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关于”浅谈动词在语句中的作用“的英语句子24个,句子主体:On the Role of Verbs in Sentences。以下是关于浅谈动词在语句中的作用的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:On the Role of Verbs in Sentences


1、This study investigates whether suggestion of external causation in contexts plays a role in English L2 overpassivization errors on unaccusative verbs.


2、This article attempts to Renaissance to the emancipation and the role of the Enlightenment and the relationship to talk about their own shallow understanding.


3、In Japanese, the noun form of wago verb pragmatically contrasts with the noun form of kango. The for mer is inclined to spoken language, while the latter is inclined to written lan guage.


4、However, it was used mainly as adverb, then conjunction. This is very different from its modern usage. Now this word is mainly used as pronoun, then adverb, conjunction and modal particle.


5、It always take the third person singular form of the verb even though it's always plural in English.


6、You'll be able to hear your "ums" and "uhs" and "okays" and you can practice reducing them from your conversational speech.


7、BITCH. It's a powerful word, it can be used as a noun, verb or adjective, and it's almost universally misunderstood by non-native English speakers.


8、In English grammar, the gerund has exactly the same form as the present participle.


9、Causal connectives play a significant role in English writing of Chinese EFL learners.


10、Noun-verb conversion remains an existent phenomenon in English language, while the conversion of body part terms and human nouns plays a significant role in people's cognitive activities.


11、Studies show that 93 per cent of what comes across in conversation is unrelated to the words and content.


12、BITCH. . It's a powerful word, it can be used as a noun, verb or adjective, and it's almost universally misunderstood by non-native English speakers.


13、Lexis is now recognized as central to the language learning process.


14、Denominal verbs are generally applied to modern English, which make the language more vivid and expressive, and enhance the expressive force.


15、This article talks about her lyric art from three aspects:emotion expression, scenery description and language usage.


16、Connectives usually play an indispensible part in creating a composition.


17、Who talked to the child, how long, how often, how many different words were said and how many total words were said. How many past-tense verbs and in what circumstances.


18、The intransitive verb and transitive verb in Japanese are quite different from each other.


19、The present research aims to investigate the verb-noun collocation patterns of the Chinese English majors (CEMs).


20、Elementary introduction of value engineering's role in project administration.

21、How to use conjunctions correctly in English writing is difficult for Chinese students.在英语写作中如何正确使用连词是中国学生学习英语的难点之

22、阿谀奉承汉语中是作为动词 to curry favour with; to flatter and toady to; to kissass; to cringe

23、A reflexive pronoun can also be used as the indirect object of a verb.反身代名词也可以用来当作一个的动词的间接宾语。

24、The results show that meaning and morphology factor had great influence on word choices, which is related considerably to the level of Chinese of the subject.结果表明,词形和词义因素在留学生汉语词汇选择判断中发生重要作用,其作用特点与留学生的汉语水平有一定关系。

25、According to the Three level Theory, some syntactic and semantic problems related to verb reduplication can be better interpreted.在这一系统中,与动词重叠相关的句法、语义问题能得到一定的解释。

英文句子26:,26、Concerning the linguistic level, the trajector and motion verb in fictive motion constructions are subject to certain semantic and pragmatic constraints.在语言层面上,我们发现虚拟运动结构中的主语和运动动词受许多语义或语用因素的制约。

27、This text makes some superficial study to the block sounds in Mulao language , and gives a contrast of the nasal sound, and also makes comparison with the English plosive, nasal sounds.本文对仫佬语中的词尾塞音作了一些粗浅的探讨,把词尾塞音与鼻音作了对比,也把它们与英语的爆破音、鼻音作了比较、区别,旨在于能使少数民族学生在学习外语当中正确发某些音有所帮助。

28、"Facebook, " as a noun, verb or adjective, was popular with younger linguists, Glowka said.格洛卡说,年轻的语言学家们更青睐Facebook一词,Facebook既可用作名词,也可用作形容词和动词。

29、The past participles of a number of verbs have evolved into past participle adjectives in daily use.很多动词的过去分词已经在日常使用中作为形容词来使用。

