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关于”描写美食“的英语句子46个,句子主体:Describe the food。以下是关于描写美食的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe the food


1、Introduction: Refrigerated 'combined' vertical case for Frozen Food and Ice-cream.


2、He writes, "The world is not running out of food.


3、Sesame chicken is the king of food.


4、The food could be called up-scale Lebanese, delicious mezze dishes of the day that come delivered in beautful silver trays.


5、This fair consists of two parts, namely, food carnival and food exhibition.


6、Description Dietary Supplement Alpha Lipoic Acid is a powerful sulfur containing ingredient.


7、"TELL me what you eat", wrote Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, a French gastronome , in 1825, "and I will tell you who you are.


8、Reason #4 - Technology and Gastronomy

四 从科技和美食业看


9、Menus feature refreshing local flavors and ingredients, creating authentic regional dishes and old classics for all to savor. Contemporary cocktails and beverages are created to match your mood.


10、Fill your plate with nutrient-dense foods.


11、The transmuting locus of modern female authors' description of humanity refracted the change of times, expressed authors' aesthetic interest and also reflected some artistic discipline.


12、Xi'an cuisine, you have tasted it?


13、"I had a very happy youth," she wrote, describing expeditions to bullfights and fun times with her cousins.


14、Another version depicts them as cannibal bandits who ate the skin and sold the fat.


15、Canna grown especially for its edible rootstock from which arrowroot starch is obtained.


16、Raffaele is also a gourmet and loves good food.


17、The mouth was more emphasized by women with anorexia or bulimia.


18、A restaurant in Paris is offering flavours that you can inhale, instead of tasting them physically.


19、The first chapter deals with Chinese food culture and the famine image of China in The Woman Warrior and China Men, and the second chapter the description of Chinese superstitious conditions.


20、Learn how to tell when lamb is cooked thoroughly gourmet lamb chop recipe with expert cooking tips in this free 5-star cuisine video clip.

21、The environmental style of the restaurant is rich and ancient that has depicted a unique characteristic of the folk custom in the South China area.美食的浓香与古色古香的餐厅环境风格,写意出张生记独具特色的江南民俗风情。

22、She earned an M.F.A . in writing f rom Columbia University and began a freelance food writing career in 1993.年,她在哥伦比亚大学取得了“文学写作”艺术硕士学位,从此开始成为一名自由职业者,主要从事美食方面的写作工作。

23、And I wrote a book called "Sunfood Living".我还写了一本书叫《阳光食品生活》。

24、Close-up of 4-D scan of the near full term foetus drinking the amniotic fluid.从4-D扫描图的 特写 镜头可以看到,这个差不多足月的胎儿在吸食羊水。

25、"There will always be die-hard foodies who will fly to Copenhagen to taste them," Murphy said.莫非说:“总是会有一些铁杆美食爱好者千里迢迢地飞往哥本哈根去品尝美食。”

英文句子26:,26、Beijing is a city of gastronomic contradictions.北京是一个美食矛盾体。

27、The author of ‘A Fondness for Food’ even wrote about “the bland , standard UK diet”.《狂爱美食》一书作者甚至还写道“英国菜的标准就是淡而无味”。

28、Rabelais also praised the power and intellect of people and call on us to respect life, through which humanism is emphasized.借助对战争的描写,拉伯雷表达了赞美人的力量、发挥人的智慧、尊重人的生命、强调人的品德的人文主义战争思想。

29、t be bothered unless you’ve got food.无美食朝贡者速速退下。

30、In the airmail, Jack described the beauty of Africa.信中,杰克描述了非洲的美丽。

31、French cuisine is famous around the world.法国美食举世闻名。

32、Under the Tuscan Sun, a Hollywood film based on a novel of the same title, gives us a vivid description of the Apennines, of the food and scenery in the area and the happy life under the bright sun.描写的是亚平宁半岛大山灿烂阳光下的美食和美景。好莱坞根据该书拍的同名电影更让人感受了那里生活的美好。

33、In addition, diet intake and life styles were reflected from food frequency survey and 3-day food record.采用填写膳食频率调查表法和三天膳食记录法调查食物摄入和相关生活方式。

34、Her beauty surpasses all description.她的美丽超出了人力所能描绘的限度。

35、The main motivation for getting this magazine is an article on Eataly, a slow food emporium newly opened in Turin.买这本杂志的原因是《Eataly》的特写,是在意大利的都灵新开的一座美食购物中心。

36、Words cannot describe the her beauty.语言难以描述出她的美。

37、Written to "germinate" social change, Germinal unflinchingly documents the starvation of French miners.《萌芽》描写了社会变化的萌芽,真实记录了法国矿工们的绝食斗争。

38、While I've been digging Ke$ha's Cannibal album the last few weeks, not sure if she's got what it takes to write for Britney.当时我一直挖掘《哈的食人族专辑美元过去的几周内,不知道她有如何才能写瑞斯)。

