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关于”适合写“的英语句子48个,句子主体:suitable for writing。以下是关于适合写的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:suitable for writing


1、Write a query letter that succinctly explains what your script is about and why you think it would be a good fit with that particular company.


2、Just fill the

1 gallon tank in the sink (fits most common-sized sinks) and switch the unit on.


3、This wine will go with oysters.


4、That coat really suits Porl.


5、Furthermore, we discussed on the contents of digital Circuit which are suitable for the higher vocational academy students on electronic engineering. Compliling outline enclosed.


6、Next, make sure you dress appropriately, are ready to complete an application, and are prepared for an on-the-spot interview.


7、Suitable for masts and yards.


8、I shall write to Mrs. Partridge in a day or two, and shall give her a strict charge to be on the look-out for any thing eligible.


9、Does this design suit me?


10、At the time of this writing, it is brand new and arrives just in time for developing our bank scenario's mid-tier logic.


11、Once they find the right card, they are faced with the problem of what to write on the other side.


12、Serve slightly chilled (10?—12?C). Delicious with most fish and seafood dishes, pasta with creamy sauces, and cheese.


13、LED downlight is suitable for shopping malls, office building , hotels, homes , conference rooms and exhibition spaces and so on .


14、Just right for self-feeding.


15、After just one look at the advertisement I knew that this job was tailor-made for me and hurried to my typewriter to begin this letter to you.


16、Can batch convert Numbers to Chinese capital amount, one can convert multiple lines, especially for accounting, financial personnel application.

but for various reasons hawthorn seems to suit Draco as holly suits Harry.由于种种原因,山楂木很适合德拉科,就像冬青木适合哈利一样。



18、The cement agglomerated stone tiles and thin terrazzo tiles can be widely used in all kinds of places as civil buildings, offices, manufactories, electric powers, workshops and so on.


19、Hook-and-loop closure for a secure and adjustable fit.


20、Use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

21、The designer creates markup, using only standard HTML, WML, or whatever language is appropriate, and the developer writes code.设计师使用标准的 HTML、WML 或其他合适的语言创建标记,而开发人员编写代码。

22、The second chapter is on the criticism against Hushi.第二章写史学领域的胡适批判。

23、Purebred German Shepherds are poor sled pulling dogs as are the other domesticated breeds brought in.纯种德国牧羊犬不适合拉雪撬﹐其它带进来的驯化种也不适合。

24、This method can be helpful for the study of specialty and the writing of thesis, but it is not practical for the after-class reading of the youth.这种方法,对于专业研究、论文写作是有用的,但不适合青年学生的课外阅读。

25、The First Pentacle of Mars. – It is proper for invoking Spirits of the Nature of Mars, especially those which are written in the Pentacle.这个是合适地召唤火星性质的灵魂,特别是那些被写在五角星里的。

英文句子26:,26、As a consequence of this irregularity, the Soundex is not particularly well suited to spell checking in the English language.这种不规范的后果就是, Soundex 不太适合做英语中的拼写检查。

27、Hybridization is a more objective translation strategy. 适度的杂合有利于丰富汉语语言、文化、文学体裁及写作技巧。

3) Appropriate hybridity is meaningful to enrich Chinese language, culture and literary genres as well as writing techniques.

28、The goal of the study in this thesis is to find feasible ways to solve four major grammatical problems among non-English major college students.本文研究的目的是找到合适而有效的方法解决非英语专业大学生英语写作的四类问题。

29、A.k.a., they allow code to be written quickly and compactly, which is fine for many situational applications that spring up.也就是说,PHP让你快速简洁地编写代码,这对于许多应景而生的应用是合适的。

30、The price and the color are both all right for my mother…价钱战色彩皆很合适自己妈妈。 …那价钱战色彩皆十分合适自己地妈妈…

31、This applies not only to writing, but to all kinds of creative activity.这不仅对写作适用,对其他任何形式的创造性活动也都适用。

32、Write a 120-140 word report comparing the two companies and recommending the most suitable investment.写一份120-140字的报告,对上述两家公司进行比较,并推荐最适合投资的一家公司。

