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关于”旅行的唯美“的英语句子24个,句子主体:The Beauty of Travel。以下是关于旅行的唯美的小升初英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The Beauty of Travel


1、Vera Farmiga plays Captain Goodwin, the highly focused officer who is the time traveler's only link with the "real" world.

我希望给我10张面额为100美圆的旅行支票。 In fives, please.

2、I hope you’ll give me ten traveler’s cheques of 100 dollars each.


3、It would be a cashless journey through the land of the almighty dollar .


4、Without craziness, I might not have gone on those amazing trips.


5、The only stipulation was that I would be put into a different position when I got back.


6、Hillary and Norgay were not the only ones trying to reach the top. But on this trip, they were the only ones that did.


7、I’ve had a trip to Tuscany two years ago. It's really a scenic wonderland.


8、For Ctrip shares, she has a 12-month price target of $75 -- 23% above Friday's close of $60.73.


9、Then specific information such as the traveler's last name and date of travel would be used to uniquely identify the right instance of the travel reservation process.


10、LouisVuitton, referred to as LV, was founded in 1845. It is mainly fanous for fine travel bags, including leather goods, luggage, travel goods, men's women's, pens, watches.


11、Companies associated with the travel and food industries could suffer after getting walloped in U.S. markets on Monday.


12、During the process, the foreign citizens of Guangdong, China are the important media of the communication between the two cultures.


13、I saw a bear and a mountain lion on my last hike.

最后,全球旅行和旅游主管Caroline Bremner讨论了在北美用健康的旅游来忘记经济困难的新趋势。

14、Lastly, Caroline Bremner, Head of Global Travel and Tourism discusses the North American trend of using health and wellness to forget about economic hardships.


15、Generally, when I take a weekend trip, or any North American trip that takes less than a week, I just pack along the MacBook Air, Flip Mino and Canon digital camera.


16、DeGette also owns a Camry hybrid and Camry wagon.


17、Hannu wants everything to be perfect for his anniversary trip to the hotel where he and his wife honeymooned 30 years earlier.


18、Showing off three expensive watches to his traveling companions, Preston said the dollar's woes have made his trip especially economical.


19、The gulls who scorn perfection for the sake of travel go nowhere, slowly.


20、Hotels and tour agencies are getting together with popular clinics to offer "medical beauty package tours" that consist of a clinic trip, spa programs, shopping and sightseeing.

21、That includes traveling at the speed of light. "The only objects that can travel at the speed of light are massless things, like light, " he said.这包括以光的速度行驶。 “可以在光速旅行的唯一对象是无质量的东西般的光芒,”他说。

22、"We travel anywhere from Asia to South America, to the Pacific, Oceania, " said Popovic.“我们旅行的任何地方,从亚洲到南美洲,太平洋,大洋洲,”波波维奇说。

23、The average destination wedding includes 88 guests and costs and average of $30,000.一般一场旅行婚礼邀请88位嘉宾,花费三万美元。

24、I have taken similar trips in Asia, Central America and Europe.我在亚洲、中美洲和欧洲都做过类似的旅行。

25、The lodge also offers night hikes, which provide perhaps the only chance to see mouse lemurs.旅社同样提供夜间徒步旅行活动,这可能是唯一能够看到猕猴的机会。

英文句子26:,26、This is the only season when tourist operations are possible in Arctica. All other time makes trips to the North Pole too risky due to weather conditions.这是唯一适合北极旅行的季节,其他时间由于天气原因都太冒险。

27、The reporter only once travelled to Britain, in the story The Black Isle, published in 1938.在xx年出版的故事《黑岛》中,描述了记者丁丁到英国的唯一一次旅行。

28、In a trip through Colorado in 2002, I caught the Arkansas River at a perfect level.年在科罗拉多的一次旅行中,我完美地感受了阿肯色河。

29、After all, is a Chinese-American restaurants, especially from Fujian province is mainly engaged in the industry.毕竟,餐馆业是旅美华人、特别是福建人主要从事的行业。

30、Make a shopping list for a picnic. What can you buy for 100 dollars?写一张旅行购物单。看一下100美元能买多少东西?

