1、This year the fall, I almost did not drink wine, nor smoked.
2、Hey, Rach, you're leaving tomorrow. Shouldn't you be packing?
3、The kite is joyful my sky, the swing is swinging rosy clouds.
4、One night that autumn, he fled his house during a raging storm.
5、Autumn has come, the most obvious features - fallen leaves, fallen leaves one after another.
更多的X - 51A的航班,预计最早在今年秋天。
6、More X-51A flights are expected as early as this fall.
7、In autumn, her love is fervent, and becoming mature...
8、After canicule , autumn will soon come, and it'll be much cooler.
9、These are usually planted dry in autumn, but are available potted up now.
10、Still, beekeepers reported losing about thirty-five percent of their hives in the fall and winter of two thousand seven.
11、The park also has many bright fall flowers;我觉得秋天是在xx月份新学期开始的时候来临。
12、From heaven and garden, truly feel the autumn sun.
13、In Texas and the southeast, there are storms from time to time in summer and fall.
14、What some places have " to stick autumn fat " is consuetudinary, one to the autumn people begins ground of big fish big meat to enter fill.
很明显,今年秋天交易季的开始势头良 好。
15、It sure a nice way to kick off the fall trading season.
16、In autumn the bear eats and eats and becomes very fat indeed.
17、We advertised for pupils last autumn, and got more than 60.
18、And when that day comes, love, you will remember me.
19、As the years passed, today is known not only in the autumn leaves that fall to stay.
20、This fall, those numbers increased to 28,
15, and 29, respectively.
21、He's been working his butt off since he started last fall.自从他去年秋天到职以来就一直很拼命地工作。
22、do you like flying kites in autumn? yes, i like to have a picnic in the autumn. 你喜欢在秋天里放风筝吗?
23、With ginkgo leaves flying in the autumn sky , Principal wrote words on a piece.秋日银杏叶满天,校长执笔树下签。
24、Michigan has a great football team this fall.密执安大学今年秋天绝对是一支非常强的球队。
25、Autumn, the buds of Phalaenopsis grown up and smell issued.秋天,蝴蝶兰的嫩芽长大了,也发出了更浓的香味。
英文句子26:,26、The summer day, on the mountain the cool like fall, the Tianchi ocean waves ripple;夏日,山上凉爽如秋,天池碧波荡漾;
27、I still blossom in the four seasons, especially in the autumn I unscrupulous being in full bloom, had the fall chrysanthemum lofty character fine reputation finally.我依然在四季里开花,尤其在秋天我肆无忌惮的怒放,终于有了秋菊傲骨的美誉。
28、In fact, time is a picture, let me calm down in the autumn, sitting alone in the relaxed and one, long-term perspective, nothing Hongyan, Ningmou deep, The sky was clear.其实,时光就是一幅画,让我在这个秋天里安静下来,独坐于秋水一处,望远山,不见鸿雁,凝眸深处,天高云淡。
29、Autumn, autumn wind howling defeat of the reed, blowing yellow willow, swept away like the water of dragonflies and frogs were.秋天,瑟瑟的秋风吹败了芦苇,吹黄了柳叶,吹走了喜欢池水的蜻蜓们和青蛙。
30、Retell what happened on the island one early morning in autumn.复述一个秋天的清晨在那个岛上发生了什么。
31、See autumn cloud, I yearn for the vast clear sky vast.看秋云,我向往这浩渺明净的蓝天的广博。
32、He felt munch happier upon seeing the autumn water, and vast sky.看着这一片秋水长天, 他觉得舒畅多了。
33、Autumn has come, go to Fengle Eco Parks into nature, harvest.秋天去丰乐生态公园,走进大自然,收获快乐;
34、Autumn wind blows cold weather, the plants exposed to shake off the frost.秋风萧瑟天气凉,草木摇落露为霜。
35、Autumn is the most beautiful, yellow leaves, chill wind, continuous rain.秋天是最斑斓地,落叶黄、冷藏风,连缀不时地雨。
36、Despite the fall and winter days is far from, various brands of clothing fair in autumn and winter it is Lok clothing market.尽管秋冬天还远,各品牌的秋冬服装订货会却正在泺口服装市场进行。
37、The weather has not yet autumn, there are a lot of Fan Xinshi.天气还没有入秋,烦心事便有了一大堆。
38、Look through autum water, I wish to chat with you in Starbuck again.望穿秋水,还想和你在星巴克聊天。
39、It made me think of the autumn pictures in Hanna`s cell.这使我想起了汉娜监舍里那些秋天的图画。
40、Autumn in Norway is the same wonderful, in despite of not so famous as the winter skiing.尽管不如冬季滑雪那样名满天下,挪威的秋天同样景色迷人。
41、If i'm gone, I'll find somebody to take care of you!如果秋天过去了,我会在冬雪纷扬中等你;
42、Grasshopper: Achoo! It is cold this morning. It is much colder than yesterday. Where are all the leaves? Is it already autumn?蚱蜢:哈啾,今天早晨真冷。今天比昨天冷多了。树叶都到哪里去了?已经是秋天了吗?
