
作者:用户投稿 阅读:375 点赞:0





1、Students look and talk about the pictures in pairs.


2、It has aw ord you may not know.


3、Please take a brief look at the list of words.


4、The single word gloss was usually interlined.


5、Gelos is a Greek word. It means laughter.


6、Listen and tick the word you hear.


7、To remember English words and enlarge vocabularies is especially important in improving English.


8、As aid to the lesson about city places, I made some flashcards. I taught them how to read by introducing sound groups of the words.


9、Students typed in the words they remembered.


10、How do you spell pen? P-E-N.


11、The volunteers were able to recall some words more easily than others – which tended to be those that they would later be asked to type.


12、She can find and correct misspelled words.


13、The element iterates from

1 to the number of words in the word list.

1 开始,遍历单词列表中的每个词。


14、Verify that the definition is present.


15、Separating words with hyphens is best.

单词spend 意为 花费 度过

16、I usually spend my summer holidays at home.


17、You also learned words and how to assemble the alphabets to make those meaningful words.


18、For example, if you are learning new vocabulary, create a word map, describe a picture, make a list and study that.

不要光学单词,更要学它的搭配。 。

19、Alwayss learn collocations rather than separate words!


20、The word dates back to the 1600s.

21、The instructions said: Look at the word, try to visualize it (see "tree;" imagine "tree") and then go on to the next word.试验说明是:看着每个单词,努力将它形象化(看到”树“时,想像”树“),然后继续下一个单词。

22、或者 have a good apitite(这个单词你自己查,意思是 胃口)

23、Affix have common roots, such as formation elements. English words are very art, with the creation of our characters is the same.掌握常见词根词缀等构词元素。英语单词是很有章法的,跟我们汉字的造字法是一样。

24、How can we automatically tag each word of a text with its word class?在文本中,我们如何根据词类来自动添加单词标记?

25、Write a memo in about 50 words.写一份50个单词左右的备忘录。

英文句子26:,26、The word which is not splitted can get better result of text classification than the splitted word.同时对哈萨克语单词切分和未切分进行分类对比.得出未切分单词可以得出更好的分类效果。

27、Also, keep in mind that don't memorize too many words all at once, ok? Set a goal for yourself, 记住不要一次记太多的单词,建立一个目标,一天十个单词足矣,不要太多。

10 words each day, no more.

28、a word that implied the German word for “jewelry” for a jeweler, or “apartment” for a rental office.例如,对珠宝商而言,就是(德语中的)“珠宝”这个单词,对出租房屋的公司来说就是“公寓”这个单词。

29、Initially, the written version of the word was available, but afterwards the volunteers were asked to identify the word from the audio version only.刚开端还给意愿者供给单词脚本,然而后来就请求他们仅仅通过声音来分辨单词。

30、It has been established long since that to know the origin of a word, one must know the properties of the object the word designates.我们很久以来都知道,要了解一个单词的起源,必须知道此单词所指对象的属性。

31、Im proud of being a Chinese.这是最让中国人扬眉吐气的单词!

32、Most words need to be repeated 10-20 times before becoming part of your vocabulary.大多数单词需要复习

10 - 20次才会成为你的词汇。

33、Learn new words by watching television, films, etc.通过看电视、电影等学新单词。

34、Don't use quotation marks in search terms: Single words – including several words in a row – work better than demarcated phrases.输入多个单词作为单个搜索词条目时,无需使用标点符号。 我们的系统会忽略逗号。

35、string.space([n[,pad]]) Splits words in string with n pad characters between them "one two three".space(space([n[,pad]]) 分隔字符串中的单词,并在单词之间填充 n 个字符 "one two three".space(

3) returns "one two three"

3) 返回 "one two three"

36、W. relabelled 86% of the words with the same colour, while the control subjects only did so for 46% of the words.用同样的颜色重新标定了86%的单词,虽然控制题目的小组仅做对了46%的单词。

37、Vocabulary can not be taught by the teachers, it should be memorized by the students.仅靠学生背单词表就能解决词汇量的问题吗?

38、How much words have you learned sofar?你至今为止学了多少单词?

39、Now listen to 听1的录音, 要求学生写出所听到的单词, 每词加1分。

1. Write down the words you hear. One word one point.

40、It is possible that I will ask you to write any of the words I have assigned as written homework, and I will be grading you on your penmanship.老师有可能会让大家写出一些单词,我们这些词以前在作业中有留过。请按正确的格式书写单词,注意大小写。

41、The teacher asked us to copy the list of words.老师让我们抄下单词表。

42、High lighten the full-text search word.全文检索后高亮显示搜索单词。

43、Jinwen "Shangshu" is in the important stage which evolves from monosyllabic words to polysyllabic words.今文《尚书》正处于单音词向复音词演变的重要阶段。

44、Write the words according to the phonetic transcriptions.根据所给的音标写出单词。

45、Experimental results show that writer-dependent words achieve recognition rates above 90%. And unconstrained words achieve recognition rates above 83%.实验结果表明,受训人员的单词正确识别率达到90%,笔迹受限的单词正确识别率达到83%。

46、Let's try again with maybe a different word.让我们用不同的单词试一下。

47、A lot of the dictionaries I looked at don’t even include the word hobbit.我研究过的很多词典甚至都没有收录hobbit这个单词。

48、Conklin: What is the French word for "stakeout, " huh?“监视”的法语单词是什么,嗯?

49、Ginger is one of the first words she learned.“姜”是她学会的第一个单词。

50、You can put Money as a one-word description, but it is too general.你能用”钱“作为单独单词表述,可是过于笼统。

经典英文句子51:单词,51、You can click Find to redact the same words globally in the document.还可以单击 Find 在文档中替换所有相同单词。

52、And believe it or not, this has something to do with the etymology of the word clock.不管信不信,这跟单词钟(clock)的词源有些关系。


标签: 单词

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