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关于”很丧的短句“的英语句子50个,句子主体:Very sad short sentence。以下是关于很丧的短句的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Very sad short sentence


1、The iPhone, although locked and frustratingly placed into a walled garden, is the epitome of simplicity.


2、Turkoglu trudged through the tunnel dejected, a towel hanging from his head.


3、This "compression of morbidity", where chronic illness and disability are squeezed into ever-shorter periods at the end of life, is a recent trend among ageing populations.

说,或者就算是在短小的围脖留言中表达的情绪,具有很强的感染力。 或让读者感到超级快乐,或让读者感到超级沮丧,这都取决于他们看到的留言内容。

4、Or, Bollen suggests, it could be that the emotions expressed even in short tweets have an infectious quality, lifting peoples' spirits or filling them with gloom, depending on what they read.


5、Cristiano Ronaldo's cousin, one of his closest friends since childhood, has died of a car accident, local media reported. It's the 3rd tragedy to hit the Portugal football star in

4 weeks.


6、Everything was running smoothly, but I lost power with about

20 laps to go.


7、Few things are more frustrating than to be presented with a puzzle that seems like it can't be solved.


8、But a brief period of openness was quickly quashed.


9、"Concussion" refers to an immediate and transient loss of consciousness accompanied by a brief period of amnesia after a blow to the head.

但你看起来很高兴很平静。 每次你从xx年、xx年或者xx年来的时候,你都看起来很沮丧或者很害怕。

10、But you seem happy andcalm, and usually when you come from 1998, or ‘99 or 2000, you’re upset, orfreaked out, and you won’t tell me why.


11、I'm feeling rather frustrated in my present job; I need a change. (vt.


12、The patient remains conscious almost to the end, with only brief intervals of unconsciousness occurring between long lucid periods before lapsing into a coma followed by death.


13、Doctors diagnosed her with a rare form of sudden memory loss known as transient global amnesia, or TGA.


14、Dispiriting experiences like this will quickly damage the reputation of UK higher education abroad.


15、“I'm really sorry for your loss,” he said. “Have you made any funeral arrangements?”


16、It's frustrating to go into the local supermarket and not be able to buy a plastic-free cucumber.


17、The reign of "House Of Cards" may be short-lived.


18、In the first episode of Season One, when he has to pull the trigger on a legless zombie, he says "I'm sorry".


19、Enjoy yourself. -Remember my friend to enjoy your planning as well as your accomplishment, for life is too short for negative energy.


20、The basic fighting strategy of Form and will boxing dictates an aggressive "take no prisoners" attitude, with the goal of incapacitating an opponent as quickly as possible.

21、But children who lost a mother fared even worse—they were shorter, poorer and did not live as long as fatherless orphans.但是失去母亲的孩子就过得更糟了——他们更矮,更穷,还比丧父的孤儿活得更短。

22、I am neither happy nor sad and yet just very content and grateful in allowing these words to emerge from me with fluidity.我既不开心,也不沮丧,只是饱含满意和感激地任由这些字句从我笔下顺畅地流淌。

23、So clinicians should watch for long-term effects, such as emotional instability, cognitive impairment, persistent short-term memory loss, and loss of the sense of smell.所以,临床医生应该长时期的观察效果才能得出可靠的结论,就像情感稳定、认知障碍、持续的短期记忆丧失和嗅觉丧失一样需要长期观察才能得出结论。

24、He said: ''I was quite upset because I couldn't buy anything for my hamster any more.他说:“'我很沮丧,因为我不能再为仓鼠买些什么了。

25、Alcohol consumption has doubled since the 1950s and the trend we are now seeing is likely to be linked to Britain's continually rising drinking levels, " she said."自xx年代以来,酒类斲丧增进了一倍,而我们今朝所看到的这一趋势,很年夜概与英国酒类斲丧水平的一直上升有关。

英文句子26:,26、I'm not saying it makes you do stupid tackles, but you do get frustrated.我不会说不进球会让你做出愚蠢的铲球,但你却是会很沮丧。

27、The mandate is there because people are myopic.强制的必要是因为人们很短视。

28、It's only a short walk from here.从这里到那里只是很短的一段路。

29、He looked baffled and hungry, and Archer reflected that he would probably finish his meal on Ellen Olenska.他脸色沮丧,样子很饿。 阿切尔心想,他很可能要靠谈论埃伦·奥兰斯卡来充饥了。

30、Arrived at university I have some incongruities is always depressed, particularly miss high school friends.刚到大学时我有些不适应,总是很沮丧,特别想念高中的朋友。

