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1、The hardware environment for the ASP software is already full-fledged at present. But it is still difficult to develop and publish such kind of software for most software developers in China.

尝试用 Info-ZIP 软件 解开该文件。

2、To unzip the files, try the Info-ZIP software.


3、In a word, software.

开源软件的长期用户 是根据其需求调整软件的主力军。

4、Ultimately, long-time users of open source software are a force that tailors that software to their needs.


5、Our product cleans and blocks all manner of malware including Trojan Horses, Worms, Spyware, Adware, Ransomware, Keyloggers, Backdoors, Password Stealers and many more.

选择最适合的版本下载,然后双击.deb 软件包安装软件。

6、Choose the version of Dropbox that best matches your computer, then double-click the file to install the .deb.


7、Automated testing has become a hallmark of the Agile software development movement, and any software developer concerned with improving software quality would do well to adopt it.


8、I am a Software Gardener.


9、Tibco: we're still free software!


10、GB/T 8566 "Information Technology- Software Life Cycle Process" is a programmatic standard for software engineering.


11、Quality and software maintenance.

目前, 这个软件在Cnet.com上面的书签管理类软件中排名第

12、The program is currently rated no.

1 in Bookmark Managers at Cnet.com, as well.


13、If you build software, working software should be the primary measure of progress.


14、Because spyware changes, you will have to remember to update your anti-spyware program.


15、As software engineers, we should be somewhat chagrined by the fact that hardware is so far ahead of software.


16、A software platform is a common software stack that is used for developing multiple products.


17、The framework is in the area of application-specific object-oriented software reuse technology, by the specific application areas determined by the software architecture of software architecture.


18、Software engineering has the goal of producing high-quality software, on schedule and on budget.


19、Agent-Oriented Software Engineering;


20、It's a software platform...

21、The main reason of pirated software producing is it has a lower price than the real soft product's.盗版软件产生的主要原因是它比正版软件便宜。

22、As with all the leading software vendors, Adobe has a picture of where software is going and wants that future to be on their platform.与所有主要的软件厂商一样,Adobe对于软件的前景也有自己的看法,也希望软件的未来会是在自己的平台上。

23、However, unlike Antivirus software, most Anti-Spyware software will not update on its' own.然而,与反病毒软件,大多数反间谍软件将不会更新其自身。

24、For me, Software Craftsmanship is about putting the individual back into the activity of delivering software.对我来说,软件匠艺尝试将人们拉回到交付软件的活动上来。

25、Between software vendors, software providers and the cooperation between agents, OEM means of such.软件商之间,软件商与代理商之间的合作,OEM方式探讨等。

英文句子26:,26、Don't assume your software runs on lower-end hardware until you test it on that hardware.除非你在很低劣的硬件上测试运行过你的软件,否则不要假设你的软件能在这个硬件上面运行。

27、Hardware appliances vs. software solutions: ModSecurity is a software web application firewall engine that is an Apache module.硬件设备对比软件方案:ModSecurity是一个软件Web应用防火墙引擎,本质上是个Apache module。

28、Real-time simulation supporting software is a special tool for the development of real-time simulation program, and real-time simulation program is the core part of the simulator.实时仿真支撑软件是开发实时仿真程序的专用软件工具,而实时仿真程序是仿真机的核心软件。

29、We handle software products.我们经营软件产品。

30、Third: Baotou software industry and Inner Mongolian software park enterprise's development condition appraisal.第三篇:包头市软件产业及内蒙古软件园企业发展状况评估。

31、With the emergence of the Object-Oriented technology and software component technology , the software reuse technology develops rapidly.随着面向对象技术和软件构件技术的应用,软件复用技术得到了迅猛的发展。

32、Its application is not just limited to hardware synthesis, but also to software compilation, especially to retargetable compiler design.它不仅适用于硬件综合,也可用于软件编译,特别是可重定向软件编译器设计。

33、The requestor shall send the soft copy of the new PROTOCOL to the DCC and delete the electronic file after sending the soft.申请者应将新验证方案的软件交文件管理协调员,在提供软件后,文件管理协调员删除原文件。

34、The examples used throughout this book of various applications, software bugs, and software test tools are in no way intended as an endorsement or a disparagement of the software.本书中用到的所有实例,包括各种应用程序、软件缺陷、软件测试工具都不代表认同或排斥该软件。

35、In the nature of things, you can use a different SMTP service. The software I did support multiletters and multisender after I test.经过测试,证实此软件是一个支持多收信人,多附件的群发软件。

36、The software limited switch is introduced as an example of software machinery in this article.还以软件限位开关为例对软件机械概念作了进一步阐述。

