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关于”婚礼美好“的英语句子33个,句子主体:beautiful wedding。以下是关于婚礼美好的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:beautiful wedding


1、Several maidens were invited to attend her wedding.

两人的结婚摄影费共计4000美元(27304元人民币),包括 订婚和婚礼两部分。

2、They`re spending $4, 000 (27, 304 yuan) on wedding shots, both in a pre-wedding "engagement session" and at the wedding.


3、Thee ceremonies are often lavish, multiple-day affairs, with many costing thousands -- sometimes millions -- of dollars.


4、In modern day era, halter mermaid marriage ceremony dresses are surely styles that maintain sway more than approximately the fashion bridal wear hippodrome.


5、A wedding gown can be comfortable and relaxed but also classic and elegant for a better day.

在台南荣胜宴会餐厅, ��xx年的婚礼经验传承,精致的佳肴、专业的服务团队及贴心的婚礼企划,让每对新人留下一生一次的美好回忆。

6、At Tainan Jung-Sheng banquet hall, with

20 years of experience. Our professional wedding planning team provides heartfelt, fully organized wedding ceremony with gourmet foods. That…


7、I'm sure it will last longer than a certain someones 72 day

10 million dollar wedding.

8、《我最好朋友的婚礼》Choose me.Marry me.Let me make you happy.选我吧,娶我吧,让我给你幸福。


9、Choose me, rry me. Let me ke you happy.


10、Only a select few have gave been invited to the wedding.


11、B: Good, you must be going to the ceremony.


12、At weddings, relatives and friends come to offer their congratulations.


13、If there are fewer potential mates around, men may delay marriage or forgo it entirely, losing out on these nuptial niceties.


14、In addition, in "premarital pregnancy actress, who in wedding ably covered in all exhibit" at "beauty"?


15、So here in Linzi wedding Xiaobian and everyone told about a few points, in the site layout wedding need to pay attention to what matters, let our wedding is more perfect.


16、One of the funniest weddings I ever attended was that of Liza Minnelli to David Gest.


17、Marriage is originally a manifestation of love. But now, such a beautiful happiness is dominated by "betrothal gift", it is so sad.


18、After all, capturing the day on camera is what makes wedding photography such an integral part of the multi-billion dollar wedding business.


19、Royal wedding shop, creats every perfect wedding for every couple!


20、Extras include a "white balloon" gown rental (US$165), balloon corsage (US$11), a balloon wedding cake (US$88), and a pink McDonalds backdrop (US$321).

21、Yuan for my best friend's wedding.我花费了1000 元在我最好朋友的婚礼上。

22、We have fixed the time and date for the wedding.我们已经订好了婚礼的日期和时间了。

23、His father-in-law ended up not spending the entire $1,000 budget and gave $500 of it to the newlyweds.他岳父准备的1,000美元婚礼预算最后没花完,还拿出500美元给了他们这对新婚夫妇。

24、The wedding preparations are almost complete.婚礼的准备工作快好了。

25、A marriage can be a wonderful and joyous occasion full of happiness, laughter and unicorn farts for two very lucky people.婚礼对两个非常幸运的人而言,是一个充满着快乐、欢笑和好运的美好幸福场合。

英文句子26:,26、The two yearses villa wedding walked into the sight field of New appointee by degrees and held nuptial atmosphere daintiness over there, the private was strong.近两年别墅婚礼逐渐走进了新人的视野,在那里举办婚礼环境优美,私密性强。

27、Two Argentine men wedded in Argentina's southern Tierra del Fuego province Monday in Latin America's first gay marriage.当地时间xx日,两名阿根廷男子在阿根廷南部的火地岛省举行了婚礼。 这是拉丁美洲首例同性恋婚礼。

28、Chicago came in second with wedding costs of $53,069, The price tags ranged from a high in Manhattan, which topped the poll of 排在第二位的是芝加哥,平均婚礼花费为53069美元。 曼哈顿地区结婚费用在受调查的20个城市中最高,而底特律的婚礼花费仅为27017美元。

20 cities to Detroit, where couples spend $27,017 on their nuptials.

