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关于”写作的句型“的英语句子22个,句子主体:sentence patterns of writing。以下是关于写作的句型的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:sentence patterns of writing


1、I think there's the old saying, "You can't run before you walk." and I think it's basically the same thing about writing.


2、So I would write that and then sometimes I'd have other work for those classes.


3、Task-based approach language teaching is also used in the English writing teaching, especially in the error-correction in my school.

写作中心的副主任Tammi Conard-Salvo说,留学生应该在网上寻找对他们所写文章类型进行解释的资料。

4、The associate director of the writing center, Tammi Conard-Salvo, says international students should look online for materials that explain the kind of writing they will be required to do.


5、Write short stories, write your observations, write blog posts, but make sure that you are pushing your abilities (in other words, pay attention to style and word choice;


6、The possible reason is that strict restrictedness in topic and structure in controlled writing exams affect learners' language production.

有效的商务信函的写作原则可以用”Three C”来概括,换句话说,就 是:言简意赅,有理有度。

7、The general principle for the effective business letter-writing can be summed up in the "Three C's". In other words, letters should be: Clear, Concise, Courteous.


8、Then join a writing group, or hire a writing coach.


9、The process-focused writing approach has been widely discussed and feedback to students' writing is attracting academic concerns in second or foreign language teaching and research.


10、This method is to make full use of the three steps:prewriting, writing and rewriting to cultivate steps:prewriting, writing and rewriting to cultivate the students'overall competence in writing.


11、With the help of the theories of task-based teaching and English-writing teaching, the author has made an experiment about the task-based learning in English writing.

如果你要写作(只有圣人才晓得你为什么要写作),你必须有知识、艺术和魔术 —— 字句的音乐的知识,不矫揉造作的艺术,和热爱你读者的魔术。

12、If you want to write (only the San people knew why you want to write), you must have the knowledge, art and magic - music, words of knowledge, not artificial art, magic and love for your readers.


13、At the same time, Lao She is a typical modern elite intellectual, a bilingual writer. His Chinese writings must have tendencies of Europeanization, elegant and aesthetical.

你把这个时间用于计划 你的一天、读书、写作、创作型思维或者甚至反省。

14、Use that time to plan your day, do some reading, writing, creative thinking, or even meditation.


15、Writers write.


16、Even a practice-based PhD requires writing and I can highly recommend writing as a creative process that's quite different from any other I know, especially in the digital age that designers work in.


17、The author first makes a contrastive study of the differences of discourse patterns, cohesion & coherence, and writing styles between English and Chinese.


18、I've also taken a practical short course called News and Newswriting, which taught the basic writing style and practice needed for this type of reporting.


19、The view of novels of Han Dynasty's Books List does not concern about those style factors such as varieties of fodders, tact of writing, etc, but emphasize the work's function.


20、exp and write that three times for each of these three.

21、Sketching and taking photographs are also acts of seeing but what I mean by seeing is broader.草图速写和制作模型也是观看的动作,除了我认为观看还有广义的含义。

22、The investigation suggests that the present middle school students'writing interest is low, writing motivation is utilitarianism, and teachers overlooks cultivating good writing habit of students .调查结果表明:当前中学生写作兴趣低下,写作动机明显功利化,普遍没有养成良好的写作习惯,作文教学严重忽视对中学生良好写作习惯的培养。

23、And so it seems clear that the canzone is nothing else than the self-contained action of one who writes harmonious words to be set to music;因此似乎很清楚,歌曲就是一种自我涵盖的行为,写出和谐语句的人把作品配上音乐;

24、Part two begins with the discussion of teaching method of mini-story writing among middle school students from perspectives of general law of composition and unique law of mini-story.第二部分从学生作文的一般规律和微型小说本身的规律探讨中学生写作微型小说的教法。

25、In other types of writing, such as an essay for a class, this step requires time spent doing research.在其它类型的写作中,如课业文章中,这个步骤需要花时间作研究收集材料。

英文句子26:,26、Izmaylov: Writing is just like everything else: It's the classic 90 percent hard work and 写作和做其它事情一样,典型的90%的努力和10%的才华。

10 percent talent.

