence;语境对语篇连贯有一定制约作用。

46、I don't see much benefit in shoehorning your architecture description into the (typically very limited) constructs provided by predefined/standardized languages.我并没有看到这种将架构描述硬塞到预定义/标准化语言提供的(通常是非常有限的)结构中,会带来多少好处。

47、and language can definitely be a big barrier.还有语言肯定是个大障碍。

48、Before the Qing dynasty, there was so much disadvantages as inaccurate, instable and discrimination in the transliterated course of names from minorities' language.清以前,少数民族语名称的汉语音译多有不准确、不稳定、带附会歧视色彩等缺失。

49、Zip and button fastening. Curved waistband with belt loops.拉链和纽扣固定,腰带带有带环。

50、Time is always with us in our live,听英语磁带

经典英文句子51:带有定语,51、All the dotted characters are morphemes.带点的字都是语素。

52、Guide language: Like the ginkgo leaf of all sorts of color, contain autumnal colorific to wrap, much calm with maturity.像各种颜色的银杏树叶一样,带有秋天色彩的包包,多了一份淡定和成熟。

53、Reading tasks with different involvement load exert influences on the incidental acquisition of English vocabulary.不同投入量的阅读任务对英语词汇附带习得有一定的影响。

54、Does the advertisement that fix lead the language?有固定的广告导语吗?

55、If such a device is not available, you may use adhesive tape or cloth endotracheal-tube tape.如果固定器不能完全有效的固定,可以使用一根胶带或布的气管插管固定带。

56、The language, in Dai Zhao-ming's novel "Smoke in Gre at Desert", is rustic and plain with colorful colloquial language.戴昭铭的长篇小说《大漠孤烟》语言质朴平实,带有浓郁的口语色彩。

57、Due to the social or self need, the contact between modern people is utilitarian, so is the language.由于社会或人的自身需要,现代人的交往行为往往带有一定的功利性,语言的交往也是如此。

58、As the core of communicative action theory of Habermas, language has its own rationality.语言本身是带有理性特征的,哈贝马斯的交往理论强调以语言为核心。

59、But in English academic writing theme carries new information to enable effective organization of information and heighten coherence and effective communication.但在英文学术语篇中,主位还有蕴涵和携带新信息的功用,使信息有效分布,促进语篇连贯和有效交际。

60、In languages that have negative concord, such as Spanish, Polish and Hungarian, the double negative intensifies the negation.在有否定和谐的语言中,比如西班牙语、波兰语和匈牙利语,这种双重否定会加重否定。

61、There are no words that can be a comfort to you now.现在没有什么语言能给你带来安慰。

62、In Chinese many attributes order is different from the multitudinous Indo-European language the universal attribute order anangement.汉语多项定语的顺序与众多印欧语言中普遍的定语次序的排列有所不同。

63、The custom binding provider is the packaging of custom binder classes with a declarative metadata file.定制绑定提供者是一个带有声明元数据文件的定制绑定类的包。

64、Maybe some realistic reason or funs english brings you let you have such will on english.也许现实或英语带给你的乐趣使你对英语有如此毅力。

65、in the case of English, you're lucky because there is a lot of recorded English out there to listen to.比方说英语,你很幸运,因为有很多录制好的英语磁带可以听。

66、In the context of ethnic tourism, commercialization often has a pejorative connotation.在民族旅游语境中,商品化经常带有贬义色彩。

67、The prepositive attributives and postpositive attributives in the English and Chinese languages have some similarities and also have their own distinct characteristics.前置定语与后置定语在英汉两种语言中既存在共同点,又各自有自己的特色。

68、This will tend to produce either bland, have-a-nice-day standardisation of, more usually, various idiolects-private versions of the language---that work only in specific contexts.这也许会带来平淡无奇的标准化语言,但更多的则是适用于特定环境的充满个人色彩的语汇。

69、Figures, against semantic information, can hardly be triggered or prompted even set in a discourse with the clear and specific context.数字信息与语义信息相比,即使在具体的、带有鲜明语境的原语话语中,也难有完整的、提示性较强的语境意义参照场。

70、The episode is presented here for the first time with English subtitles.下面的视频是首次带有英语字幕的版本。

71、You may define a custom class with equality and inequality tests to hold all XML documents with the root element . The module evm2003.utils.equiv您可以定义一个带有相等和不等测试的自定义类,来包含带有根元素 的所有 XML 文档。

72、The letter is keyed to a tone of sarcasm.使该信带有一种讥讽的语气。

73、It does not have negative structure, cannot be directly used as complement, can only be used in known subjectivity, and has strong subjective colouring.“少”没有否定结构;不能直接作补语;只能用于表示已然的主观意向中;“少”是带有强烈主观色彩的程度副词。

74、She speaks French with an atrocious accent.她讲的法语带有很难听的口音。

75、Some African languages contain several clicks.有些非洲语言里带有咂嘴音。

英文句子模板76:with attributive,76、Common colloquialism for belt camber is "banana effect" or "banana belt".带拱常见的俗语是“香蕉效应”或“香蕉带”。

77、Why: Anything with a caveat like this is rude.任何像这样带有告诫意味的话语都是粗鲁的。

78、Jakes must have taken 杰克一定带了7头牲畜到集市去,霍奇一定带了11头而杜克一定带了21头。这样总共有39头。

7 animals to market, Hodge must have taken

11, and Durrant must have taken 21. There were thus 39 animals altogether.

79、No problem, Live-Office comes with multi language support.没问题,现场办公带有多语言支持。



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