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5 basic sentence patterns。

英文句子模板1:5 basic sentence patterns

两种新蚤氨基酸t RNA基因碱基的变异率低于0 .5%。

1、The difference of two tRNA genes is lower than 0 5%.


2、A new 2BQMF-5 type of suction and fertilizer no-till planter was designed.


3、Based on the difference in the 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR) of BVDV genome, it can be divided into two genotypes, genotype

1 (BVDV1) and genotype

2 (BVDV2).


4、The basic format consists of five decimal numerical digits.

5 个十进制 数字。

5、The assignments on line

4 and

5 form a second basic block.

4 和行

5 上的赋值组成了第二个基本块。



5 defines a basic UDP-based client communication framework.

5 定义基于 UDP 的基本客户机通信框架。


7、The pedigrees assessment results showed that 43 erect, semi-erect panicle and

10 curve panicle accessions genetically related with Liaojing



8、In this comparison with the decentralized sites, the Verbund concept yields savings of approximately € 500 million in infrastructure, energy and logistics costs annually.


9、To study the genic characteristics of 5' non - coding region (

5 'NCR) of HGV in Jiangxi, China.


10、The section of longitudinal beam comprises 300X80X8 (standard and luxury model) and 300X80X(8+5) (reinforced and super-strong model) based on the different features of various configurations.

The giant Vanguard中级免税基金(VWITX)在xx年基本没跌,而许多长期基金下跌了

11、The giant Vanguard Intermediate Tax-Exempt fund (VWITX) was unchanged in 2008, while many long-term funds were down 5% to 10%.

5 %至

10 %。


12、The contradictory results may be attributed to the nonselective action(s) of

5 HT at multiple subtypes of

5 HT receptor in spinal cord.

5 HT受体亚型有关。


13、An efficient one pot method for the synthesis of

3 arylamino

4 cyano

5 aminopyrazole mediated with anion exchange resin(D261) is described.


14、Nevertheless, the Bankrate 30 year conforming mortgage index has risen in cost 50 basis points to

4.70%– the equivalent to a 5% “negative effect on affordability.”


图24-5 微软的这个进度表基本上是正确的。

15、Figure 24-5: Microsoft got this one mostly right .

Clormium 5是一种能够进入供水系统的无臭无味且基本无害的工业副产品。


5 is an odorless, tasteless, and generally harmless industrial by-product that can enter the water supply.


17、The method for isolating genomic DNA from

5 Cymbidium species was studied.



5 provides a basic example of how getopt works in AIX.

5 提供一个在 AIX 中使用 getopt 的基本示例。



5 (feed.html) is a basic Web page to present the feed.

5 (feed.html) 是一个用来显示此提要的基本 Web 页面。


20、Study on the 5' flanking region of

4 species FSHR gene showed that their genetic composition controlling gene transcription is significant different from that of human and murine.

21、The polymorphism of exon3 and 5'regulatory region was on Hardy-Weinberg balance.外显子3和5’调控区的基因型呈现哈代-温伯格平衡。

22、It is reported that there are 61 species, 50 varieties, and 据报导,目前我国贝母属植物有61种,50个变种,5变型。

5 metatypics from Fritillaria.

23、Move away from large text documents to visual representations, and use scenario-based requirements definitions (see Figure 从大型文本文件转移至可视代表,并使用基于场景的需求定义(参见图



24、In this experiment, we used the animal model of 5%DNCB-induced acute eczema in cavy.本实验用5%DNCB(二硝基氯苯)丙酮溶液外涂,制成豚鼠急性湿疹模型。

25、There were 40 species of pests and 明确南宁市郊蔬菜基地叶菜上发生的害虫40种,有害动物5种;

5 species of detrimental animals on vegetable inNanning suburb.

英文句子26:,26、There are 562 genera accounting for 91.23% in total genera, which are the oligotypic and monotypic ones with less than 本区系植物成分较为复杂,5种以下的少型属和单型属有562个,占属总数的91.23%。

5 species.

