关于”询问病情“的英语句子51个,句子主体:Ask about illness。以下是关于询问病情的八级英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Ask about illness
1、Did you have pains here before?
2、Have you got any chronic diseases in the past?
3、The participants were interviewed about their medical history, diet and medication use and were closely monitored for signs of disease progression through regular endoscopies and tissue biopsies.
4、How long has this been going on?
5、Prosecutors want to question him about the misuse of public funds.
6、He went to the information desk to inquire about the meeting.
7、Once we started questioning her, things didn’t add up.
8、They asked people what was going on, and it turned out that the big problem was that the doctors did their rounds in the evening, but patients were admitted at all time.
9、How long have you been ill?
10、He enquired about his parents and their other children.
11、What seems to be the matter?
12、He listened intently to every detail of their travails and always ended the visits by asking if they still had any unanswered questions.
13、What seems to be the trouble?
14、"How is your mood? " psychiatrists tend to ask patients affected by depression.
15、Mr. Hope is asking the nurse some questions about his disease.
16、Aileen looked at him with clear, questioning, uncertain eyes.
为询问生病的常用语,with后面可以接人,也可以接某个部位,如:what’s wrong with your leg?
17、②is there anything wrong with you?
18、The CIA is drawing fire as its director is questioned over press leaks.
19、This is private project, don't ask any details about development, also don't ask about future releases, I won't answer. Sorry.
20、We visited him at his workplace among the young trees and asked him about his work.
21、The employee gets to ask the CEO about anything work related.该名职员可以向CEO询问任何与工作相关的事情。
22、Cloud crazy inquired in Haitian marry, also talked about at the beginning in the things we met.云狂询问海天成亲的事情,还说起当初在吕家相遇的事情。
23、Assist Room Attendants with all enquires regarding guest requests, problems and room availability.帮助客房服务员解答有关宾客需求,问题及房间情况的询问。
24、Your health care provider will ask you questions about your medical history and will examine you and listen to you breathe.医生会询问你的病史,并将对你的呼吸情况进行检查和听诊。
25、He entered the medical tent, boarded the field diagnosis car, asked the health care workers about the situation of treatment and disease prevention and control.他走进医疗帐篷,登上野战诊断车,向医护人员询问群众救治和疫病防控情况。
英文句子26:,26、What other inherited conditions are found in Pembrokes?请询问繁殖者潘布鲁克是否有常见的遗传疾病?。
27、Since when have you been feeling like this?您感觉象这样是从什么时候开始的?
28、Research found that children's emotional healing books in the library can be categorized into four types: shelf-glancing, librarian-inquiring, OPAC searching, and asking help from others.本研究发现,儿童在公共图书馆寻找情绪疗愈图书之方式,可归纳为浏览书架、询问馆员、使用馆藏系统查询及询问其他人等四种方式。
29、"Please refer to the relevant authorities for details, " said the spokesman, Hong Lei.该发言人洪雷说:“请向有关部门询问具体情况。
30、She often asks Lao Cao about Mr.Chih 她常常向老曹询问纪先生的情况。
31、What seems to be the matter?似乎是什么问题?
32、What seems to be the trouble?似乎是什么麻烦?
33、How long have you had this trouble?你有这麻烦多久了?
34、Open the door on the diagnosis YangGuang ask for what you have.当场开门见外询问杨广找自己有什么事情。
35、How long have you been ill?您这样不舒服有多久了?
36、Have you ever had this experience before? 您以前曾经有这经验吗?
37、How long have you been like this? 您像这样有多久了?
38、Since when have you been feeling like this? 您感觉象这样是从什么时候开始的?
39、The main causes included:careless inquiry, examination and undone accessory check-ups(42.4%);询问病史不详细,检查不仔细,未做主要辅助检查者占42 .4%;
40、Before they started, Koppel asked about the disease's progression.正式采访开始前,科佩尔询问了疾病的进展情况。
41、After much questioning, he elicit the truth from the boy.在多次询问后,他从这男孩处诱出了真情。
42、Denisov asked him nothing either of the regiment or of the general progress of the war.杰尼索夫既不询问兵团的情形,也不询问战事的进程。
43、How long has it been this way?这样多久 了?
44、Detailed inquire case's history could decrease mistaken diagnosis.详细询问病史可减少误诊率;
45、How long have you been like this?您像这样有多久了?
46、Have you got any feeling of nausea? 您有恶心的感觉吗?
47、Have you taken anything for it? 您为它采取了各种方式了吗?
48、What sort of pain do you get there? 您什么地方痛?
49、How long have you had it?你有这个毛病有多久了?
50、Main contents are: to communicate and Shige Shijie Men, ask the employment situation;主内容有: 和师哥师姐们进行交流,询问业情况;
经典英文句子51:询问病情,51、Wen(listening and smelling) Wen means to listen to the voices and breath as well as to smell the odors of the patient.传统中医常用,望(观察),闻(听生息),问(询问),切(摸脉相)这四种方式来诊断病情。
52、What sort of pain do you get there?您什么地方痛?
53、Besides, chest and abdomen, ears and eyes, women's diseases, pediatric diseases may be asked.除此之外,还可以询问胸腹、眼耳、妇科和儿科疾病。
54、Methods A questionnaire survey was carried out on basic situation of counseling spot and the need of consultants, residents and respondents to counseling service.方法采用问卷调查方法,分别对咨询点的基本情况以及咨询员、社区居民、受询居民对咨询服务的需求等进行调查。
55、They were also asked about their children, and the children were interviewed separately for the presence of psychiatric disorders.他们也询问家长子女的情况,但是为了调查精神疾病症状是否存在,所以子女是分开访谈的。
56、He then inquired how they had fared in their trip.然后他便向他们询问有关这次航行的情况。
57、Travellers are being quested have been questioned at the airports in an effort to tackle down vi detect unwitting virus carriescarriers.所有旅客均需在机场接受问询以检查是否存在不知情的病毒携带者。
58、Requests for information flooded in after the advertisement.广告登出之后,询问详情的信件大量涌到。
59、The reporter asked Coco Lee to marry the mood how?记者上前询问李玟即将结婚心情如何?
60、Do you feel short of breath sometimes? 您有时感觉呼吸急促吗?
61、Ask about severance pay, accrued vacation, overtime and sick pay, pension benefits, and eligibility for unemployment insurance.询问清楚遣散费,累计假期,加班,病假津贴,退休福利以及失业保障等情况。
62、②Is there anything wrong with you? 为询问生病的常用语,with后面可以接人,也可以接某个部位,如:What’s wrong with your leg?
63、When PAM receives the response from the challenge question, it can authorize the user, deny access to the user, or issue another challenge question, in which case the above process is repeated.当 PAM 收到对询问问题的响应时,它可以给用户授权、拒绝用户进行访问或者发出另一个询问问题;在最后一种情况下,会重复以上过程。
64、On the way back pilar questions maria and jordan about their romance.归途中,皮拉尔向玛丽亚和乔丹询问他俩的恋情。
65、How long has this been going on?继续这样多久了?
66、Mr.Gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain paatient吉尔伯特先生说他想询问一个病人的情况
67、How long have you had this trouble? 你有这麻烦多久了?
68、Asking patients questions about their emotional problems might be relevant for diagnosis and prevention of cardiovascular disease, Dimsdale says.询问患者的情绪问题,可能对病情的诊断和心血管疾病的预防非常重要。
69、How long have you had it? 你有这个毛病有多久了?
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