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关于”背古诗“的英语句子38个,句子主体:reciting ancient poems。以下是关于背古诗的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:reciting ancient poems

然后,我站起来背那首诗。 我发现自己不加思索地脱口而出。

1、Then standing up to recite the poem, I found myself doing it off the top of my head!


2、The research on sand dikes is favorable for exploration of hydrocarbon reservoirs and for deducing ancient deposition setting and ancient earthquake grade.


3、Negative education: Since ancient times, died in the knife behind the shortage of examples…


4、This reptile, with its iconic sail-shaped back, is often mistakenly identified as a dinosaur, and is even included in packages of toy dinosaurs.


5、The adaptability of antique buildings with the base and the value orientation of antique buildings in the background of the new era are also expounded.


6、One day they crossed the old Chinese stone bridge behind the palace.


7、Different sedimentary minerals are formed in different paleoclimatic environment.


8、Poetry d. truth from ning dont know Ye Lang background, more the key of the escape ning said.


9、Ancient Greek sophists educational activity has a profound historical background.


10、Explain the social and cultural background of Guxian.


11、Main traps are composed of stratigraphic and structural typed traps developed in palaeo structural high.


12、Ancient color bad abandon back, then beauty and regret.


13、The inferential Junggar old land often situated below sea level in the period of cracking and spreading of the old land.


14、While on the back, the medal is inlaid with jade with the Beijing Games emblem engraved in the metal centerpiece.


15、Follow Gudian provides some background into the Kingdom of Jiangchuan, boarded buried two thousand years of history Li Shan Gudian tomb group.


16、Funing local drama is born against old, profound, historical and cultural background.


17、Come, thou new ruin of old Clifford's house, As did Aeneas old Anchises bear, So bear I thee upon my manly shoulders.


18、Essentially, it is poetesses that depend on or deviate from the male-centered culture.


19、This ancient town developed with the production and trade of tea. Based on it, we explain the key factor of tea into the formation of the architectures.

策恩皮鞋灵感来源: 斯图, 一个古欧王朝的背影,一幕辉煌灿烂的文明。

20、Inspiration:Sturm, the shadow of the old Europe dynasty, the resplendent civilization, is a miracle.

21、The setting of the story is an imaginary city in Ancient China.那故事的背景是虚构的中国古代城市。

22、His yurt stood behind the temple.蒙古包就在那座庙背后。

23、There's a way in which the context of the war, too, shadows the poem and remains present in it.在战争的背景下,也投影于诗中同时也保持了它的现实性。

24、A lot of research work shows that the critical ore control factors of gold deposits in Zhaoyuan to Laizhou (ZhaoLai) area can be summarized as one background and two ore control"."招—莱地区金矿的主要控矿条件可以用“一个背景双重控矿”来概括。“一个背景”指新太古界胶东群变质岩系构成的区域成矿地质背景。

25、The first two chapters describe the background of Cahar Mongol's history.正文前两章着重介绍察哈尔蒙古历史的背景;

英文句子26:,26、The singer sparkled against a backdrop of Peking Opera performers, martial artists and dancers.歌手在以京剧表演者、古装演员和舞者为背景的舞台上闪耀。

27、He can run off many classics from memory.他能把许多古典作品倒背如流。

28、You know… just me and her and some classical music in the background.——就是……只有我和她,放一些古典音乐当背景。

29、The Tea Culture of Temple, Guozhuang and Beifu in ancient Sichuan-Tibet Tea Road is the history witness.古道上的背夫、锅庄及寺庙茶文化就是这一历史见证。

30、You have to imagine yourself in an ancient context.你必须把自己摆到古代背景中去设想。

31、Translatability and untranslatability is one pair of the paradoxes with long history.在众多的悖论中,可译与不可译是一对古老的二律背反命题。

32、He had memorized Qur'an by heart and memorized 775,000 adaths, both the correct and the false.导师用心背熟了古兰,及775000段正确及错误的注疏。

33、The old church and village set on cliffs above the inn River, with snow-covered mountains in the background.河畔悬崖上的古老教堂和村庄,背后是白雪覆盖的山脉。

34、Old postcard shows how woman wear the hairpins behind their head.此背后照之早期明信片可以明显的看出古代妇女如何使用发簪。

35、Bagan, Myanmar, Burma Temples, 1984The derelict splendor of thousand-year-old Bagan is backdrop for local farmers.这座被遗弃的千年古城蒲甘的辉煌成了映衬当地农民的背景。

36、The derelict splendor of thousand-year-old Bagan is backdrop for local farmers.这座被遗弃的千年古城蒲甘的辉煌成了映衬当地农民的背景。

37、Ancient faulting caused the palaeomorphologic pattern of platforms alternating with troughs, and were also the palaeotectonic background of Longhuo ancient platform evolution.古断裂活动造成了槽台相间的古地貌格局,也是碳酸盐台地演化的古构造背景。

38、She learned the poem many years ago, but she recited it word for word.她是许多年前学的这首诗,但仍能一字不漏地背出来。

