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关于”一般过去时“的英语句子33个,句子主体:general past tense。以下是关于一般过去时的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:general past tense

它是未来,但却和过去一般行动。 它本是纯洁的思想,却变为粗暴的行为。

1、It, the future, behaves like the past.It, pure idea, becomes a deed of violence.


2、This process will also take some time.


3、Normally I love to get into the kitchen to cook, but I had left starting dinner too late, and began to feel overly hungry and irritable.


4、Usually also endure the past, but one to the rainy day, bumpy dirt roads into the water, like mud.


5、Generally by the fifth year first;



6、Since then we've taken two others; all have been exceptional experiences. For me, an avid snorkeler, being on board—listening to music day and night, going to beaches during shore day is paradise.


7、I was still in my thoughts when everything became a blank, as empty as the sky and the water.


8、I usually go up to London on the sleeper.


9、Again, notice the past forms of verbs when talking about the past, e.g.


10、Recovered nickel is normally recycled through the metal processing operations, but occasionally may be marketed to reclaimers.


11、A profile on behalf of a period gone.


12、In years past, turkeys spared in presidential ceremonies were sent to live at a local farm.


13、Analyzing past performance efforts can also involve elements of strategic goal-setting and intentional learning (Bereiter &Scardamalia, 1989).

微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。 这时候叶子与花也有一丝的颤动,像闪电般,霎时传过荷塘的那边去了。

14、The breeze carried past gusts of fragrance, like the strains of a song faintly heard from a far-off tower. a'nd leaves a'nd blossoms trembled slightly, while in a flash the scent was carried away.


15、Usually feasibility of cold bend and hot-forming of plate for pressure vessel is tested by experiment in the article, it's described unitedly in theory and experiment.


16、In addition, it also contains the non-past-tense usage which is of non-prototype, such as the present tense and the future tense, which is called hypothetical past and attitudinal past.

17、Love yourself for me everyday,一般情况下时间会后置吧~ 不过要强调,放前面也是可以的。

18、时间一天天的过去,我一无所成 With time going away,I haven't done anything significative。

19、逛街,逛马路 promenade the street 一般口语用"go shopping" 我们去逛街好吗?


20、Dress is most often informal, EXCEPT on weekends, when semi-formal attire may be worn.

21、A daily chart on a computer screen will comfortably show five or six months of history.电脑屏幕上的日线图一般可以轻松地显示过去5,6个月的波动。

22、Westerners generally admire directness and thus when being introduce to another, a person will look directly at the other person.西方人一般喜欢直来直去,所以在被介绍时,要直视对方。

23、One hour, two hours, three hours—and still no solution!一小时、两小时、三小时过去——依然不得其解!

24、From Kangding city to Kunga country, all the Tibetan houses are as grand as palaces.从康定过去,一路上的民居都极为富丽堂皇,各家都像是皇宫一般。

25、MARGE LUBELEY: "I usually get together with adaughter and a granddaughter and we go out to dinner and exchange gifts.玛吉·路比利:“我一般和女儿及孙女在一起过节,我们出去吃一顿饭,交换礼物。

英文句子26:,26、He used to definitely "problem child'."他过去时一位“题目小孩”。

27、Fight as men, or die as slaves?男子汉一样地战斗, 还是奴隶般死去?

28、"Traditionally, if you would have asked an anthropologist or archaeologist how manypeople lived [in these Amazon uplands], they'd say almost zero, " hesaid.他说:“一般如果你去问一个人类学家或者考古学家(在这些亚马逊高地)曾居住过多少人时,他们会说几乎没有。”

29、They often become unconscious as their body gets too weak to fight the infection.那个时候患者虚弱的身体一般不再能够抵御,他们会失去知觉。

30、Most people like to sleep in on the weekends since they don't have to go to work.大部份的人喜欢在周末时比一般平常时晚起床,因为不必去上班。

31、What is better than being back in time and reliving the four years of youth that you thought you had forever lost but magically regained?还有什么能比回到过去重温 我们以为已经永远失去却又奇迹般回归的xx年青春时光更美好呢?

32、The discoloring process in normal pectin production can be left out. The products possess high yield and qualified quality.所得产品收率高,质量合格,可以免去一般果胶生产中的脱色过程。

33、A general method for finding the Mean first passage time of go neral diffusion processes driven by shot noise is suggested.本文对散粒噪音驱动的一般扩散过程作了系统分析,为求平均首通时间提出了一个一般化的方法。

34、So love like you have never been hurt, work like you don't need the money, and dance like no one's watching.所以象你从未受过伤般地去爱吧,象你从不需要钱一样地去工作吧,象没有看你跳舞一样旋转吧。

35、This kind of weapon is obsolete.婚姻似乎快要过时了。

36、It's time to let bygones be bygones.是时候了,该让过去的事就过去。

37、I don't particularly read San Francisco Chronicle.我一般不会特意去读这个报纸,

38、I'd prefer ordinary design but fine materials.可是亲爱的,最浒也最容易过时.一般的式样,上乘的料子,我觉得更好.

39、Observed rainfall in the last 在过去一小时实际降雨量超过

1 hour is over

10 mm and the observed rainfall in the last

12 hours is over 100 mm.