31、First tour in North America, a handful of "power" chord Shinedown "Carnival" will be the "first" crazy summer tour program includes 27 dates of "the" visit Shinedown, Chevelle.北美第一家电力弦旅行团一堆Shinedown首届嘉年华疯狂之旅将是一个夏天的行程包括xx日期Shinedown,舍韦勒。

32、Catalina's visitors enjoy excellent snorkeling, kayaking and hiking on the island, or dine on Avalon, the Channel Islands' only city.卡特琳娜的旅游者们享受在岛上进行舒适的浅滩潜水,皮划艇和徒步旅行,或在阿瓦隆(海峡岛屿的唯一一座城市)进餐。

33、The facility simulated confinement, stress and fatigue of interplanetary travel - the only thing not simulated was weightlessness.该设备模拟诸如禁闭,压力和星际旅行带来的疲劳等状态——唯一没有模拟失重状态。

34、Viacom Inc.’s“Star Trek” had a production budget of about $140 million and madealmost $400 million in ticket revenue, IMDB says.维亚康姆公司的《星际旅行》制作预算约14000万美元,门票收入近4亿美元;

35、That defeat proved to be Spain’s only loss of the tournament.这次败北是西班牙此次世界杯摘冠之旅唯一败绩。

36、Liability for loss or damage of baggage is limited to a total loss of $50 per piece and a maximum claim of $100 in the case of one passenger irrespective of the number of pieces lost.行李损坏或遗失按每件50美元进行赔偿,如果旅客不清楚行李的件数,则最高赔偿额为100美元。

37、The rate for traveler 's cheque is 847 yuans against US 100.旅行支票的兑换率是100美元兑847元人民币。

38、The only thing that beats a trip to China is working in China, which I've enjoyed now for three years.到中国旅行很有趣,唯一能把它比下去的就是在中国工作,而这也正是这xx年来我乐在其中的事情。

39、Yeah. But it's been a nice ride. The scenery is beautiful out here.是的。不过这是一次很好的驾车旅行。外同的风景很美。

40、Showing off three 180MM Marble cutter to his traveling companions, Preston said the dollar's woes have made his trip especially economical.普莱斯顿向他的旅行同伴炫耀了三包昂贵的国际红茶等级标注,并且说美元贬值使他的旅行特别值。

41、Four sides the mountain travels the summer "the only first choice".四面山旅游成暑期“唯一首选”。

42、They travelled in China on funds provided by the U. S. -China Friendship Association.他们用中美友协提供的钱在中国旅行。

43、Finally , the significance in pondering over the problems about tour ism resources in Hua Xi from the aesthetics angle.五是对花溪旅游资源进行美学思考的意义。

44、Correlation predicates typically compare some key value in the event , such as a unique trip identifier, with a metric containing the same key.关联谓词通常将事件中的某个键值(例如唯一旅行标识符)与包含相同键的度量作比较。

45、Garden History, Recreation Interpretation, Leisure Farm, Ecotourism, Culture Tourism, Urban Tourism, World Heritage and Tourism, Marketing of Cultural …文化创意 行销 世界遗产与观光 都市 观光 文化 观光 生态 旅游 休閒 农场 庭园史 旅游心理学 休閒美学 。

46、A beautiful young escort, Paul, suffers from trip-like dreams he doesn't understand.一位年轻美貌的护送,保罗,患有旅行般的梦想,他不明白。

47、It would be a cashless journey through the land of the almighty dollar.那将是一次身无分文的在美元至上的土地上的旅行。

48、You can also check out other strange travel tips here, as well as my 52 Perfect Offbeat Travel Tips!你们也能在我的《关于诡异旅途的52条完美建议》里找到其他奇怪的旅行建议。

49、Zhao Lin: That will definitely be a wonderful trip. But do you know anything about Shanghai?赵琳:那肯定会是一次美妙的旅行。但是,你了解上海吗?