39、Although this relationship has gone through each era, the joint is still different because of the influence from the different historical background and humanities environment.诗与画的关系贯穿于每个时代,而在每个时代,不同的历史背景和人文环境的影响下,诗与画的结合点各不相同。

40、The use of the moony imagery functions to heighten the setting, to place emotions and philosophy on the moon.诗中的明月意象起到了渲染背景、寄托情感和寄寓哲理的作用。

41、The fourth chapter searches the common and the difference between Chinese and Western intellectual factors in poetics on the background of their traditional source.第四部分在中西诗学知性因素传统渊源的阔大背景中探寻中西诗学知性因素的融汇和差异;

42、This genre of music is the legacy of our nomadic ancestors and it brings luck and happiness to all Mongolian people.古老的马背民族为后代留下了取之不尽、用之不竭的音乐源泉,这是作为一个蒙古人的幸运和幸福。

43、The Xugu Mn deposit in Heishui, Sichuan lies in the northern limb of the Rigaxi-Waboliangzi anticlinorium.四川黑水徐古锰矿位于日嘎希—瓦钵梁子复背斜西段北翼。

44、In regard to background that obscue poem take place, obscue the beginning of wet tide at its originate die a martyred the choice of have noting to return the difficult direction.就朦胧诗发生的背景来说,朦胧诗潮在它的发轫之初就义无返顾地选择了一种艰难的指向。

45、Mr. O'Day says Mr. Gould's financial background helped him work with customers.欧黛说,古尔德的金融背景有助于他与客人打交道。

46、There's a dark force behind the Poppers ' baffling antics and they've got to find it.有一个黑暗势力背后不败'莫名其妙古怪,他们先要找到它。

47、The agreement of poems and paintings does not only mean the summary of the art regulation, it also has its deep cultural background and historic background.中西方的“诗画一律”说都有其深刻的文化背景和历史背景,并不仅仅是对艺术规律的总结而言。

48、Paleozoic traps occur in small amounts in which anticline, fault, lithologic and stratigraphic unconformity reservoirs are dominant.古生界圈闭发育程度较差,中、新生界以发育挤压背斜、断背斜、断层、岩性圈闭为主。

49、So give me a stage where this bull can rage, and though I can fight I much rather recite.给我一个舞台,让公牛发怒显威,虽然我仍可战斗,但我宁愿背诗。

50、Pure classic craft, ivory archaize cupboard door, shallow wooden-grain top line, lamp line and decoration column and sky orange background, colour is harmonious.纯古典工艺,乳白色仿古柜门,浅木纹顶线、灯线及装饰柱与天空橙背景,色彩和谐。

经典英文句子51:背古诗,51、In chapter two, the background of the Notes of Classical Chinese is demonstrated.第二章论述了《古文观止》成书的背景。

52、However, Gollum betrays the hobbits, and leads them into the cave of Shelob.然而,古鲁姆却背叛了霍比特人,将他们引到了尸罗的巢穴。

53、It is like Mr. Nonentity toting his Gujarati dictionary eVery abundancewITe.这正如唯一无足轻重的小人物背着他的古吉拉特语字典到处走。

54、The abundant information from archeological excavation, together with natural environmental change and culture spreading, might contribute to a new way to explain and demonstrate ancient cultures.利用考古发掘的丰富信息,联系古自然环境变化和人文影响、物质传播的大背景,可能有助于开豁诠释、论证古代文明和古文化的新思路。

55、Against this background, the contemplation, the modern, classical imperative to struggle.在此背景的观照下,今、古文之争势在必然。

56、The palaeotectonic and palaeogeographic settings are believed to be the important ore-controlling conditions.古构造-古地理背景是蒸发岩沉积的重要控矿条件之

57、Having existed for a very long time, economic value of experience is becoming more and more striking nowadays, of which there are deep economic and cultural backgrounds.体验,虽古已有之,但体验的经济价值却在当今时代才得以突显,其背后当然有着深刻的经济和文化背景。

58、A study on the background and the resolution of the Gutian Meeting would highlight the spirit of the Gutian Meeting.通过对古田会议召开的历史背景和古田会议决议案的研究,提炼了古田会议精神。

59、This thesis investigates Graham's search for self in her different periods in a diachronic way and in a perspective of Merleau-Ponty's poetics of sensibility.本文以梅洛·庞蒂的感性诗学理论为背景,从历时的角度探寻诗人在各个阶段对自我的追求。

60、Salzburg, Austria, may have risen to prominence as the setting of The Sound of Music, but its quaint snowy cityscape is likewise charming.奥地利的萨尔茨堡或许因《音乐之声》的背景设定而出名,但其古色古香的城市雪景也同样迷人。

61、Yingjisu subsidence of the Meso - Cenozoic was a piggyback foreland basin that developed on the base of fold - thrust belts of the Paleozoic.英吉苏中新生代凹陷是在古生代斜冲推覆构造背景之上发育起来的背驮式前陆盆地。

62、The costume movie movement had the social and cultural context;古装片运动有其深刻的社会文化背景;


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