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关于”专四写作的高级“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Senior Writing for Special Four。以下是关于专四写作的高级的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Senior Writing for Special Four


1、The lesson will be specifically designed for you as a novice, beginner, intermediate or advanced learner.


2、BTEC has more than 270 employees, including

2 professor level senior engineer, 30 high level technicians, 80 medium level technicians and

12 architects.


3、My position is assitant senior specialist, which is same as the assitant manager.


4、Of the four basic skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing, the last is the advanced cognitive activity, which reflects one's thinking.


5、The Test for English Majors Grade

8 (TEM-8) is a large-scale nationwide criterion-referenced test for English majors in China.


6、Once you have selected a course, it will be considered as your last decision and can not be changed.


7、FOUR-CYLINDER COMPRESSOR, air cooled, single effect, four-stage compression.


8、The new breed of super-plumbers earn up to £90 an hour working for rich customers in the poshest suburbs.


9、The author of this book is the senior editor of Zigong TV.


10、Marina Keegan is a senior English major in the writing concentration at Yale University.


11、Fourth, strengthen the incentives to improve professional degree of the community full-time workers.


12、Universities are an important base for training high-grade specialized talents.


13、Fourth, point of insisting on the theory of"school-based management"as well as perfecting the mode of"4-level supervision".


14、The book meets the needs of ESL students at the low-intermediate level to improve their academic writing.


15、Advanced English Writing is designed for the third-year English majors, with

1.5 credit and 26 theoretical lessons in each semester.



16、Ms. WangXiaoyan graduated from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 1994.


17、The creator of these eye-catching paintings is Wang Yue, 23, a senior majoring in visual communication design at Dalian Polytechnic University.


18、Professional canvas, WINSOR&NEWTON oil colors.


19、Indian High Commissioner to U.K.


20、Among these professional and managers, 150 are of high certificate, 880 of middle certificate and 1070 of junior certificate.

21、Highly polished stainless steel four-way swivel.高级抛光,四向旋转。

22、The whole thesis is divided into four chapters: the first chapter, focusing on the present writing teaching of vocational school.全文共分四章:第一章——职业高中写作教学的现状。

23、It aims to train advanced talents with professional knowledge in music and sound theoretical foundations of art, and with excellent music performance and writing skills.本专业培养具有系统音乐专业知识与较高艺术理论素养、具备相当音乐表演能力与较强的文学写作能力的高级专门人才。

24、In Thursday's Financial Times, columnist John Gapper took a look at the evolution of trading at Goldman.周四的金融时报,专栏作家John Gapper研究了高盛交易业务的发展史。

25、They filled in the octave up above and then they filled in the fifth and then they filled in the fourth and then they came down a whole step and then they went up a fourth from that whole step and then up a fourth from that, and they were filling in in this fashion.他们填写了八度音程,然后填写了五度音程,又填写了四度音程,然后下降一个全音级,又从那个全音级上升四度音程,然后再上升四度音程,他们就是照这样填写

英文句子26:,26、Academic training: Industrial, Chemical Engineer or Senior Technician.专业: 工业、 化学工程师或高级技师。

27、It was authored by a global team of agricultural experts, led by Uma Lele, a former senior advisor at the World Bank.该报告是由世界银行前高级顾问Uma Lele领导的一组全球农业专家撰写的。

28、Full-time teaching staff: totally 专任教师团队:专业教师15人。 其中教授3人,副教授2人,高级工程师2人,讲师6人,高级技师2人。

15 full time teachers:

3 professors,

2 associate professors,

2 senior engineers,

6 lecturers and

2 senior technicians.

29、At last, some topics on advanced application of GPS re-lated with flight dynamics are put forward.最后提出了作为GPS高级应用专题的飞行力学若干研究课题。

30、The simulated tests have the important features of CET-4 writing tests, that is time-limitation, length demand, guided writing.模拟考试中的写作因此也符合正规四级考试对于时间、篇幅等的要求。

31、The principal conditions of the writer: with senior professional title, PhD, writing ability in English, loving his/her profession, and maintaining the intellectual hunger.被委托人条件:具有高级职称,博士学位,英文写作能力强,热爱本专业,且保持智力饥渴。

32、This play's leading character is senior Law office four partners, their all skill uncommon, respectively has the institute specially.本剧的主人公是一所高级律师事务所的四位合伙人,他们个个身手不凡、各有所专。

33、Class is a boring topic to write about.作者认为“将阶级作为写作的主题著实显得乏味。

34、Sichuan GongZhuan decoration design co. , LTD. , hereinafter referred to as GongZhuan, registered trademark protection HZD abbreviations.四川红专装饰设计有限公司、简称红专设计、注册商标保护英文缩写HZD。

35、She teaches Chinese in a fourth grade class. She helps the boys and girls read and write.她教xx年级语文,教孩子们读书、写字。

36、Professional and technical contractors to all types of hotels, guest houses, villas, apartment, office furniture facilities, a large professional team.以专业技术承造各类酒店、宾馆、别墅、高级公寓、写字楼的家私配套设施,有庞大的专业技术队伍。

37、High Commissioner for Refugees;难民事务处高级专员

38、Having served in the field of accounting or auditing for two years after graduation from senior commercial school.

