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关于”元宵节“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Lantern Festival。以下是关于元宵节的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Lantern Festival



10 minutes, I saved $30 a month for six months for a total of $180.


2、Centralized regulation, please use overturned.

XLIFF 文档由一节或多节组成,每节都包围在 元素中。

3、An XLIFF document is composed of one or more sections, each enclosed within a element.


4、Don't be all night over finishing your report.


5、SU provides services for local node applications, and SUs of different nodes can also collaborate to provide services for the entire network or a certain node.


6、Tramcars ran throughout the night on New Year's Eve.


7、People there always play Majzang through the night.


8、The first neuron in this sequence is called the preganglionic neuron.


9、Estimated total savings: $20, 445.


10、Considering the structural characteristics, the bellows was idealized as a series of conical frusta elements with two nodes, joined at nodal circles.

获取实例文档中的一个元素节点、一个元素 QName 和一个模式文档节点的序列。

11、takes an element node in an instance document, an element QName, and a sequence of schema document nodes.

它的根节点是bibliography 元素。

12、The root node is the bibliography element.


13、Houston remains under a nighttime curfew.


14、The element labels and element text nodes are stacked vertically.


15、Jacob struggled with the angel but one night.


16、Gas stations usually have an all-night attendant.


17、They returned home to feast away the night.


18、Sunday was the last day of a 24-hour curfew that barred all civilian vehicles in the capital.

吃宵夜的时候, 会跟多少人一起?。

19、How many people will you go with?


20、Lehman will cut the dividend to

5 cents per share from 68 cents, saving $450 million a year.


21、They intended to feast the night away.他们打算通宵欢宴。

22、18/11 – reach klia, supper with friends.xx月xx日– 抵达,和朋友吃宵夜。

23、I think I might have to stay up all night long.我估计我得熬通宵了。

24、The emperor followed Dongfang Shuo's advice, and while everyone was out viewing the lanterns, Yuanxiao was able to sneak out of the palace and be reunited with her parents.皇帝采纳了东方朔的建议,当所有人都外出赏灯时,元宵得以有机会溜出皇宫,和家人团圆。

25、In frequency domain, each layer in structure was simulated as two-node layer spectral element or one-node spectral element.频域内,结构中的每一层被模拟为两节点谱单元或单节点谱单元。

英文句子26:,26、A single-node quadratic element (SNQE) is proposed in this work.提出一种新的边界单元:单节点二次元。

27、Avocados are a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure.鳄梨也富含钾元素,而钾元素则帮助调节血压。

28、The segment Eating Rice Glue Ball selected from Pingju Opera Seizing The Seal Of Power, and opera opusculum Happy Sunday performed by the grandparents and grandson are popular with local people.祖孙对唱的评剧《夺印》选段《吃元宵》、戏曲小品《快乐的星期天》等深受当地群众喜爱。

29、Motional element contains rhythm and montage.运动元素包含节奏、蒙太奇。

30、Toss and turn restlessly, doomed without dream tonight.辗转反侧,注定今宵无梦。

31、A LOT of farts escape overnight.通宵放出大量的放屁。

32、I always enjoy winter evenings spent en famille.我一向喜欢与家人共度冬宵。

33、Guijie major expositions, the Ghost Festival and Bon-odori festival's basic characteristics and their main activities.主要论述鬼节、中元节和盂兰盆节的基本特点和主要活动。

34、Authorities have put Manipur on lockdown with a curfewin place and churches treated with dire consequences if they celebrateChristmas.当局已经把曼尼普尔邦这地方锁定,如果他们庆祝圣诞节带来的可怕后果就是处理教堂宵禁。

35、Bananas are high in potassium, which aids in the regulation of blood pressure.香蕉富含钾元素,钾元素能帮助调节血压。

36、The labeled sensory neurons were found in the distal, petrosal and jugulargonglia.被标记的嗉囊感觉神经元出现于远神经节、岩神经节和颈静脉神经节内。

37、What do people eat on Lantern Festival?人们在元霄节吃什么?

38、Do you ever work the entire night through?你通宵熬夜工作过吗?

39、He often works round the clock.他经常通宵达旦地工作。

40、You stayed up all night, partied downtown.你玩了一个通宵,在市区开派对。

41、Supposedly, we missed that very moment of Spring.可能,没有赶上春宵那一刻吧。

42、They always have allnight dos there. 他们经常在那儿闹通宵。

43、In general, an element node is the parent of a text node; but here, the predicate essentially de-references the text within an element.一般来说,元素节点是文本节点的父节点,但这里谓词实际上引用了元素中的文本。

44、As mentioned in Nest the elements, an element that contains another element is the parent of that contained element.如在 嵌套元素 小节中提到的一样,包含其他元素的元素就是被包含元素的父元素。

45、For example, if an XML document contains 例如,如果一个 XML 文档包含

10 entirely different types of nodes and each type includes a date element as a descendant, then the date element is a non-unique element name.

10 个类型完全不同的节点,每个节点都包含一个日期元素作为其子节点,那么日期元素就是非唯一元素名称。

46、I'm happy to have you over tonight.我很高兴能够和你共度良宵。

47、Friction sliding cable element is called to this new three-node element, which takes the support as the middle node.被称为摩擦滑移索单元的新单元有三个节点,中间节点为支撑点。

48、Secondly, the stiffness matrix of two-node link and beam elements were deduced.推导了两节点直线杆单元和梁单元的刚度矩阵;

49、One yuan invested in prevention, ten yuan saved in rescue and reconstruction!一元投入于防微杜渐,十元节约于救助重建!

50、In frequency domain, each layer in structure was simulated as two-noded or one-noded spectral element.结构中的每一层在频域内被模拟为两节点谱单元或单节点谱单元。

经典英文句子51:元宵节,51、"Lookin' for a job?" the other queried.他知道他喝了一个通宵。 “找工作?”

52、In my own home, drinking rice wine, eating the dumplings, reunion, listening to the sound of firecrackers outside the window, the old and the young, all feel very happy!在自己的家里,喝点米酒,吃元宵,团团圆圆,听着窗外鞭炮响,老老少少很开心!

53、There are some activity and element nodes that can only contain activities.存在一些只能包含活动的活动节点和元素节点。

54、中元节 is hit by yuan of festival xx月xx日

55、The emperor followed Dongfang Shuo's advice, and while everyone was out viewing the lanterns, Yuanxiao was able to sneak out of the palace and be reunited with her parents.皇帝采纳了东方朔的建议,当所有人都外出赏灯时,元宵得以有机会溜出皇宫,和家人团圆。

56、XML streams communicate XML stanzas, which are discrete units of information.XML 流传递 XML 节,这些 XML 节是一些分散的信息单元。



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