27、Every two days to write a diary or composition, improve their writing level.每两天写一篇日记或作文,提高自己的写作水平。

28、The nonlinear wheel-rail interaction forces can be included in the bond graph model as submodels which are defined by writing subroutines.通过编写子程序将非线性的轮轨相互作用力定义为子模型,与系统的键图模型相连接。

29、Maybe you can write very well, or you are able to read. But it is nonsense if you can't speak English.也许你英语写作不错,阅读方面也还行,但是如果一句话都讲不出去又有什么用?

30、The work is based on the author's life history, but it is not the author's own autobiography, but through the process of the art of refining, a typical literary treasures.作品是以作者生活史为原型写成的,但又并非作者本人的自传,而是经过艺术加工提炼、典型化的文学珍品。

31、One can write just anything one wants to--in other words, the utopian vision of "no matter who I am, I have access to absolutely any forms and themes I care to work with."人们可以想写什么就写什么——换句话说,就是乌托邦式的理想“无论我是谁,我都能用自己能胜任的,任何形式写作任何主题

32、So you might ask in terms of when you're writing electron configurations, which way should you write it.所以你们可能会问当你们,在写电子构型的时候,在写电子构型的时候。

33、From the time it was written, this proverb's focus had much less to do with its first line than with its second.当这句箴言写成时,作者不在于强调前部分,而是着重于后部分。

34、'What we want to do, ' Mr. Cannings says, 'is use people's ordinary words and the way they write to create tags and therefore open up information to a wider readership over time.坎宁斯表示,此举目的在于利用作者平时使用的词句和写作习惯来制作标签,随时间推移为更广的读者群打开信息之门。

35、This task is designed to measure and make distinctions between test takers at the high proficiency levels.这种题型旨在测量和区分高水平考生的英语写作水平。

36、For example, the point of how to write involves in writing tools, the forms of works, writing methods and strategies, etc.譬如,关于“怎么写”会涉及“写作工具”、“作品形式”、“写作方法和策略”等。

37、Conveniently, for the purpose of this article, he died almost exactly five years after recording "The Ballad of Jimi."顺便说一句,切合这篇文章的写作意图,他差不多刚好在”The Ballad Of Jimi”录制后xx年时逝世。

38、Topic-Type Composition Teaching Methodology' is the result of the development of 'quality education'.“题型写作教学法”是“素质教育”学科化探索的结果。

39、These writings are an early form of literary criticism where the philosophical ideas and use of words furthered the idea of creative writing in early China.那时的哲学思想和遣词造句,促进了早期中国文人创造性地写作。

40、Incidentally, you forgot to put a return address on this package.随便说一句,你忘了在包裹上写明回邮址了。

41、I wrote it on a plane from Omaha to Memphis while my brain was toast, and it shows.这是我在从孟菲斯飞往奥马哈的航班上写的,当时我还头晕脑胀呢,就写出了这么一句。

42、He stated that if a writer's “very initial sentence tends not to outbringing of this effect, then he has failed in his first step.”他表示,如果一个作家“第一句话就未体现出主题效应,那么整出写作还未开始就失败了。”

43、Cv So let me just right Cv configurational.所以我只写构型的。

44、Is it because those tests are interrelated to each other? In other words, would a result of the speaking test affect a result of the writing test, and vise versa?换句话说,口语考试的成绩与写作考试的成绩会相互影响吗?

45、Besides these, it talks about the characteristics of the material of Fun with English, the task-based language teaching of writing in ordinary English class, includ.本文旨在探索基于任务的写作类型和语言特征之间的关系,研究语言特征和二语写作质量之间的关系,并提出一些试探性的解释。

46、However, it is also possible that this sentence was merely added to The Prince after it was completed, during the composition of the Discourses on Livy.然而,也可能的是这句话仅仅是在《君主论》成书以后被添加进去的,就在《论李维》的写作期间。

47、Along with your cover letter, please submit writing samples that highlight your writing style.请在你的求职信中附上能突出你写作风格的写作作品。

48、Even though Austen ended all her books with a definitive full stop, dozens of imitators have added sequels and prequels, new endings and new beginnings.虽然奥斯汀为自己的著作都画上了圆满的句号,可一些临摹作家添油加醋地写些续集和前传,增添一些新的结尾和新的开始。

49、In other words, now I know how to tell how the Helmholtz free energy changes as a function of temperature.换句话说,我现在知道如何写出亥姆赫兹,自由能作为温度的函数。

50、" Adds Dame P.D.James, a celebrated crime novelist, "I don't think we choose our genre.I think that it—a genre—chooses us.知名的犯罪小说家P-D-詹姆斯也说过,“我并不认为我们选择了写作类型,我认为某种写作类型选择了我们。”

