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关于”中国传统节日“的英语句子31个,句子主体:chinese traditional festival。以下是关于中国传统节日的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:chinese traditional festival


1、This custom becoming more widely, will become the most solemn traditional Chinese folk festivals, "the New Year."


2、Many Norwegians will don bunads, formal dress with traditional local origins, on May 17th, Norways national day, and for weddings and festive occasions.


3、In Chinese tradition, there is a story about a heavenly dog eating the sun.


4、Chinese people wear traditional-style garments in order to feel the atmosphere of the Chinese festival.

是一个传统中国节日, 夏历的xx月xx日。

5、A. What do you do on Moon Festival ?


6、China traditional aesthetics extensive and profound, "YIXIAN G" run through China traditional aesthetics all the time, the impact on China's traditional figure is more obvious.


7、Nowadays, more and more Chinese people are estranged from traditional Chinese festivals, instead, Western festivals such as Valentine’s Day and Christmas are more accepted, especially by young people.


8、Both"Qixi festival"and"legendary story of Niulang and Zhinv"experienced a series evolutions, and then become to afterwards "Qiqiao Festival"or "Womens Day".


9、All Chinese traditional festivals invariably center on maintaining and improving human relations.


10、Shangsi Festival on March 3rd lunar calendar is a traditional Chinese folk festival.


11、Intangible cultural heritage include oral tradition, folklore, ceremonial ritual, festival rituals, traditional performing arts, and traditional craftsmanship.


12、The ninthday of the ninth lunar month is the Chong Yang Festival, a traditional festivalin China.


13、In 1924, President Coolidge recommended that Father's Day become a national holiday.


14、Foxes in Early Chinese Tradition ‘4


15、Masked dances and dance dramas are common traditional features at festivals, usually accompanied by traditional music.


16、France has a popular tradition around a wine from the Beaujolais region.


17、This tradition, spreading more and more widen, which became the most ceremonious traditional festival in China.


18、With the full moon symbolizing family reunion in Chinese tradition, moon worship has been one of the must do's during the festival.


19、Audiences got to see the Thai people's traditional costumes; how they celebrate their festivals and worship their gods.


20、Chinese traditional festivals mainly comes from age season makes, strong agricultural colour.

21、The day after tomorrow is a traditional Chinese folk festival "Hungry Ghost".后天是中国民间传统“中元节”。

22、All traditional Chinese festivals are lunar calendar festivals.中国的传统节日都是按照太阴历计算的。

23、The Laba Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday observed on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. In China, it is customary on this day to eat Laba Congee.农历xx月初八是中国的传统节日腊八节,这一天的习俗是吃腊八粥,通常是在阳历xx月中旬。

24、offering sacrifices to gods and ancestors, and feasting for longevity.有登高祈福、秋游赏菊、佩插茱萸、祭神祭祖及饮宴求寿等习俗。

25、Hot Buttered Rum is a traditional holiday cocktail of rum and sugar.热奶油兰姆酒是甜酒和糖的传统节日鸡尾酒。

英文句子26:,26、Enlarge students' knowledge about Chinese traditional festivals, like Spring Festival and Mid-autumn Day.扩大学生对中国传统节日知识的认识。

27、Chongyang Festival is a traditional festival in our country. Climbing hills to appreciate the chrysanthemum is one traditional custom during this festival.重阳节是我国的传统节日,登高赏菊则是重阳节的传统习俗。

28、Program includes hymnal prayers, traditional and contemporary folk songs, evangelization music, Chinese folk songs and dance.节目有圣咏欣赏、传统及现代民歌、福传音乐、中国民谣、舞蹈等等。

29、The first Ice lanterns were a win-time tradition in northeast China .第一次冰灯节来源于中国东北的一个传统。

30、The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms.中国传统的农历将xx年分为24个节气。

31、With a history of hundreds of years, traditional festivals of china as the crucial content of traditional culture still retain charming.中国传统节日作为中华传统文化中的重要组成部分和表现形态,千百年来绵延不绝,历久弥新。

32、Li, I've been here foc almost a month, but Istill know nothing about the traditional Chinese festivals.李先生,我来这儿快一个月了,不过我对中国的传统节日一窍不通。

33、The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance. It often goes into August in the Gregorian calendar.在中国,农历xx月初七的夜晚,天气温暖,草木飘香,这就是人们俗称的七夕节,也有人称之为“乞巧节”或“女儿节”,这是中国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日,也是过去姑娘们最为重视的日子。

34、It's a traditional Chinese festival. It's also called the Lanter…是中国的一个传统节日,也叫灯笼节。 全文。

35、This is a traditional festival of the Dongs . It falls on the3 rd day of the3 rd lunar month.侗族花炮节花炮节是侗族的传统节日,时间是农历xx月


36、Now the man put the section as a kind of fashion, Chinese traditional festival has snubbed, so someone proposed Gregorian calendar quarter as statutory holidays will, I don't think we should do that.现在的人把过洋节当成是一种时尚,中国的传统节日备受冷落,因此有人提议将乞巧节作为法定节日,我认为不应该这样做。

37、What dose Chinese people eat in Double Ninth Festival traditionally?按照传统,在重阳节中国人吃什么?

