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关于”仿写的方法与技巧“的英语句子42个,句子主体:Methods and techniques of imitation writing。以下是关于仿写的方法与技巧的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Methods and techniques of imitation writing


1、Practitioners need to find experiential means to increase their skill and perspective, and to learn from and with others.


2、In the time of high technology, there are wider and deeper requirements for simulation in the military field than ever before.


3、Part two deals with the two writing methods of intertextuality in his novels:parody and collage.


4、This brief manual contains the fundamental aspects of the Universal Energy Method and its Basic Level Techniques.


5、The remaining participants acted as controls, and read a similar-length passage about proper dishwashing techniques.


6、Good reading habits inevitably lead to seeing the text not as a mere assemblage of words to be decoded with an electronic dictionary, but as writing.


7、Freehand draw an image for collage with tips from a professional artist in this free video on visual arts.


8、You can imitate them and learn from them. So.

Jorden与Mari Noda合著,耶鲁大学出版社,1987出版),加强会话、阅读、及写作的基本技巧。

9、Jorden with Mari Noda, Yale University Press, 1987), enhancing the basic skills for conversation, reading and writing.


10、In this "This is not academic writing" column we examine short excerpts from academic texts to illustrate common writing errors and explain how to correct them.


11、Penalty set includes the set basis and skill of statutory sentence.

, and greedy technique.让学生学习到各种演算法的技巧,包括暴力法等七种方式。

12、Students will be able to learn the algorithm skill including brute force, divide-and-conquer, …


13、Methods To find out a set of regulated nursing measurement and skills of LPLD. 21 early SAP patients were treated by LPLD.


14、Learn the various methods of barbecuing sausage with expert cooking tips in this free BBQ recipe video clip.


15、This self-imitation contributes to deliberate imitation of sounds or words spoken to them by other people.


16、The definition of Centre of Mass and NMI feature is proposed and the principle and methods of Threshold calculation, Image segmentation, Target recognition and tracking are presented.


17、It is not just the courses' participants and tutors who espouse the importance of creative writing techniques in business.


18、Some problems of non-excavation in application were summed up, butt crossing, water replacement and some relative solutions were put forward.

我必须承认,303 技巧是我所见过的复杂性最低的方法,观察这种技巧的大量开发实践也非常有趣。

19、I must admit that the 303 trick is the least complex approach I've seen, and I'll be interested in watching how it develops with wider practice.


20、I have discussed so much, I believe students will certainly clear up most of the learning and skills, a look at the rest of the next chapter, but also excellent skills.

21、The trick is to change your form to mimic that of barefoot runners, forcing your body to run better and rely on the cushioning of shoes less.技巧就在于改变你跑步的方式,去模仿裸脚跑步的步法,强迫你的身体作出调整来跑得更好,减少对鞋子缓冲系统的依赖。

22、Methods Immersions method and electronic microscopy.方法浸渍法与显微电镜技术。

23、Literatures concerning biomimetics, biomimetic mechanics, biomimetic materials and biomimetic techniques were collected.纳入与仿生学、仿生力学、仿生材料及技术相关的文章。

24、Substantially, this method is a smoothing process resulted from the mathematical skills of weighted least square fitting, combining with the iterative method for correct indexing.其方法实质上是加权最小二乘拟合与叠代修正指标化的技巧相结合的平滑过程。

25、This thesis finishes the simulation of NC turning through computer simulation technology and boolean operation method.本文主要通过计算机仿真技术和布尔运算的方法来实现数控车削加工过程仿真。

英文句子26:,26、Grasps the commonly used service aid for example: Hot application methods and skill and so on air gun, oscilloscope.掌握常用维修工具如:热风枪、示波器等使用方法与技巧。

27、Life-sized chocolate model of a Ferrari Formula 由巧克力做成的仿真比例的法拉利F1赛车。

1 car has been created in Italy.

28、It combines the merit of the finite element method with that of the finite difference method.它可以吸收有限元法和有限差分法的一些重要思想与技巧。

29、In word processing, movement of the writing position in a direction opposite to the writing direction along the writing line.在字(词)处理技术中,书写位置的移动,移动的方向沿着写入行方向,但与写入方向相反。

30、Being"iconoclastic"(Schulz 156) is the common ground for both Heller's writing strategies in Catch-22 and Derrida's deconstructive philosophy.“破旧立新”(Schulz 156)成为海勒的写作技巧与德理达解构主义思想的共通之处。

31、Learn tips on when to serve traditional Japanese vegetable tempura with expert cooking tips in this free quick and easy Japanese cuisine video clip.学习技巧就当在此免费服务方便快捷的视频剪辑的传统日本料理专家烹饪技巧与日本蔬菜天妇罗。

32、The exercise routines combine yoga breathing techniques and laughter simulation with stretching, chanting and role playing.这种瑜伽将瑜伽呼吸技巧、大笑模仿与伸展、吟唱和角色扮演等活动结合在了一起。