四 高级商业职业学校毕业,任会计、审计工作满xx年者。

39、“Write what you know” was the mantra of the creative writing courses nestled in the bosom of the English Department, and my major, by my senior year, was no longer physics but English.“写你知道的”是英语系视为掌上明珠的创作课的口头禅,而我的专业,到xx年级时,已不再是物理,是英文。

40、Four o'clock at the advanced exercise class. With me.四点钟去高级班跟我一起。

41、The company's research team includes professorial senior engineers, experimenters, and engineers, who are specializing in products developing and quality control.公司具备教授级高级工程师,高级实验师, 工程师等一批专业研发人员,从事产品领域的开发与质量保证工作。

42、Howard Johnson Hotel Zhangjiang --- a finest four star accommodation, as a new member of this big family is scheduled to soft-opened in June, 2007.豪生国际酒店集团作为专业经营中、高档酒店的全美最佳品牌公司,日前于浦东张江高科园区开发四星级酒店,且已于xx月对外营业。

43、The writing ability of students in common and good primary school is best than lower school students.言语表达能力对xx年级的预测力最佳,修改能力对小学xx年级学生的写作能力的预测力最佳。

44、Four grades of the week to remember how to write?xx年级的周记怎么写?

45、As one of the main courses for advance English majors, the Advance English is key to improve the students' overall language capability.高级英语作为英语专业高年级的一门主干课程,是促进学生整体语言能力提高的关键课程。

46、Would you please tell me about your high school and your senior class?请谈一谈你的高中和你们高xx年级的情况。

47、The study on adverbial connectors in TEM-8 writings deepens our understanding of the use of cohesive devices in writings and sheds light on the teaching of English writing.总之,对英语专业学生在八级作文写作部分中副词性衔接语的研究有助于加深文章中衔接手段的理解,对今后的英语专业写作教学具有一定的指导意义。

48、English writing is one of four basic language skills. The level of writing is the comprehensive reflection of all kinds of skills.英语写作是四项基本语言技能之一,写作水平的高低是各种技能的综合反映。

49、The city ranks second in the province only to Chengdu metropolis in the number of schools and ratio of high and medium-level science & technology talents.大中专数量和高中级科技人员占人口比例在四川仅次于成都。

50、Therefore, to resolve vocational school writing radically is a tough problem.全文共分四章:第一章——职业高中写作教学的现状。

经典英文句子51:专四写作的高级,51、English writing is a major part in College English Test for Band Four(CET4), but taken the results of CET4 over the years for reference, writing is the worst part in their CET4 examination.英语写作是大学英语四级考试的一个重要内容,但从历年四级考试成绩来看,写作是学生整个卷面分数最低的一项。

52、Since the 1990s, NAEP scores have gone up for students in grades 评价机构资料显示,四到xx年级学生的写作、历史和地理成绩得到了提高。

4 and

8 in writing, history, and geography.

53、For example, the Maester gains the Literacy Feat upon acquiring 1st Level.学士在第1级获得读写能力专长。

54、INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL LAW is a specialty course designed for fourth-year undergraduates with MONETARY BANKING as its prerequisite.《国际金融法》是高等学校法学国际经济法专业本科xx年级的一门专业课,其先修课程为《货币银行学》。

55、Learn the main idea of being an author and how to become a professional writer in this free writing- lesson video series on practice and professional writing.学习成为一名作家,以及如何成为这个自由写作,实践课和专业视频系列专业作家写作的主要思想。

56、This tutorial is written for relational database professionals whose skills and experience are at a beginning to intermediate level.本教程专门为水平在中低级之间的关系数据库专业人员编写的。

57、I find that my professional writing has improved dramatically since I started blogging and writing op-eds again.我觉得,自我开始写播客和再次尝试专栏编辑后,我的职业写作已大大提高。

58、There were six writing articles, including two compositions in traditional writing way and four compositions in Blog writing way.研究对象为21 名国小xx年级学生,共进行两篇传统写作及四篇Blog 写作。

59、CET-4 or above, Fluent in English for reading, writing and specking.英语四级或以上,具流利的中英文听、说、读、写能力;

60、This study reports a one-year metacognition-based writing instruction for 35 non-English major freshmen.文章作者对35名非英语专业xx年级学生进行了为期xx年的英语写作元认知训练。

61、The school-enterprise cooperative of economic management major can be divide into elementary, intermediate and advanced levels.依据校企合作程度,经管类专业校企合作教育大致可分为初级、中级、高级三个层次的合作关系。

62、Practical writing in higher vocational colleges is one of the public foundation courses.应用文写作是高职高专院校的公共基础课程之

63、Sketch is one of the important courses in artistic specialties in institutions of higher learning.速写写生是高校美术专业的重要课程之

64、Limitation of marriage, 25-45, college education, English language.婚姻不限,25-xx岁,大专以上学历,英语四级。

65、Reading China is a progressive, reader-friendly series of reading materials especially designed for non-native Chinese learners, for in-class or extracurricular reading.《中文天天读》是专为汉语学习者编写的一套中文分级读物。既可作为课外读物,也可作为阅读教材。

66、You must follow white hat techniques only as a senior, honest, reliable SEO professional.你必须遵循只作为高级,诚实,可靠的SEO白帽专业技术。

67、Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) : focused on advanced infrastructure design.专注于高级基础架构的设计。

68、Major in hospitality management; Over 相关酒店专业毕业,xx年以上高星级酒店职务工作经验;

10 years working experience in four or five-star hotel;

69、I wrote four hours a day for ten years before I was published.我每天写作四小时,一连写了xx年之后,才发表作品。

70、This one-semester course emphasizes elementary writing and speaking skills.四技英文(


71、4-6 years as Head of Kitchen in 4/5 Star category Hotel or individual restaurants with high standards.四至xx年厨房经验在四/五星级酒店的咖啡厅或很高级别的个体餐厅。

72、There are 现有高级专业工程师10名,中级专业技术人员40余名,产业工人300多名。

10 senior professional engineers now, more than 40 intermediate professional and technical personnels, more than 300 industrial workers.

73、It is an experimental majorof the teaching reform for advanced vocational and academic education.本专业是高职高专教育专业教学改革校级试点专业。



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