关于”鼓励人“的英语句子32个,句子主体:Encourage people。以下是关于鼓励人的高一英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Encourage people
1、Jo: To lure - L. U. R. E - to attract people out of their cars for at least one trip a week.
2、In order to fully tap the human resources, the rational flow of trained personnel should not only be allowed but also be encouraged.
3、There he met Thorton Wilder, who encouraged the then-poet and prose writer to begin writing for the stage.
4、By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles.
5、I still like to watch anime even now, as "Naruto", "One Piece" and other great works inspire the youths of today.
6、The in-store intervention consisted of greeters at the store entrance who encouraged the use of appropriate shopping cart restraints, plus a cash incentive coupon.
OSDD的项目主任Zakir Thomas说该信息“将鼓励[针对穷人疾病]的严肃科研”。
7、Zakir Thomas, project director of the OSDD, said the information "will encourage serious scientific research into [diseases of the poor]".
8、Others felt it would encourage pointless arguing and drag the community down to a lower level of awareness.
9、He built a coalition that energized young, first-time voters and registered thousands of previous non-voters.
10、I couldn't help but smile, thinking what organizations would be like if there were designated cheerers offering high fives to anyone who asked.
11、We will take still more effective measures to attract and employ well-trained personnel from abroad and encourage Chinese students studying overseas to return home and work in China.
12、Organizations should institute personnel-review procedures that encourage developers to consider their career goals, including architecture as an option.
Jean-Louis 和好莱坞海地联合会正在鼓励想要帮助当地人的人们现在用捐款代替捐物。
13、Jean-Louis and Hollywood Unites for Haiti are encouraging people looking to help to send money instead of goods at the moment.
圣诞节的精神鼓励人们在许多大大小小的事情上互相帮助, 奇迹私发服网。
14、The Christmas spirit encourages people to help each other in many large and small ways.
中国宪法中讲道,男性在xx岁结婚,女性在xx岁结婚, 鼓励人们晚婚晚育。
15、China's constitution says that men may marry at 22 and women at
20, with late marriages and later childbearing encouraged.
16、And if it is true, does China think this will encourage Israel to continue its hostility towards the Palestinians?
17、Nintendo’s Wii console has also been used by Seacroft Hospital in Leeds to encourage recuperating patients to take exercise.
18、For example, just as shareholders need to encourage managers towork for the shareholders’ interests, so senior management needs to think abouthow to motivate everyone else in the company.
19、For the maximum velocity, I'm suggesting that you give your encouragement to someone who can't return the favor—it's a distinction that won't be lost on the recipient.
20、For some time the personal planets have been encouraging you move out of the proverbial goldfish bowl into the wide blue ocean.
21、Rather than be recorded, the educators empowered the Massai with the advantage of technology to document their own experiences.不仅仅是一种记录活动,教育者鼓励Maasai人利用技术去创作自身的体验。
22、We hope this study makes people think twice and encourages people to wash their hands after going to the toilet and before eating.我们希望这一研究能让人们好好想一想,鼓励人们在如厕后和吃饭前都洗洗手。
23、Most public speakers are encouraged to look around the room, alternating eye contact with individuals in the audience.大多数公众演说者被鼓励着去环视房屋,和听众重的单个人发生眼神交互。
24、There are public advertisements which encourage citizens to participate in improving their neighbour-hood, protecting the environment, and helping other people.还有一些公益广告,它们鼓励人们参与改善社区、保护环境和帮助他人的活动。
25、In some cultures, lovers have been encouraged to wear emeralds to ensure constancy and openness between them.在某些文化中,人们鼓励情侣佩戴祖母绿以确保忠贞不渝、坦诚相待。
英文句子26:,26、We will train more general practitioners, nurses and rural doctors and encourage high-caliber health workers to work in village and community clinics.加大全科医护人员和乡村医生培养力度,鼓励高素质人才到基层服务。
27、A good personal tutor can be one of the best investments you make, providing you with feedback and encouragement.一个好的私人家庭教师给你提供反馈和鼓励,可能是你所做的最好投资。
28、So by giving a jazz CD, for example, the giver may be encouraging the recipient to enjoy something that was shunned before.呃,比如,通过送出一张爵士乐CD,送礼人可能鼓励受礼人喜欢某些以前被规避的东西。
29、Sunday is April Fools' Day, a day when you are encouraged to pull pranks on loved ones, co-workers, casual acquaintances, and even that one guy at the bus stop.在这天你被鼓励去和你的爱人、同事、熟人甚至公车站遇见的人开玩笑。
30、Higher-wage workers would receive inducements to leave, paving way for lesser paid new hires.工资较高的工人将获得一些旨在鼓励其离职的优惠条件,这样就可为公司花更少钱雇佣新工人铺平道路。
31、In the recent past some policies have bordered on the demographically insane—for instance “job-creation” schemes that encourage older workers to take early retirement.最近在人口问题上面的政策非常疯狂--例如创造就业机会计划,鼓励工人提前退休。
32、Although some doctors may discourage patients from doing their own research, many say they want to be included in the process.尽管一些医生可能不鼓励病人自行研究,但也有许多病人声称不愿置身度外。