29、Big Bang Theory‘s Bernadette is going to the chapel and she’s gonna get married —but will she make the most of her big day by finding the perfect wedding gown?《生活大爆炸》里的Bernadette要走进婚礼礼堂了,她要结婚了——她会找到一件完美婚纱来陪她走完人生中最重要的这一天吗?

30、If such contractual arrangements are really just as good as marriage, then what is a wedding good for, other than cake?如果这些契约性的协议真的像婚姻一样美好,那么除了蛋糕,婚礼对什么是有用的呢?

31、They have named a date for their wedding.他们已经订好的婚礼的日期。

32、Her beautiful looking heightened with her wedding garment.穿上结婚礼服她显得更加姣美了。

33、Wedding eve and friends he was nervous Karen Mok, wearing a white wedding day, beautiful and noble.婚礼前夕和好友倾诉自己很紧张的莫文蔚,当天身披纯白婚纱,美丽而高贵。

34、A Japanese firm on Tuesday began accepting reservations for couples who really want to make the big leap -- by blasting into space to exchange their wedding vows.期待在太空举行婚礼的新人可以美梦成真了。 日本一家公司于本周二起开始接受“太空婚礼”预定。

35、Inviting relatives and friends to the wedding symbolizes the formality and the relationships between people.邀请亲朋好友来参加婚礼体现着人与人之间的关系和礼节。

36、Vases are also great to give as a gift for the marrying couple.花瓶也是送给新婚夫妇好的礼物。

37、The wedding cake really looks delicious.婚礼蛋糕看起来真好吃。

38、Select Xing Meng, choose the perfect. Wuhan wedding, do the Xingmeng!选择星梦,选择完美,武汉婚礼,尽在星梦!

39、Thanks. I wanted to look good for my brother's wedding.谢了。我哥哥的婚礼,我要弄得好看才好。

40、No, mermaid style wedding dresses 2011, you ambition learn a all-natural earth where the wedding ceremony dress namely a gown and isn't proper.不,美人鱼式婚纱礼服xx年,你的野心学习全天然如同地球上的婚礼仪式上穿着的礼服即是不妥当的。

41、This was his marriage proposal, and - like his elaborate dinner parties and everything else he did - it was a grand gesture.这就是他的结婚誓言,就像那个隆重的婚礼,和他所作的别的事情一样—一切都那么美好。

42、We will never have the perfect wedding or the perfect marriage or the perfect family because we are imperfect, sinful people.我们永远不会拥有完美的婚礼,完美的婚姻,完美的家庭,因为我们是不完美的,是罪人。

43、The next 591 married network Xiaobian wedding way to save money for your perfect strategy.接下来591结婚网的小编为您提供婚礼省钱之道的完美攻略。

44、意外的惊喜an unexpected surprise 完美的婚礼a perfect wedding 完美的世界a perfect world

45、I saw my sister together to hold a collective wedding ceremony, a beautiful wedding, Ruyi groom, lead them to the direction of happiness;我看到我的好姐妹在一起举办集体婚礼,美丽的婚纱,如意的新郎,带引她们走向幸福的方向;

46、Her wedding cake had three tiers .婚礼蛋糕看起来很好吃。

47、Hamas sponsored a mass wedding ceremony for 382 Palestinian couples and gave each couple $2100 as a gift.日前,哈马斯赞助了382对巴勒斯坦新人举行大型集体婚礼,每对新人还获得2100美元作为结婚礼物。

48、After the wedding we all posed for a photograph.婚礼之后,我们全体排好拍了一张照片。

49、From the earliest planning stages all the way through to your big day, our dedicated Wedding Specialist and expert team are here to support you.从婚礼筹划到婚典当天,我们专业的婚宴策划团队将时刻伴您左右精心打理一切,让这一天成为您永恒珍藏的美好回忆。

50、The ring and the wedding were just the tiniest parts of all of this. Marriage is so much better.婚戒和婚礼是其中最小的一部分,婚姻本身要比那些要好更多。

经典英文句子51:婚礼美好,51、好几个少女被邀请去参加她的婚礼。Several maidens were invited to attend her wedding.

52、Paradise setting, perfect weather, wonderful friends - it was a wedding from heaven. Congratulations to Dave and Alice.乐园环境,完美天气,非常好的老朋友重聚- 真是一个天堂般的婚礼。


标签: 英文 婚礼

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