阅读杂志用英语怎么说 阅读杂志英语翻译

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阅读杂志用英语怎么说 阅读杂志英语翻译

阅读杂志翻译为英语通常说作: Come to enjoy,在日常中也可以翻译为" read a magazine",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到29个与阅读杂志相关的短语释义和例句。


1. Come to enjoy

阅读杂志翻译为 Come to enjoy 。

示例:阅读杂志是我的爱好。 Reading magazines is my hobby.


2. read a magazine

阅读杂志翻译为 read a magazine 。

示例:塞吉奥和朱迪正在一家咖啡店阅读杂志。 Sergio and Judy are reading magazines in the coffee shop.


3. reading a magazine

阅读杂志翻译为 reading a magazine 。

示例:鼓励学生阅读杂志及新闻。 Students are encouraged to read magazines and news.



1. zubu( 阻卜;

2. the listener(杂志)


3. reading skills( 阅读;

4. horological journal(钟表杂志,计时杂志)


5. trade magazines(专业杂志;

英语短语&俚语, It is good reading magazines Good reading was magazines ( 好方法是阅读杂志 )

Why not read the magazine Why not read a magazine ( 为什么不阅读杂志 )

read the magazine article ( 阅读杂志的一篇文章 )

FHM Singapore ( 男人阅读杂志 )

Abot News Reader ( 爱博报刊杂志阅读器 )

Reading Newspapers and Magazines ( 阅读报刊杂志 )

Read the journal articles and ( 阅读杂志文章和 )

reading a magazine read a magazine ( 阅读一本杂志 )


1. Besides this, i often read English new apers or magazines in order to enrich my knowledge on English culture.


2. i read Scientific American often and am very disappointed to see such a slanted article here.


3. His first job is to look at some tattily printed magazines.

译文:他的工作首先是阅读一些被编纂在一起的杂志。 。

4. The software is focused on the representation of magazines in their native format, complete with all of the design frou-frou publishers love.

译文:它的内置软件只体现杂志设计者的喜好,以还原杂志的本真阅读为首任。 。

5. She was smart, loved to read, the magazines were just for fun.

译文:她很聪明 热爱阅读 杂志只是看着玩的。

6. My article is here. i urge you toread the entire magazine — subscribe.

译文:我很乐意看到你通篇阅读这本杂志——订阅它是再好不过了。 。

7. i've actually been reading the article that he's writing for that magazine, and it's really good.

译文:我其实一直 阅读文章 他的写作 该杂志, 这真的很好。。

8. i read Martin Gardner's columns in Scientific American.

译文:我开始阅读《科学美国人》杂志中 Martin Gardner的专栏。 。

9. For more on the effects of keto, as it's known, read the full Times Magazine article.


10. Sergio and Judy are reading magazines in the coffee shop.

译文:塞吉奥和朱迪正在一家咖啡店阅读杂志。 。

11. He started reading Fortune magazine.


12. She's sitting on the commode, reading a magazine.

译文:她坐在马桶上, 阅读一本杂志。。

13. Magazines, magazines. Here-- magazines.


14. Reading magazines like The Stockman Grass Farmer and Graze, he got hooked on the idea of grass-fed agriculture.

译文:阅读像《牧场农夫》和《食草》这样的杂志,他迷上了食草农业的概念。 。

15. Besides this, i often read English new apers and magazines to enrich my knowledge on English culture.



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