50、Last year, I traveled in Ilan with my backpack, I assumed myself as a wayfarer in the vision…去年,到宜兰旅行,当时这一片片美景曾让我一时迷惑,以为自己是天堂的旅人。

经典英文句子51:旅行的唯美,51、The park is home to the Coastal Hiking Trail, one of Canada’s most renowned and scenic hiking routes.公园有着海岸步行道,它是加拿大最负盛名的风景优美的徒步旅行的路线之

52、The only difference I can see between tourists and travellers is a fair whack of pretension.而我能看到的唯一区别是旅游和旅行者之间的貌似公平的自欺欺人

53、The more I travel, the more I have seen how beautiful this world is.随着我不断旅行,我愈发发现这个世界是如此的美丽。

54、The virtual conference saved hundreds of thousands (in US$) in travel and conference costs and eliminated travel "down-time" for participants.虚拟会议节约了数十万(以美元计算)旅行和会议费用,消除了参与者的旅行 “宕机” 时间。

55、Food and wine are among the great attractions of atrip to Italy.去意大利旅行的一大魅力就是那里的佳肴和美酒。

56、The only thing that distracted me from the wonder of the trip was the terrible longing I felt for our cat Perry.在这次神奇的旅行中,唯一让我感到不开心的一件事就是非常惦念我的小猫佩里。

57、It originated in the American Indian, after European adventure travelers to the Americas found that back in Europe, soon very popular.它起源于美洲印地安,后被欧洲到美洲探险的旅行家发现,带回欧洲,很快流行一时。

58、We thought $ 30 would be enough to cover our petrol fee for the journey.我们本以为30美元足够支付我们此趟旅行的汽油费了。

59、Circumnavigating the planet and stopping off wherever you fancy is the ultimate trip – perfect for travellers who want to see it all, or who are just plain indecisive.对那些犹豫不决又想要到处看看的旅行者来说,最完美的旅行莫过于环游世界并且想在哪停就在哪停。

60、Terry: Well, I'd like to cash these four checks for $100 each.泰瑞:好的,我想换四张100美元的旅行支票。

61、Travel agencies are accepting advanced bookings and providing over 旅行社推出十余条旅游路线,集中在美东西海岸和夏威夷,现已开始接受预订。

10 routes, mainly to the east and west coasts and Hawaii.

62、To travel hopefully is better than to arrive. ----R. L. Stevenson.充满希望的旅行比达到目的地更美妙。 ----R。L。史蒂文森。

63、This marvelous music experience began from 25, May 2008 at Badu Studio.这段美妙的音乐旅程始于xx年xx月xx日,地点在八度琴行总店。

64、The rate for traveler 's cheque is 847 yuan against USD 100 .旅行支票的兑换率是100美元兑847元人民币。

65、Experiential or adventure vacations such as a culinary retreat or hiking trip (体验式或者探险式假期,如美食体验旅行或者远足(7%)

7 percent)

66、The hotel charges $2 for washing and ironing a shirt.这家旅馆洗熨衣服收费2美圆。 这家旅馆洗熨衣服收费2美圆。

67、It still gives priority to business passengers and frequent fliers but then boards passengers who paid an extra $9 to $19 to get on early, guaranteeing they will find space to stow their bags.它依然给商务旅客和老顾客优先权,但是,额外支付9美元到19美元的旅客先登机,保证这些旅客能找到放他们行李的空间。

68、The perfect ride for ladies who want to venture further and deeper into the wide, wonderful world of off-road cycling.对于女士们谁想要冒险进入宽,越野自行车美好的世界更深更广的完美旅程。

69、For $15, tourists could join a Pennsylvania-based tour company, NYC Vacation Packages, for a three-hour walking tour of the area.只需15美元,游客就可以参加一个在宾夕法尼亚州的旅游公司创办的纽约假日旅行套餐——一次长约3小时的区域步行游览。

70、The only redeeming feature of the hotel was the swimming pool. Apart from that, it was the worst hotel I've never stayed in.这所旅馆唯一的可取之处就是它的游泳馆.除此之外,这可以说是我住过的最糟的旅馆.

71、Traveling gives also understanding and can create empathy, which is a virtue.旅行可以开阔眼界,让人富有同理心,这才是美德。


标签: 唯美 旅行

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