30、It's a powerful word, it can be used as a noun, verb or adjective, and it's almost universally misunderstood by non-native English speakers.Wikipedia says:“**”是一个强大的词,它可以用作名词,也可以用作动词或形容词,它几乎受到了所有英语为非母语的人误解。

31、Does the Phonemic Similarity Process of Two-Character Words Exist in Lexical Access?在词汇通达中双字词的语音类似作用存在吗?。

32、Complement: the words on the right side of the heads are complement.出现在中心词的右边的词用作补语。

33、It is also used in spoken language as an adjective.此外,在口语中它还能用作形容词。

34、It's necessary to compare some none, verb, adjective as well as synonyms , and useful to compare some idiom of either language.在翻译实践中有必要比较中西文中的一些名词、动词、形容词和同义词与对比中西文中的习惯用语、一词多义现象。

35、Only partial interpretation can be achieved on the study on English locative inversion via the case theory in syntax, verbal unaccusativity in the lexicon, or focus theory in pragmatics separately;单独地利用句法范畴内的格理论,词汇层面的动词的非宾格性,语用层面的焦点理论只能对英语方位倒装现象作出部分解释;

36、The important roles of the meaning of the morpheme need pay more attention to.语素义在词语词汇化中的作用需要重视。

37、Next time, I'll talk about domain-specific languages and their role in Ruby on Rails.下一次,我将谈谈领域特定的语言以及它们在 Ruby on Rails 中的作用。

38、He finds that English premodifiers and postmodifiers are expressed flexibly, but modifiers in Chinese are invariably placed before head nouns.作者发现在英语名词词组中,中心词的修饰语非常灵活;

39、A verbal adjective in Latin that in the nominative case expresses the notion of fitness or obligation and in other cases functions as a future passive participle.拉丁语中动形词,在主格中表示适合性和必要性,并在其它格中作将来被动分词。

40、a deliberately ambiguous use of certain particles and verb forms in places where the conjunction 'and' would be used in English有意模棱两可地使用某些小品词,以及在英语中本应该使用连词“and”的地方使用动词形式;

41、The handiness which speaks about a creativity English vocabulary and creativity at the function and the advertisement within advertisement secondly combines to bring of advantage.其次谈及了创意在广告中的作用以及广告英语词汇与创意的巧妙结合带来的好处。

42、Different professions outstand their uniques on the choice of words, the application of sentence, the discourse style, the speaking method, the communicative topics and the tradition of speaking.在语词选择和语句应用方面,在话语风格和言谈方式方面,在交际话题和言语习惯方面,各行业都有其独特之处。

43、Moreover, as highlighted by the interviewer, one can “build a vocabulary of functions or words and then you write your solution in the language of that vocabulary”.访谈人更是认为可以“用函数和词语建立一套词汇,再用那套词汇去作为书写问题解答的语言”。

44、In english grammar the gerund has exactly the same form as the present participle.英语语法中,动名词具有与现在分词完全一样的形式。

45、In this thesis, I try to reveal the meaning of verb forms in English "IF" conditionals within the framework of Construction Grammar.笔者试图在本文以“构块语法”为理论框架揭示英语“If”条件句中动词形式的意义。

46、This passage is to discuss the lexical characteristics of Business English.笔者将从词汇角度,略谈一下商务英语的用词特点。

47、In the end , we discuss the inaccuracy situation in foreigner learners' application on the basic of the medi—language and the teaching method in allusion to descriptive Adverbs.同时,以中介语语料为基础,分类谈了留学生在使用描状性副词中的偏误情况,并以此来谈了关于描状性副词的教学方法问题。

48、There is no imperative mood of the English verb.英语中不存在什么动词祈使语气语法范畴。

49、In those cases, you translate the verb or noun and don't give a thought to the preposition in the source language: just use the preposition required in the target language.在这种情况下,你翻译动词或者名词,不要考虑源语言中的介词:只使用目标语言中要求的介词。

50、The Kambaata language also has a word akin to "whatchamacallit" in English, useful in a pinch as either a noun or verb when no other alternative is available.坎巴塔语还有一个和英语中的“叫什么来着”(whatchamacallit)类似的词,可用作名词或动词,在没有其他选择的紧要关头颇为有用。

