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关于”描写雪“的英语句子28个,句子主体:Description of Snow。以下是关于描写雪的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Description of Snow


1、Would you even write? Once you have the pen, no rule says you have to write. Would you sketch? Scribble? Doodle or draw?


2、Secondly: We will thoroughly depict the structure of The History of Southern Dynasties' polysyllabic words.


3、In using the method of contrastive linguistics, this thesis describes and contrasts the similarities and differences of Korean and Chinese spatial relations on the both-way.


4、"Bill & Doris" carved on a tree. "Rex & Rita" written in the snow.


5、A differential equation, which describes the transients of pulsed MOS capacitors, is derived.


6、So I am putting it is snowing and then what do I do?


7、Barely a word about it has appeared in the national press.


8、There's also an alga that creates reddish 'watermelon snow' - a phenomenon first described by Aristotle.


9、The Chevron way outlines succinctly the company's objectives, the key stakeholders and how management will monitor progress.


10、I believe we should share our coverage according to the ratio of different views have in the society.


11、In describing the patterns, we have documented the relationships between the patterns.


12、To see a place with one's own eyes is better than any description.


13、She then described a cyber-novel she is planning to write about a princess who lives during the Qing Dynasty.


14、This is a grand understatement.


15、"The Centaur hit in stuff that can best be described as fluffy, snow-covered dirt".


16、Brel Hare achieved fame with stories that portrayed local life in the California mining camps.


17、SHERRY: Yes, I need to buy a computer for this semester.


18、It resembles the freehand traditional Chinese painting and also shows the delicacy of the linear sketch.

在写作之前,残雪是一个裁缝。 xx年,她开始认真创造小说。

19、Formerly a tailor by trade, Can Xue only began to write fiction seriously in 1983.


20、The qing dynasty YangGuangFu wrote: "moon cakes full pack ice cream sweet build by laying bricks or stones, peach meat."

21、Painting courses: drawing, childrens painting, oil painting, gouache, watercolor, comic books, sketches, watercolor.绘画课程:素描,儿童绘画, 油画,水粉画,水彩画,漫画,速写,水彩。

22、I do want to write more of my time travel stories featuring my temporal interventionists (the latest being "These Are the Times" in the November 2007 Analog).我还想写更多的时间旅行题材小说,卖点在于我的时空干扰描写。

23、Their solutions are described by the fundamental theorem of the calculus, which reads as follows.它们的解由微积分基本定理所描述,可写出如下。

24、A future article will provide a more thorough walkthrough of virtual applications.我将在今后单独撰写一篇文章详细描述虚拟应用程序。

25、Regina Jonas was a hero of all the descriptions in T.A Barron’s book.雷吉娜·乔纳斯在T.A巴伦的书中被描写成一位英雄。

英文句子26:,26、His are about a life of literary engagement: almost all of them include some musing on the state or the nature of writing, both Hughes's own or other people's.他的书信集描写了其文学生涯:几乎所有的书信都有关于写作状态或写作性质的思考,有他自己,也有别人的。

27、I met with Sherri twice while writing this chapter - first in 2003 when I was just planning to write this book , and again a year later.写本章时,我和雪瑞见了两次——第一次是xx年,我正准备写本书,第二次是xx年后。

28、I think if it is reflected that women today are equally equipped as men, and then it will be the right portrayal.而我认为,如果该报描写的是当今女性与男性并驾齐驱,这才是当今女性现实的写照。

29、Second, make another snowball, but this one is smaller than the first.第二步,再做一个雪球,不过这个要比第一个小写;

30、During Qing rule, some novels of high artistic value were created, of which Cao Xueqin's Dream of Red Mansions is the best known. It describes the decline of a prosperous feudal aristocratic family.在清代,还出现了一些艺术性很高的长篇小说,其中最著名的是曹雪芹描写封建贵族家庭由兴转衰的长篇小说《红楼梦》。

31、It may thus have been written about AD 66 or 70, and apparently in Palestine.它可能因此描写过公元66或xx岁,显然是在巴勒斯坦。

32、Yoji Yamada's first modern tale in ten years which depicts present families of Japan.该片是山田洋次xx年来首部描写日本当代家庭的影片。

33、This poem is written to friends and night drink snow hall, Lin Gao feel drunk.这首词所写的就是作才与朋友夜饮雪堂,醉归临皋的感受。

34、Morphological observations on Saussurea tangutica with a description of a new variety.文章题目 唐古特雪莲的形态观察及一新变种的描述。

35、This year’s snows are described as the worst in a generation.而今年的大雪责备人们描绘为一代人中最严重的一次。

36、SHERRY: But I need a computer that can handle writing in Chinese.雪莉:但是我需要一台可以处理中文写作的电脑。

37、Mark wrote a followup post that included a description of Ad.ly board.Mark写了一篇后续的博客,其中包括对Ad.ly的董事会的描述。

38、The whole landscape is virgined by the cottony flakes. You get this renewed and clean feeling. Your trek is followed by your foot steps only.下面这段话是我的一个加拿大朋友对雪景的描述,觉得很美。

39、This sample is from an avalanche site. This block is only four millimeters wide. We see in this block the essential features. This big blob is re-frozen snow.这就是从雪崩发生地采集回来的样本,这个模型所描绘的雪仅有四毫米宽,从这个模型中,我们可以看到雪的重要特点。

40、he was skilful at sketching. Suddenly, Abe suggested to go skiing.他素描画得很娴熟,突然,艾贝提议去滑雪。

41、Well, how does Yeats stand in relation to the events he's describing?那么,叶芝是怎么处理,他和他所描写的事件的关系的呢?

