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周天的英语有三种说法,可以翻译为the universe,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到77个与周天相关的翻译和例句。


1. the universe

周天翻译为the universe。

示例:头一次一周天气预告是晴天! And for the first time in weeks, the weather forecast is sunny!



1. the universe(周天;

英语短语&俚语, circumstellar astrophysics ( 星周天体物理 )

Selinda Zhou ( 周天娇子 )

large cirde of vital energy ( 大周天 )

Joeten Joeten Supermarket Garapan Insatto ( 周天超市 )

Hot weather this week It is hot this week This week's hot ( 这一周天气很热 )

This week weather weather this week ( 本周天气 )


1. But this Sunday, i woke up feeling weird.

译文:但这个周天 我一觉醒来就觉得不自在。

2. Cabe, you told me that when your daughter passed away, you'd visit her grave every Sunday?

译文:凯布 你告诉过我 你女儿去世以后 Cabe, you told me that when your daughter passed away, 你每周天都去祭奠她 对吗 you'd visit her grave every Sunday?。

3. She was with us pretty much every day, the last couple of weeks.

译文:她几乎天天和我们在一起 过去的几周天天如此。

4. i promised the kids waffles for Sunday brunch.

译文:我答应孩子做华夫饼干 这周天午饭。

5. For two weeks the weather had been so bad... that no captain or fisherman would risk the crossing.

译文:连续两周天气一直很糟 以致没有什么船长和渔夫愿意冒着危险。

6. Hey, how about we nab a dope pad around here, score a few acres up in Will County for the weekends.

译文:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs21\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0}在威尔郡买几亩地 周天的时候 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0}score a few acres up in Will County for the weekends.。

7. The "three hundred and sixty plus one days"is tightly linked with River Pattullo book, "astronomy and Chinese calendar", The Eight Trigrams of Fuxi, the Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate of Lai Zhide.

译文:围棋构造象、形、理、数、“天圆地方”、“天盖地之象”、“三百六十有一周天数”与《河图洛书》、“天文历法”、《伏羲八卦》、《来知德》太极图有着紧密联系。 。

8. i'll teach you Meridian kung fu.


9. Listen, this Sunday my little girl, an angel, turns six.

译文:听着,本周天是我女儿的生日, 一个将满xx岁的小天使...。

10. Be careful if you go to a pub on Friday or Saturday night. The yobs will be out and lots of them will be looking for a fight.


11. ¶ if it wasn't for bad luck


12. Suddenly the emperor week, driving to Yushan.

译文:忽忆周天子,驱车上玉山。 。

13. The good news is that the outlook for the rest of the week is much better, with the storms clearing to leave the weekend warm and sunny.

译文:不过本周天色预料会大大好转 周五暴风而会过去... 周末会和暖有阳光。

14. Outlook for the week continues to be rather gloomy.


15. You know, i do have some time off this Sunday

译文:{\fn宋体\fs22\shad2\4aH50\3cHFF8000\4cHFF8000}就没再怀疑过她了 and never questioned her again. {\fn宋体\fs22\shad2\4aH50\3cHFF8000\4cHFF8000}我这周天挺闲的 I do have some time off this Sunday。



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