27、The volcanic facies in study area include 松辽盆地东南隆起区营城组火山岩岩相类型涵盖5种岩相中的12种亚相。

12 subfacies in

5 volcanic facies.

28、The samples were inoculated into 5% sheep blood, chocolate, and MacConkey agar.这些样本均接种在5%绵羊血、巧克力和麦康基琼脂里。

29、K562 cells hardly grew in culture medium containing 5% FBS, and trended to die;在5%血清含量培养基中,K562细胞基本不生长,且有逐渐死亡的趋势;

30、Figure 图

5 shows a basic tree with column sorting.

5 展示了一个具有列排序功能的基本树。

31、The utility model discloses an adjustable electrically-operated gate, wherein, an electric motor (本实用新型公开了一种可调式电动门,电动机(

9) rotates to drive a worm (

5) to rotate;


5)转 动。

32、Second: : within a month (May 第

5, 2010 ---2010 years), the basic rate of click and recovery rate of more than: basic click rate of 2000, the recovery rate of 80 finalists related awards.


33、The results show that the optimum volume of branched SBS modifier added into the asphalt is 试验结果表明对于这两种基质沥青星型改性剂的最佳掺量为

4.5% and that of linear SBS modifier is


4 .5 % ,线型改性剂的最佳掺量为

5 .0 %。

34、A basic model Audi A6 costs 355, 000 renminbi, or $56, 000, while the BMW 一辆基本型的奥迪A6价值355000元,或56000美元;而一辆宝马

5 series Li costs about 428, 000 renminbi, or $67, 520.

5 series Li则价值428000元,或67520美元。

35、The main vegetation types are divided into 主要植被类型计有5个植被型,5个植被亚型和39个群系。

5 vegetation types,

5 subvegetation types and 39 formations.

36、Profit Sharing Retirement Fund : up to $4, 400 (expected to be 5% of sum of base salary and performance bonus)分红与退休基金:最高

4 400美元(应该是基本年薪与业绩奖金总和的5%)

37、Reduce heat to medium, cover, and cook until eggs are almost set, about 调至中火,盖盖,煎至鸡蛋基本凝固,约需5分钟。

5 minutes.

38、While translated to Amino acids sequences, Yellow showed little genetic variation. 将核酸序列转换成氨基酸序列后,黄牛表现的遗传差异更小,18个个体分享5种氨基酸序列单倍型,共有6个氨基酸突变位点,8个突变氨基酸。

18 individuals belong to only

5 haploids, and only

6 sites of AA mutation causing

8 AA mutations exist.

39、On May 5th , an opening ceremony of a situation comedy "all people come here are visitors" directed by Zhao Benshan was held in Benshan's media base in Shenyang.xx月xx日,由赵本山担任监制的大型室内情景喜剧《来的都是客》在沈阳的本山传媒基地举行开机仪式。

40、The basic data of ant were collected in investigation including 43 species, 通过调查获得开封地区蚂蚁的基本资料:包括5亚科,18属,43种。

18 genera,

5 subfamilies .

41、May 2005 | Geneva - Around the world, 600 million people live with some form of disability, often in poor conditions and without access to basic needs.xx年xx月xx日 | 日内瓦 - 全世界有6亿人患有各种类型的残疾,通常生活在贫困之中,并且不能获得基本需要。

42、Much is known about the "fifth base, " 5-methylcytosine, which arises when a chemical tag or methyl group is tacked onto a cytosine.此前,科学家们已对第5种碱基有所了解——当一个化学标签或甲基被固定到一个胞嘧啶上时,第5种碱基就会出现。

43、We mainly study stable molecular geometries and atomic charge distributing of 5-methoxy indole 5-methyl indole and 5-chlorin indole.着重研究5-甲氧基吲哚、5-甲基吲哚和5-氯吲哚的稳定几何构型和分子中各原子上的电荷分布。

44、In this dissertation, there are 本文分别对于两种连接类型——自攻螺钉连接和电阻点焊连接,拟合出强度、刚度的计算公式共计5个。

5 formulas for self-tapping screw connection and resistance spot weld connection.