42、Pink snow was a high-latitude curiosity described by Arctic explorers.粉红色的雪被北极探险家描述为高纬度的奇观。 。

43、He wrote about a blind man watching the snowfall and smiling to himself.他写道,一个盲人看着飘雪独自微笑。

44、She decided she wanted to write a book about her experiences at the magazine.她决定写一本描述她在书刊杂志社工作时的经过。

45、That has come in the form of many articles from the print media and movies from Hollywood.许多平面媒体和好莱坞电影对此都有描写。

46、Students will be taught different writing styles, such as description, narration, exposition, and argumentation.课程内容涵盖不同的写作体材,如描述、记叙、论说文等。

47、Still another depicted europa deceived by jupiter under the disguise of a bull .再一幅是描写欧罗巴如何被化身成公牛的朱庇特所欺骗。

48、I have seen many other snowfalls, I wrote, but for some reason I always remember that night when the blizzard came on Christmas Eve.“下雪天见过很多”我写道“但是,不知为什么,我总是记得那个刮着暴风雪的平安夜。

49、They're digital scans of letters to the editor of The New England Courant .这些是写给《新英格兰报》编辑的一些信件的数码扫描件。

50、He paints an otherworldly, murky scene of dread in the cemetery where lightening flashes and thunder roars.他把墓地描写得阴森恐怖,不时伴有电闪雷鸣。

经典英文句子51:描写雪,51、Learning colour is pen paint from life later; Should be pencil sketch next.学完色彩以后就是钢笔写生;接下来就应该是铅笔素描。

52、He uses words like “flood” and “avalanche” to describe the demand forafternoon schooling.他用了“洪水”和“雪崩”这样的词来描述对下午教学的迫切需要。

53、The book's afterword is written by singer-actress Cher, who is part Cherokee.该书的后记写的是歌手,演员雪儿,谁是部分切诺基。

54、The general formula to describe the reciprocation law of stress is given with diminutive wedges.以楔形微体为例给出了描写应力互换定律的一般公式。

55、All that Blizzard have said in reference to this scene is "players in the World of Warcraft are just mighty leapers ".所有暴雪关于这个情况的描述都是,玩家在魔兽世界中都弹跳力惊人。

56、Roy:Yes! Back in one piece! I can write my name in the snow again!太好了!完完整整回来了!我又能在雪地里写我的名字了!

57、If you live in a snowy climate write large notes in the snow on people’s front lawns (when they are out).(如果你生活的地方下雪,那么就在别人家(在他们出去的时候)的草坪雪上写上祝福的话。

58、Cao xueqin stick with ten years of just wrote the dream of red mansions immortal;曹雪芹坚持用了xx年的光景才写下了不朽的《红楼梦》;

59、It will include 193 paintings, drawings and sketchbooks, alongside an 18-screen film.它将包括193幅油画、素描和速写,还有一个18屏的大银幕。

60、"I have seen many other snowfalls. "I wrote, "but for some reason I always remember that night when the blizzard came on Chritmas Eve.“我一生看见过许多次降雪,”我写到,“但是不知怎的,我总是记得圣诞夜的那次暴风雪。

61、The Red Army men once wrote down their heroic feat here.中国工农红军也曾在这里的雪山草地里书写壮举。

62、In the operas of the Yuan and Ming, there are lots of descriptions related to the Zhouyi and hexagrams.在元明戏曲中,有不少对于《周易》及《易》卦的描写。

63、The foregoing description is that of the ideal Giant Schnauzer. Any deviation from the above described dog must be penalized to the extent of the deviation.前面描述的是一个理想的巨型雪纳瑞,任何与前面的描述相违背的地方都是缺陷,并要根据违背的程度扣分。

64、The author of this book is Cao Xueqin, and he is known for the vivid description in his book.这本书的作者是曹雪芹,他因书中生动的描绘手法而闻名于世。

65、Such study and description are proper if done from a proletarian position.这种研究和描写如果是站在无产阶级立场上的,那是应该的。

66、Still another depicted Europa deceived by Jupiter under the disguise of a bull.再一幅是描写欧罗巴尼如何被化身成公牛的朱庇特所欺骗。

67、Surely, this is an understatement: 650 pages of magic realism?当然,这是一个轻描淡写的说法:要知道,那可是650页的魔幻现实主义?

68、Another best-seller, 'Catching Children's Sensitive Periods' by Sun Ruixue, follows a similar approach. Ms.另一本由孙瑞雪写的畅销书《捕捉儿童敏感期》也提出类似方法。

69、Listing 清单

1: What the WSDL description of snow boarding endorsement search would have looked like in valid RDF syntax.

1:测雪板认可搜索的 WSDL描述在用有效的 RDF 语法表示时的形式。



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