经典英文句子51:浅谈动词在语句中的作用,51、last year my family and I went to Beijing. We enjoyed ourselves.every day, my mother got up earlier than I did )他写的根本就是我们老师所说的中国式英语,而且 I in the teachers' office.这句,连be动词都没有,要在I后面加个be动词才对。

52、It is the result of interaction between the author and topicalized noun on cognitive pragmatic level when personal dual gender noun is elevated to the topicalized position.这种现象与句法层面上起衔接作用的“回指”或“类指”无关,而是双重性别名词上升到主题时,语篇作者与主题化名词在认知语用层上交互作用的结果。

53、English humors generate from various sources, such as skillful use of rhetoric, violation of Cooperative Principle in pragmatics and ambiguity in vocabulary, grammar and syntax.英语幽默产生的根源多种多样,有修辞格的巧妙运用,有对语用中合作原则的违反,也有因词汇、语法、句法歧义而产生。

54、This will help him choose more accurate words and articulation to express the meaning as well as the negotiation strategy. Therefore, every translated sentence will help a little in achieving the aim.做到心里有底,翻译对词汇的选择会更精确,对双方谈判者的语气、策略等就把握更准,这样,每一句翻译都会对谈判起推动作用。

55、The first word in each pair is being used as an adjective.下面每对词语中的第一个词是作为形容词来用的。

56、In a Japanese dictionary designed for non-native speakers, we feel it is not enough just to show how a word is written and explain its meaning.为日语学习者使用的日语词典,如果仅仅标出词语的表记法,粗浅地说明词义是不够的。

57、You use object pronouns as the direct or indirect object ofa verb.宾格人称代词用作动词的直接或间接宾语。

58、From the perspectives of meaning and usage, verbs in Japanese can be categorized into intransitive verbs and transitive verbs according to whether they require an object.日语中动词从其意义和用法出发,按其是否要求宾语可分为自动词和他动词。

59、By giving several examples on its measure words and place names, it shows the main reasons why this language is still full of life and being kept on.本文对仫佬语的原有词汇和汉语借词作了一些粗浅的探讨,并以一些量词和地名名词作为实例,证明汉语借词是仫佬语能够保持和发展的主要因素及其活力所在。

60、Superordinate to first-person pronouns, self-addressing terms play an important role in communication.自称词作为第一人称代词的上位范畴,在语言交际过程中发挥着重要作用。

61、Verbs in the rGyalrong language(Tibeto-Burman family, northwestern Sichuan)undergo abundant derivational processes via prefixal morphology, with an essential role to play in the grammar.嘉戎语动词有丰富的形态变化,在语法体系中起到重要的作用。

62、We’ve all heard the cliche before, actions speak louder than words; but it has real truth in business.我们都听过这句“陈词滥调”——行动胜于言语,但在商业中是有它的道理的。

63、For the Research of Natural Language understanding, it is natural to put content words in the first place, but the meaning of functional words in sentences, dialogues and texts cannot be overlooked, .当进行自然语言理解研究时,首先把指称概念的实词放在首要地位是理所当然的,但虚词在句子、谈话、篇章中表达意义的作用也不能轻视。

64、(动词不定式作表语) He dreams to be a doctor.

65、Ad English has its characteristics in words choosing and syntax, and can use such rhetoric as metaphors, personifications, repetitions, double meanings, anamorphosis phrases and antitheses.广告英语在用词和句法上有一定特色,在写作中可大量运用比喻、拟人、重复、双关、变体习语、对偶等修辞。

66、N-V shift is a special grammar phenomenon. There are a lot of things that are worth research from both grammar and semantics.汉语中名词活用为动词是一种独特的语法现象,不管是在语法、语义还是语用层面都有许多值得探究的地方。

67、The states of an action include progression, continuation, and completion. In Chinese adverbs and aspectual particles are often used to express the state of an action.动作的状态包括进行、 持续和完成。 汉语里常用副词和动态助词表示动作的状态。


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