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1、Destined to give birth to little to harsh.


2、You might say (someone) is cold [unfeeling], but he isn't.


3、We hope our lovers can sing for us.


4、Facial expression agreeable sweetheart of quite intimate.


5、Sometimes he sent feelings in scene, or with scene lining feelings, or scene blend , make feelings be with scene in Ci unification together harmoniously.


6、We hope our lovers can sing for us…

7、first sweetheart lover(初恋情人) sweetheart lover in dream(梦中情人)


8、Feeling from situation", " situation from feeling" and" feeling-situation blending ingeniously" are the three basic Feeling- Situation generation paradigms.


9、Your lover makes a passionate plea!


10、The situation data includes situation time, situation category, situation disposition priority, severity, message, and substitutable message elements.


11、In epistemic modality, assertives are the main performatives. And speech acts co-occur with metaphor of modality. So speech acts come with modality.

(对女人来说) 有三类男人:智慧的情人,尊荣的情人,势利的情人。

12、There are three classes of men: lovers of wisdom, lovers of honor, lovers of gain.

(对女人来说) 有三类男人:智慧的情人,尊荣的情人,的情人。

13、Love enters a man through his eyes; a woman through her ears.

对自己所做的事情充满热情。 热情是创造力的源泉。

14、Be enthusiastic about what you’re doing. – Enthusiasm is the lifeblood of creativity.


15、Research on user's information requirements and information behavior is an important area in information service.



9. Demeter in action (tsk, tsk!)

9. 迪米特在行动(同情啊,同情!)

17、热情女孩英文怎么写 Enthusiastic girl Enthusiastic 是热情的意思 girl 是女孩的意思 连起来Enthusiastic girl=热情女孩


18、The hearts of love, at the foot of mercy.


19、Why emotive thing lets person worry, have on this world be indifferent red?


20、No expression of emotion, micro or macro, reveals exactly what is triggering it.

21、Acracholia is not good, and implacability will be hurt by itself.多情总叫多情误,无情终被无情害。

22、In a normal world, that would be a puzzler.正常情况下,这种情况是个谜。

23、Not love, love me long.不求情意浓,但愿情长久。

24、 You can eat and drink your fill. 你可以尽情地吃,尽情地喝。

25、This work has many characters, is a win by affection, love and moving feelings book.这部作品有很多主人公,是一部以情取胜、以情感人的情绪书。

英文句子26:,26、"Object" consists of three factors of introspective EI, interpersonal EI, ecological EI;“对象”是由内省情智、人际情智、生态情智三个主因素构成;

27、Others not included in the proceeding five subparagraphs have special use situations and location.六其他不属前五款情况,而其使用情形或位置情形确属特殊者。

28、It sounded both familiar and exotic, feminine yet strong.听来情切又不失异国风情,柔情似水又坚强有力。

29、Physical flirt, playful flirt, sincere flirt... which one are you?生理调情,玩笑调情,真诚调情...你是哪一种?

30、Sex is emotion in motion.性是“ 动情” 动了情。

31、The critical value of drought is obtained by using the drought diagnosis criterion offered by r.谢良尼诺提出的旱情诊断判据,结合广西历史上旱情情况,确定了旱情具体判据值。

32、Five, the little and lost dew expresses the affective attitude of happiness and mourn.第五,微晞之露引起多重情感倾向,既有喜悦之情也表现悼念之情。

33、Expression is very important, temporarily entertaining thoughts of expression.表情很重要,临时起意的表情。

34、The achievement of the cruel man women suffer.男人的无情成就女人的绝情。

35、On Oedipus Complex in "Sons and Lovers""论《儿子与情人》中的“恋母情结”

36、Enjoy beauty of winter of ice city, enjoy friendship of harmonious world.冰情雪韵中同享冰城瑰丽之冬色,和谐世界里共抒深情厚谊之情怀。

37、Human nature involves three states:true feelings, affectation and heartlessness.人性无非包括三种境界:真情、矫情、无情。

38、One emotion overcomed the other emotion and shift emotions to others would contribute to the treatment of emotional diseases.用以情胜情法和转移情志法有助于情志病证的治疗。

39、Some feelings, in the initial stage, is shared;一段感情,在起步阶段,是两情相悦;

40、· you can eat and drink your fill. 你可以尽情的吃,尽情的喝;

41、Everything he does is done with enthusiasm.他做每件事情都是用热情去做。

42、In many cases, such outbreaks can be averted.在许多情况中,可避免此类疫情。

43、If the quality of empathy emotion is similar to children's self emotion, children have higher level of empathy response.当共情性情绪的性质与儿童自身情绪性质一致时,比不一致时更容易产生高水平的共情反应。

44、Recognitions of body expressions are influenced by faces and voices;身段表情识别受到面部表情与语音表情的影响;

45、It is a sign of both authenticity 这是真性情和热情的表现。

3 and enthusiasm.

46、Love and friendship have always been literary motifs of the regular expression, and they with the kinship constitute the three most sentiment on the earth.爱情、友情,历来都是文学所常表现的母题,它们与亲情构成了人间的三大至情。

47、Whether too sentimental. Oneself also think so but can't jump out of the emotional and complex.是否太矫情了。自己也这样觉得却无法跳出这个情绪和情结。

48、The transition is difficult with constrains of the situation of the country, the public opinion, the situation of the society, the situation of the world.这种转型因其受到国情、民情、社情、世情的制约,会很艰难。

49、Her description of what happened approximated to the truth.她叙述所发生的事情近于实情。

50、Be passionate about what you do.对你自己所做的事情有热情。

经典英文句子51:情,51、Souri, pleuré, offrir à votre amour non expression 笑笑,哭哭,自作多情的表情

52、It depends, but in most cases, no.看情况,不过大部分情况,非也。

53、I believe that this matter should also be internal friendship is one of the few people to hear.我相信这件事情,也应该是少数内部情义人知道的事情。

54、If a warmly warbling warbler warbles to another armly warbling warbler, which warmly warbling warbler warbles warmest?如果一只热情的鸣鸟对另一只热情的鸣鸟鸣啭,哪只热情鸣鸟鸣啭得最热情?


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