矿物质用英语怎么说 英语

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矿物质翻译为英语通常说作: mineral,在日常中也可以翻译为" [矿物] mineral matter",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到39个与矿物质相关的译文和例句。


1. mineral

矿物质翻译为 mineral 。

示例:植物从土壤中吸取矿物质和其他养分。 Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil.


2. [矿物] mineral matter

矿物质翻译为 [矿物] mineral matter 。

示例:这种产品不能充分补充维生素和矿物质。 The product provided inadequate vitamin and mineral supplementation.


3. minerals -

矿物质翻译为 minerals - 。

示例:水里的矿物质使得这水挺难喝的。 The minerals in the water made it unpleasant to drink.


4. minerals -

矿物质翻译为 minerals - 。

示例:Marie, is that my minerals? 玛丽 是我的矿石到了吗



1. macrominerals( 巨量矿物质;

2. mineral material(矿物质)

3. mineral substance(矿物质)

4. mineralsubstance(矿物质)


5. demineralization(除去矿物质

英语短语&俚语, BMD bone mineral density ( 骨矿物质密度 )

Abnormal level of blood mineral ( 血液矿物质水平异常 )

mineral feeds mineral supplement ( 矿物质饲料 )

Natural Minerals Foundation mineral foundation VIE Mineral Foundation ( 矿物质粉底 )

bone mineral content BMC content of bony mineral substance ( 骨矿物质含量 )

mineral matter minerals ( 矿物质物 )

M ineral ( 零负担矿物质 )

trace minerals uitratracemineral Trace Mineral Concentrate micromineral ( 微量矿物质 )

Mineral Streaks and Spots ( 矿物质条纹和斑点 )


1. To convert to a mineral substance; petrify.

译文:这些矿物质使水有毒。 。

2. Now, he's mentioning the mineral needs of phytoplankton.

译文:这是,他提到可以满足矿物质需求的浮游植物。 。

3. Study on Mineral Elements in Comestible Fungus


4. Some oxidise minerals.

译文:有些细菌能氧化矿物质。 。

5. Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil.

译文:植物从土壤中吸取矿物质和其他养分。 。

6. And these are mineral deposits that are also made by bacteria.

译文:这些都是由细菌产生的 矿物质沉淀形成的 。

7. And they said scaling, which is the build-up of minerals inside of pipes.

译文:他们回答:水垢,也就是矿物质在水管里沉积。 。

8. No.3 Vitamin/Mineral Deficiency

译文:第 。


9. What's illegal about a bunch of vitamins and minerals, huh?


10. The product provided inadequate vitamin and mineral supplementation.

译文:这种产品不能充分补充维生素和矿物质。 。

11. "Protein, hemosiderin, minerals... everything's in it"


12. While mineral deficiencies can limit the growth of plants, an overabundance of certain minerals can be toxic and can also limit growth.

译文:虽然缺乏矿物质会限制植物的生长,但某些过量的矿物质会使植物中毒,同样会限制植物的生长。 。

13. And all sorts of other oxalates are also sequestering carbon dioxide through the minerals that are being formed and taken out of the rock matrix.

译文:所有其它草酸 也通过形成的矿物质 和从岩石基体中得到的矿物质隔离二氧化碳。。

14. The minerals in the water made it unpleasant to drink.

译文:水里的矿物质使得这水挺难喝的。 。

15. And you can have what we call organic molecules, and these are the bricks of life, and you can have fossils, and you can minerals, biominerals, which is due to the reaction between bacteria and rocks, and of course you can have gases in the atmosphere.

译文:我们有所谓的"有机分子", 这些是生命大厦的建筑材料, 我们有化石, 还有矿物质、生物矿物质, 生物矿物质是由细菌和 岩石发生反应所产生的, 当然,我们还有大气中的气体。 。



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