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关于”好好学习“的英语句子34个,句子主体:study hard。以下是关于好好学习的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:study hard


1、The man's food is very delicious / terrible.


2、It's a problem set where we've worked pretty hard to write some problems that we think will provide you with a good learning experience.


3、Perhaps you could take some lessons in eco-driving!


4、Only in good health can we study well.


5、I must work hard, or I'll fail in the exam.

6、我想好好学习英语提高交流能力 I want to learn English well to improve communication skills


7、If you have good grades, you could also offer study tips.


8、The teacher felt surprised as well as delighted.She said to him, “There are many ways for you to study hard.First of all, you need to foster a good study habit.


9、The spirit of learning is a good learning attitude and full of confidence.


10、He's well-learned and full of dandy ideas.

11、Good luck with your Chinese. 祝你的汉语(学习)能有好运。


12、Practice intensely, without interruption for short periods of no longer than 90 minutes and then take a break.


13、My photographic skills are very poor. I need to learn from my 'elders'.


14、It was difficult to conciliate football and study, but I could have devoted to my studies in a better way.


15、When you don't study, I get so upset.


16、Mao Grandfather said 'Good Good Study, Day Day Up! '


17、This is also a great activity for your kinaesthetic learners.


18、(cultivated) The farm has cultivated vegetables for many years.


19、I spend more time of my learning English on memorising vocabulary and grammar.


20、You must take after the best example.

21、Could you give us some guidance in studying this article?学习这篇文章, 你给我们辅导辅导好不好?

22、have a harder time doing well academically?学习好会更困难吗?

23、They behave, learn and memorize better when learning is associated with a positive situation.当它们身处一个良好情景中,就能更好地表现,更好地学习和记忆。

24、What’s happening there could be a model we’d best learn from.这些发生的事情可能是我们应该好好学习的榜样。

25、This is the best stage to study grammar.这是学习语法的最好阶段。

英文句子26:,26、My dream is to study hard and make progress every day!我的梦想是好好学习, 天天向上!

27、Bright and eager to learn, has promising potential.聪颖机敏,好学不倦,有优越之学习能力。

28、Knowledge is power- and power corrupts. So study hard turn out to be evil.学问就是气力,气力会邪好转。那么就好好研习当大魔王吧!

29、我已经尽力了 I've done my best. 好好学习,天天向上 To make goods efforts in study and make progress everyday!

30、I will study English harder and become a young spiritual being for Olympics.我要好好学习英语,作一名奥运小使者。

31、You can only gain by further study.进一步学习对你只会有好处。

32、If you don't study hard , you'll be a dumb blonde.如果你不好好学习,你就会成为一个绣花枕头。

33、I will try my best. Good good study, day day up.我要全力以赴,好好学习,天天向上。

34、Great teachers are great students. They are aggressive learners. They outwork even the best students.好老师也是好学生。他们积极地学习。他们甚至比最好的学生更努力用功。

35、I will surely carefully read and learn your article.大作,我一定要好好赏阅、学习。

36、Britains better start learning Chinese.英国人最好开始学习中文。

37、Thongh she is not good at study, she is popular in our class.虽然她学习不好,但她在班里人缘很好。

38、⑤Li lei is the best student in our class. 李磊是我们班学习最好的学生。

39、But also to teach him discipline and to work hard and to study hard但还要教会他纪律、努力工作和好好学习,

40、Good good up, day day study!好好向上,天天学习!(错误示范,请勿模仿)

41、Fine. Phh! -Okay, where was I? -…and learn to fly again…好。嘘! - 好的,我说到哪里了? -…学习再次飞行…

42、SHK Business Chinese Advanced Book I shall provide excellent foundation to students, which shall be a start for an excellent course.《SHK商务汉语》初级将为学员打下良好的学习基础,奠定一个良好的学习开端。

43、Anyway, I promise you I'll try to focus on study from now on.总之我答应你,以后会好好学习。

44、Libary is a good place for students to study in.图书馆是学生学习的好地方。

45、There is no royal road to learning .在学习上没有康庄大道好走。

46、If regulators learn from this crisis, they could manage finance better in the future.如果监管者能在危机中好好学习,他们将来会更好的管理金融业。

47、The instructor maintains good interaction with students and creates a good learning atmosphere.教师能与学生维持良好的互动关系,营造良好的学习气氛。

48、Learn how to unclutter your mind. Keep learning, keep improving, continue moving forward.要学着去整理自己的思想,要好好学习天天向上…

49、You must study hard and make progress every day.你们一定要好好学习,天天向上。

50、Study hard from now on otherwise you'll have to go to a cow college.从现在起就该好好学习,否则你最后只好上杂牌大学了。

经典英文句子51:好好学习,51、He is going to study hard in the long holiday.他打算在漫长的假期里好好学习。

52、In this semester in, I plan like study, learn very each hard, attain not careless, don't throw three fall four.在这个学期里,我打算好好学习,认真学好各棵,做到不马虎,不丢三落




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