37、This software is registered to…这个软件注册给…

38、Software quality and software quality management increasingly become the focused point of vital concernment for people.软件质量以及软件质量管理日益成为人们关注的焦点。

39、National Computer technology and software professional qualification level software architect license exam …全国计算机技术与软件专业技术资格水平考试软件设计师证 用比…

40、EdgeGuard Solo is client security software that protects you from malware attacks that legacy, signature-based AntiVirus software misses.东软独奏客户端安全软件,保护你的恶意攻击的遗产,基于签名的防病毒软件的怀念。

41、There is even a full business-accounting package, something often seen in open-source software.甚至有完整的商业会计软件包,常常看到一些在开放源码软件。

42、Refurbish: Software will be updated with required content files.刷新:软件会按固件包内所需文件进行刷新。

43、29west LBM: we're free software!29west LBM:ZeroMQ是自由软件!

44、However, reusing software resources at early stages of software development is still insufficient.然而,对于软件开发早期阶段的软件资源的重用却进展缓慢。

45、Presently, software projects have a trend of becoming high complex and big-scale, which introduce problem for software development and upgrade in technology and management.目前软件项目呈现一种复杂性高、规模大的趋势,这给软件开发和软件升级带来了技术上和管理上的困难。

46、Ohloh –Open source software directory.Ohloh-开源软件目录。

47、In the current software design, more and more emphasis is gained for building software in terms of pre-existing components.现代软件设计中,利用已存的组件构造软件正日益获得愈来愈多的重视。

48、Software distribution makes use of a simplified single content packaging format called the software package.软件发布利用了一种称为软件包的简化单一内容包装格式。

49、Labor-management software can not?劳资软件不能用?。

50、Was the software or hardware recently upgraded?最近软件或硬件是否进行了升级?

经典英文句子51:软件,51、The middleware technique provides us a kind of completely-new software engineering idea, while flexible bus model offers a type of software-integrated plug-and-play mode.中间件技术提供了一种全新的软件工程思想。软总线模型则提供了一种软件集成的即插即用模式。

52、The WASCE package contains the parts/wasce.tgz part file.WASCE 软件包包含了 parts/wasce.tgz part 文件。

53、I'll walk through the basic components of a package, what you need to create your own packages, and finally how to pull it all together to create a package.我将完整地介绍软件包的基本组件,创建自己的软件包所需的东西以及如何将它们组合在一起来创建一个软件包。

54、With the evolution of software and software tools, architects have overcome this limitation.随着软件和软件工具的发展,架构师们已经克服了这一局限性。

55、VAS?Videotex Administration Software?可视图文管理软件?。

56、The software black box test meant the test must carry on in the software connection place.软件的黑盒测试意味着测试要在软件的接口处进行。

57、Having been developed and put into run, the application software enters into maintenance phase of software.应用软件在开发完成投入运行后,就进入到软件的维护阶段。

58、Look at the software help-wanted ads and you'll see numerous listings for software testers.看看软件帮助广告,您会发现里面列出了大量的软件测试人员。

59、The PC's assembly software quickly translate to the VAX's equivalence assembly software by TPV.用TPV可将PC的汇编软件快速地移植转换成VAX的等价的汇编软件。

60、The software works according to the communication protocol between the control center and mobile sensors.软件设计是围绕端机软件与前端控制中心通信协议来实现的。

61、Update your virus scan.升级你的防毒软件。

62、It tracks which software is installed, the versions, dependencies, and other, similar attributes like RPM.它跟踪已经安装的软件、版本、依赖软件和与 RPM 相似的其他属性。

63、This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it.通用公共授权适用于大多数自由软件基金会的软件,以及任何作者指定使用本授权的其他软件。

64、For instance, free software obtained gratis can save the user money.比方说,自由软件赢得消费者青睐,因为使用自由软件更省钱。

65、The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) places software quality assurance at the foundation level 软件工程协会(SEI)将软件质量保证设置为CMM的基础级别

2 of the CMM.


66、This software is not compatible with your hardware.这软件与你的硬件不兼容。

67、It stores almost no files or software.它几乎无需存储文件或安装软件。

68、The computer comes bundled with software and diskettes.电脑与软件和软磁盘被一起提供来的。

69、Computer-aided software design;计算机辅助软件;

70、SIGTERM - software termination signalSIGTERM :软件终止信号

71、We started the free software movement because this power is unjust.自由软件运动最初的动机,就是我们觉得软件商的权力有失公允。

72、The SCADA the researching communication software in is introduced, such as the functions, the environment of software and hardware, the modes of net framework, and the frame of software.继而从功能、软硬件环境、组网方式和软件结构上对课题中通信软件所在的SCADA系统作了总体介绍。


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