31、When the tourist suddenly lost his temper, Wang became upset for being yelled at.当游客突然大发脾气,大喊大叫时,王琳感到很沮丧。

32、Many people experience some degree of the back-to-work blues no matter how long or short their time away.无论他们离开的时间是长是短,许多人或多或少都体验过假日重返工作的沮丧心情。

33、Simple concussions cause short losses of consciousness. Coma from lack of oxygen may last several weeks and is often fatal.单纯的脑震荡可引起短时间的知觉丧失,而缺氧可以造成长达数周的昏迷,并常致命。

34、"Transient ischemic attacks ("mini strokes"), with short-term loss of function, result from Blockage of Blood flow to small areas.有些暂时性缺血中风(小中风)会使患者出现短暂的功能丧失,这是因血液流动的局部不顺畅引起的。

35、Our 21st-century selves are so wired for instant gratification that it’s easy to get frustrated when something challenges us.生活在21世纪的我们很容易满足,同时也很容易一遇到挑战就感到沮丧。

36、We use the phrase "let off steam" because frustration affects our behavior the way heat affects liquid in a container.人们用“消气”这个短语因为沮丧对我们行为的影响,如同热量对一个容器中液体的影响是一样的。

37、Now, however, he felt helpless—and he couldn't even express his frustration through painting.然而,当时的他感觉很无助——甚至无法通过绘画来表达他的沮丧。

38、In humans, domoic acid produces permanent, short-term memory loss, and can even be fatal.对人类而言,这种酸会造成长期或短期的记忆丧失,甚至有可能致命。

39、More and more frustration boiled over at how herky-jerky the allocation process had become.这种没有逻辑的分配资金的过程让很多人感到沮丧。

40、And I got depressed reading the book because it's about the years he spent in the prison camp.读完他在战俘营里那几年的经历后,我觉得很沮丧。

41、After losing many men through hunger during their first year in Plymouth, Mass.他们第xx年在麻省普利茅斯遇到大饥荒﹐很多人丧了命。

42、It eats my heart out to see all those abandoned animals at Battersea dogs' home.我在巴特西狗棚里看到那些被遗充的动物时,感到很沮丧。

43、This helps in many situations, especially when the person feels insecure or upset. You can simply anchor a positive emotional response and fire the anchor whenever you see the person getting upset.这在很多情景中都非常有用,尤其是当一个人缺乏安全感或者很沮丧的时候,这时你只要简单的瞄定一个正面情绪反应,然后当你看到有人沮丧的时候就抛锚。

44、Drugs and brief cognitive therapies can help greatly, but they do not engage our complex emotional histories, the rejections, separations and bereavements revived by current adversity.药品和简短认知疗法可以帮助很大,但他们并没有我们复杂的情感历史,拒绝申请,离职和目前的逆境中恢复丧亲之痛。

45、His own experience had emperor on the suspicion in many things, he also said in favor of Queen Wang Huaie presided over the funeral.东方朔早已在许多事情中体会出武帝对自已的猜疑,他表示也赞成王怀锷主持王太后丧事。 国丧结束,武帝感叹生命短促,人生如梦。

46、Sunscreen starts to lose effectiveness at about the two-hour mark, or even sooner if you're sweating heavily, so you'll need to reapply if you're doing a long run or race.防晒霜一般会在2小时候丧失作用,如果你大量出汗它甚至会很短时间就失效,所以如果是在长时间运动,那么有必要在2小时后再抹一遍。

47、But he was surprised and dismayed to hear that people saw him as intolerant.但是当他听说人们认为他很偏狭的时候,他还是感到吃惊和沮丧。

48、The protagonist's six-day brief physical leisure trip corresponds with the psychic journey of the discovery of the myth and elegy of Englishness.主人公物理上短暂的六天乡村之旅,对应的是发现英国性神话和哀悼英国性丧失的心灵之旅。

49、Straightaway, you can get a sense whether the new venture will bring you joy or distress.这样可以很直接的得出这个机会会给你带来快乐还是沮丧。

50、A Microblog is a blog with very short entries.微博客指的是条目很短的博客。

经典英文句子51:很丧的短句,51、But the merchants all have the same story - they have lost tens of thousands of pounds in a few months, wiping out years of hard work.然而所有这些从业者都有着一样的故事, 他们在短短几个月损失了上万英镑, 多年的积累丧失殆尽。

52、"A lot of people are frustrated and angry about this and understandably so - it's been very inconvenient for a lot of people, " he said.“很多人对此感到沮丧和愤怒是可以理解的 - 它被很多人非常不方便,”他说。


标签: 英文 短句

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