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关于”最经典“的英语句子52个,句子主体:the most classic。以下是关于最经典的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:the most classic

他最近最出名的设计作品是Mi Ming扶手椅,毫无疑问是一个经典的作品。

1、One of his most recent designs is the Mi Ming armchair, sure to become a classic.


2、Hotel Antonella is equipped with the very best of the latest business facilities, and offers classic, comfortable accommodation.


3、Aya Poly smile, were regarded as a classic picture of the most EVA.


4、But the French Quarter grocery store muffuletta remains the definitive version.


5、In honor of Spiderman's coveted MTV Award for 'Best Kiss', here are the

14 best movie quotes about kissing.


6、We pursue excellence in each work and pursue unswervingly excellence. If we should choose between quality and quantity, Classic Group prefers to choose best company rather than large company.


7、Ending the exhibition on a humorous note, Oursler meets the viewer's basic need for companionship with "Classic".


8、"Ren, LAU, courtesy, the letter", "Man" is the most classic of Confucian thought, the most brilliant page.


9、"The typical twentieth-century traveller is the man who always says "I've been there.


10、Finally, the thesis compares wth the several existing classical algorithms on the experiment.


11、That last experiment echoes a classic study from the 1940s.


12、We pursue excellence in each work and pursue unswervingly excellence. If we should choose between quality and quantity, Classics Group prefer to choose best company rather than large company.


13、The most classic little and, when the number of" door Qingping and broken again", ha ha.


14、One of the most exciting moments of sport's history.


15、The B17 is the most popular saddle in the Brooks Classic range.


16、Of all the great and glorious FA Cup finals, two that stand out prominently are the first, the 'White Horse" final of 1923, and the 'Matthews' final of 1953.


17、Yugong Yishan is a Beijing classic.


18、Psychologists could also identify the key ages that best allow for the memorization of classical texts.


19、The maximum clique problem is one of the classical NP-complete problems from combinatorial optimization.

BLP 模型是最为经典的计算机多级安全模型。

20、Bell-LaPadula model(BLP) model is the most classical multilevel computer security model.

21、This is one of the most classic children's books in English literature, and is also one of the most well known.这是英语文学中最经典的童书之一,也是最著名的图书之

22、She's one of the classiest athletes you could ever find, " said one observer."她是你能找到的最经典的运动员之一,”一名观察家说。

23、This classic coming of age story, first published in 1951, has sold over 60 million copies.这部经久不衰的经典著作,最早出版于xx年,售出6000万本。

24、' The typical twentieth-century traveler is the man who always says 'I've been there.最典型的四世纪旅行者总是说“我已经去过那儿了”。

25、Head of the extra soft plush since needless to say, is the most common and fluffy toys most classic fabric;头部的超柔毛绒自不用多说,是毛绒玩具中最常见也最为经典的面料;

英文句子26:,26、The earliest Chinese medical classics Huangdi's Classic on Medicine has the record about sachet.中华医学最早的经典之作《黄帝内经》中就有关于香包的记载。

27、Now, some of the world's favourite, most memorable dresses, have been collected into one fashion lover's bible, 100 Unforgettable Dresses, by fashion editor Hal Rubenstein.罗本斯坦就把世界上最守追捧,最俱纪念性的礼服搜集到时尚潮人的圣经——《100款经典礼服》中。

28、The Deists, he also designed the theory that the number of the most classic and common.而自然神论中又数设计论的证明最为经典和常用。

29、Among all the translators, James Legge is undoubtedly the most influential character.在所有译介中国经典的人物当中,理雅各是最具影响力的。

30、What does our best theory about the laws of nature tell us?我们最经典的的自然规律告诉了我们什么

31、Finally, the existence of symmetry biorthogonal elements in some classical normed spaces is proved.最后,证明了在一些经典赋范空间中对称性的双正交元存在。

32、Finding the Optimum VM Size For “Classic” Chipsets找出用于 “经典” 芯片组的最优虚拟机大小

33、Results It reduces to its classical counterpart when the minimal clinically relevant difference equals zero.结果当最小临床承认差量取零时,它还原为经典方法。

34、My favorite non-IT book is the Bible, followed by John Bunyan's classic, Pilgrim's Progress.我最喜欢的非IT书籍是《圣经》,然后是John Bunyan所著的经典,《天路历程(Pilgrim's Progress)》。

35、At the end, we present you with the classic high tea specials! Please enjoy!最后,送上表叔经典下午茶,请大家慢慢品尝!