38、One traditional icon of the day is the shamrock .该节日的传统标志是三叶草。

39、Much of this tradition derives from the pagan festival of Beltane .这个传统更多地来源于异教节日——五朔节。

40、Longtaitou Festival is a traditional Chinese festival held on the second day of the second month of the Chinese calendar.每年农历的xx月初二是中国的传统节日——龙抬头。

41、is the traditional day to count your blessings, but for some it is also the day to set the house on fire.是细数恩典的传统节日,然而对某些人来说,这也是家中起火的日子。

42、Tombsweeping, ancestorsacrificing and outing are common basic etiquette and custom themes.扫墓祭祖、踏青郊游是共同基本礼俗主题。

43、Japan's "Iron Three Kingdoms", "Dragon Ball" and other works are based on traditional Chinese story.日本的《钢铁三国志》、《七龙珠》等作品,都是基于中国的传统故事。

44、Influenced by wood structure architecture, the structures of Chinese and Japanese traditional furniture are mainly of mortise and tenon joints.受传统木结构建筑的影响,中日两国传统家具都以榫卯结构为主要接合方式。

45、Then mid-17th century, the festival spread to Britain.其后17世纪中叶,节日流传到英国。

46、Intangible cultural heritage includes oral tradition, folklore, ceremonial rituals, festival rituals, traditional performing arts, and traditional craftsmanship.非物质文化遗产包括口头传统、民俗、礼仪、节日庆典、传统表演艺术和传统手工艺技能。

47、Nowadays, more and more Chinese people are estranged from traditional Chinese festivals. Instead, Western festivals such as Valentine’s Day and Christmas are more accepted, especially by young people.现在越来越多的中国人疏远了传统节日,相反的是西方的情人节和圣诞节被广泛接受,特别在年轻人中。

48、The traditional festival, we will always be a very traditional kind of desire: a regular flower, Yuan, Chang, who often ...传统的节日里,我们总会有那种很传统的愿望:花常开、月常圆、人常在……

49、In an atmosphere of joy, new and old friends celebrated the Chinese traditional festival together.在欢乐的气氛中,新朋老友一起欢度中国的传统佳节。

50、Water pouring festival is a traditional festival of Dai, Bulang, De'ang and Achang nationalities in southwest China.泼水节是中国西南地区的傣、布朗、德昂、阿昌等民族的传统节日。

经典英文句子51:中国传统节日,51、Absorb China traditional plot characteristicking of novel on creating mainly.鸳鸯蝴蝶派在创作上主要吸收了中国传统情节小说的特点。

52、Learn Beltaine Holiday workers Traditional Customs holiday.了解Beltaine“ - 五

一 - ”传统“ - 海关 - 节日。

53、Opposing extravagance and advocating thrift is a basic principle in traditional Chinese economic thought.反对奢侈,主张节用,是中国传统经济思想的一条基本原则。

54、It is a traditional Chinese festival falling on the ninth day of ninth lunar month, when it is the custom for Chinese people to go hiking and mountain climbing.农历xx月初九,为中国传统的重阳节,民间在该日有出游,登高的风俗。

55、Celebrating festivals is a good way to hand down the tradition .庆祝节日是传承传统的好方法。

56、Foreign artists in traditional Chinese costume interact with locals in Nicheng Town of Lingang New City, Nanhui District, during the Shanghai International Arts Festival.在中国上海举行的国际艺术节上,老外们身着中国传统戏曲服装。

57、It is a hallmark in Chinese festival celebration to get boozed up.过节狂饮是中国传统的风俗之

58、Chinese traditional literati paintings and classical gardens are the essence of chinese traditional art.中国传统文人画与中国古典园林是我国传统艺术的精华。

59、Including the Lunar holiday cycle, Ganzhi (birthday horoscopes), the Lunar New Year, Constellation, out - MOD, 993 volts, as well as traditional Chinese almanac's content.包括公农历节日、节气、干支(生辰八字)、生肖、星座、出梅入梅、九九三伏以及中国传统黄历的内容等。

60、The closest point in time that can be identified as the beginning of this tradition was in 1582, in France.传统上认为愚人节的这种传统最早开始于xx年的法国。

61、A participant performs during the first lion dance competition held to celebrate the upcoming Chinese New Year in Manila Jan 29, 2011. [Photo/Agencies]xx年xx月xx日,为庆祝即将到来的中国传统节日春节,菲律宾马尼拉市举办第一届舞狮大赛,图为一参加者正在进行舞狮表演。

62、China's traditional consumption culture that thrift and sobriety being a feature is the reason at deep layer that the smallholding economy is redundant in our country.以节用节制为特征的中国传统消费文化是小农经济在我国冗长的深层原因。

63、Chinese traditional decorating, which roots in the Chinese traditional context, has produced some unique decoration forms.中国传统装饰植根于中国传统文脉,产生了独特的装饰形态。

64、Chinese and western culture differences exist in each aspect, the traditional festival culture is the most important one.止您战西圆国度地文明存正在着各个圆里地差别,传统节日文明是此中主要地一项。

65、I begin with the traditional Chinese welcome, a traditional Chinese welcome.我首先向你们致以中国传统式的欢迎,中国传统式的欢迎。

66、This Christmas tradition is just one of the oddities (圣诞节只是澳大利亚众多的传统节日之

5) of the Land Down Under.

67、Chinese dragon-boat race is a non-traditional water sports and entertainment projects, has been more than two thousand years, mostly in festivals held.赛龙舟是中国民间传统水上体育娱乐项目,已流传两千多年,多是在喜庆节日举行。

68、Tibetan New Year is the Tibetan people's traditional festival.藏历新年是藏族人民共同的传统节日。


标签: 中国 传统 节日

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