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关于”最高级“的英语句子20个,句子主体:The highest level。以下是关于最高级的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The highest level


1、A largest, tallest, and most functional highest-grade comprehensive modern building comprising high-grade offices, apartments, commercial stores and an entertainment centre.


2、Prevalence rate of Internet addiction increased with grades and reached the peak at senior one grade.


3、What is the highest rank for a company-grade officer?


4、Which is the most expensive, a bicycle, a motorcycle, or a car?


5、Week of Abjuration: Skill level of all Light Magic spells increased to maximum during battles.


6、I have obtained Grade E or above in HKALE or GCEAL in at least

2 subjects and have at least

1 year of full-time work experience.


7、This bit corresponds to the highest priority task that is runnable .


8、Mayfair is the poshest district of London.


9、To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court;


10、Because if you consider the Ritcher Scale ranges from nought to

9, obvious

7.8 is fairly high up there. It is as you're saying



11、Town God's Temple in Xi'an, was the highest level, has been 620 years.

那些字符串代表座位的等次, 从最高级别到最低级别排序(首级,商务级,巴士旅行等等) 而数字串代表所保留座位按照相应等级的排列号码。

12、Those letters refer to the class (First, Business, Coach, etc.) from highest to lowest and the numbers refer to the number of remaining seats in the corresponding class.


13、Senior 3-level Chemistry and Biology, each with a minimum final grade of 85%.


14、Sum up the usage of the superlatives including the special usage.


15、Probably this might be the reason why we human are the most developed of all living species on the earth, and probably also in the universe.


16、Olbermann's prime-time show is the network's top-rated.


17、Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency raised the crisis alert level from level five to seven, the highest level on the scale. (Athit Perawongmetha/Getty Images)


18、For the sake of the gas pipeline works normally in long-term, we can be divided into the quality grade


3,4 and


1 level is the highest grade, and

5 level are for the worst grade.



19、"Rolls Royce" of the founder of Rauls (ROLLS) and Royce (ROYCE) is called "the most advanced materials provider" and "the most advanced technology are" the perfect combination.

SEC_BEST——使用可用的最高级的 DE-Light 安全级别,即使它意味着没有安全。

20、SEC_BEST -- Use the highest DE-Light security level available, even if that means no security.

21、Seraph is of the highest rank of angels in the Bible.六翼天使是圣经中级别最高天使。

22、The Yellow River is one of the longest rivers in China. 黄河是中国最长的河流之

23、He was China's most widely traveled senior diplomat.他是中国游历最广的一名高级外交官。

24、DBS' credit ratings are among the highest in the Asia-Pacific region.信用评级方面,星展银行是亚太区内获最高评级的机构之

25、This picture is than that one. 这张照片比那张照片漂亮。

英文句子26:,26、ABSTRACT: This article is an introduction to Italy's DOCG Appellations.摘要: 本文介绍的内容是意大利葡萄酒分级制度中的最高级——DOCG。

27、This is the highest precedence username and password.这是最高优先级的用户名和密码。

28、Some take on leadership roles at the highest levels.一些人在最高级别发挥领导作用。

29、Preference order 优先级

1 is the most preferred, followed by

2, and so on.

1 是优先级最高的,其次是 2,依此类推。

30、Rend - Base damaged increased from 300 to 450 for max rank.撕裂-最高级技能基础伤害从300增加到450。

31、Good is the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety's highest rating.优秀是公路安全保险机构的最高等级。

32、THE numbers keep rising, the superlatives keep glowing.这些数字不断上升,最高级保持容光焕发。

33、Earthliving Weapon - All ranks saw a healing increase, max rank now 70 up from 26.所有等级都有一定的治疗量增加,最高等级从26增加到70。

34、A nobleman with the highest hereditary rank, especially a man of the highest grade of the peerage in Great Britain.具有最高世袭身份的贵族,尤指英国具有最高等级贵族身份的人。

35、Their current top-of-the-range running shoe is being discontinued.他们目前最高级的跑鞋即将停产了。

36、The SVP P series provides powered versions of the most popular models of the SVP Series.P系列的高级副总裁的提供动力的高级副总裁系列最流行的模式版本。

37、Whichever of these has highest priority is then chosen.然后选择所找到的优先级最高的规则。

38、John is the tallest of the three.He runs fastest in our class.(副词的最高级the可省略)

39、Finally, we get the report of settlement class received the highest score.最后我们交上去的报告得到了班级最高分。

40、As the superlative form of knowledge, experience is the terminal of knowledge.作为知识的最高级形式,经验是知识的最终目的。

41、Even the most senior cabinet officers.就算是最高级的内阁人员也是。

42、She is the second tallest student in our class. 她是我们班第二高的学生。

43、Therefore, Class D quality cigarettes enjoy the highest production rates in China, while Class C quality cigarettes bring in the largest gross profit.因此,丁级香烟在中国的产量居高不下,丙级香烟毛利润最高。

44、Always maintain the highest standards of honesty.一直要保持最高级别的诚实。

45、The sun is much bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大得多。 形容词最高级的用法

46、However, the last digit designates the level of cold working in the alloy, with 然而,末位数字指出合金冷加工的等级,其中9为最高等级。

9 denoting the highest.