45、The changing Holocene monsoon was explored based on 本文在青藏高原14个点的全新世孢粉资料基础上,以5个点为典型,对青藏高原全新世的古季风变化作了探讨。

5 typical pollen records with data from

14 sites on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.

46、In five 50gallon samples gathered in February he said his team had found 他说,他的小组在xx月份(指xx年xx月份——译者)收集的5份50加仑的样本中发现了上百万种不同的基因类型,这与人类个体具有的约26000种基因相比实在是太多了。

1 million distinct genes quite a haul compared with the 26000 or so of a human being.

47、There was very significant difference of genotype and allele frequence of 5HTT-VNTR and 5-HTTLPR between non-OCPD patients and controls(P<0.01).不伴有强迫型人格者5-HTTLPR、5HTT-VNTR基因型和等位基因分布与对照者之间存在非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。

48、In order to determine the adaptability and quality expression of waxy corn in East Hebei Province, the growth trends and the change of grain protein content in 为确定不同基因性糯玉米品种在冀东地区生长的适应性和品质表现,实验研究了5个不同基因型糯玉米品种的生长动态并对其蛋白质含量进行了测定。

5 waxy corn cultivars were studied.

49、Dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeats, with similar frequency and accounting for 83% together in all SSRs, were dominant, while the frequency for other repeat type is below 5%.其中,二核苷酸和三核苷酸重复类型占主导地位,二者出现的频率基本相近,占总SSR的近83%; 其它重复类型重复所占比例均不足5%。

50、The base compositions of ITS1 sequences of 罗非鱼5个种的ITS1序列的碱基组成差别不大。

5 tilapias species had little difference.

经典英文句子51:5种基本句型,51、Table 表

1 describes the detailed APIs for the data types in Version


1 逐条描述了用于版本

5 中的数据类型的 API。

52、Compound 2-substituted amino-3-cyano-5-nitropyridine has relatively high radiotherapy and chemotherapy sensitivity enhancing effect.本发明公开了一种放疗增敏剂2-取代氨基-3-氰基-5-硝基吡啶及其制备方法。

53、The Palaerctic species occupies 70%, the widespread species occupies 20%, and the Oriental and endemic species occupies 5% respectively.本区蝗虫种类分布极不均匀。 古北种占70%,广布种占20%,东洋种和特有种各占5%。

54、Figure 图

5: Domain model diagram and related text.


55、The intermediate 本文采用经济合理的合成方法,制得了新型活性染料活性基化合物2,4-二氟-6-甲基-嘧啶。

2,4-difluoro-5-chloro-6-methyl-pyrimidine of new kind of reactive dye has been prepared with an economical and reasonable synthetic method.

56、The levels of plasma 5—hydroxytryptamine(5—HT)were determined in 82 patients with different Coronary heart diseases (CHDs).本文对82例各种类型冠心病患者血浆5-羟色胺(5—HT)含量进行了测定。

57、Although Figure 虽然 图

5 shows an MVC-like model as an example, you can apply the basic principles of the Rich Web Application Backplane to any model and page design methodology.

5 展示了类似 MVC 的模型示例,但是您可以将 Rich Web Application Backplane 的基本原理应用于任何模型和页面设计方法中。

58、The results showed that grass species could break dormancy in 结果表明:禾本科牧草种子在2个月内基本解除休眠,但不耐贮藏,贮藏xx年具有发芽能力的种子只有羽茅;

2 month and did not stand storage. Only Achmathenm beauv had germination ability after stored for

5 years.

59、New Nokia 诺基亚BL - 5倍的电池,标准容量锂离子电池:诺基亚8801手机型号诺基亚原厂600毫安容量锂离子电池(BL - 5倍)。

5 times the battery, Standard capacity Lithium-Ion battery: Nokia 8801 phone model Nokia 600 mAh capacity Li-ion battery (BL

5 times).


标签: 英文

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