36、Zan Yuen has become the most representative operatic classic in China.该剧已成为中国最具有代表性的一部歌剧经典。

37、Hulu allows viewers to watch new and classic television programs for free.Hulu允许观众免费收看最新和经典电视节目。

38、Hagia Sophia is thought of as one of the supreme achievements in the history of architecture.索菲亚大教堂被认为是世界建筑最高经典之

39、The classic example is tossing a pancake so it flips over in mid-air.最经典的例子是摊薄饼的时候,颠勺时薄饼就会飞到半空中。

40、Re. Gender and Technology. A classic. Originally published in 1983.性别与科技,一本经典著作。最早出版于xx年。

41、Then, it discusses the typification of the image of stone.最后进行石头意象经典化的讨论。

42、The most common, and sometimes the most effective [approach] is the classic burning platform.最常用也是最有效的方法就是经典的“平台着火法”。

43、The erotic feeling is romantic and drinking leisurely and singing softly. All of these show the…风流倜傥、浅斟低唱的艳情篇,无不展现出人类情感最生动、最经典的永恒魅力。

44、Immersed in a BBM, the last thing you think of are classic unit tests.于 BBM,您认为的最后一件事情是经典的单元测试。

45、Verdun has for decades been celebrated as the quintessentially French battle of the First World War.数xx年来,凡尔登因为经历了法国在一战中最经典的战役而广为人知。

46、The contig map basing on sequence-tagged sites (STS) is the most popular, the highest resolution physical map.以序列标签位点(STS)为路标构建重叠群图谱是目前最普遍、最经典、分辨率最高的物理作图方法。

47、Classic, elegant is the Embry of the most distinctive brand image.经典、优雅是安莉芳最鲜明的品牌形象。

48、Doyle created the most iconic detective of all time.柯南道尔创作了这个有史以来最经典的侦探形象。

49、Which one do you like best? Pop music, classical music or Jazz music?流行音乐,经典音乐或者爵士乐,你最喜欢哪种呢?

50、Just look at Godzilla, one of the most classic kaiju characters in Japanese culture.只要看看日本文化中最经典的怪兽角色之一哥斯拉就知道了。

经典英文句子51:最经典,51、Quantile regression can provide much more information than the classical least square regression.分位数回归比经典的最小二乘回归能够反映更多的局部信息。

52、EMP-tronic, a firm based in Morarp, Sweden, has developed such shielding, initially for the Gripen, a Swedish fighter jet.瑞典公司EMP-tronic已经研发了这样的屏蔽笼,最初是为瑞典战机“鹰狮”设计的。

53、Yin Yang is the most original and characteristic invention of Chinese culture. It came from "Yi", and both Confucianism and Daoism take it as the scripture.阴阳是中华文化最根本、最具特色的东西,源于《易经》,儒、道两家都把它尊为经典。

54、"Book of Changes" is China's oldest and most authoritative, most notably a classic, is the crystallization of Chinese wisdom.《周易》是中国最古老、最有权威、最著名的一部经典, 是中华民族聪明智慧的结晶。

55、Traditional (classical) mutagenesis -screening techniques are still as most practicable conventional techniques as yet.传统的(经典的)诱变-筛选仍是目前最实用的常规技术;

56、There were classical shaped concrete handrails along zig-zag running terrace – strongest element.沿着之字形平台的经典混凝土扶手是最强有力的元素。

57、However, the best representatives for Beijing are the vanishing Hutongs and square courtyards.然而,北京最经典的代表却是正在消失的胡同和四合院。

58、The most famous is probably the classic Swedish Chef translator, widely distributed on the Internet.最有名的可能是在因特网上广为分布 的经典的 Swedish Chef 翻译器。

59、If we want entertainment most of us prefer a modern film to a classical novel.如果我们想对我们最喜欢的娱乐现代电影的经典小说。

60、Canby described “True Grit” as “a classic frontier fable that manages to be most entertaining even when it's being most reactionary.坎比形容《大地惊雷》是“一部最具反叛意味也最具娱乐性的经典边缘电影”。

61、Fairy sword a is the fairy sword of the classic generally acceptedly and most series.仙剑一是公认的最经典的仙剑系列。

62、Because classical retailers have been the best at exploiting the potential of online revenue.因为经典音乐零售商们最好地挖掘了网上收益的潜力。

63、How to calculate the greatest common divisors is a typical problem.求最大公约数是一个较为经典的问题。


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