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关于”电影中优美“的英语句子53个,句子主体:Beautiful in the movie.。以下是关于电影中优美的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Beautiful in the movie.


1、My perfect weekend would probably start in London with a Friday night trip to the movies – maybe the Gate in Notting Hill, the Everyman in Hampstead, or those nice Pullman seats in the Chelsea Cinema.


2、Returns $30.50 for every $1 paid.


3、It worked so well that it led to a sequel that proved every bit the first film's equal.


4、Yet video-on-demand generates significantly better returns – about $0.65 per film for the studio against $0.25 from a DVD rental.


5、Moives has influenced current standars of beauty.


6、's Youtube and also provides licensed video content such as television shows and movies.


7、It can almost compared to the secneic in the film 'The mountain, the People and the Dog'.


8、"Farewell to My Concubine" is an excellent award winning movie.


9、Taking human being as the center, moving visual image includes scene, light, shadow, colour and composition.


10、NIDA is, a centre of excellence in training for theatre, film and television.


11、Returns $40.60 for every $1 paid.


12、Today, Stellar Mega Media has prepared to work with our peers to create a flourishing age for China's movie industry.

阿美: 这是部恐怖电影吗?

13、May: Is it a horror movie?


14、He expressed hope that Chinese and American filmmakers will be able to learn from each other.


15、Balazs who was a film theorists in Hungary said in the "Film Aesthetics" : "a new visual culture will replace the print culture, following the emergence of film, .


16、He was an action hero in the ravishing movie The House of Flying Daggers .


17、The third part has been since opens, Feng's commercial movie to look in the late 90s the Chinese commercial movie basic esthetics question.


18、The young movie star revelled in the public's admiration.


19、So do I. I think American movies are wonderful. But before I studied English, I seldom watched the movies from other counties. I always thought it was disgusting.

You got to put the past behind you before you can move on. 你只有忘记以往的事情,才能够继续前进。


21、Chinese taking part include Ge You, one of the country's biggest movie stars, and Bai Yansong, a prominent TV news anchor.参与活动的中方人士包括中国电影大腕儿葛优和一家著名电视台的新闻主播白岩松。

22、China condemned the movie as an attempt to "whitewash Japanese wartime aggression.中国谴责这部电影妄图“美化日本战争侵略”。

23、When she was paired with Moon Lee (Lee, Choi-Fung) in the film "Angel" (1987) these attributes made her a perfect movie villain.当她和李赛凤在xx年的电影《天使》中搭档时,这些属性使她成为了一个完美的电影反派角色。

24、In 2005, the industry was worth just $250 million, compared to Hollywood's $23 billion.xx年,中国电影产业产值仅仅才为


25、Jingjing, have you seen the film, Sophie's revenge?菁菁,你看电影《非常完美》了吗?

英文句子26:,26、 A promise is a promise. 要信守诺言。

27、To mine joy from misery: that's the gift of many a terrific movie.苦中作乐是许多优秀电影的特点。

28、In this ecstatically beautiful film, walls never tumble, only women do.在这个心醉神迷地美丽的电影中,墙壁从不翻倒,不过女人做。

29、"Couples should not push too hard for the idealistic scenes often shown in TV shows and movies, " said Qi.“情侣们不要刻意追求电视剧或电影中出现的完美场景,”齐峥说。

30、Li's cinematic spectacles simulate the visual spirit of Chinese landscape painting, which is derived from Taoist ideology about space and time.李翰祥导演在黄梅调电影中的电影美学是想模拟中国山水画的精神,而这个精神源自于中国道家对空间与时间的观念及看法。

31、Thought the film aesthetics can not be equated with the film aesthetic.电影美学思想不能与电影美学划等号。

32、Rather than backing every film put out by a studio, they are investing in producers with good records.他们对以往成绩优秀的电影制片人进行投资,而不资助电影公司拍摄的每部电影。

33、That has lifted movie ticket sales, which jumped 64 percent in 2010 to $1.5 billion, thanks partly to a 3-D craze and a mushrooming of cinemas in China.3-D电影风潮的盛行和中国境内影院数量的剧增,都使得中国电影票房在xx年飙升了64个百分点达到了十五亿美元。

34、The month-long festival will showcase 本届法国电影展映节为期一个月,将展映新近上映的13部长片电影和12部短片电影,其中包括由莫娜·阿夏芝导演的《刺猬的优雅》和托马斯·盖雅执导的《自卫》。

13 recently released feature films and

12 short films, including "The Hedgehog" by Mona Achache and "Self Defense" by Thomas Gayrard.

