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关于”停顿规则“的英语句子38个,句子主体:Pause Rule。以下是关于停顿规则的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Pause Rule


1、Yuan appreciation won't grind to a halt.


2、A number of securities companies were closed or temporary closed for reorganizing because of irregular operations.


3、According to legal action, the rules of criminal evidence can be divided into three parts they were the rule of quote, the rule of cross-examination and the rule of judge.


4、In order to make boxing more sporting spirit, he was the Year August

16, 1743 has introduced new is the world's first professional boxing competition rules, the name "Burao Dayton rules."


5、Cause was always accompany in xiao feng side, hope and small wind had more pause.


6、Go cautiously and use the intersection the same way you would use an intersection with all-way stop signs.


7、And reiterates in rectification period, the strict implementation of a moratorium on the approval of agricultural land to non-agricultural construction land "three suspended".


8、These Rules may be cited as the Patent (Fees) Rules 1998. The Patent (Fees) Rules 1996 hereby revoked.


9、For example, New York Fashion Week features a fast-paced, staccato walk, whereas Paris Fashion Week features a slower, more fluid walk.


10、Vowels represent the breathing between sounds.


11、Externalization of business rules using rule engines


12、We find optimal stopping rules by using the weak infinitesimal generator of markov process.

您刚才已完成了对使用规则集和 if-then 规则的规则组的创建。

13、You have just finished creating your rule group that uses a rule set and if-then rules.


14、Temporal regularity is salification in dry seasons and desalinization in rainy seasons and stop in frozen seasons.


15、She paused, hoping the spirits were listening.

选取「使用规则中的厚度」 选项。「厚度」输入栏位被停用,您为「板金规则型式测试」所指定的厚度展示在此栏位中。

16、Select the Use Thickness from Rule option. The Thickness input field is disabled and the thickness you specified for Sheet Metal Rule Style Test is shown in the field.


17、This old comman law rule had been followed for many years, until the House of Lords decision in Bruton.


18、And indeed with that inter-mediation between wealth and poverty in the world you need to ensure that there are rules that are applied and you need to ensure that there is accountability.

创建规则——规则架构师然后必须使用 RMA 创建规则。

19、Create rules—The rules architect must then create the rules using RMA.


20、I don't go to try and disrespect some special rules or stop any kind of war.

21、"A meal of snow" is not.“一顿雪餐”则不可取。

22、He has spoken down again after slightly pausing.他在略作停顿后又讲了下去。

23、To list the resources associated with each rule, expand the rule categories and rule nodes.列出和每一项规则相关联的所有资源,展开规则类别和规则节点。

24、Business rules involving ruleset and decision table templates涉及规则集和决策表模板的业务规则

25、Rule sharing can help you create project-specific rules and rule configurations.共享的规则有助于你建立具体项目的规则和规则配置。

英文句子26:,26、But modern economics have not been suspended.劳伦斯莱西格和安德森声称互联网正常的规则现在停止了,“但是现代经济没有暂停。”

27、But Jin Shidu the narrow boards memory's appearance has broken this outmoded rules and regulations.但金士顿窄板内存的出现则打破了这一陈规。

28、When he proposed drawing up a set of regulations to govern private property, Mr. Ghani said, he was told by President Karzai to stop.当他打算建立一套规则以规范这些私人财产时,甘尼先生说,总统卡尔扎伊要求他停止这样做。

29、The manager can admonish students or stop their reading if they cannot abide by the rules or give them school penalty if the violation is serious.凡不遵守本规则者,由管理员予以劝告或停止其阅览,情节严重者依校规处理。

30、Oops, parking rules violation.哎呦,违反停车规则了。

31、Third rule of Fight Club:Someone yells stop, goes limp, taps out, the fight is over.斗阵俱乐部第三条规则:有人喊停,被击倒,击昏,打斗就结束。

32、Electronic evidence has brought challenges to traditional evidence rule such as Best Evidence, Authentication Rule and Hearsay Rule.电子证据对传统英美证据规则的挑战主要涉及最佳证据规则、鉴证规则和传闻规则。

33、The third rule detects jobs that have stopped executing and removes them from the observation list.规则三,负责检测已经停止运行的任务,并将它们从监控列表中删除。

34、Sprint speed was not correlated with the number of stops, whereas the maximal length was negatively correlated with the number of stops.疾跑速与跑道停顿次数无显著的相关性,持续运动距离与跑道停顿次数呈负相关。

35、Spit fire made use of none but comma pauses;喷火器只使用逗点式的停顿;

36、Does the train for Brighton stop here?开往布来顿的火车在这里停吗?

