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1、A few bright and interested minds can leaven the whole lump .


2、It gives the flexibility to continue learning without the pressure of fixed schedules.


3、Only the love of Learning Mathematical Olympiad, will have the enthusiasm to learn, to oersted of number learning, students' Mathematical Olympiad results will be increasingly good at.


4、In the training process, the adaptive learning rate and error batch-mode process are introduced to accelerate the training rate.


5、I study in Shanghai Middle School.


6、Learning of observation is the core of social theories of learning by Bandura.


7、It can greatly motivate students'learning.

2) Computer-assisted English listening and speaking instruction further enriches both learners'forms and content of language input.


8、Teaching teaches students not only theoretical knowledge but the methods of learning so that they may converse passive study into active study and achieve good result.


9、I study in Beijing Primary School.


10、Learners can get in touch with real persons, objects and things in the real learning environment while in the virtual learning environment they cannot.


11、Learn about pointers?


12、For now, access to China's secondary vocational schools the majority of young secondary school academic performance is poor, study and living habits of young people is not stable.


13、In theory, the source should be the product of the thought of lifelong education, lifelong learning , learning society and learning organization when they developed at a certain stage.


14、Learning right, as a bundle of rights, composes of Free Learning, Learning Condition Guarantee, and Individuality Development.


15、Students' beliefs about language learning were investigated by the revised Beliefs About Language Learning Inventory (BALLI).


16、Inquiry learning is a learning method proposed in this reform, with which our teaching goals and learning methods will change.


17、Multi-tasking and information overload are the enemies of effective learning.


18、He studies physics in Berlin.


19、Jigsaw reading, as one of the cooperative learning methods, can stimulate independent learning.


20、In doing we learn.

21、As a new mode of learning, the research-type learning has brought about a great challenge to the traditional one of the librarians.研究性学习作为一种新的学习模式对图书馆员的传统学习提出了挑战。

22、I'm a 我是一个xx岁的大学生,很想学习英语,如何你想学习中文的话,咱们就合作一起学习吧。

20 years-old college student, I want to learn English, if you want to study Chinese, let me be your partner and learn each other.

23、Online college student's entry ability differ largely each other , consequently we shouldn't arrange learning materials just begin from the "learning starting point "but from little below.网络大学生的初始能力参差不齐,我们在安排学习内容时不能直接从学习起点线来开始,可以稍微从略低的学习起点起步以满足大多数学习者。

24、Pedagogical implications suggested that teachers attempt to promote learners' interests in learning English so as to increase learners' English learning motivation.本研究建议老师要试著提升学习者的兴趣,以便于增强学习者的英语学习动机。

25、Learning strategy, one of the objectives of the New National English Curriculum Standards, can enhance learning effectiveness and develop learner-autonomy ability.学习策略是我国英语新课程标准教学目标之一,是提高学习效率,发展自主学习能力的保证。

英文句子26:,26、Cooperative learning can stimulate students' active and their spirit of cooperation.合作学习能更好地调动学生的学习积极性以及互助合作的精神。

27、Then, the theme Learning Network design students autonomous learning environment building strategy.接着提出主题学习网设计中中学生自主学习环境的建设策略。

28、There were two hypotheses about the role that the effector played in the motor sequence learning.动作序列学习是动作技能学习的重要组成部分,其中大部分动作序列学习都有效应器参与。

29、Kolb's Experience Learning Theory emphasizes the role of experience in learning.库伯经验学习理论强调经验在学习中的作用。

30、We love our beautiful school!我在阳光学校学习。

31、The new round of basic education curriculum reform calls for the reform of past mechanical learning and rote, teaches the students how to learn, and develops the capacity of life-long learning.新一轮基础教育课程改革,要求改革学生以往的机械式学习、死记硬背,教学生学会学习,培养学生的终身学习能力。

32、Decision-tree algorithm is also induction algorithm, different from other induction algorithms that output a (set of) rule(s), its induction result is a tree: decision-tree.决策树学习不同与上面提到的几种归纳学习算法,此方法的最终学习结果是一棵树,而上面算法的学习结果是一个(组)规则。

33、Philatelic help me learn not to the classroom to learn things.集邮能帮我学习到课堂上没有学习到的东西。

34、And the mathematically common student is who have general interest, ineffective process in mathematic learning and general achievement.而数学普通生是指数学学习兴趣与数学认知成绩一般,数学学习效率不高的学生。

35、E study is quite related to the achievement motive, and the lack of study motive is the chief factor which has influence on the students study initiative.学生的学习积极性与成就动机之间存在高度相关关系,“学习动力不足”为影响学生学习积极性的首要因素。