47、The most senior tranches, rated AAA, received the lowest returns, and then they went down the line to lower ratings and finally to the unrated "equity" tranches at the bottom.最好的那些“块块”被定级三A,收益率是最低的,评级较低的收益率就略高,一级一级排到底。

48、A top ranking general defected to the enemy.一位最高级别的将军投敌了。

49、Tournament seedings will now better reflect players' Battle. net rankings.只有最好的玩家才有可能达到高等级。

50、A prime bank is one of the highest-rated and best-funded banks.平常是指信贷评级最高、资金最为充实的银行。

经典英文句子51:最高级,51、Use its names for the uppermost classes.将其名称用于最高级的类。

52、The yellow wax is the most pure and therefore receives the highest grade.黄蜡是最纯的因此级别最高。

53、This illustrates the highest level of factoring components into their most atomic stage.这表明了将组件构造到其最细微阶段中的最高级别。

54、All panes beginning with AL0 are the topmost parents in the first level of the navigation.所有以 AL0 开头的窗格都是第一级导航中的最高父级。

55、In Britain, there are 英国拥有15所“四级防护实验室”,即最高生物安全级别实验室。

15 "Containment Level Four" laboratories, the maximum biosecurity level, across the country.

56、The top of this four-step "staircase" is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.最高一级阶梯是青藏高原,平均海拔4000米以上,号称?

57、Week of Abjuration: Skill level of all Light Magic spells increased to maximum during battles .光明之周:战斗中,所有梦见猫狗光明魔法的等级变为最高级。

58、Week of Alteration: Skill level of all Dark Magic spells increased to maximum during battles .变化之周:战斗中,所有黑暗魔法等级变为最高猫狗一家亲级。

59、Elastomer-modified injection molding grade for applications requiring highest impact strength together with low stiffness.注塑级,改性级,最高抗冲击强度,低硬度。宜制工程件。

60、Ballou's low point came in 2006, when less than 60 percent of the senior class graduated.巴罗的最低点来到xx年,当时不到60级的高级百分之毕业。

61、Moreover, forest harvesting could increase the fire risk class, which was the lowest under selective cutting scenario.采伐提高了森林的火险等级,择伐方式下森林的火险等级最低。

62、The highest level in the framework is the corporate level.框架的最高层是公司级。

63、The best city would necessarily be one that seeks to produce the best or highest type of individual.最优的城邦必然是,寻求孕育,最优或最高等级个体的所在。

64、Door locks on automobiles and most high-security locks have pin tumblers.门锁和汽车最高级的安全锁有脚酒杯。

65、Are top-ranked requirements being implemented first?是否正在首先实现级别最高的要求?

66、Total playing time, lowest observed level, highest observed level, guild affiliation, and zones seen in were parsed.总体游戏时间,最低观测等级,最高观测等级,所属公会,竞技场合睹数据入言分析。

67、What is the most high-class place for highconsignment goods to come from?从哪里来的寄卖品最高级?在这里什么饮料最贵?

68、In some states where there are both an intermediate and a superior court of appeals, a losing party may appeal from the intermediate appellate court to the state supreme court.在一些同时有中级法院和高级法院的州,败诉方当事人可以从中级上诉法院上诉到到州最高法院。

69、This is apple I have ever met. 这是我见到的最大的苹果。

70、The computer is cheaper and cheaper. 计算机越来越便宜。

71、Fortify a weapon to its maximum level in "Toukiden: Kiwami. ""在“讨鬼传 极”里将一个武器锻炼到最高等级。

72、The utilization frequency of residential area park is the highest (38.57%).游人对居住区级公园的利用率最高(38.57%)。

73、"Hierarchy" implies a tree structure, where each process belongs to a higher level process (except for processes at the highest level).“层次结构”意味着是树形结构,每个流程属于较高级别的流程(最高级别的流程除外)。

74、The optimal talent on the world likes to do ritzy work.世界上的最佳人才都喜欢做最高级的工作。

75、Yet the study found that the highest group was more than twice as likely as the lowest group to have heart disease or diabetes, or both.但是研究发现级别最高的小组患心脏或者糖尿病,或者同时患两种病的可能性比最低级别小组高两倍多。

英文句子模板76:The highest level,76、Boush has been educated in the most advanced goblin technology.鲍西受过最高级的哥布林技术学。

77、Use "largest, " "best, " and other superlatives only if you can back them up.只有当你底气充足时才使用“最大”“最佳”等最高级形容词。

78、Such an addition would certainly be of the highest priority.这样的添加当然可以拥有最高的优先级。

79、Anderson:Who is the highest officer of the bank ?安德森:谁是银行中最高级的职员?



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