43、After canicule, autumn will soon come, and it'll be much cooler.过了三伏,秋天就快到了,就凉快很多了。
44、The autumn air has crisped up the leaves ready to fall.秋天的空气使树叶干枯,很快就要落下来啦。
45、On their first day of class in the fall of 2007, we have 41 students in our class this year.xx年秋天,开课第一天,今年一共收录41名学生。
46、Please remind him to meet at the school gate on the outing day.请提醒他秋游那天在校门口集中。
47、The people who birthday during the autumn always act to the one who in he or she heart, then they will be madness, exciting, do something unusual behavior and have lots of storys…秋天出生的人总是依循他们心中的目标说话行事,于是他们会疯狂、会激愤、会与众不同、会拥有秋天的故事。
48、In the fall, she's going to Harvard to study chemical engineering.今年秋天她将上哈佛大学学化学工程。
49、Walking in Cham River, the city handed him fresh for the fall.漫步在湛河,秋天为这个城市递上清爽。
50、Autumn, the autumn in northland, if it could be remained forever, I would give up the two-thirds part of my lifetime to exchange the other one-third life to live in the permanent northland's autumn.秋天,这北国的秋天,若留得住的话,我愿把寿命的三分之二折去,换得一个三分之一的零头。
经典英文句子51:秋天,51、Last autumn we took a trip to Qianshan by bus.去年秋天我们乘公共汽车去千山游玩了一次。
52、It indicates that autumn is on her road when the leaves fall down on the ground。树叶凋零预示着秋天正在赶来
53、In autumn the haws are ripe. Hundreds of berries hang on the branches.秋天山楂成熟了,几百个山楂挂在树枝上。
54、When the plants defoliate in the fall, they get back to normal.当植株剪叶在秋天,他们回到了正常。
55、Last autumn, I went back home for a visit and encountered one interesting thing.去年秋天回家探亲,正逢一件趣事。
56、Wake up to drink ,people feel the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pond夜半酒醒人不觉,满池荷叶动秋风
57、We're gonna get together go to the wonderful light show on the mid-autumn day.在中秋那天夜晚,我们将一起去看灯会。
58、The advent of the golden autumn, I do not see many gains.金色的秋天来临,我却没有看到太多的收获。
59、When crops turn yellow in autumn, the peasants start to harvest them.当庄稼在秋天变黄时,农民就开始收获了。
60、The astronomers will be among thousands of people enjoying the park-above-the-streets this autumn.天文学家将是成千上万的人享受公园以上的街道今年秋天。
61、Autumn Moon -- soaking water immersion days, a row of empty Ming mutual echo.秋月——月光浸水水浸天,一派空明互回荡。
62、It was an autumn night with a sky overcast by purplish -black clouds, but free from rain.这是一个秋天的夜晚,天空布满暗紫色的云彩,但是没有下雨。
63、In the autumn of 1621, bountiful crops of corn and barley were harvested.xx年秋天,玉米、大麦等作物获得大丰收。
64、The apple turn red, the pear trun yellow, the autumn looks like a magician .苹果红了,梨黄了,秋天像一个魔术师。
65、The autumn breeze is the purest breeze without any decoration or ornament.秋天的风不带一点修饰,是最纯净的风。
66、The fair crescent, white and bright, in calm fall at treetop suspend.一轮新月,皎洁地,挂在秋天没有风的树梢。
67、Still, B birds( beekeepers ) reported lossing about 35% of their hums(hives) in the fall and winter of 2007.仍然,养蜂人报告,xx年的秋天和冬天损失了约35%的蜂巢。
68、Last year I took on the wall cloud, an old man told me to fall to make clouds, clouds in autumn is called" clouds" he smiled and replied:" what is the solution of clouds"?去年我上城墙拍云,一个老者告诉我到秋天来拍云彩,秋天的云叫做“巧云”他又笑着解答道:何为“巧云”?
69、In autumn, Wusuli River is like an azure sea, lucid and transparent.秋天,乌苏里江像蔚蓝色的海,清澈透明。
70、This color was introduced by Superintendent Patridge in the Fall of 1815.这个颜色是于xx年的秋天被校长Patridge采用的。
71、She secures food in summer and stores up provisions during harvest time.但在夏天却知准备食粮,在秋收时积贮养料。
72、Campuss of autumn of blossoming flowers, the scent of airtime, charming.秋天的校园鲜花朵朵,争奇斗艳,芬芳迷人。
73、In the autumn, the bear eats and eats and becomes very fat indeed.秋天里, 熊吃了又吃,长得确实肥极了。
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