37、On longtime partner Rima Horton: I think every relationship should be allowed to have its own rules.关于长期的同伴瑞玛·郝顿:我认为每一种关系都有它自己的规则。

38、We have discussed our safety and sanitary regulations.我们已经讨论了安全规则和卫生规则。

39、The signature of a ruleset extracted from a given rule project is determined by the transitive closure of the ruleset parameters of that rule project and all the rule projects it referencies.从给定规则项目提取的一个规则集的签名,由该规则项目和它引用的所有规则项目的规则集参数的传递闭包决定。

40、Pausing in his story, Burton turned to me.伯顿暂停讲述故事,转向我。

41、In AD-NIDS, the intrusion rule is made up of two parts:rule header and rule option.NIDS所使用的入侵规则由规则头和规则选项两部分构成。

42、In animal experiments excessive high dosage has produced side effects of convulsions, opisthotonus, irregular breathing, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest.用量过大反应:动物实验中大剂量给药会使动物出现抽搐、角弓反张、呼吸不规则、呼吸停止、心跳停止。

43、Today's event comes after a controversy-filled week during which 在此前充满争议的一周里,5名种子选手因违反规则而被停赛。

5 crew chiefs were suspended for various rules infractions.

44、The fifth part describes the predicable regulation, fault offset regulation, reducing liability rules and losses offset rules.第五部分主要论述了可预见性规则、损益相抵规则、过失相抵规则和减轻损害规则。

45、Company dress codes are a never-ending battle in the working world.企业着装规则是职场上一场永不停息的战斗。

46、In England, there mainly are the literal rule, the golden rule and the mischief rule.英国形成了以文义规则、黄金规则和除弊规则为主要代表的解释方法。

47、Let's look at how the pause relates to the tension principle in delivering your humor.让我们来看看,在你施展幽默时,停顿与紧张原则之间的关系。

48、Without a pause, he smiled and said, "529 days."没有停顿,他笑着说:“五二九天。”

49、Seth: (pauses to consider) OK … but next time?Seth:(停顿考虑下)好吧,但是下回?

50、But the pause is a psychological illusion.但停顿只是一种心理错觉而已

经典英文句子51:停顿规则,51、The wheels of industry must be kept turning.工业的巨轮必须不停顿地运转。

52、Rule-combining algorithm: As I explained in the point above, a policy can have multiple rules.规则组合算法:如 上一条规则所述,一个策略可以包含多条规则。

53、Do you know the laws of cricket?你知道板球的规则吗?(规则)

54、Mr. Ling Yun said that all drivers must obey city car parking regulations.云 先生说所有的司机都必须遵守城市汽车停车规则。

55、Irregular,huh,because we held a long time there.不规则的变化,因为我们在这里停了很久了。

56、To order the Referee to halt the match when the Arbitrator signals a contravention of the Rules of Competition.下令主审暂停比赛,当监察出示讯号有违反竞赛规则发生。

57、Today there are rules that halt trading in cases of extreme drops.而今天,有相关的规则在股市极度下滑时叫停。

58、When you see a no-parking sign, you illegally park your car. By doing so, you break the rule.当你看见了禁止停车的标志而停车时, 你就是违规停车。 这样做你就违反了规定了。

59、I want to check status on the go.我想在不停顿地检查状态。

60、Improperly parked cars will be issued a violation.未依规定停放者,以违规停车论。

61、The rules would require one secure bike parking space for every two units in new apartment buildings and one space for every 700 square meters in new office buildings.酝酿中的新规则规定,每两栋新居民楼必须设一个安全的自行车停车场,而新办公楼里,每700平米必须设一个这样的停车场。

62、Self rule is a rule of evidence.自认规则是证据规则的一种。

63、RETURN: The RETURN target set in a rule makes the packet matching that rule stop traversing through the chain containing the rule.RETURN : 在规则中设置的 RETURN 目标让与该规则匹配的信息包停止遍历包含该规则的链。

64、It is absolutely right to have the necessary anxiety, taboos and regulations, and the necessary pauses, intermissions, putting on of brakes and cut-offs.必要的忧虑,必要的清规戒律,必要的停顿、间歇、煞车、关问,是完全应当有的。

65、According to the value of them, association rules are classified into positive, invalid and negative association rules.根据影响度、相对置信度或有效度的大小,将强关联规则分为正关联规则、无效关联规则和负关联规则。

66、The thesis discusses some aspects of on-side parking plan, which include the status and role of on-side parking, the impact factors of on-side parking plan and the principles of on-side parking plan.从规划实践角度探讨了有关路边停车规划的几个问题,包括路边停车的地位与作用、路边停车规划考虑因素以及路边停车规划遵循原则等问题。

67、If a match is found, then tcpd stops, depending on the rule, and access is either granted or denied.如果找到匹配,那么 tcpd 会根据规则停下来,批准或拒绝访问。


标签: 规则

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