33、His gods were Flaubert and Walter Pater, and I was quite ready to believe that the way to learn how to write was to copy their technique.他崇尚福楼拜和沃尔特佩特,而我也乐于接受仿照他们的技巧就是学习如何写作这样的观点。

34、Learn how to prepare garlic for spicy Spanish turkey patties with expert cooking tips in this free video recipe.了解如何编写这一免费视频与专家的配方为辣火鸡烹饪技巧西班牙大蒜肉饼。

35、Learn some tips on understanding stage directions from our play writing expert in this free video clip.学习我们玩一些写作技巧的理解阶段的方向在此免费视频剪辑专家。

36、The interim method is not only a question of interim in an article but alos a special skill in writing.文章过渡方法,这不仅是文章过渡的问题,而且是写作中一个特殊的技巧问题。

37、Based the UG software, discussing the technique of tri-dimension dynamic imitation of tile machine.论述了基于UG的运动机构的三维运动仿真的技巧。

38、The survival rate of this surgery was 95.5% ( 21/22) , higher than that of traditional one.与其他手术技巧相比,本临床经验的成功率为95.5%(21/22),明显高于传统方法。

39、The Noh workshop will be an introduction to the performance techniques of Japanese classical Noh theatre with special emphasis on movement and music.日本能剧工作坊将带领参与者认识日本传统能剧的表演方法与技巧,并以动作和音乐为主要导向。

40、You can combine mock object testing with a variety of techniques and technologies.您可以将模仿对象测试与各种技巧和技术组合起来。

41、Tips for serving Gourmet Fruit Soup; learn how to garnish and present fruit soup with expert cooking tips in this free recipe video.在职美食水果汤技巧,学习如何装饰和目前在这个自由配方视频水果汤与专家烹饪技巧。

42、Mo-tse educational thoughts, its polemics , practical method, scientific experiment, and creative spirit have similarities with modern science.墨学中的辩论技巧、实践方法、科学实验、创新精神等与近代科学有相似之处。

43、A method of observing the morphological characteristics of plant flowers with gum block under anatomical lens and its skills were introduced.介绍一种使用胶块在解剖镜下观察植物花形态特征的方法与技巧。

44、This method was used for simulation and the simulation result in accordance with the theoretical value.采用该方法进行仿真研究,仿真结果与理论值吻合。

45、The forth part explain Murakami Haruki using some writing skills, hybridization, which makes his fictions have more post-modern mode.第四部分介绍了文本中的后现代艺术技巧,如融各种题材为一炉的写作方式和碎片化的叙事手法。

46、His shooting methods are innovative, such as cross-cutting, close-up, and the mime film The Shrink Lover inserted in Talk to Her.拍摄手法新颖,如 交叉剪辑的技巧、特写,与《悄悄告诉她》穿插默剧《缩小的情人》。

47、Because such a "recognizing while looking" manner is similar to the reading behavior of human being, we call it humanoid reading printed piano scores technique.由于这种「边看边辨识」的技巧与人们阅读的方式类似,所以我们称它为仿真人阅读钢琴谱技术。

48、So a special software is made in Matlab language. In this software the finite difference method and Object-orientated technology has been used.针对以上问题,本文以MATLAB软件为开发平台,以有限差分法为计算方法,应用面向对象编程技术,编写了专用可视化仿真软件。

49、They were imitating the look and actions of some spirits with floating long sleeves with superb skills.模仿灵鬼的音容笑貌,舞袖翩翻,技巧很高。

50、This course introduces students to the basic skills of news reporting and writing and their application in various news media.本课程训练学生采访与写作技巧及其在各种新闻媒介上的应用。

经典英文句子51:仿写的方法与技巧,51、Imitating the rhythms and tones in songs helps your speaking skills.模仿歌曲的节奏和声调有助于你的口说技巧。

52、The advertisement may imitate, time of chen technical quality is unable to imitate.广告可模仿,倍辰技术质量无法模仿。

53、This thesis mainly focuses in VVA technology which runs through every step of simulation model procedure.讨论了贯穿于仿真建模每一步当中的VVA技术方法。

54、This article adopts the method that "destroying and establishing happens simultaneously "in writing technique with evaluating constitution, simultaneously advancing the author's own views.文章在写作技巧上采取“边破边立”方法,一边评价宪法,一边提出自己的观点;

55、This interweaving of postmodern techniques with realist, modernist, magical realist or other modes resists easy theorization.后现代技巧与写实主义、现代主义、魔幻写实主义或其他形式相互交织的情形不易予以理论化。

56、Learn tips on the best way to bake Challah loaves with four strands of dough in this free recipe video clip on bread baking.学习的最佳方法与技巧,烤四股面团在这个自由方对面包烘烤面包视频剪辑Challah。


标签: 技巧 方法

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