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物美价廉的英语是" filling at the price",在日常中也可以翻译为" attractive in price and quality",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到78个与物美价廉相关的释义和例句。


1. filling at the price

物美价廉翻译为 filling at the price 。

示例:有多种物美价廉的餐馆。 There is a large variety of good, inexpensive restaurants.


2. attractive in price and quality

物美价廉翻译为 attractive in price and quality 。

示例:xx月xx日,露西可以在地球玩具店买到一些物美价廉的玩具。 Lucy can buy some toys at good prices at Earth Toy Store on July 16th.


3. High Quality And Inexpensive

物美价廉翻译为 High Quality And Inexpensive 。

示例:以这个价格,这葡萄酒算是物美价廉了。 At this price the wine is a bargain.


4. first-rate attractive and reasonable price

物美价廉翻译为first-rate attractive and reasonable price。

示例:First-rate temperature control! 水温控制的一级棒



1. stogy(价廉细长雪茄烟

2. downmarket(a. (商品或服务)价廉质次的, 下品的, 低档的)


3. panjie( 凤群;

4. tarted up(v. 〔主英俚〕打扮得花哨〔尤指用价廉的服饰〕)

5. tarts up(v. 〔主英俚〕打扮得花哨〔尤指用价廉的服饰〕)

英语短语&俚语, Our products affordable Our products are affordable ( 我们的产品物美价廉 )

Inexpensive Products ( 物美价廉产品 )

good buy ( 价廉物美的东西 )

World Manufacturing Engineering & Market ( 哈斯机床物美价廉 )

Cheap high quality and inexpensive high quality and low overhead more bang for the buck ( 价廉物美 )

Budget car ( 物美价廉车 )

preiswert ( 价廉物美的 )


1. - it's not a lot of money!

译文:- 物美价廉!。

2. The robust design (Taguchi Methods) can provide the way to design produces the excellent in quality and reasonable in price product.


3. Many of the German companies, for instance, believe that they are really producing a high-quality product at a good price, so they are very competitive.

译文:比如,很多德国公司 相信它们确实是 能够制造出物美价廉、 有竞争力的产品。 。

4. Who is the largest exporter and the most professio The aloe vera drink should be in good quality and the price should be competitive.

译文:中国最大的芦荟饮料出口商和最专业的生产商是谁? 芦荟饮料应该物美价廉。 。

5. For 750, this is a bargain.

译文:750 真是物美价廉。

6. it's cozy and reasonably priced.


7. There is a large variety of good, inexpensive restaurants.

译文:有多种物美价廉的餐馆。 。

8. So i whipped you up some real nice budget appetizers.

译文:所以 我向你提供一些真正物美价廉的点心。

9. All this law enforcement has really achieved is that kids get better stuff cheaper.


10. "create the best possible goods at the lowest possible prices".


11. When we went broke in the West, we stopped buying all those wonderfully cheap goods from China.

译文:当我们西方走向破产的时候 我们不再购买那些中国生产物美价廉的商品。

12. Drugsheaven was offering excellent and consistent marijuana at a reasonable price.

译文:“毒品天堂“提供物美价廉的 大麻。 。

13. Many of the German companies, for instance, believe that they are really producing a high-quality product at a good price, so they are very competitive.

译文:比如,很多德国公司 相信它们确实是 能够制造出物美价廉、 有竞争力的产品。。

14. - What? A lovely cheap place like this?


15. Shop around (infml) search carefully for goods that are the best value, or for the best services, etc.



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