经典英文句子51:写作的句型,51、The Writing Test is a 30-minute essay test that measures your writing skills—specifically those writing skills emphasized in high school English classes and in entry-level college composition courses.写作部分为一个30分钟考察考生写作能力的测试。 尤其是在高中英语课堂和大学入学写作所要求的写作能力。

52、Biography is a different style from ode which has its own characteristic.传、记与辞章属于不同的文体类型,各有其约定俗成的写作惯例。

53、Don't mourn the one-off hack you write the first time; think of it as a prototype.不要对第一次编写的一次性作品感到遗憾;您可以将它看作是一个原型。

54、Often, when I am teaching "creative writing", teaching "humility", a text which I appeal is actually a Zen text.很多时候,在我教创作型写作,灌输谦逊的理念时,我经常谈到一步有关禅的作品。

55、Regularly journaling helps you get into the habit of writing, so that it seems like less of a chore.坚持写日记能帮助你养成写作的习惯,让写作并不像是一件苦差事。

56、Finally -- before writing your first template -- you have to configure one last step, where JET will write its source.最后——在编写您的第一个模版之前——您还需要最后一步配置工作,就是JET将它的原模型写入到什么位置。

57、A particular type of writing you will be required to do is writing answers to essay tests.一个特殊的写作类型是要求你所做的是对问答题写出答案。

58、Xuan He HuaPu which is wrote in XuanHe Period is the earliest book about drawing.《宣和画谱》是宣和时期撰写的一部大型画史著作。

59、That is, a write-once type recording medium can be used substantially as a data rewritable recording medium.也就是说,写一次类型记录介质实质上能用作数据可重写记录介质。

60、He writes to have many excellent and large works from cradle to the grave, among them with symphonic poem most is outstanding.他一生写有许多优秀的大型作品,其中以交响诗最为突出。

61、English writing assessment is an important part of the English process writing.英语写作评改是英语过程写作的重要组成部分。

62、" Adds Dame P. D. James, a celebrated crime novelist, "I don't think we choose our genre. I think that it—a genre—chooses us.知名的犯罪小说家P-D-詹姆斯也说过,“我并不认为我们选择了写作类型,我认为某种写作类型选择了我们。”

63、The classic example is mapping from case-sensitive to case-insensitive.典型的示例是将区分大小写映射成不区分大小写。

64、To be specific , the author points out that it covers two aspects or two comparisons, namely, comparison of subjective writing cultures between Chinese and English;作者认为,非母语写作文化教学的内容包括两个方面,即中英主体写作文化的对比和中英文本写作文化的对比。

65、The comic-writing instruction enhanced the performance of correlative sentence writing of adversative relation in experimental and maintenance phases.看漫画写作教学提升受试对象在介入期与维持期中转折关系之关联词造句的表现。

66、Each kind of type policy consultation report writing pragmatics rule is constrained by each linguistic environment essential factor.各种类型政策咨询报告写作的语用要求,还受制于诸语境要素。

67、Always interested in books and writing, de Jesus continued to write throughout her time in the favela, where she wrote many plays, stories, and aphorisms, as well as the diary that made her famous.总是有兴趣的书籍和写作,德赫苏继续写她的时间在全国各地的贫民窟,在那里她写了许多剧本,故事,警句,以及这本日记使她成名。

68、There also existed in ancient China two divisions of writing: the so-called "conceived writingology" and "inconceived writingology".在写作学理论中,中国古代同样存在着所谓的“构思写作学”与“非构思写作学”两个路线。

69、Teachers should change their teaching ideas of writing and adopt various strategies of writing feedback to improve their writing efficiency and cultivate students self-evaluation and revision ability.教师对学生的写作反馈对于学生的写作质量和写作态度具有重要意义。

70、Most books on resume writing contain sections on how to write functional or skills-based resumes.大多数关于履历写作的书籍有专门的章节告诉你如何写功能型或者基于技能的履历。

71、Even your decision toswitchtopics while prewriting is a type of revising.甚至在写作前构思时决定要更改题目也是一种类型的修改。

72、Writing as a participant in this field, Judith Andre offers a model to unify its diversity.作为在这个领域的一个参加者写,朱蒂斯•安杜鲁提供一个模型使它的差异一致。


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