33、Gather mementos from your time together: photos, letters, cards and tickets, and stick them in with appropriate captions.收集你们共同度过的时光:照片,信件,卡片,门票,将它们粘起来并写上合适的标题。

34、Write a 120-140 word report comparing the two companies and recommending the most suitable investment . Before you write , think carefully about the following .写一份120-140字的报告,对上述两家公司进行比较,并推荐最适合投资的一家公司,写之前,先考虑以下各点。

35、When he was writing Hamlet, I'm sure he was thinking about a lot of different things: "Who're the right actors for these roles?""我敢肯定,他在写《哈姆雷特》时想的是许多别的事情:“都有谁适合扮演这些角色?”

36、When the time is right, everyone will know–even Cindi Berger [her publicist].到了合适的时机,大家都会知道的,甚至是辛迪-伯杰(玛利亚-凯莉的公关)。” xx岁的玛利亚-凯莉这样写道。

37、Ten oclock suits me better.十点钟对我更合适。

38、Make sure your cover letters address the position you are applying for and why, and how, you are qualified for it.要确保你信里写了要申请的职位以及为什么你能胜任,这个职位你有多适合来做。

39、One of my favorite and most fitting quotes is from Mark Twain — “I’m sorry I wrote you such a long letter; I didn’t have time to write a short one.”我最喜欢、也最适合于我的一条格言是马克·吐温的 — "对不起,我给你写了封长信,因为我没时间写一封短的"。

40、Go ahead if you think the job suits you and don't if not. It's all up to you decide.如果你觉得合适就干,不合适就别干,你自各看着办吧。

41、Once on the spot, Beilock writes, begin by explaining why you are the best person for the job.一旦你找到状态了,贝洛克写道,那就开始解释为什么你才是最合适的人选吧!

42、In this example, you create an appropriate file object, then write the binary characters with ASCII values from 50 to 69.在这个示例中,创建一个合适的 file 对象,然后用从 50 到 69 的 ASCII 值写入二进制字符。

43、The invention has the characteristics of wider working bandwidth and the high gain, which is suitable for the antenna application of the three frequency band RFID reader-writer.本发明具有较宽工作带宽和高增益的特 性,适合三频段RFID读写器天线应用。

44、However, if you take it one step at a time, you'll soon be an expert at writing letters to send with your resume.然而,如果你迈出了合适的第一步的话,你马上就会成为写与简历一同寄出的自荐信专家了。

45、Dark, cold cathode lights and LED lights with a slot for star hotels, clubs, high-grade office buildings and other indoor back to the light tank all occasions.冷阴极暗槽灯和LED灯带适用于星级酒店、会所、高档写字楼等所有室内回光槽的场合。

46、Make sure your cover letters address the position you are applying for and why, and how, you are qualified for it. That's all you need to do.要确保你信里写了要申请的职位以及为什么你能胜任,这个职位你有多适合来做。

47、But not for this product.但不适合这款产品。

48、These later, more worldly writings better suit our modern taste—more concrete, less high-flown.后来这些写作变得更为世俗,更适合我们现代的品味——形象具体而不抽象形而上。

49、There is an order or sequential movement in calligraphy in which characters have to be written. It therefore has the character of being a process which makes it suitable for performance.书写书法时要注重笔顺,所以,它具有一种过程的性质,这就使它适合于表演。

50、The event-based design fits naturally with the user-driven applications in which spell checkers are typically embedded.拼写检查器通常内嵌在用户驱动的应用程序里,而事件驱动的设计本身就适合这类程序。

经典英文句子51:适合写,51、Elegance, delicate, practical kitchen suits to cook luncheonette already, suit to prepare royal late dinner again.典雅、精致、实用的厨房既适合烹制便餐,又适合预备盛大的晚宴。

52、This dress is suitable for her.这洋装很适合她。

53、Not suitable for twisted timbers.不适合于锯切曲木。

54、More people are the right sort of person to start a startup than realize it. That's the main reason I wrote this.绝大部分人比他们自己所一直以为的更适合创业这件事,这是我写这篇文章的主要原因。

55、In the second context, you write a component for use at the framework level or by other developers.第二种情况是,编写适合在框架级别使用或由其他开发人员使用的组件。