10 毫米,在过去

12 小时实际降雨量超过 100 毫米。

40、Time flies! One year has been a history aleady!时间过得真快!又xx年过去了。

41、Cycling, drafting at more than 30.6 km/h, very fast, racing general.骑自行车,超过30.6公里每小时,速度非常快,一般的赛车。

42、Repair jobs reconciles the differences when the normal replication process has failed.当一般的复制过程失败时,修复工作可以消除差别。

43、“They look normal, ” said my colleague, Bo Gu.“看上去一般”,我的同事Bo Gu说。

44、Xia Xing also worked in printing and photography for some time.夏星过去做过版画,也做过一段时间摄影。

45、I never knew such a sound sleeper! Once his head touches the pillow, he just lies there as still as death till he's wakened.酣睡的人!他的头一到枕边就睡得死过去一般,直到把他叫醒。

46、我想出去一下,一般 说 Sorry或者Excuse me, I would like to go out .

47、Once you get over that initial period, the temptation to go back to bed is usually gone.一旦你度过这10分钟,想再躺回床上的欲望一般也就随之而去了。

48、时间一天天的过去,我一无所成 times going day by day,but i did nothing。

49、Mainly, I like to skateboard in downtown,一般的话,我会去市区,

50、In the past, subsequent real stockmarket returns have been low when the Shiller p/e ratio has been this high.过去,当谢勒市盈率走高后,随之真实股市收益一般都非常低。

经典英文句子51:一般过去时,51、The law prefers to let off for one's past wrongdoings.法律有时宁愿放过一个人过去的罪行。

52、However, it is also easy to cause unexpected behavior during typical debugging.不过,在进行一般侦错时,也很容易造成无法预期的行为。

53、Time past cannot be called back again.时间过去根本不能称为一拖。

54、Lin's grades are “so-so,” he said, and he dropped one class.林说他的成绩“一般般”,他逃过一次课。

55、They like to rought it in the woods on weekend hikes.他们喜欢在周末远足时在树林里过原始人一般的生活。

56、It will be very time-consuming and expensive using trial and error method to determine the process parameters.过去的成形工艺设计一般都基于经验的积累,采用传统的试错法,这种方法明显地具有费用高、时间长等缺点。

57、A general method for finding the Mean first passage time of ge neral diffusion processes driven by shot noise is suggested.本文对散粒噪音驱动的一般扩散过程作了系统分析,为求平均首通时间提出了一个一般化的方法。

58、After years of “chatting,” I actually heard her voice: a weathered, pretty thing, seemingly encased in a bygone era, unmarred by modernity.在“聊”了几年后,我听见了她真实的声音:那真是如风一般、美妙的东西,没有被现代污染,好像能带我回到过去的时代一样。

59、And a reminder of the rage over Wall Street's dramatic excesses over the last five years.还有,一个警钟,警示著人民对于华尔街过去xx年来戏剧般放纵的愤怒。

60、In the last three decades, California expanded the public sector and regulation to Europe-like dimensions.在过去的xx年中,加州把公营机构和规章制度不断扩大到有如欧洲一般。

61、At a ceremony Tuesday, Bush peered into Marshmallow's eyes, stroked its white fluffy feathers and patted its red head.过去,在总统举行的仪式上被放生的火鸡一般会被送到当地的农场去颐养天年。

62、In the form of an external steam with the scouring agent to remove clothing in general laundry process, difficult to remove stubborn stains, make laundry more perfect.以外接蒸汽形式配合去渍剂去除衣物在一般洗衣过程后,难以去除的顽固的污渍,使洗衣更完美。

63、Although we weren't supposed to interrupt him when he was reading, I blurted out, "Dan can go."一般他看书的时候,我们都不会去打扰他,可是我却脱口而出说:“Dan可以去陪Roth先生。”

64、Normally, the reverberations were eliminated either by "Reversal Elimination" or "Deep Water Wave Form Predictive Deconvolution" while processing the seismic data of deep ocean area in the past.过去,在处理深海域的地震资料时,一般是采用“反向消去法”或“深水波形预测反褶积法”来消除鸣震。但是,当鸣震和反射波互相干涉时,这些方法的效果不理想。

65、In the old days, the only solution involved physically sneaking out of the office and decamping for two hours or more with workplace confederates — almost certainly in a place where beer is sold.过去,唯一的解决方法就是偷偷溜出办公室,和同事悄悄消失2个多小时,当然我们一般都会去有啤酒卖的地方。

66、一般去e 双写 +ing tie die lie – 变ie为y加ing Tom is writing now 。

67、Jennie stiffened perceptibly , her nerves responding as though to a shock from an electric current.珍妮一见棺材,登时觉得浑身僵硬,仿佛神经通过电流一般。

68、Brothers cattle, it is from this walk, sometimes water is big, will and cattle swim past, swim, but I never walk.哥哥们放牛的时候,就是从这走过去的,有时水大了,就会和牛一起游过去、游过来,但我却从来没有走过。

69、Nice to meet you will use the past tense to describe your winter vacation trip. Beautiful park, landscape, fish, awfully you share with us!很高兴看到你会使用一般过去时来描述你的寒假之旅了。美丽的公园、山水、游鱼、不亦乐乎!喜欢你的分享!



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