33、We must continue to encourage cutting-edge space technology by investing in the people and industrial base that develops them.我们必须继续鼓励研发先进的空间技术,并在相关人和工厂身上投资。
34、We urge you to avail yourself of the provisions that God has made to bring about all these blessings.为了让人获得永远的福乐,上帝已提供所需的安排,我们 鼓励 你加以善用。
35、No one is perfect, and while we are not advocating for settling for less than you desire, the notion of “perfection” is a self-sabotaging principal.人无完人,我们并非鼓励人们降低择偶要求,“完美”这一概念就是自暴自弃的罪魁祸首。
36、It shall encourage and support enterprises and their employees to buy the endowment insurance in the forms of enterprise annuities and personal savings.鼓励、支持企业和员工参加企业年金和个人储蓄性养老保险。
37、This asymmetry encourages speculating on the short side, which in turn exerts a downward pressure on the underlying bonds.这种不对称性鼓励人们做空,这又成了对CDS中的债券的卖压。
38、I would encourage interested parties throughout Northern Ireland to make their views known through this consultation.我鼓励全北爱尔兰的相关方通过这次咨询使他们的意见广为人知。
39、"I see the law as a great encouragement for people to seek wealth legally, and be protected, " Mr. Jiang said.“在我看来,法律能够鼓励人们获取合法财产,并给予保护,”江先生称。
40、We encourage applicants to stay true to the process and to choose recommenders who know them well.我们鼓励申请者在这一过程中保证真实性并选择非常熟悉他们的人作为推荐者。
41、But unilateralism only makes sense to the extent that it encourages others to go further too.但是只有当实行单方主义的一方鼓励其他人也向前走时,它才有意义。
42、Approach is to encourage the development of patient-friendly protocols with less stress, discomfort and side effects.方法是鼓励建立使用较少压力, 较低不适感, 及较少副作用的病人友善方案。
43、The blue color wooden clansman do not give difficulty to me because I am other families person, instead they extremely encourage me to participate the competition.蓝色木族人并没有因为我是外族人而难为我,反而非常鼓励我参赛。
44、The scene of the hero's struggle with death when he was dying and his encouragement to his lover impressed me the most.男主人公离世前与死神作斗争以及对爱人的鼓励。这个场面给我留下了最深的印象。
45、For example, he encouraged poor people to move near swamps, so they would catch diseases and begin dying off.比如,他们鼓励穷人搬到沼泽地附近,在那里他们可能会染病而死。
46、He employed Greek and Carian mercenaries and encouraged Greek traders to establish a few Greek towns in Egypt.他组建了由希腊和迦南人构成的雇佣军,鼓励希腊商人在埃及建立了许多希腊人的城镇。
47、Encourages the women, after certainly must succeeds in obtaining this old man's money, do not forget that delivers them the green imperial crown!鼓励女人们,一定要把这起老男人的钱弄到手后,不要忘记给他们送顶绿色的皇冠!
48、For some reason, we have not encouraged our most skilled people to go to the classroom.约翰逊说:“由于某种原因,我们没有鼓励我们最有本事的人走进教室。
49、“We can retain the goodness that PowerPoint offers while strengthening the communications skills of our people at the same time, ” Doctrine Man enthuses.“我们可以在加强人们之间沟通技巧的同时重获PowerPoint带来的好处,”“文件人”鼓励说。
50、In summary, intensive treatment of keratoconjunctivitis sicca should be instituted first, and frequent blinking can be encouraged.总结该病灶之治疗,开始应积极处理乾眼症的问题,并且鼓励病人多眨眼睛。
经典英文句子51:鼓励人,51、Many cities encourage carpooling by providing one lane during rush hour exclusively for cars with three or more passengers.许多城市在交通颠峰时间,提供一条线道专供乘坐三人或三人以上的汽车行驶,以鼓励汽车共乘。
52、Expect to be probed to determine if you are a self-starter or are someone who needs a lot of encouragement and close monitoring.希望能够查明你是内在动力很强的人还是需要鼓励和紧密监控的人。
53、Therapist Eric Mammen encourages his patients at a children's hospital to participate with his as he plays.音乐治疗师埃里克曼明鼓励他在儿童医院的病人与他一起参与弹奏乐器。
54、TDD encourages developers to write a failing test when writing the first test for some new functionality.在为一些新功能编写第一个测试时,TDD 鼓励开发人员编写失败的测试。
55、Displaying a few pillows with soothing or inspirational quotes that help remind you of what's really important to you.摆几个印有抚慰人、鼓励人的引言的枕垫——它们能提醒你什么对你真正重要。
56、those who act with honesty, courage, kindness, encouragement and courtesy—helping each other as we go about our lives.以及那些以诚实、勇敢、善良、鼓励和谦恭作为行事准则的人们,在我们漫漫的人生路上,互帮互助。
57、NCPW 2008's organizers are encouraging people from coast to coast to focus on the financial facts of life .xx年'的组织者鼓励人们从海岸到海岸把重点放在对金融事实的生活。
58、To promote economic development, Hangzhou puts forward policies which encourage talents start business here, and vigorously attract talents from both home and abroad.为促进经济发展,杭州市推出鼓励人才来杭创业政策,积极吸引海内外人才。
59、World Wildlife Fund in China launches energy-saving contest to encourage Chinese people to reduce their everyday energy consumption.中国「世界自然基金会」举办节能竞赛,鼓励国人减少每日的能源消耗。
60、Rahman emphasized that Caucho's very interested in feedback from the community and encourages people to try the offering.Rahman强调Caucho非常看重社区的反馈,同时也鼓励人们都来尝试一下Resin。
61、They make you feel understood, and they encourage you to go after your goals and pursue your dreams.他们能让你感到被人理解,他们会鼓励你追逐你的目标追求你的理想。
62、He also offered money for the man who could drink most beer in one gulp.同时,他还鼓励男人们举行喝酒比赛,谁一口气喝得最多也会获得奖金。
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