35、May: I like scary movies.阿美:我喜欢恐怖电影。

36、Horror parody "A Haunted House" debuted in second place with $18.8 million, while mobster drama "Gangster Squad" opened third with $16.7 million.恐怖模仿类电影《鬼屋大电影》以1880万美元票房排名第二,匪徒类电影《匪帮传奇》以1670万美元的票房位居第


37、 I paid my respect to Bubba himself. 我也去看望了布巴本人。

38、'Good 3-D is good for the whole industry, ' says Buzz Hays, senior vice president of Sony Corp.'s 3-D Technology Center. Bad 3-D, he adds, risks spoiling the whole bunch.索尼公司(Sony Corp.)3-D技术中心的高级副总裁海斯(Buzz Hays)表示,优质3-D电影有利于整个电影行业,而劣质3-D电影可能会毁掉这个类别。

39、Gome as the best Chinese home appliance retail brands, with China Hewlett-Packard established a depth of the strategic cooperative partnership.国美电器作为中国最优秀的家电零售品牌,与中国惠普建立了深度的战略合作伙伴关系。

40、Fox Filmed Entertainment chairmen Jim Gianopulos and Tom Rothman called the Avatar sequels the studio’s highest priority.福克斯电影娱乐公司董事长Jim Gianopulos和Tom Rothman将《阿凡达续集》称作电影制片厂最优先考虑的影片。

41、The film If you are not the one starred the famous film star Ge You.电影《非诚勿扰》由著名影星葛优主演。

42、In 2009, xx年,有10部中文电影的票房收入超过1亿人民币(约1460万美元),而两年前只有4部中文电影有此佳绩。

10 Chinese-language films grossed more than 100 million yuan (about $14.6 million), compared with four two years earlier.

43、Over the next 又过了xx年,中国出现了一批优秀的女性题材电影,以及令人难忘的女电影明星。

10 years, numerous impressive actresses and outstanding women-centered films emerged in China.

44、 Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get. 人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力,你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种。

45、This is a collection of videos in which the animation colors and stylish frames will embellish your movie.这是一个动画影片中的色彩和时尚的帧将美化你的电影收藏。

46、Although he was in the sudden emergence of the sixth generation film directors, Huo Jianqi always sticks with his unique film aesthetic concept.虽然身处于第六代异军突起的电影浪潮中,霍建起却始终坚守着自己独特的电影美学品格。

47、Once you’ve seen a beautifully shot, widescreen movie in high definition, you never want to go back to watching old-fashioned standard def again.人们一旦看过那摄影优美、高清晰度的宽屏幕电影,就再也不想回去看老式的片子了。

48、Even if it is only through the film's soundtrack album can not help but make the listener in mind that outlines the painting beautiful scenes of fantasy films.即便是仅仅通过电影的原声大碟,也能使得听者不由自主的在脑海中勾勒出那一幅幅优美奇幻影片场景。

49、Barry McGee is featured in the film Beautiful Losers, in cinemas now.巴里·马克里在电影《完美失败者》中扮演重要角色,影片正在影院热播。

50、Ge You have to shoot a new film ?葛优又要拍新电影了?

经典英文句子51:电影中优美,51、Its a perfect pop-corn movie.这是一部完美的流行电影。

52、Along with the appearance of a series of excellent telecine products, the telecine has provided billions of Chinese audience with an all-new appreciative perspective and special aesthetic experience.随着一批批优秀电视电影作品的面世,电视电影向亿万中国观众提供了一种全新的观赏视角,为国民带来了独特的审美体验。

53、Ge You is an old stager in Chinese film industry.葛优是中国电影界的老戏骨。

54、"I 'm hoping the film appeals to people who have ever been in love, " Amy Pascal, Sony Pictures? movie chief, says of her studio ' s $80 million investment.“我希望这部电影能吸引那些曾经爱过的人们,”对于索尼电影公司投资八千万美元的这部影片,公司电影主管艾美?帕斯卡如是说。

55、This theme is one he's explored and perfected in his films, whether they are about the lives of humble peasants or exalted royalty.这一主题他曾在电影中完美诠释,不管是武侠片还是展现皇宫生活的电影无不体现这一点。

56、Forget “Brokeback Mountain”, with its distracting scenery.忘掉《断背山》以及电影中美得让人分心的景色吧。

57、After reform and opening up, China's art film ushered in a second.改革开放后,中国的美术电影迎来了第二春。

58、"Couples should not push too hard for the idealistic scenes often shown in TV shows and movies," said Qi.“情侣们不要刻意追求电视剧或电影中出现的完美场景,”齐峥说。


标签: 优美 电影

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