39、Across time and space, food has always been used to delineate social distinctions, whether in Roman dining rooms or modern gourmet supermarkets.星移斗转、时空变换,无论是在罗马时期的餐厅,抑或当代的美食超市,食物历来都被用于描绘社会阶级的区分。

40、Hence, the Revised Standard Version now simply translates this same passage as "his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food".因此,此后的修订标准版轻描淡写的将这段译为“祂的门徒进入城市买食物”。

41、Not far ahead is the Chinese Food Street.前面就是中华美食街。

42、Romans loved their gourmet luxuries so much, says Wood, that they brought most of their favourites from home.伍德说,古罗马人对美食的喜欢程度促使他们几乎把家中最爱的美食都带来了。

43、Likness is working on a cookbook and is in talks to create her own line of food products or join another chef's brand family.莉齐现在正在撰写一本自己的食谱,而且据说她还打算创立自己的美食品牌,或者加盟另一个美食品牌。

44、Jules Clancy is the author of the cookbook ‘ And the love is free‘ and writes stonesoup – a blog about helping people become better home cooks by using a minimalist approach to cooking.朱克·兰西是食谱《爱情是自由的》的作者,他还写了stonesoup——这是一个帮助人们使用最简单的方法在家中烹饪更好美食的博客。

45、Omnivorous nocturnal mammal native to north and central america.原产于北美和中美夜间活动的杂食性哺乳动物。

46、Tips for serving risotto; learn how to plate and garnish risotto in this free gourmet cooking and fine dining video.在职烩饭技巧,学习如何板和装饰烩饭在这个自由美食烹饪和美食视频。

47、Other top earning films include the thriller The Bourne Ultimatum, the ancient war drama 300, and an animated film about a rat with gourmet tastes, Ratatouille .其他高票房收入的影片还有惊悚片《谍影重重


48、Introduction: Vertical refrigerated cabinet for Dairy, Delicatessen, Meat, Fruits and Vegetables.产品描述:适用于陈列奶制品,熟食品,肉类及果蔬。

49、And NPD says it all in its report about as perfect as it could be said: "The problem with diets is most people feel deprived, or they're disappointed with the results.NPD在它的报告中将其描述得尽可能的完美:“节食的问题是这样的,大部分人感到被剥夺了饮食的权利,或对其节食的结果感到失望。

50、It says "No Drinking and Eating after The Yellow Line."标语上写着“黄线后禁止饮食”。

经典英文句子51:描写美食,51、Built-up letter: Graphic term for a letter which is first drawn and filled in after.绘描字体:美术设计名词。指先勾描字体轮廓,然后填色。

52、In fact, she also wrote a book about that called The Great American Detox Diet, which also promotes the benefits of a whole-foods vegan diet.事实上,她也为此写了一本书,叫做《神奇的美式脱瘾饮食》,书中也大力提倡全植物性饮食的好处。

53、Writing about a visit to the Children’s Home Ella Sykes says that the girls were cooking all the food, baking bread and tending to all the housework.Ella Sykes 在描述她一次造访孩子家园时写道,女孩们做了所有的食物,烤面包和处理所有的家庭工作。

54、Most dinosaurs were vegetarian rather than terrifying carnivores depicted in films, according to a new study.最新研究显示,大多数恐龙都是草食性的,而非电影中描述的凶猛肉食动物。

55、I wrote a book called "Sunfood Traveler".我写过一本书叫《阳光食品旅行家》。

56、BFIC ( www. bestfoodinchina. net ) creates high quality and credible content, through the hearts and minds of a multicultural lancer team.“中国美食网”通过其拥有的一个多元文化背景的写作团队的精心努力,构造了高质量和可信赖的内容。

57、Improvised stalls offer the hundred delicious specialities of Morroccan cuisine.临时搭建的食品摊为上百名食客提供着摩洛哥的美食佳肴。

58、She earned an M. F. A. in writing from Columbia University and began a freelance food writing career in 1993.年,她在哥伦比亚大学取得了“文学写作”艺术硕士学位,从此开始成为一名自由职业者,主要从事美食方面的写作工作。

59、The objects of his description are materials confined by time and space, and yet they become objects of beauty and spiritual feasts in his works.他的描写对象是时空所限定的物质,但转化为文字后却是亘古不变的美感,是精神的飨宴。

60、As Steptoe described it: "I laid her down, all pink and furious, and saw at once that she was externally perfect and beautiful."正如斯特普托描写的:“我把她放下来,一身粉红,喧闹,然后我马上发现,她完好无损而且美丽。”

61、Introduction: Refrigerated island for Frozen food, Ice-cream and Pre-packed Fresh food.产品描述 :适用于陈列冷冻食品,冰激凌及预包装新鲜食品。

62、The price tag is $1,150.价签上写的是1150美元。


标签: 美食

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