36、Self-regulated learning is advocated and required in the 21~(st) century. Promoting learner autonomy and cultivating autonomous learners have become the primary goal of education in the new era.自主学习是二十一世纪所倡导和要求的学习模式,促进学习自主性、培养自主学习者已成为新时期教育的首要目标。

37、This article propounded the conception of the reflective mathematics learning and mapped out the meaning and property of its, moreover, the content of the reflective mathematics learning given.提出了反思性数学学习的概念,探讨了反思性数学学习的意义和基本特征,并提出了反思性数学学习的具体内容.。

38、And for English learners, is not only to learn language points, more to study related English culture background knowledge.而关于英语学习者来说,不只是要学习言语知识点,更要学习相干的英语文明配景知识。

39、In order to avoid being misled in the study. The primary choice is: grasp a scientific learning method and form an efficient cognitive strategy.要想在学习上避免误入歧途,掌握科学的学习方法,在学习中培养良好的认知策略是首要选择。

40、Such programs are expensive, but we are considering it because she loves to learn.这类学习学费昂贵,但我们在给予考虑,原因是她喜欢学习。

41、Research-based learning is a learner-centered curriculum based on learners' interests and learners' own control, and it is an individualized curriculum about discovery and relation.研究性学习是关注学习者的课程:以学习者的兴趣为基础,学习者为课程控制中心,是一种个性化关于发现和联系性的课程。

42、Learning ability test: The learning ability of rats was tested by trisection Y-type maze and figured as attempting times.学习能力测试:大鼠学习能力测试用三等分Y型迷宫进行,以大鼠学习尝试次数表示。

43、In accordance with the latest guiding line for college English teaching, the textbooks reflect the notion of individualized learning, interactive learning, and self-access learning.由清华大学出版社的《新时代交互英语》禀承最新大学英语教学的指导思想,体现了个性化学习、交互式学习、自主式学习的教学理念。

44、Self-access learning is a learning style emphasized in College English course and a foundation for individual life-long education and development.自主学习是大学英语课程改革强调的一种学习方式,也是个体终身学习和毕生发展的基础。

45、Furthermore, North American students have been functioning in learning groups from an early age.不仅如此,北美学生自幼年起就以学习小组的方式学习。

46、Learning is guaranteed by time. The students should arrange their study time and review with the teacher's guidance.学习是以时间做保证的,同学们要在各任课老师的指导下,合理安排学习时间,进行复习。

47、For phonics we have been doing some review with the previous letters and been working with the new letter Ss.我们复习了以前曾学习的字母并学习了新的字母S。

48、I am studying english now, I studyed english before two year ago.我现在正在学习英语, 我两年前在学习英语。

49、I study at Sunny School.我在阳光学校学习。

50、I study at Sunnu school.我在阳光学校学习。

经典英文句子51:学习,51、Advanced students learn go beyond hand-forming and glaze mixing to learn kiln loading and operation, as well as gaining an appreciation of the history of ceramic arts.高年级的学生除了会学习手塑及混合釉还会学习如何烧窑,也学习陶艺的历史。

52、What major are you going to study at the university?在大学里你打算学 习什么样专业? 习什么样专业?。

53、The establishment of self-learning center and its practice and the development of learning resources is also urged based on the university of the authors.结合笔者所在的学校,就建立自主学习中心,实施自主学习,开发自主学习资源等进行了论述。

54、One of the features of self-learning is that learners are active in developing varieties of strategy in learning and thinking.而“自主学习”的一个重要特征就是学习者积极发展各种思考策略和学习策略。

55、Reseraching learning is a new conception in the reform of new curriculum.探究性学习是新课程提出的重要学习方式。

56、Distance learning and continuing education will be promoted to make ours a society in which every citizen is committed to learning and pursues lifelong learning.发展远程教育和继续教育,建设全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会。

57、The Ten-Word-Study method in the study of plant taxonomy includes the studying methods both in class and outdoor practice.植物分类学的十种学习方法,包括课堂内所采用的学法和野外实习中的学法,将两者相结合,会对植物分类学的学习有所帮助。

58、The two roots of the alienation of learning are the psychological understanding of the nature of learning and the utilitarianism understanding of the value.心理主义的学习本质观和功利主义的学习价值观是学习异化的两大根源。

59、Investigation on Self-monitoring Ability in Physics Learning of High School Students in Tai an. ;学习自我监控能力是学生元学习能力的核心成分之


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