56、The puzzle distance defined above is unsuitable for at least one good reason: A misspelled word is not always one letter away from a correctly spelled one.前面定义的字谜距离至少有一个理由不适合做这项工作:拼写错误的单词比起正确拼写的单词来说,通常不止错了一个字母。

57、Highish birth and a smooth network of appropriate connection like a tea service written into the will.高贵血统和人际关系网络的适度结合就像一道茶具写入了遗嘱。

58、In contrast, the dissent frames the case in a way that is particularly unfavorable to Leonard.相反,不同意见在某种程度上适合该案,特别不适合列昂纳德一案。

59、The "glue code" we need to write for Form1 is just a line in the message handler to request the business layer execute the appropriate logic.我门需要在消息处理中为FORM1写一行“粘合代码”,请求业务层执行适当的逻辑。

60、“We helped place him in a school that would better suit his needs,” Ms. Sedlis wrote.“我们帮他进入了一所更适合他的学校,”Sedlis女士写到,“他今天的成功印证了当初帮他转校的正确性。

61、We certify that the particulars are correct and we are physically fit to participate in the event.我们所填写的资料准确无误,健康状况适合参加比赛,特此证明。

62、The authors own teaching practice, to explore a set of suitable for five-year higher vocational nursing professional language course of practical writing writing teaching strategies and methods.笔者结合自身教学实践,探索了一套适合xx年制高职护理专业语文课程应用文写作的教学策略和方法。

63、But since it is my intent to write something useful to whoever understands it, it has appeared to me more fitting to go directly to the effectual truth of things than to the imagination of it.但因为我的目的是,书写一些对任何懂的人,有用的东西,所以最合适的方式是,直接书写事情的有力事实,而非妄想。

64、Chapter Two, Writing Qut Teaching Plans Suitable for High School Students in the Way of Lecturing Based on the Teaching Practices on Vocational Guidance.第二章,根据实际的职业指导教学实践,编写了适合高中学生课堂教学的职业指导教案。

65、Go ahead if you think the job suits you and don't if not. It's all up to you to decide.你要觉得合适就干,不合适就不干。你自个儿看着办吧。

66、I knew that this job was tailor-made for me and hurried to my typewriter to begin this letter to you.看了你们的招聘广告,我感到这项工作正适合我,于是我立该给您写信。

67、You can negate operators and perform case-sensitive comparisons if desired by selecting the appropriate boxes under Options.如果您愿意,通过选择合适的Options可以使运算符无效并进行区分大小写的比较。

68、Norman Matloff's Art of R Programming is for those who want to learn to write their own software in R.诺曼•马特洛夫的《R编程的艺术》适合想要用R语言编写自己软件程序的人群。

69、If your problem set is a good fit for Haskell, that higher abstraction will work for you.如果您的问题集恰好适合 Haskell,那么更高级别的抽象就适合您。

70、Its string and text support features make it an exceptional platform for writing text-processing programs.它的字符串和文本支持功能使它成为编写文本处理程序的最适合平台。

71、His technique is good for short stories, for people who meet once in a bar very late at night, but do not enter into relations.他的写作技巧对于短篇故事很适用,对于深夜在酒吧萍水相逢的人们来说很合口味。

72、The color really suits you.这个颜色很适合你。

73、Please complete this part if applicable.如适用者,请填写这项。

74、To develop a more singing legato , Chopin made use of new rhythms which required a more flexible and freer use of the fingers.为制造出更适合连唱的连续音,肖邦写出了只有更巧妙自如的指法才能应付的旋律。

75、In version 在

1.2 the recruitment scripts are entirely rewritten , they are now much more flexible, more potential and easier to adapt to other mods.


英文句子模板76:suitable for writing,76、It is not always possible to write a single template that is best suited for every possible template argument with which the template might be instantiated .我们并不总是能够写出对所有可能被实例化的类型都最合适的模板。

77、You might think after reading all these requirements that writing CMP entity beans is probably not for the faint-hearted.看过所有这些需求之后您可能会想,编写 CMP 实体 bean 可能不适合于意志薄弱者。


标签: 作文 适合

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